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Strategic Development Committee - Wednesday, 13th November, 2024 6.30 p.m.

November 13, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Strategic Development Committee voted to grant planning permission subject to conditions to an application to change the use of two floors of One Canada Square from office space to educational space. The committee also voted to approve changes to a Section 106 agreement to allow construction of a previously stalled residential development at Leven Road. The committee voted to defer a planning application for a purpose built student accommodation building at 7 Brannon Street to allow a site visit to take place.

Redevelopment of the Whitechapel Road Development Site

The committee considered a report about planning permission that it had previously granted to redevelop the Whitechapel Road Development Site for life science use. The permission was subject to the applicant and the council agreeing on the terms of a Section 106 legal agreement.

At a previous meeting on the 9th October, the committee voted to amend the wording of three proposed obligations: a £2.5 million contribution towards women's health community research, the terms of a proposed community involvement centre, and the provision of affordable work space.

Following the 9th October meeting, both the applicant and the council sought legal advice, which found that the committee's proposed amendment relating to the provision of affordable work space was not compatible with the council's planning policies.

The applicant then clarified that they wanted to retain the original wording of the obligation relating to the £2.5 million contribution towards women's health. However they suggested amending the wording to:

£2,500,000.00 towards women’s and other community groups’ health and wellbeing research, projects and programmes

The applicant also clarified their position on the proposed Community Involvement Centre. In particular they confirmed that lettings of the space should be:

in accordance with approved lettings strategy

The committee voted to revoke the previous resolution to grant planning permission, and to grant planning permission subject to conditions and obligations, including the applicant's proposed amended wording for the two obligations mentioned above, but excluding the committee's proposed amendment relating to affordable work space.

Change of use from Office to Flexible use at One Canada Square

The committee considered an application for the change of use of the 48th and 49th floors of One Canada Square from Use Class E office space to flexible Use Class F1 use, which includes educational and non-residential institutional uses. The application also requested that the flexible use class include permission for continued use as office space.

The applicant stated that the intended occupier was the UCL School of Management, who already occupied the 38th and 50th floors of the building.

The committee was told that Tower Hamlets Local Plan policy states that planning permission should not be granted for development that would result in a net loss of office floorspace within Primary Preferred Office Locations.

However officers recommended that the application be granted on the grounds that:

  • The proposed loss of office floorspace (4,138 square metres) is relatively small in the context of the building as a whole (over 115,000 square metres)
  • There is a significant pipeline of already consented office space in the Canary Wharf area, including at Wood Wharf and North Quay
  • The site lies within the Canary Wharf Metropolitan Town Centre, which means it is appropriate to consider a diverse range of uses there
  • Canary Wharf is also within the Central Activities Zone, where educational use is considered a strategic use
  • The evidence base supporting the emerging Local Plan, whilst carrying limited weight, suggests that the proposed development would not result in a shortfall of office space

The committee voted unanimously to grant planning permission subject to conditions.

Modification of Section 106 Agreement for Land at Leven Road

The committee considered a report about a Section 106A application to modify a Section 106 agreement for a development at Leven Road that had planning permission granted in 2020.

The applicant, Taylor Wimpey, requested that the agreement be modified to reduce the proportion of affordable housing units in the development from 35% to 21.9%. They explained that this was necessary because the scheme had stalled due to the withdrawal of a registered housing provider and because of recent changes to fire safety regulations.

The applicant also explained that they had a conditional agreement in place with Clarion Housing Group to deliver the affordable housing.

The committee was told that the council's viability team had found that the scheme would still be in deficit, even with the proposed reduction in affordable housing, but that the deficit would be less than for the consented scheme. The committee also heard that the proposed amended agreement would see the affordable rent tenure increase by 30%, with a particular increase in the number of 3 and 4 bedroom affordable rent homes.

Officers recommended that the application be approved. They explained that:

The applicant’s proposed amendments have been put forward to make the development deliverable with a focus on delivering the low-cost rent housing tenure with the limits of the viability whilst meeting the local housing need. The affordable housing delivery is being prioritised in this proposal with the Affordable Rented homes coming forward in delivery ahead of the private homes which are in the last blocks to come forward.

The committee voted to approve the modification to the Section 106 agreement.

Redevelopment of 7 Brannon Street

The committee considered a report about a full planning application for a 46-storey purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) building at 7 Brannon Street in Wood Wharf.

The report explained that the site currently benefits from an outline planning permission for a 190-metre tall building providing office floorspace at ground level and residential accommodation above. However, the current application sought to change the use of the site to provide 912 PBSA rooms instead.

Officers recommended that the committee grant planning permission subject to conditions and obligations. They argued that the proposal was acceptable in principle on the grounds that:

  • The Wood Wharf masterplan already has detailed planning permission for 3,334 residential units, which far exceeds the minimum requirement for housing in the original outline consent (1,700 units)
  • The applicant could therefore, if they wished, leave the site vacant for five years until the outline permission expires and apply for a new permission for any use.
  • The Wood Wharf Site Allocation in the Local Plan does not stipulate a minimum requirement for the number of homes, only that the number should be maximised
  • Providing PBSA units on the site would further diversify the range of housing options in Canary Wharf
  • UCL has expressed interest in signing a nominations agreement with the developer to secure at least some of the rooms for UCL students.

The committee discussed the proposal at length, with some members raising concerns about the potential impact of anti-social behaviour from the student population and the adequacy of active travel provision around the site, particularly in relation to the safety of women and girls.

After a long debate, the committee voted to defer the application to allow a site visit to take place.


Profile image for Councillor Amin Rahman
Councillor Amin Rahman  Aspire •  Bethnal Green West
Profile image for Councillor Iqbal Hossain
Councillor Iqbal Hossain  Chair of Development Committee •  Aspire •  Lansbury
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 (Cabinet Member for Resources and the Cost of Living) •  Aspire •  Canary Wharf
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 (Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Social Care) •  Aspire •  Poplar
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 (Cabinet Member for Culture and Recreation) •  Aspire •  Whitechapel
Profile image for Councillor Asma Begum
Councillor Asma Begum  Labour Party •  Bow West
Profile image for Councillor Shahaveer Shubo Hussain
Councillor Shahaveer Shubo Hussain  Labour Party •  Bromley South
Profile image for Councillor Sabina Khan
Councillor Sabina Khan  Aspire •  Mile End
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Councillor Kabir Hussain  Independent •  Spitalfields & Banglatown
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Councillor Suluk Ahmed  Aspire •  Spitalfields & Banglatown
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 (Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Education, Youth and Lifelong Learning (Statutory Deputy Mayor)) •  Aspire •  Canary Wharf
Profile image for Councillor Ahmodur Khan
Councillor Ahmodur Khan  Scrutiny Lead for Resources •  Aspire •  Blackwall & Cubitt Town
Profile image for Councillor Mufeedah Bustin
Councillor Mufeedah Bustin  Chair of Audit •  Labour Party •  Island Gardens
Profile image for Councillor Mohammad Chowdhury
Councillor Mohammad Chowdhury  Labour Party •  Mile End
Profile image for Councillor Amy Lee
Councillor Amy Lee  Labour Party •  St Katharine's & Wapping
Elizabeth Asante-Twumasi
Jed Scoles
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Jerry Bell
Justina Bridgeman
Paul Buckenham
Sally Fraser
Gareth Gwynne
Nicholas Jehan
Jane Jin