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Employee Appeals Sub Committee - Thursday, 14th November, 2024 6.00 p.m.

November 14, 2024 View on council website
AI Generated


The meeting of the Employee Appeals Sub Committee on 14 November 2024 was scheduled to consider an appeal against the dismissal of an employee. As the substantive business on the agenda was confidential, the usual arrangements for public attendance did not apply.

Appeal Against Employee Dismissal

The committee were scheduled to hear an appeal against the dismissal of an employee. The report pack contains the appeal details and confirmation letter, but this information was not made public.

The committee were provided with a copy of the management case for the dismissal. This case was supported by 56 pages of evidence.

The committee were also provided with a number of documents that appear to relate to the case, including:

  • The Council's HR policy documents
  • A job description and person specification.

The Appeals Hearing Structure explains the way in which the meeting was expected to proceed:

The function of the Appeal is to consider the evidence in the light of the submissions made by the Appellant, together with the Council’s response and to decide upon the fairness and reasonableness of the decision. It is not a rehearing. It is a review process.

The document goes on to describe three possible grounds for appeal:

  1. The PROCEDURE – the grounds of appeal should detail how procedural irregularities prejudiced the disciplinary decision.
  2. The FACTS, - Failure to take account of material evidence.
  3. The DECISION, The decision did not justify the level of disciplinary sanction imposed. The Panel will decide if the decision was a decision a reasonable employer could reasonable make.

The Appellant's case was scheduled to be heard first, followed by the case made by the manager who dismissed the employee. The meeting was then scheduled to be adjourned to allow the committee to reach a decision.


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 (Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Inclusive Development and Housebuilding) •  Aspire •  Weavers
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Councillor Abdi Mohamed  Scrutiny Lead for Community Safety •  Labour Party •  Bow East
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 (Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Education, Youth and Lifelong Learning (Statutory Deputy Mayor)) •  Aspire •  Canary Wharf