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Cabinet - Thursday 13 June 2024 1.45 pm

June 13, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The Cabinet of Warwick Council met on Thursday 13 June 2024 to discuss various significant issues, including the Council Plan 2022-2027 Integrated Performance Report, the Financial Outturn Report for 2023/24, and the extension of the all-day travel trial for disabled persons. Key decisions were made on these topics, and several reports were endorsed for further action.

Council Plan 2022-2027 Integrated Performance Report Year End 2023-24

Councillor Isobel Seccombe introduced the Year End Integrated Performance Report 2023/24 on behalf of Councillor Yousef Dahmash. The report highlighted positive performance in areas such as the percentage of children with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) attending mainstream schools and the percentage of Adult Social Care users receiving assessments. However, concerns were noted regarding the demand for social care for those over 65 and rising staff sickness levels. Councillor Sarah Feeney expressed concerns about the Child Friendly Warwickshire Strategy, particularly the increase in young people hospitalised for alcohol and rising obesity rates among children. Councillor Margaret Bell assured that the Public Health team was addressing these issues.


  1. The Year End 2023/24 organisational performance was noted.
  2. The report was referred to Overview and Scrutiny Committees for detailed consideration.

Financial Outturn Report 2023/24

Councillor Peter Butlin summarised the Financial Outturn Report 2023/24, noting a challenging financial year with an overspend of £7.314 million, which is within the 2% tolerance. Significant investments were made in education, with £65.879 million spent on building and extending schools. Councillors Jerry Roodhouse and Sarah Feeney raised concerns about the increasing costs of children’s placements. Councillor Butlin explained ongoing investments in the Council's own children’s homes and acknowledged the impact of private sector pay structures on staff retention.


  1. The net spend and residual net revenue overspend of £7.314 million were noted.
  2. Explanations and mitigating actions for budget variations were noted.
  3. The delivery of £12.846 million (84.75%) savings was noted.
  4. The drawdown of £0.227 million from Earmarked Reserves and £1.598 million from Revenue Investment Funds was approved.
  5. The capital spend of £175.518 million was noted.
  6. The reprofiling of £43.496 million Services capital spend into future years was approved.

Treasury Management and Investment Outturn Report 2023/24

Councillor Peter Butlin presented the Treasury Management and Investment Outturn Report 2023/24, highlighting strong treasury performance that helped manage the Council’s net residual overspend.

Resolved: The Treasury Management and Investment outturn reports for 2023/24 were endorsed.

Menopause Services Task and Finish Review

Councillor Margaret Bell introduced the Menopause Services Task and Finish Review, thanking the Task and Finish Group for their work. The review highlighted positive outcomes and recommendations for improving menopause services.

Resolved: The report of the Menopause Services Task and Finish Review was welcomed and its recommendations endorsed.

Warwickshire Education Sufficiency Strategy 2024 - 2029

Councillor Kam Kaur summarised the Warwickshire Education Sufficiency Strategy 2024-2029, which outlines how the Council will plan, develop, and commission education provision. The strategy addresses challenges such as population changes, housing growth, and increasing SEND pupils.

Resolved: The Warwickshire Education Sufficiency Strategy 2024-2029 was endorsed and recommended to Council for approval.

Concessionary Travel - All Day Travel Trial Review

Councillor Jan Matecki discussed the Concessionary Travel - All Day Travel Trial Review, proposing to extend the trial for all-day travel for disabled persons until 31 March 2027. The trial has supported access to education, training, and employment.


  1. The extension of the all-day travel trial until 31 March 2027 was approved.
  2. The retention of the current eligibility criteria was approved.

Adult and Community Learning Service Accountability Agreement 2024/25

Councillor Kam Kaur explained the Adult and Community Learning Service Accountability Agreement 2024/25, which sets expectations for providers in return for Department for Education funding.


  1. The Accountability Agreement for 2024/25 was approved.
  2. The Executive Director for Children and Young People was authorised to submit the agreement to the Education and Skills Funding Agency.
  3. Future annual Accountability Agreements were authorised for approval and submission.

Reports Containing Exempt or Confidential Information

Resolved: Members of the public were excluded from the meeting for items involving the disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1972.