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Licensing Sub Committee D - Tuesday 5 November 2024 2.00 pm
November 5, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting was about four licensing applications to Hackney Council, including requests for new licences and variations to existing licences. Three applications were for premises in Hoxton, and one was for a premises in Stoke Newington.
Application for a Premises Licence: Hackney Chinese Community, 12-14 Englefield Road, London N14 5LS
The Hackney Chinese Community Service Association Ltd applied for a new premises licence for their premises at 12-14 Englefield Road. They wanted to be able to supply alcohol for consumption on the premises from 11am-11pm, Monday-Sunday. They also applied to be able to play live and recorded music, host performances of dance, and host events similar to these indoors from 11am to 11pm every day. The application included details of how the applicant planned to meet the four licensing objectives. For example, on the objective to prevent crime and disorder, the application says:
CD5: The premises shall install, operate, and maintain a comprehensive digital colour CCTV system to the satisfaction of the Police. All public areas of the licensed premises including entry and exit points will be covered. The system must record clear images permitting the identification of individuals, and in particular enable facial recognition images (a clear head and shoulder image) of every person entering and leaving in any light condition.
Application to Vary a Premises Licence: Colours Hoxton, 2-4 Hoxton Square, London N1 6NU
The owners of the nightclub Colours Hoxton, Mothership Hoxton Limited, applied to vary their premises licence. The variation would allow them to:
- Sell alcohol until 4am on Friday and Saturday, rather than 2am.
- Host indoor live music, recorded music, performances of dance, and similar events until 4am on Friday and Saturday, rather than 2am.
- Serve late night refreshment indoors until 4am on Friday and Saturday, rather than 2am.
Nine representations from local residents were received, of which five were in support and four were against. The application suggested adding the following conditions to the licence:
- There shall be no entry to the premises after 2am on Friday and Saturday nights except for persons temporarily leaving to smoke.
- Licensable activities may only be provided after 2am on Friday and Saturday nights to persons attending a pre booked ticketed event or private function.
The report notes that the premises is in the Shoreditch Special Policy Area which means that:
...the applicant has to demonstrate that the proposed activity or operation of the premises will not add to the cumulative impact that is already being experienced.
Application for Summary Licence Review: Basement, 8 Stoke Newington Road, London N16 7XN
The report pack includes an application for the summary review of the premises licence for Basement, 8 Stoke Newington Road. The applicant was the Metropolitan Police. This is a request for an expedited review, which means that it is made in circumstances where the Licensing Authority believes:
...that the premises are associated with serious crime and disorder.
The Metropolitan Police also requested an interim step, which could include:
...modifying the conditions of the licence, excluding a licensable activity, removing the designated premises supervisor, suspending the licence or closing the premises.
Temporary Event Notices - Standing Item
The committee has to consider all applications for Temporary Event Notices where an objection to the notice has been received from the police or Environmental Health. There is always a standing item on the agenda for this, regardless of whether any such applications have been received.
- Hearing Procedure Type A - Premises Licence Variation 1
- Agenda frontsheet Tuesday 05-Nov-2024 14.00 Licensing Sub Committee D agenda
- Hearing Procedure Type D- Expedited Summary_Review__Interim_Steps__pending_the_Review 2019
- Licensing Sub 051124 - 12-14 Englefield Road.docx - Google Docs_Redacted other
- Public reports pack Tuesday 05-Nov-2024 14.00 Licensing Sub Committee D reports pack
- Variation Report-5 Nov 2024 -2-4 Hoxton Square .docx - Google Docs_Redacted