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The meeting decided on four planning applications, granting permission for all of them. Three of the applications were for new residential developments, and in each case the Committee decided that a Section 106 agreement was needed in order to provide funds for the council to mitigate the impact of the developments, such as by improving local infrastructure or the provision of affordable housing. One application was for new sports facilities, and this was approved without the need for a Section 106 agreement.
Essex Mansions, Essex Road, E10 (241769)
This application was for the redevelopment of a site on Essex Road to provide five new flats, and to make changes to the building's exterior. A member of the public, Simon Wallis, spoke at the meeting in support of the application. The Committee resolved to grant planning permission, subject to several conditions:
- A Section 278 Agreement will be needed to set out the changes that will need to be made to public highways
- The development will be car free.
- The developer will make a payment of £5,000 towards improvements to walking and cycling infrastructure in the area.
- The developer will make a payment of £5,000 towards improving public transport accessibility in the area.
- The developer will make a payment of £750 towards the cost of monitoring the Community Infrastructure Levy.1
- The developer will make a payment of £627 per home, a total of £3,135, towards the Strategic Access Management and Monitoring (SAMM) scheme.2
- The developer will make a payment to cover the Council's legal fees in preparing and completing the Section 106 Agreement.
- The developer will make a payment of 5% of the total value of the Section 106 Agreement to cover the costs of monitoring and implementing the agreement.
The Committee noted that
In the absence of the legal agreement the Council would not be able to ensure that:
- Necessary highway works are undertaken.
- Measures are in place to improve the public realm and promote sustainable travel options and reduce car use.
- The new development is car free.
58 Hatherley Road, Walthamstow, London, E17 6SF (230555)
This application proposed the demolition of the existing building and the erection of a part three/part four-storey building. This would create 3 self-contained residential units. The application also sought permission for associated landscaping, cycle and refuse storage. Three people - Sheila Thorn, Andrew J Robinson and George Stamos - made representations at the meeting relating to this application. The meeting resolved to grant planning permission, subject to conditions including:
- A Section 278 Agreement will be needed to set out the changes that will need to be made to public highways, including:
- Renewal of the footway on both frontages of the site on 58 Hatherley Road and Westbury Road
- Removal of redundant vehicle crossovers on Hatherley Road and Westbury Road. The crossovers will have to be reinstated to full height footway
- Renewal of existing road markings
- The developer will make a payment of £3,000 towards improving sustainable modes of transport, particularly walking and cycling.
- The development will be car free.
- The developer will make a payment of £250 towards the cost of monitoring the Community Infrastructure Levy.
- The developer will make a payment of £627 per home, a total of £1,881, towards the Strategic Access Management and Monitoring (SAMM) scheme.
- The developer will make a payment to cover the Council's legal fees in preparing and completing the Section 106 Agreement.
- The developer will make a payment of 5% of the total value of the Section 106 Agreement to cover the costs of monitoring and implementing the agreement.
Memorial Park Sport Pavilion, Chingford Mount Road, London, E4 (241922)
The Committee considered an application for a proposed single storey rear and side extension to the existing sports pavilion to provide new changing facilities and club room. The Committee resolved to grant planning permission subject to conditions.
Rolls Sport Ground Tennis Club, Hickman Avenue, Chingford, London, E4 (241905)
The Committee considered an application for the erection of a new tennis air dome and for the installation of floodlights to two existing tennis courts. The Committee resolved to grant planning permission subject to conditions.
The Community Infrastructure Levy is a charge that local authorities can choose to impose on developers to help them pay for the infrastructure needed to support development in the area. ↩
The Strategic Access Management and Monitoring (SAMM) scheme is a scheme run by Waltham Forest Council to improve access to the countryside. ↩
- Andrew Dixon
- Jenny Gray
- John Moss
- Sebastian Salek
- Uzma Rasool
- Antonio Coquillat
- Catherine Slade
- Eshan Hussain
- Jennifer Richards
- Joanna West
- Justin Carr
- Mahnaz Chowdhery
- Mark Hynes
- Perminder Purewal
- Sonia Malcolm
- Stanley Lau
- Stewart Murray
- 4.2-230555 - 58 Hatherley Rd EH final other
- 1412 Combined existing drawings REV other
- 24415-000-EX-Existing Site Plan
- 24415-001-PL-Location Plan and Block plan
- 1412 Combined proposed drawings REV other
- 4.3-241922 - Memorial Park Sport Pavilion final
- Agenda frontsheet 05th-Nov-2024 19.00 Planning Committee agenda
- A3 Plans 05th-Nov-2024 19.00 Planning Committee
- Minutes of Previous Meeting other
- front page
- 4.1-241769 - Essex Mansions Essex Road E10 - final
- 21061-LSI-ERM-ZZ-DR-A-1260-S0-P04 other
- 24415-100-EX-Existing Floor Plans - Ground Roof-compressed
- 21061-LSI-ERM-Planning Drawings_231127.pdf1721161905 8 other
- 21061-LSI-ERM-ZZ-DR-A-1261-S0-P03 other
- 21061-LSI-ERM-ZZ-DR-A-1262-S0-P04 other
- 21061-LSI-ERM-ZZ-DR-A-1300-S0-P04 other
- 21061-LSI-ERM-ZZ-DR-A-1370-S0-P03 other
- 24415-100-PL-Proposed Floor Plans - Ground Roof
- 24415-200-EX-Existing Elevations
- 4.4-241905 - Rolls Sport Ground Tennis Club final
- PRO-18131-6_V2_09_07_2024 other
- PRO-18131-2_V2_09_07_2024 other
- PRO-18131-3_V2_09_07_2024 other
- Site Plan
- PRO-18131-4_V2_09_07_2024 other
- PRO-18131-4_V2_rev A to include fenced enclosure other
- Update Report 05th-Nov-2024 19.00 Planning Committee other
- Decisions 05th-Nov-2024 19.00 Planning Committee other
- Update Report front page 1
- Printed minutes 05th-Nov-2024 19.00 Planning Committee minutes