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Strategic Planning Committee - Wednesday 13th November, 2024 7.00 pm
November 13, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingTranscript
I'm Councillor, hello, we have come to order actually. Excuse me. Thank you. I'm Councillor Nigel Young, Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee. Thank you for attending the Planning Committee this evening. I will ask members of the committee to first introduce themselves, followed by the Planning Officers, the Legal Officer and Governance. So if we could start with Councillor Cornelius. Well, thank you for introducing me. I'm Richard Cornelius. Thank you. I'm Michael Maier. If you just pause for a second, Councillor Naranthira. I'm Councillor Nagas Naranthira, Colindale South Ward. Councillor Rishikesh Chakraborty, West Hendon Ward. Councillor Richard Barnes, Barnet Vale Ward. I'm Claire Farrion, Councillor Paisley. Councillor Phil Cohen, East Barnet Ward. And Councillor Gordon, could you introduce yourself? Councillor Gordon, Ezra Ward. Thank you, and then Officers that are present. I'm Susanne Young, this Legal Advisor to Committee. Fabian Godin, Director for Planning and Building Control. I'm Sam Gerstein, Principal Planner in the Barnet Planning Team. Peter Olsok, the Brent Cross Planning Manager within the Planning Team. Karina Dimitriou, Governance Officer. Thank you very much. So we ask that everyone remains seated throughout the meeting, unless you're called to the table to address the committee. Please note that meetings may be recorded and broadcast as allowed for in law or by the council. By attending either in person or online, you may be picked up on recordings. Council recordings are covered by our privacy notice, which can be found at For the application that we're hearing tonight, the planning officer will present the application. Each speaker, I think there's only one, will have three minutes to address the committee. The governance officer will inform you when there is one minute left. The committee will have the opportunity to ask questions of the speaker and the officers, and then following discussion, the committee will determine the application, and the chair will announce the committee's decision. When you come to speak, please, and for members of the committee, but you all know this, please press the middle speaker icon to turn on the mic and ensure that after you've finished speaking, you press the microphone off to ensure there's no feedback, and also so the system can pick up the person that is speaking. So we have agenda item number one in the minutes of the last meeting. Are we happy that I sign those as a true record of the meeting? Thank you. Absence of members. I have apologies from Councillor Greenspan, who's being substituted by Councillor Marr. Welcome, Councillor Marr. I don't have any declarations of members' interests, but if there are any, please let me know. Thank you. And also no dispensations granted by the monitoring officer to report. There is an addendum to the substantive item that we have tonight. Are we happy that we take that addendum? That's agreed, thank you. And so that moves us on to the substantive item for tonight, which is Unit 7, Staples, Coroner, Retail, Clerk. And we start with the planning officer. Thank you. Thank you, Chair. So an application has been submitted for demolition of existing buildings and structures and redevelopment of the site to provide a building with a height of up to 26 storeys plus ground and mezzanine level, reducing to part 10 and part 11 storeys plus ground and mezzanine level. This is to provide a purpose-built student accommodation scheme, predominantly, with some ancillary commercial uses on the ground floor. The scheme also accommodates amenities for students within the building and some external amenities as well. In terms of the addendum items, I'll just draw briefly attention to an email that was received from the London Healthy Development Unit just to confirm they had no further representations on the application and a further representation from TfL Engineering and Technical Insurance just concerning some additional specification elements to the on-site bus driver welfare facilities, which the applicant has responded to officers to confirm that the additional specification comments are minor in nature and can be progressed through the detailed discussions with TfL. The other item to mention in the addendum is the Barnett's Draft Local Plan Regulation 25. The Council has now received the Planning Inspector's Report on the Local Plan and the Inspector's Report concludes that the duty to co-operate has been met and subject to the recommended main modifications, the Barnett Local Plan is legally compliant, which means that the Local Plan can be afforded a significant weight in determination of planning applications. Now just moving to the site. The site is located in the Staples Corner Retail Park, which comprises a mixture of industrial bulky goods retail style uses. To the north you've got the North Circular Road and Staples Corner Roundabout and the M1 Slip Road onto the M1. To the south of the Staples Corner Retail Park you have the Consented Waste Transfer Station and further up beyond the Rail Freight Facility operated by DV Cargo and Cricklewood Centre further south. To the west you have the London Borough of Brent with the A5 comprising the borough boundary. This is strategic industrial land and is subject to master planning and design codes that London Borough of Brent have been producing. I'll move on to that in a moment. On the east hand side you have the Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration which is part of the opportunity area for Brent Cross Cricklewood. I'll just move on to that in a moment. Moving to the east of the site, it does comprise the Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration and this is a comprehensive regeneration of Brent Cross Cricklewood. The Cricklewood, the Clamon Industrial Estate on the southern part of the development and on the northern part the Brent Cross Shopping Centre and also the Brent Cross West Station redevelopment. The southern development is being delivered through a joint venture between London Borough of Barnet and Related Argent and comprises up to 6,700 homes, a new town centre, 3 million square foot of office space and supported by local highways, parks and other social community infrastructure works. This is just a view of the aerial view looking down towards the site with the site highlighted and showing the Brent Cross West Station also constructed and open since December last year and this provides services into London, apologies it's quite small to see but you can see the station highlighted there, services into London St Pancras and Luton Airport Parkway in the north. On the western side is the London Borough of Brent's design codes and London Borough of Brent's Strategic Industrial Land Staples Corner which has recently been developed through comprehensive design coding and master planning. You'll see on the text to the right hand side that London Borough of Brent received Cabinet approval for adoption earlier this week. Then moving to London Borough of Barnet Local Development Framework, the key policy for London Borough of Barnet is the policy GSS 03 which is the Growth Area Policy for the Staples Corner Retail Park which comprises the Brent Cross West Staples Corner Master Plan, Brent Cross West Staples Corner Growth Area, apologies. The policy designation sets expectations, apologies my mouse is not working. Apologies, I can't change slides. Thank you. The Growth Area designation is for upwards of 1,800 homes and a combination of users to support the Growth Area objectives for the Growth Area. Moving to other aspects of the Local Development Framework, this is an excerpt from the Tall Buildings Update which is part of the evidence base for the Local Plan and what it shows is several clusters of buildings of height located along the A5 corridor one of which is further in the Brent Cross Staples Corner area. I'm just highlighting here with my mouse here. Just to note that the Council's regeneration services did undertake some master planning and design work for the Staples Corner area within the Western Lands Growth Area and this is denoted by the orange circle here and this is really just some design and urban design master planning that the Council services commissioned to try and articulate how schemes might come forward and exploring layout and master plan principles and connections to the other emerging growth areas to the east and the west as well. This is just a slide showing some of the master planning, massing and principles that have been developed and that have just been developed alongside as part of the works. It's important to note that this is not a planning document, it's an aid to aid discussions with developers and to help articulate how linkages and designs may come forward in the Growth Area. I'm just moving to the site description. This is the site here right next to the Brent Cross West Station and you can see the existing building which is a brick built with a corrugated rooftop, approximately three storeys. I'm just moving to some other site photographs here. This is the front of the site, picking up local bus services. I've just included a slide showing some of the bus connections that are available from the site. The 316 connecting down the A5 towards Shepherd's Bush and White City. It's worth noting other routes nearby, the 189 on the other side of Brent Cross West Station takes you to Marble Arch and other bus routes nearby the 232 northeast towards Arnall's Grove and Wood Green. The 182 through to Wembley and Harrow Wheel pass the University of Westminster and the 326 from the shopping centre itself, which is a short bus journey to Middlesex University campus as well. It's worth noting. And just some other photos of the site here, looking north up Heron Way and then looking south and at the back of the sites. And just a collection of photos of the site environs with Brent Cross West Station entrance there on the top left of the screen. So just moving to the design, the applicant has engaged with Barnett's Quality Review Panel as part of the design process and that was during pre-app as well as officers pre-app as well. And the applicant also utilised the Quality Review Panel at the outset of the application to pick up on earlier comments from the Quality Review Panel and that's borne out in the design and how it's been developed. So as you can see here, the approach is, as I said in the introduction, it's two components predominantly, a shoulder block with ground plus mezzanine, 10 storeys rising up to ground plus mezzanine and 11 storeys rising up to a tower element adjacent to the station. Now the building adjacent to the station is developed as a landmark feature with a crown feature on the rooftop and this is, as you can see, the approach that they've taken here. And just in terms of how that's expressed in the elevations, this slide just shows how it's been articulated on the elevations and the modularity that's been sought to achieve to try and break down the scale and introduce visual interest to the building and create distinctive parts to the building. In terms of materiality, the tower element is a predominantly stone cast element with reveals and the shoulder element is predominantly brick built with some incidences of different materiality incorporated as well. I'm just moving to some elevations. This is how the approach is borne out in the elevations and the railway side elevation here as well and side elevations as well. And how the scheme is manifested in CGI is presented here on several slides. As you can see, the interest of the precast stone and the glazed brick on this central hinged element adding some interest and providing some relief. And just looking at how the building lands at ground level, there's an extensive landscaping scheme proposed at the front of the building and as you can see, there's some cutaways in the tower element as well to give the building a bit more interest from a vertical verticality. And again, some more slides here. And just picking up a render at night, this highlights the crowning feature of the development where some sensitive lighting is proposed to emphasise this element of the building. And again, just detailing of the crown. I think including on design, I think officers felt comfortable that the applicant has utilised the quality review panel and has developed the scheme in a way which is design led and follows the appropriate London plan D9 policy for tall buildings and the London and the local plans emerging policy and officers of the opinion that the design is of a standard that it's befitting for a building of this size and landmark intention. And just in terms of the ground floor, we can see that there's some commercial units accommodated. It's four in total. And these will serve to animate the locality and provide activation from day one when the scheme lands in a location which really doesn't have this kind of neighbourhood offer presently. And so small commercial sort of E-class units provide that optionality for the developer to provide some complementarity to the student use. And again, this is just a landscaping plan here to see. So in terms of the student accommodation, the applicant has prepared a student demand study by Knight Frank to examine the profile of students living close by and where they attend university and the types of accommodation they're living in. And some of the main takeaways from this study is that within a one and a half mile radius of the site, there's close to six and a half thousand students who live there, a portion of whom attend middle-sex university and others attending other universities. In terms of the supply and what kind of student accommodation supply there is at the present, the Knight Frank report concludes that there's only 413 bed spaces within that radius, which comprises only 6.4% of that six and a half thousand students. Some students are living with parents, but the rest are considered to be living in HMO private rented stock, up to 4,187 students. I think it's clear to see that providing purposeful student accommodation would provide a different option for those students and other students and provide some relief to the existing private housing stock and release our private housing stock for others who are in need or looking for homes. In terms of how the accommodation is made up, the applicants have been careful to follow the policy H15 of the London Plan and the requirements for student nominations. What this table shows is that 51% of the student rooms will be nominated to a higher education institution. This is a requirement of the London Plan and within that 51%, 35% of those student rooms will be affordable following the London Plan's definition of affordability, which is that the rental cost of those rooms will be equal to or below 55% of the maximum income for a new full-time student studying in London and living away from home and what they can receive from the government's maintenance loan. So 55% of that government's maintenance loan for living costs for the academic year. And this will be secured through part of the legal agreement, which the heads of terms are included in the introduction of the committee report. In terms of the composition of the rooms, this table at the top, and apologies if it's a bit small, just shows you the composition. There's 51.4% of the rooms are cluster rooms, which is essentially a flat share between four to eight student rooms sharing a private amenity and the remainder as either studios or accessible rooms. And accessible rooms meaning they're either adaptable and capable of being adapted to be fully accessible. And this is just a plan showing the typical layout. As you can see in the shoulder block accommodates the majority of these cluster rooms denoted by the light green. These have a private corridor and they go to, they're served by a kitchen living room and officers have sent to check these spaces with the council's own HMO standards and other student schemes and the size of the individual units and the shared amenity spaces are all comparable and exceeding the council's HMO standards. And as you can see, there's the wheelchair accessible rooms as well, wheelchair adaptable accessible rooms here located in close proximity to the cores. The majority of the studio rooms are located within the tower element and as you can see the wheelchair adaptable rooms towards the back there. The accommodation has been prepared in consultation with Homes for Students and the applicant has provided us with a student management plan reassuring that the accommodation is going to be managed in a proper way with good onsite facilities and in terms of the comfort levels for students the application is accompanied by microclimate studies in terms of daylight and sunlight which show positive conditions for students, wind studies showing the ground floor accommodation to be within the comfortable levels, the required comfort levels and also an overheating analysis which demonstrates that the scheme even when windows are closed, which they might need to be in some cases in order to achieve noise levels, the comfort levels can be achieved in terms of temperature. And just moving on to some of the viewpoint assessment which forms part of the environmental statement which goes with the application. There's several views and I've picked out a few for the presentation. There's a view from Edgeway Road, a view looking south on Garon Way and a view from the north on Garon Way as well. And this one from the platform on Brent Cross West Station looking back at the development. And one from further north on Rockwell Way. The applicants in their townscape visual impact assessment also included consideration of the locally important view from Golders Hill Park to Harrow-on-the-Hill and the diagram demonstrates that the site is not within the protected view cone and notwithstanding there are some views afforded of it from the park but these are not within the view cone. So in terms of key considerations and recommendations, the scheme will provide 844 PPSA beds which will contribute to housing delivery and releasing homes for families and other key workers in need of homes. There's an affordable proportion of homes in line with the London Plan requirements. There's on-site welfare facilities that have been proposed in conversation with TfL for bus drivers which has been a long-standing request from TfL and that's accommodated on the ground floor and it's for exclusive access to TfL bus drivers. As reported in the ES socio-economic chapters, there are considerable socio-economic benefits during the construction of the development and once operational there's jobs that are created through the operation of the PPSA itself and the ground floor commercial units and there is an estimated seal liability for the scheme based on index linked rates in the region of 8.2 million Barnett Council seal and 1.6 million Merrill seal, so considerable sums. Key environmental benefits, it's the optimisation of a brownfield site right next to Brent Cross West station, high quality station wayfinding, marker building, act as a catalyst for growth in the growth area and help achieve the councils and the boroughs objectives for growth in this key growth area. It achieves the required carbon reductions through a combination of on-site renewables and building efficiencies and through an offset contribution. It's targeting bream excellent for the ground floor commercial units, biodiversity net gain in adherence with the requirements and in excess of the requirements even and significant part of the trees and other elements such as cycle parking and sustainable transport given it's a car free development and a provision of suds on site such as rain gardens all falling within the ground floor landscaping scheme and the landscaping and amenity provisions within the development itself. Given the above and the recommendations and the review of the officers report itself, the application is recommended for approval subject to section 106 conditions and conditions and also subject to stage 2 Merrill referral and I'm happy to take any questions. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. We have one speaker, Percy Bolani, who's here on behalf of the applicant as the agent. You have three minutes and the button in the middle with the speaker icon, if you press that. Sorry. And then we'll give you a one minute warning. Nigel, can I request a 10 second tissue jab and can we talk and I can vote? Of course. Can we just pause for 30 seconds? Thank you for that. Thank you. So, as I said, you've got three minutes and we'll give you a warning one minute before the end and we'll start timing from when you start. Thank you. Excellent. Well, thank you and firstly, good evening councillors and a big thank you for your time this evening to consider our planning application. My name's Percy Bolani, I'm land director for Astur and we are a residential lead developer with a focus on mixed use developments in London. I'll be brief because the committee report and the presentation from Sam this evening, they're both excellent, they've covered most of the issues in a lot of detail. So Astur's aim is to improve the living experience for people who are renting in London across a range of living spaces including residential, co-living, hotel and also student accommodation. The reason why we're different is that we build out and then we retain a long-term interest in our developments. This means that we have a genuine desire to deliver exceptional buildings which positively contribute to the local area and economy. We first started looking at this site in early 2023 and it was clear to us quite early on there was a unique opportunity to deliver a landmark student scheme. The new Brentcross West station and then the excellent placemaking underway at Brentcross Town made a compelling opportunity for us, but really it was the new Sheffield Hallam campus that really gave us the confidence to move forward and acquire the site in October last year. 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I'm Councillor, hello, we have come to order actually. Excuse me. Thank you. I'm Councillor Nigel Young, Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee. Thank you for attending the Planning Committee this evening. I will ask members of the committee to first introduce themselves, followed by the Planning Officers, the Legal Officer and Governance. So if we could start with Councillor Cornelius. Well, thank you for introducing me. I'm Richard Cornelius. Thank you. I'm Michael Maier. If you just pause for a second, Councillor Naranthira. I'm Councillor Nagas Naranthira, Colindale South Ward. Councillor Rishikesh Chakraborty, West Hendon Ward. Councillor Richard Barnes, Barnet Vale Ward. I'm Claire Farrion, Councillor Paisley. Councillor Phil Cohen, East Barnet Ward. And Councillor Gordon, could you introduce yourself? Councillor Gordon, Ezra Ward. Thank you, and then Officers that are present. I'm Susanne Young, this Legal Advisor to Committee. Fabian Godin, Director for Planning and Building Control. I'm Sam Gerstein, Principal Planner in the Barnet Planning Team. Peter Olsok, the Brent Cross Planning Manager within the Planning Team. Karina Dimitriou, Governance Officer. Thank you very much. So we ask that everyone remains seated throughout the meeting, unless you're called to the table to address the committee. Please note that meetings may be recorded and broadcast as allowed for in law or by the council. By attending either in person or online, you may be picked up on recordings. Council recordings are covered by our privacy notice, which can be found at For the application that we're hearing tonight, the planning officer will present the application. Each speaker, I think there's only one, will have three minutes to address the committee. The governance officer will inform you when there is one minute left. The committee will have the opportunity to ask questions of the speaker and the officers, and then following discussion, the committee will determine the application, and the chair will announce the committee's decision. When you come to speak, please, and for members of the committee, but you all know this, please press the middle speaker icon to turn on the mic and ensure that after you've finished speaking, you press the microphone off to ensure there's no feedback, and also so the system can pick up the person that is speaking. So we have agenda item number one in the minutes of the last meeting. Are we happy that I sign those as a true record of the meeting? Thank you. Absence of members. I have apologies from Councillor Greenspan, who's being substituted by Councillor Marr. Welcome, Councillor Marr. I don't have any declarations of members' interests, but if there are any, please let me know. Thank you. And also no dispensations granted by the monitoring officer to report. There is an addendum to the substantive item that we have tonight. Are we happy that we take that addendum? That's agreed, thank you. And so that moves us on to the substantive item for tonight, which is Unit 7, Staples, Coroner, Retail, Clerk. And we start with the planning officer. Thank you. Thank you, Chair. So an application has been submitted for demolition of existing buildings and structures and redevelopment of the site to provide a building with a height of up to 26 storeys plus ground and mezzanine level, reducing to part 10 and part 11 storeys plus ground and mezzanine level. This is to provide a purpose-built student accommodation scheme, predominantly, with some ancillary commercial uses on the ground floor. The scheme also accommodates amenities for students within the building and some external amenities as well. In terms of the addendum items, I'll just draw briefly attention to an email that was received from the London Healthy Development Unit just to confirm they had no further representations on the application and a further representation from TfL Engineering and Technical Insurance just concerning some additional specification elements to the on-site bus driver welfare facilities, which the applicant has responded to officers to confirm that the additional specification comments are minor in nature and can be progressed through the detailed discussions with TfL. The other item to mention in the addendum is the Barnett's Draft Local Plan Regulation 25. The Council has now received the Planning Inspector's Report on the Local Plan and the Inspector's Report concludes that the duty to co-operate has been met and subject to the recommended main modifications, the Barnett Local Plan is legally compliant, which means that the Local Plan can be afforded a significant weight in determination of planning applications. Now just moving to the site. The site is located in the Staples Corner Retail Park, which comprises a mixture of industrial bulky goods retail style uses. To the north you've got the North Circular Road and Staples Corner Roundabout and the M1 Slip Road onto the M1. To the south of the Staples Corner Retail Park you have the Consented Waste Transfer Station and further up beyond the Rail Freight Facility operated by DV Cargo and Cricklewood Centre further south. To the west you have the London Borough of Brent with the A5 comprising the borough boundary. This is strategic industrial land and is subject to master planning and design codes that London Borough of Brent have been producing. I'll move on to that in a moment. On the east hand side you have the Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration which is part of the opportunity area for Brent Cross Cricklewood. I'll just move on to that in a moment. Moving to the east of the site, it does comprise the Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration and this is a comprehensive regeneration of Brent Cross Cricklewood. The Cricklewood, the Clamon Industrial Estate on the southern part of the development and on the northern part the Brent Cross Shopping Centre and also the Brent Cross West Station redevelopment. The southern development is being delivered through a joint venture between London Borough of Barnet and Related Argent and comprises up to 6,700 homes, a new town centre, 3 million square foot of office space and supported by local highways, parks and other social community infrastructure works. This is just a view of the aerial view looking down towards the site with the site highlighted and showing the Brent Cross West Station also constructed and open since December last year and this provides services into London, apologies it's quite small to see but you can see the station highlighted there, services into London St Pancras and Luton Airport Parkway in the north. On the western side is the London Borough of Brent's design codes and London Borough of Brent's Strategic Industrial Land Staples Corner which has recently been developed through comprehensive design coding and master planning. You'll see on the text to the right hand side that London Borough of Brent received Cabinet approval for adoption earlier this week. Then moving to London Borough of Barnet Local Development Framework, the key policy for London Borough of Barnet is the policy GSS 03 which is the Growth Area Policy for the Staples Corner Retail Park which comprises the Brent Cross West Staples Corner Master Plan, Brent Cross West Staples Corner Growth Area, apologies. The policy designation sets expectations, apologies my mouse is not working. Apologies, I can't change slides. Thank you. The Growth Area designation is for upwards of 1,800 homes and a combination of users to support the Growth Area objectives for the Growth Area. Moving to other aspects of the Local Development Framework, this is an excerpt from the Tall Buildings Update which is part of the evidence base for the Local Plan and what it shows is several clusters of buildings of height located along the A5 corridor one of which is further in the Brent Cross Staples Corner area. I'm just highlighting here with my mouse here. Just to note that the Council's regeneration services did undertake some master planning and design work for the Staples Corner area within the Western Lands Growth Area and this is denoted by the orange circle here and this is really just some design and urban design master planning that the Council services commissioned to try and articulate how schemes might come forward and exploring layout and master plan principles and connections to the other emerging growth areas to the east and the west as well. This is just a slide showing some of the master planning, massing and principles that have been developed and that have just been developed alongside as part of the works. It's important to note that this is not a planning document, it's an aid to aid discussions with developers and to help articulate how linkages and designs may come forward in the Growth Area. I'm just moving to the site description. This is the site here right next to the Brent Cross West Station and you can see the existing building which is a brick built with a corrugated rooftop, approximately three storeys. I'm just moving to some other site photographs here. This is the front of the site, picking up local bus services. I've just included a slide showing some of the bus connections that are available from the site. The 316 connecting down the A5 towards Shepherd's Bush and White City. It's worth noting other routes nearby, the 189 on the other side of Brent Cross West Station takes you to Marble Arch and other bus routes nearby the 232 northeast towards Arnall's Grove and Wood Green. The 182 through to Wembley and Harrow Wheel pass the University of Westminster and the 326 from the shopping centre itself, which is a short bus journey to Middlesex University campus as well. It's worth noting. And just some other photos of the site here, looking north up Heron Way and then looking south and at the back of the sites. And just a collection of photos of the site environs with Brent Cross West Station entrance there on the top left of the screen. So just moving to the design, the applicant has engaged with Barnett's Quality Review Panel as part of the design process and that was during pre-app as well as officers pre-app as well. And the applicant also utilised the Quality Review Panel at the outset of the application to pick up on earlier comments from the Quality Review Panel and that's borne out in the design and how it's been developed. So as you can see here, the approach is, as I said in the introduction, it's two components predominantly, a shoulder block with ground plus mezzanine, 10 storeys rising up to ground plus mezzanine and 11 storeys rising up to a tower element adjacent to the station. Now the building adjacent to the station is developed as a landmark feature with a crown feature on the rooftop and this is, as you can see, the approach that they've taken here. And just in terms of how that's expressed in the elevations, this slide just shows how it's been articulated on the elevations and the modularity that's been sought to achieve to try and break down the scale and introduce visual interest to the building and create distinctive parts to the building. In terms of materiality, the tower element is a predominantly stone cast element with reveals and the shoulder element is predominantly brick built with some incidences of different materiality incorporated as well. I'm just moving to some elevations. This is how the approach is borne out in the elevations and the railway side elevation here as well and side elevations as well. And how the scheme is manifested in CGI is presented here on several slides. As you can see, the interest of the precast stone and the glazed brick on this central hinged element adding some interest and providing some relief. And just looking at how the building lands at ground level, there's an extensive landscaping scheme proposed at the front of the building and as you can see, there's some cutaways in the tower element as well to give the building a bit more interest from a vertical verticality. And again, some more slides here. And just picking up a render at night, this highlights the crowning feature of the development where some sensitive lighting is proposed to emphasise this element of the building. And again, just detailing of the crown. I think including on design, I think officers felt comfortable that the applicant has utilised the quality review panel and has developed the scheme in a way which is design led and follows the appropriate London plan D9 policy for tall buildings and the London and the local plans emerging policy and officers of the opinion that the design is of a standard that it's befitting for a building of this size and landmark intention. And just in terms of the ground floor, we can see that there's some commercial units accommodated. It's four in total. And these will serve to animate the locality and provide activation from day one when the scheme lands in a location which really doesn't have this kind of neighbourhood offer presently. And so small commercial sort of E-class units provide that optionality for the developer to provide some complementarity to the student use. And again, this is just a landscaping plan here to see. So in terms of the student accommodation, the applicant has prepared a student demand study by Knight Frank to examine the profile of students living close by and where they attend university and the types of accommodation they're living in. And some of the main takeaways from this study is that within a one and a half mile radius of the site, there's close to six and a half thousand students who live there, a portion of whom attend middle-sex university and others attending other universities. In terms of the supply and what kind of student accommodation supply there is at the present, the Knight Frank report concludes that there's only 413 bed spaces within that radius, which comprises only 6.4% of that six and a half thousand students. Some students are living with parents, but the rest are considered to be living in HMO private rented stock, up to 4,187 students. I think it's clear to see that providing purposeful student accommodation would provide a different option for those students and other students and provide some relief to the existing private housing stock and release our private housing stock for others who are in need or looking for homes. In terms of how the accommodation is made up, the applicants have been careful to follow the policy H15 of the London Plan and the requirements for student nominations. What this table shows is that 51% of the student rooms will be nominated to a higher education institution. This is a requirement of the London Plan and within that 51%, 35% of those student rooms will be affordable following the London Plan's definition of affordability, which is that the rental cost of those rooms will be equal to or below 55% of the maximum income for a new full-time student studying in London and living away from home and what they can receive from the government's maintenance loan. So 55% of that government's maintenance loan for living costs for the academic year. And this will be secured through part of the legal agreement, which the heads of terms are included in the introduction of the committee report. In terms of the composition of the rooms, this table at the top, and apologies if it's a bit small, just shows you the composition. There's 51.4% of the rooms are cluster rooms, which is essentially a flat share between four to eight student rooms sharing a private amenity and the remainder as either studios or accessible rooms. And accessible rooms meaning they're either adaptable and capable of being adapted to be fully accessible. And this is just a plan showing the typical layout. As you can see in the shoulder block accommodates the majority of these cluster rooms denoted by the light green. These have a private corridor and they go to, they're served by a kitchen living room and officers have sent to check these spaces with the council's own HMO standards and other student schemes and the size of the individual units and the shared amenity spaces are all comparable and exceeding the council's HMO standards. And as you can see, there's the wheelchair accessible rooms as well, wheelchair adaptable accessible rooms here located in close proximity to the cores. The majority of the studio rooms are located within the tower element and as you can see the wheelchair adaptable rooms towards the back there. The accommodation has been prepared in consultation with Homes for Students and the applicant has provided us with a student management plan reassuring that the accommodation is going to be managed in a proper way with good onsite facilities and in terms of the comfort levels for students the application is accompanied by microclimate studies in terms of daylight and sunlight which show positive conditions for students, wind studies showing the ground floor accommodation to be within the comfortable levels, the required comfort levels and also an overheating analysis which demonstrates that the scheme even when windows are closed, which they might need to be in some cases in order to achieve noise levels, the comfort levels can be achieved in terms of temperature. And just moving on to some of the viewpoint assessment which forms part of the environmental statement which goes with the application. There's several views and I've picked out a few for the presentation. There's a view from Edgeway Road, a view looking south on Garon Way and a view from the north on Garon Way as well. And this one from the platform on Brent Cross West Station looking back at the development. And one from further north on Rockwell Way. The applicants in their townscape visual impact assessment also included consideration of the locally important view from Golders Hill Park to Harrow-on-the-Hill and the diagram demonstrates that the site is not within the protected view cone and notwithstanding there are some views afforded of it from the park but these are not within the view cone. So in terms of key considerations and recommendations, the scheme will provide 844 PPSA beds which will contribute to housing delivery and releasing homes for families and other key workers in need of homes. There's an affordable proportion of homes in line with the London Plan requirements. There's on-site welfare facilities that have been proposed in conversation with TfL for bus drivers which has been a long-standing request from TfL and that's accommodated on the ground floor and it's for exclusive access to TfL bus drivers. As reported in the ES socio-economic chapters, there are considerable socio-economic benefits during the construction of the development and once operational there's jobs that are created through the operation of the PPSA itself and the ground floor commercial units and there is an estimated seal liability for the scheme based on index linked rates in the region of 8.2 million Barnett Council seal and 1.6 million Merrill seal, so considerable sums. Key environmental benefits, it's the optimisation of a brownfield site right next to Brent Cross West station, high quality station wayfinding, marker building, act as a catalyst for growth in the growth area and help achieve the councils and the boroughs objectives for growth in this key growth area. It achieves the required carbon reductions through a combination of on-site renewables and building efficiencies and through an offset contribution. It's targeting bream excellent for the ground floor commercial units, biodiversity net gain in adherence with the requirements and in excess of the requirements even and significant part of the trees and other elements such as cycle parking and sustainable transport given it's a car free development and a provision of suds on site such as rain gardens all falling within the ground floor landscaping scheme and the landscaping and amenity provisions within the development itself. Given the above and the recommendations and the review of the officers report itself, the application is recommended for approval subject to section 106 conditions and conditions and also subject to stage 2 Merrill referral and I'm happy to take any questions. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. We have one speaker, Percy Bolani, who's here on behalf of the applicant as the agent. You have three minutes and the button in the middle with the speaker icon, if you press that. Sorry. And then we'll give you a one minute warning. Nigel, can I request a 10 second tissue jab and can we talk and I can vote? Of course. Can we just pause for 30 seconds? Thank you for that. Thank you. So, as I said, you've got three minutes and we'll give you a warning one minute before the end and we'll start timing from when you start. Thank you. Excellent. Well, thank you and firstly, good evening councillors and a big thank you for your time this evening to consider our planning application. My name's Percy Bolani, I'm land director for Astur and we are a residential lead developer with a focus on mixed use developments in London. I'll be brief because the committee report and the presentation from Sam this evening, they're both excellent, they've covered most of the issues in a lot of detail. So Astur's aim is to improve the living experience for people who are renting in London across a range of living spaces including residential, co-living, hotel and also student accommodation. The reason why we're different is that we build out and then we retain a long-term interest in our developments. This means that we have a genuine desire to deliver exceptional buildings which positively contribute to the local area and economy. We first started looking at this site in early 2023 and it was clear to us quite early on there was a unique opportunity to deliver a landmark student scheme. The new Brentcross West station and then the excellent placemaking underway at Brentcross Town made a compelling opportunity for us, but really it was the new Sheffield Hallam campus that really gave us the confidence to move forward and acquire the site in October last year. Yn hynny, rydyn ni wedi gweithio'n ymwneud â'r bobl Barna, gyda gysgwyddiadau gysgwyddiadau sydd wedi'u cymryd yn y schema y byddwn ni'n meddwl yw gweithredu. Rydyn ni wedi cymryd gyda Aliza Morrison, ac roedden nhw'n gwybod y fform erbyn a'i ddemonstruoedd bod y site yn gallu cymryd unrhyw bwyd. Mae'r schema wedi cael ei gynllunio gan y Prif Weinidog, a'r GLA hefyd yn ymwneud â'r schema. Mae gennym Llywodraeth ym Mhobol o Sheffield Hallam, ac rydym yn ymwneud â'i gysgwyddiadau gyda nhw am ymwneud â gynllunio. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi cael ymwneud â strategaethau cymdeithasol cymdeithasol, gyda phobl cymdeithasol nesaf i'r schema. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi cymdeithasol gyda TfL a'r tîm Llywodraeth Cymdeithasol, ac mae hynny'n cael ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol, ac hefyd wedi cael ymwneud â Network Rail a'i cymdeithasol. Mae'r progrif hwn yn cael ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi cael ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol am ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol, ac rwy'n meddwl o ran y ffrindiau ydych chi wedi gweld ymlaen i'r cwbl cymdeithasol, a byddwch chi'n deall â hynny. Rydyn ni'n credu bod hynny'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol yn y peth ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol. Mae'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol sy'n cymdeithasol ar y campus Sheffield Hallam. Mae'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol i'r ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol yng Nghymru, sy'n cael ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol. 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I'm Councillor, hello, we have come to order actually. Excuse me. Thank you. I'm Councillor Nigel Young, Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee. Thank you for attending the Planning Committee this evening. I will ask members of the committee to first introduce themselves, followed by the Planning Officers, the Legal Officer and Governance. So if we could start with Councillor Cornelius. Well, thank you for introducing me. I'm Richard Cornelius. Thank you. I'm Michael Maier. If you just pause for a second, Councillor Naranthira. I'm Councillor Nagas Naranthira, Colindale South Ward. Councillor Rishikesh Chakraborty, West Hendon Ward. Councillor Richard Barnes, Barnet Vale Ward. I'm Claire Farrion, Councillor Paisley. Councillor Phil Cohen, East Barnet Ward. And Councillor Gordon, could you introduce yourself? Councillor Gordon, Ezra Ward. Thank you, and then Officers that are present. I'm Susanne Young, this Legal Advisor to Committee. Fabian Godin, Director for Planning and Building Control. I'm Sam Gerstein, Principal Planner in the Barnet Planning Team. Peter Olsok, the Brent Cross Planning Manager within the Planning Team. Karina Dimitriou, Governance Officer. Thank you very much. So we ask that everyone remains seated throughout the meeting, unless you're called to the table to address the committee. Please note that meetings may be recorded and broadcast as allowed for in law or by the council. By attending either in person or online, you may be picked up on recordings. Council recordings are covered by our privacy notice, which can be found at For the application that we're hearing tonight, the planning officer will present the application. Each speaker, I think there's only one, will have three minutes to address the committee. The governance officer will inform you when there is one minute left. The committee will have the opportunity to ask questions of the speaker and the officers, and then following discussion, the committee will determine the application, and the chair will announce the committee's decision. When you come to speak, please, and for members of the committee, but you all know this, please press the middle speaker icon to turn on the mic and ensure that after you've finished speaking, you press the microphone off to ensure there's no feedback, and also so the system can pick up the person that is speaking. So we have agenda item number one in the minutes of the last meeting. Are we happy that I sign those as a true record of the meeting? Thank you. Absence of members. I have apologies from Councillor Greenspan, who's being substituted by Councillor Marr. Welcome, Councillor Marr. I don't have any declarations of members' interests, but if there are any, please let me know. Thank you. And also no dispensations granted by the monitoring officer to report. There is an addendum to the substantive item that we have tonight. Are we happy that we take that addendum? That's agreed, thank you. And so that moves us on to the substantive item for tonight, which is Unit 7, Staples, Coroner, Retail, Clerk. And we start with the planning officer. Thank you. Thank you, Chair. So an application has been submitted for demolition of existing buildings and structures and redevelopment of the site to provide a building with a height of up to 26 storeys plus ground and mezzanine level, reducing to part 10 and part 11 storeys plus ground and mezzanine level. This is to provide a purpose-built student accommodation scheme, predominantly, with some ancillary commercial uses on the ground floor. The scheme also accommodates amenities for students within the building and some external amenities as well. In terms of the addendum items, I'll just draw briefly attention to an email that was received from the London Healthy Development Unit just to confirm they had no further representations on the application and a further representation from TfL Engineering and Technical Insurance just concerning some additional specification elements to the on-site bus driver welfare facilities, which the applicant has responded to officers to confirm that the additional specification comments are minor in nature and can be progressed through the detailed discussions with TfL. The other item to mention in the addendum is the Barnett's Draft Local Plan Regulation 25. The Council has now received the Planning Inspector's Report on the Local Plan and the Inspector's Report concludes that the duty to co-operate has been met and subject to the recommended main modifications, the Barnett Local Plan is legally compliant, which means that the Local Plan can be afforded a significant weight in determination of planning applications. Now just moving to the site. The site is located in the Staples Corner Retail Park, which comprises a mixture of industrial bulky goods retail style uses. To the north you've got the North Circular Road and Staples Corner Roundabout and the M1 Slip Road onto the M1. To the south of the Staples Corner Retail Park you have the Consented Waste Transfer Station and further up beyond the Rail Freight Facility operated by DV Cargo and Cricklewood Centre further south. To the west you have the London Borough of Brent with the A5 comprising the borough boundary. This is strategic industrial land and is subject to master planning and design codes that London Borough of Brent have been producing. I'll move on to that in a moment. On the east hand side you have the Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration which is part of the opportunity area for Brent Cross Cricklewood. I'll just move on to that in a moment. Moving to the east of the site, it does comprise the Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration and this is a comprehensive regeneration of Brent Cross Cricklewood. The Cricklewood, the Clamon Industrial Estate on the southern part of the development and on the northern part the Brent Cross Shopping Centre and also the Brent Cross West Station redevelopment. The southern development is being delivered through a joint venture between London Borough of Barnet and Related Argent and comprises up to 6,700 homes, a new town centre, 3 million square foot of office space and supported by local highways, parks and other social community infrastructure works. This is just a view of the aerial view looking down towards the site with the site highlighted and showing the Brent Cross West Station also constructed and open since December last year and this provides services into London, apologies it's quite small to see but you can see the station highlighted there, services into London St Pancras and Luton Airport Parkway in the north. On the western side is the London Borough of Brent's design codes and London Borough of Brent's Strategic Industrial Land Staples Corner which has recently been developed through comprehensive design coding and master planning. You'll see on the text to the right hand side that London Borough of Brent received Cabinet approval for adoption earlier this week. Then moving to London Borough of Barnet Local Development Framework, the key policy for London Borough of Barnet is the policy GSS 03 which is the Growth Area Policy for the Staples Corner Retail Park which comprises the Brent Cross West Staples Corner Master Plan, Brent Cross West Staples Corner Growth Area, apologies. The policy designation sets expectations, apologies my mouse is not working. Apologies, I can't change slides. Thank you. The Growth Area designation is for upwards of 1,800 homes and a combination of users to support the Growth Area objectives for the Growth Area. Moving to other aspects of the Local Development Framework, this is an excerpt from the Tall Buildings Update which is part of the evidence base for the Local Plan and what it shows is several clusters of buildings of height located along the A5 corridor one of which is further in the Brent Cross Staples Corner area. I'm just highlighting here with my mouse here. Just to note that the Council's regeneration services did undertake some master planning and design work for the Staples Corner area within the Western Lands Growth Area and this is denoted by the orange circle here and this is really just some design and urban design master planning that the Council services commissioned to try and articulate how schemes might come forward and exploring layout and master plan principles and connections to the other emerging growth areas to the east and the west as well. This is just a slide showing some of the master planning, massing and principles that have been developed and that have just been developed alongside as part of the works. It's important to note that this is not a planning document, it's an aid to aid discussions with developers and to help articulate how linkages and designs may come forward in the Growth Area. I'm just moving to the site description. This is the site here right next to the Brent Cross West Station and you can see the existing building which is a brick built with a corrugated rooftop, approximately three storeys. I'm just moving to some other site photographs here. This is the front of the site, picking up local bus services. I've just included a slide showing some of the bus connections that are available from the site. The 316 connecting down the A5 towards Shepherd's Bush and White City. It's worth noting other routes nearby, the 189 on the other side of Brent Cross West Station takes you to Marble Arch and other bus routes nearby the 232 northeast towards Arnall's Grove and Wood Green. The 182 through to Wembley and Harrow Wheel pass the University of Westminster and the 326 from the shopping centre itself, which is a short bus journey to Middlesex University campus as well. It's worth noting. And just some other photos of the site here, looking north up Heron Way and then looking south and at the back of the sites. And just a collection of photos of the site environs with Brent Cross West Station entrance there on the top left of the screen. So just moving to the design, the applicant has engaged with Barnett's Quality Review Panel as part of the design process and that was during pre-app as well as officers pre-app as well. And the applicant also utilised the Quality Review Panel at the outset of the application to pick up on earlier comments from the Quality Review Panel and that's borne out in the design and how it's been developed. So as you can see here, the approach is, as I said in the introduction, it's two components predominantly, a shoulder block with ground plus mezzanine, 10 storeys rising up to ground plus mezzanine and 11 storeys rising up to a tower element adjacent to the station. Now the building adjacent to the station is developed as a landmark feature with a crown feature on the rooftop and this is, as you can see, the approach that they've taken here. And just in terms of how that's expressed in the elevations, this slide just shows how it's been articulated on the elevations and the modularity that's been sought to achieve to try and break down the scale and introduce visual interest to the building and create distinctive parts to the building. In terms of materiality, the tower element is a predominantly stone cast element with reveals and the shoulder element is predominantly brick built with some incidences of different materiality incorporated as well. I'm just moving to some elevations. This is how the approach is borne out in the elevations and the railway side elevation here as well and side elevations as well. And how the scheme is manifested in CGI is presented here on several slides. As you can see, the interest of the precast stone and the glazed brick on this central hinged element adding some interest and providing some relief. And just looking at how the building lands at ground level, there's an extensive landscaping scheme proposed at the front of the building and as you can see, there's some cutaways in the tower element as well to give the building a bit more interest from a vertical verticality. And again, some more slides here. And just picking up a render at night, this highlights the crowning feature of the development where some sensitive lighting is proposed to emphasise this element of the building. And again, just detailing of the crown. I think including on design, I think officers felt comfortable that the applicant has utilised the quality review panel and has developed the scheme in a way which is design led and follows the appropriate London plan D9 policy for tall buildings and the London and the local plans emerging policy and officers of the opinion that the design is of a standard that it's befitting for a building of this size and landmark intention. And just in terms of the ground floor, we can see that there's some commercial units accommodated. It's four in total. And these will serve to animate the locality and provide activation from day one when the scheme lands in a location which really doesn't have this kind of neighbourhood offer presently. And so small commercial sort of E-class units provide that optionality for the developer to provide some complementarity to the student use. And again, this is just a landscaping plan here to see. So in terms of the student accommodation, the applicant has prepared a student demand study by Knight Frank to examine the profile of students living close by and where they attend university and the types of accommodation they're living in. And some of the main takeaways from this study is that within a one and a half mile radius of the site, there's close to six and a half thousand students who live there, a portion of whom attend middle-sex university and others attending other universities. In terms of the supply and what kind of student accommodation supply there is at the present, the Knight Frank report concludes that there's only 413 bed spaces within that radius, which comprises only 6.4% of that six and a half thousand students. Some students are living with parents, but the rest are considered to be living in HMO private rented stock, up to 4,187 students. I think it's clear to see that providing purposeful student accommodation would provide a different option for those students and other students and provide some relief to the existing private housing stock and release our private housing stock for others who are in need or looking for homes. In terms of how the accommodation is made up, the applicants have been careful to follow the policy H15 of the London Plan and the requirements for student nominations. What this table shows is that 51% of the student rooms will be nominated to a higher education institution. This is a requirement of the London Plan and within that 51%, 35% of those student rooms will be affordable following the London Plan's definition of affordability, which is that the rental cost of those rooms will be equal to or below 55% of the maximum income for a new full-time student studying in London and living away from home and what they can receive from the government's maintenance loan. So 55% of that government's maintenance loan for living costs for the academic year. And this will be secured through part of the legal agreement, which the heads of terms are included in the introduction of the committee report. In terms of the composition of the rooms, this table at the top, and apologies if it's a bit small, just shows you the composition. There's 51.4% of the rooms are cluster rooms, which is essentially a flat share between four to eight student rooms sharing a private amenity and the remainder as either studios or accessible rooms. And accessible rooms meaning they're either adaptable and capable of being adapted to be fully accessible. And this is just a plan showing the typical layout. As you can see in the shoulder block accommodates the majority of these cluster rooms denoted by the light green. These have a private corridor and they go to, they're served by a kitchen living room and officers have sent to check these spaces with the council's own HMO standards and other student schemes and the size of the individual units and the shared amenity spaces are all comparable and exceeding the council's HMO standards. And as you can see, there's the wheelchair accessible rooms as well, wheelchair adaptable accessible rooms here located in close proximity to the cores. The majority of the studio rooms are located within the tower element and as you can see the wheelchair adaptable rooms towards the back there. The accommodation has been prepared in consultation with Homes for Students and the applicant has provided us with a student management plan reassuring that the accommodation is going to be managed in a proper way with good onsite facilities and in terms of the comfort levels for students the application is accompanied by microclimate studies in terms of daylight and sunlight which show positive conditions for students, wind studies showing the ground floor accommodation to be within the comfortable levels, the required comfort levels and also an overheating analysis which demonstrates that the scheme even when windows are closed, which they might need to be in some cases in order to achieve noise levels, the comfort levels can be achieved in terms of temperature. And just moving on to some of the viewpoint assessment which forms part of the environmental statement which goes with the application. There's several views and I've picked out a few for the presentation. There's a view from Edgeway Road, a view looking south on Garon Way and a view from the north on Garon Way as well. And this one from the platform on Brent Cross West Station looking back at the development. And one from further north on Rockwell Way. The applicants in their townscape visual impact assessment also included consideration of the locally important view from Golders Hill Park to Harrow-on-the-Hill and the diagram demonstrates that the site is not within the protected view cone and notwithstanding there are some views afforded of it from the park but these are not within the view cone. So in terms of key considerations and recommendations, the scheme will provide 844 PPSA beds which will contribute to housing delivery and releasing homes for families and other key workers in need of homes. There's an affordable proportion of homes in line with the London Plan requirements. There's on-site welfare facilities that have been proposed in conversation with TfL for bus drivers which has been a long-standing request from TfL and that's accommodated on the ground floor and it's for exclusive access to TfL bus drivers. As reported in the ES socio-economic chapters, there are considerable socio-economic benefits during the construction of the development and once operational there's jobs that are created through the operation of the PPSA itself and the ground floor commercial units and there is an estimated seal liability for the scheme based on index linked rates in the region of 8.2 million Barnett Council seal and 1.6 million Merrill seal, so considerable sums. Key environmental benefits, it's the optimisation of a brownfield site right next to Brent Cross West station, high quality station wayfinding, marker building, act as a catalyst for growth in the growth area and help achieve the councils and the boroughs objectives for growth in this key growth area. It achieves the required carbon reductions through a combination of on-site renewables and building efficiencies and through an offset contribution. It's targeting bream excellent for the ground floor commercial units, biodiversity net gain in adherence with the requirements and in excess of the requirements even and significant part of the trees and other elements such as cycle parking and sustainable transport given it's a car free development and a provision of suds on site such as rain gardens all falling within the ground floor landscaping scheme and the landscaping and amenity provisions within the development itself. Given the above and the recommendations and the review of the officers report itself, the application is recommended for approval subject to section 106 conditions and conditions and also subject to stage 2 Merrill referral and I'm happy to take any questions. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. We have one speaker, Percy Bolani, who's here on behalf of the applicant as the agent. You have three minutes and the button in the middle with the speaker icon, if you press that. Sorry. And then we'll give you a one minute warning. Nigel, can I request a 10 second tissue jab and can we talk and I can vote? Of course. Can we just pause for 30 seconds? Thank you for that. Thank you. So, as I said, you've got three minutes and we'll give you a warning one minute before the end and we'll start timing from when you start. Thank you. Excellent. Well, thank you and firstly, good evening councillors and a big thank you for your time this evening to consider our planning application. My name's Percy Bolani, I'm land director for Astur and we are a residential lead developer with a focus on mixed use developments in London. I'll be brief because the committee report and the presentation from Sam this evening, they're both excellent, they've covered most of the issues in a lot of detail. So Astur's aim is to improve the living experience for people who are renting in London across a range of living spaces including residential, co-living, hotel and also student accommodation. The reason why we're different is that we build out and then we retain a long-term interest in our developments. This means that we have a genuine desire to deliver exceptional buildings which positively contribute to the local area and economy. We first started looking at this site in early 2023 and it was clear to us quite early on there was a unique opportunity to deliver a landmark student scheme. The new Brentcross West station and then the excellent placemaking underway at Brentcross Town made a compelling opportunity for us, but really it was the new Sheffield Hallam campus that really gave us the confidence to move forward and acquire the site in October last year. Yn hynny, rydyn ni wedi gweithio'n ymwneud â'r bobl Barna, gyda gysgwyddiadau gysgwyddiadau sydd wedi'u cymryd yn y schema y byddwn ni'n meddwl yw gweithredu. Rydyn ni wedi cymryd gyda Aliza Morrison, ac roedden nhw'n gwybod y fform erbyn a'i ddemonstruoedd bod y site yn gallu cymryd unrhyw bwyd. Mae'r schema wedi cael ei gynllunio gan y Prif Weinidog, a'r GLA hefyd yn ymwneud â'r schema. Mae gennym Llywodraeth ym Mhobol o Sheffield Hallam, ac rydym yn ymwneud â'i gysgwyddiadau gyda nhw am ymwneud â gynllunio. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi cael ymwneud â strategaethau cymdeithasol cymdeithasol, gyda phobl cymdeithasol nesaf i'r schema. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi cymdeithasol gyda TfL a'r tîm Llywodraeth Cymdeithasol, ac mae hynny'n cael ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol, ac hefyd wedi cael ymwneud â Network Rail a'i cymdeithasol. Mae'r progrif hwn yn cael eu gwneud yn fawr o ran ymwneud â'r gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi cael ymwneud â'r gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol o gwaith gweithredu, ac rwy'n hoffi o'r ffyniadau yma a'r ffyniadau QRP y byddwch chi'n deall. Felly, yn y ffyniad, rydyn ni'n credu bod y gysgwyddiad hwn yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol. Rydyn ni'n credu bod y gysgwyddiad hwn yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, a dwi'n mynd i'r gweithredd i'r Cynulliad Cymru a'r Cynulliad Cymru. Ie, ddolch i chi. Yn y ffordd, mae'n edrych i'r scheme bach, mae wedi'i gweld yn deill ymlaen. Rwy'n eich bod yn gofn i chi am… Mae'r bach yma yn unig i'r sgybl. Mae'n unig i'r sgybl. Mae'n unig i chi am… Mae'r bach yma yn unig i'r sgybl. Mae'r bach yma yn unig i'r sgybl. Mae'r bach yma yn unig i'r sgybl. Mae'n dud 용taf.. Mae'r bach yma'n unig i ymlaen, oherwydd wel yn ym陳, i Parker Golden. Mae'r bach yma yn unig i'r sgybl. Mae drum yn ddod yn fy rhau. Mae dur i chi'r broeniad yma mor ddyn systemica? Mae'r bach yma yn unig i'r sgybl yma. Yn ogystal â'r cyhoeddus ar gyfer gweithredu ymlaen, y pwysig yw bod angen i'w cyhoeddus ar gyfer gweithredu sylwad. Mae'n dweud bod angen i'r cyhoeddus ar gyfer gweithredu, ond mae'n dweud bod angen i'w gweithredu. Mae'n dod i'r cyhoeddus ar gyfer gweithredu, felly mae'n angen i'w gweithredu yn ymlaen i'w gweithredu, ond mae'n dweud bod angen i'r cyhoeddus ar gyfer gweithredu, felly mae'n dweud bod angen i'r cyhoeddus ar gyfer gweithredu, ond mae'n dweud bod angen i'r cyhoeddus ar gyfer gweithredu, ond mae'n dweud bod angen i'r cyhoeddus ar gyfer gweithredu, ond mae'n dweud bod angen i'r cyhoeddus ar gyfer gweithredu, ond mae'n dweud bod angen i'r cyhoeddus ar gyfer gweithredu, ond mae'n dweud bod angen i'r cyhoeddus ar gyfer gweithredu, a dweud bod angen i'r cyhoeddus ar gyfer gweithredu. Mae'r cyhoeddus ar gyfer gweithredu'n bwysig iawn, ac mae'n dweud bod angen i'r cyhoeddus ar gyfer gweithredu. Mae'n dweud bod angen i'r cyhoeddus ar gyfer gweithredu'r cyhoeddiad Cyhoeddus, felly dyna'n gallu p rinsellio â'r cyhoeddus arianol, o'r rhain ffrindiaid oherwydd y gallai arian yna i'r arian ffrindiaid. A ydych chi'n cael llawer o ran y rhain ffrindiaid? A ydych chi'n siŵr y byddai'n ymwneud â'ch rhain ffrindiaid? A ydych chi'n siŵr y byddai'n ymwneud â'ch rhain ffrindiaid i'r arian ffrindiaid i'w gael ymwneud â hynny? Diolch. Felly mae'r lefelau rhain ffrindiaid, byddai'n ymwneud â rhain ffrindiaid. Dwi ddim wedi cael ymwneud â beth yw hynny heddiw. Ond rydyn ni'n cael i ddysgu'r balans am fod yn gallu llwyddo'r byd. Rydyn ni ddim eisiau ymwneud â phacantiaid yn y cyfnod oherwydd bod yn ffyrddol. Felly byddwn yn gweithio mewn gysylltiad ymlaen gyda phoblwyr o'r arian ffrindiaid i ddysgu'r lefelau rhain ffrindiaid yn y cyfnod oherwydd. Nid oes unrhyw pwynt yn ymwneud â'r arian ffrindiaid i'r pwynt y byddwn ni ddim yn gallu llwyddo'r byd. Nid oes unrhyw pwynt yn ymwneud â ni'n ffyrddol. Felly mae'n bwysig i'r balans am fod. Rydyn ni eisiau gwneud hynny'n bwysig ymlaen gyda phoblwyr yn y cyfnod i sicrhau bod y byd yn llwyddo. GofJenniferid. Felly, cofio diolaeth ydw ni ar gael y byddwn ni'n gallu gweld protective appear sydd wedi'i dar gueithio a'i gyrfunegu at y cyfynod, ond fyddwn i'n ymwneud â diolch chi mores 7.147, a hynny'n mynd iddyn ni ALLANANG o feature 170 ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddiriedaeth ymddirieda offill yw gyfle a Solenniol yffurf, captionAPP Mae'n sylw. A risg bunun gwrs fel y beth ydych chi'n deimlo ym mglodiwyd y ffordd y pwyllll yw Felly fe fyddwn fi'n gwybod extraordinarydd wedi'i ddatblygiad 하면 ac yn newid penetration roedden i ni ro'n nhw yn aprym a'r gwasanaeth ddiwylliannol. Felly mae'r gwasanaeth y byddwn yn cymryd i'r gwasanaeth y ddiwylliannol yw, yn ymgysylltu, pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael, mae'n rhaid i ni ddysgu'r sgwm i unrhyw ddiddordeb sy'n gweithio'n gweithio ar gyfer gwasanaeth ddiwylliannol ar gyfer gwasanaeth ddiwylliannol. Mae'n ymgysylltu, mae'n rhaid i ni ddysgu'r ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni' i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fydd i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fydd i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fydd i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fydd wn ni'n cymryd ar gael i'r unrhyw ddiddordeb cyntaf pan fyddwn ni'n cymryd ar gyfer gyda Cymru, a yw gwystwynt 과 Mini castell ac ywell o ran cymoedd. Mae gwirionedd beth sy'n barod i Law Teg medical EPVG. Brifysgol, mae hi'n ddaeth mewnmateb adviseb hwn. cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymry cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd sob cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cânhroom cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cymryd cerothing Roeddwn i'n cysylltu â'r gweithredu. Mae'r plan London yn cydnabod y bydd dim ond ychwanegol o'r holl ymgysylltu a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn. Mae'r cysylltu a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a'r hyn a oedd y G interrupti o'r GMYF a'r bwyd sy'n debyg yn joc. Gilydd yn gymmeteriaf yn fy genedlaeth wedi'i ddbasedu i yён Nid, dwi'n meddwl bod yn y ffordd yma, fel y ddweud, mae'r ffyrdd yma sy'n cael ei defnyddio i gysylltu amdano a phynysgwyr yn ymddangos i ddifonogu ganddyniaeth. Mae'r ffyrdd yma sy'n cael ei defnyddio i gysylltu amdano a phynysgwyr yn y ffordd yma. Mae'r ffyrdd yma sy'n gweithio'n d theoretical. Yn eich ddarllen, mae'n gwych. Mae'r pwynt amoof Mayor yound, neb fod cyfryn hav ei ddyddio ar bron a farones ag y bobl arfer y maes ffyrdd o'r dydenaeth symudol. fel y mae'r Llywodraeth wedi cymryd i, wedi cymryd yn llawer iawn. Yn wneud hynny, mae ganddyn nhw'n bwysig iawn. Mae ganddyn nhw'n bwysig iawn. Felly mae'r 106 yn sicrhau ganddyn nhw yn fformat y byddai'r GLA yn y ffordd strategig, y byddai'n cymryd neu'n gysylltu'r ffordd strategig o gysylltiad cyfrannol. Mae'n cymryd yn llawer iawn yn fawr, yn y ffordd strategig. Felly mae'r 106 yn sicrhau ganddyn nhw'n fformat a byddai'r ganddyn nhw'n bwysig iawn mewn ffordd strategig o ganddyn nhw. Diolch, dyna'r ffordd y byddai'n bwysig iawn. Iawn, byddwn ni'n mynd i'r ganddyn nid oes unrhyw pwynt? Felly, o. Iawn, mae ganddyn nhw'n bwysig iawn. Mae'r ganddyn nid oes unrhyw pwynt yn y ffordd strategig o ganddyn ni. Felly, byddwn yn cael unrhyw pwynt a chael unrhyw pwynt, mae'n ffwrdd. Yn unrhyw pwynt i fod yn cael unrhyw pwynt neu'n cael unrhyw pwynt? Nid oes unrhyw pwynt. O. Mae'n bwysig iawn, iawn. Felly, byddwn yn cael ymwneud at y ganddyn nhw, sy'n dod yn ystod ym mhobl 2, hynny. Mae rhai ymwneudwydau programming a ll ydych chi'n deblach ac y bwrdd strategig yma ac rydym yn siarad i ddarparu y rhaglen y ledled y gorffen Zac and Ensreifydd a'r ganddiadau dingyfedd. a'r adnoddau a'r adnoddau. A allwn ni'n mynd i'r adnodd. A allwn ni'n mynd i'r adnodd o'r adnoddau? Mae'r adnoddau yn unangos. Felly, diolch. Mae'r adnoddau a'r adnoddau yn cymryd â'r adnodd 106 a'r adnoddau a'r adnoddau yn ymwneud â'r adnoddau 2.1 a 2.5. Diolch i'w gyd. Rwy'n ddim yn dechrau'r adnodd yn cymryd, unrhyw un hwnnw, ond nid yw'r adnodd? Felly, diolch i chi. Diolch.
I'm Councillor, hello, we have come to order actually. Excuse me. Thank you. I'm Councillor Nigel Young, Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee. Thank you for attending the Planning Committee this evening. I will ask members of the committee to first introduce themselves, followed by the Planning Officers, the Legal Officer and Governance. So if we could start with Councillor Cornelius. Well, thank you for introducing me. I'm Richard Cornelius. Thank you. I'm Michael Maier. If you just pause for a second, Councillor Naranthira. I'm Councillor Nagas Naranthira, Colindale South Ward. Councillor Rishikesh Chakraborty, West Hendon Ward. Councillor Richard Barnes, Barnet Vale Ward. I'm Claire Farrion, Councillor Paisley. Councillor Phil Cohen, East Barnet Ward. And Councillor Gordon, could you introduce yourself? Councillor Gordon, Ezra Ward. Thank you, and then Officers that are present. I'm Susanne Young, this Legal Advisor to Committee. Fabian Godin, Director for Planning and Building Control. I'm Sam Gerstein, Principal Planner in the Barnet Planning Team. Peter Olsok, the Brent Cross Planning Manager within the Planning Team. Karina Dimitriou, Governance Officer. Thank you very much. So we ask that everyone remains seated throughout the meeting, unless you're called to the table to address the committee. Please note that meetings may be recorded and broadcast as allowed for in law or by the council. By attending either in person or online, you may be picked up on recordings. Council recordings are covered by our privacy notice, which can be found at For the application that we're hearing tonight, the planning officer will present the application. Each speaker, I think there's only one, will have three minutes to address the committee. The governance officer will inform you when there is one minute left. The committee will have the opportunity to ask questions of the speaker and the officers, and then following discussion, the committee will determine the application, and the chair will announce the committee's decision. When you come to speak, please, and for members of the committee, but you all know this, please press the middle speaker icon to turn on the mic and ensure that after you've finished speaking, you press the microphone off to ensure there's no feedback, and also so the system can pick up the person that is speaking. So we have agenda item number one in the minutes of the last meeting. Are we happy that I sign those as a true record of the meeting? Thank you. Absence of members. I have apologies from Councillor Greenspan, who's being substituted by Councillor Marr. Welcome, Councillor Marr. I don't have any declarations of members' interests, but if there are any, please let me know. Thank you. And also no dispensations granted by the monitoring officer to report. There is an addendum to the substantive item that we have tonight. Are we happy that we take that addendum? That's agreed, thank you. And so that moves us on to the substantive item for tonight, which is Unit 7, Staples, Coroner, Retail, Clerk. And we start with the planning officer. Thank you. Thank you, Chair. So an application has been submitted for demolition of existing buildings and structures and redevelopment of the site to provide a building with a height of up to 26 storeys plus ground and mezzanine level, reducing to part 10 and part 11 storeys plus ground and mezzanine level. This is to provide a purpose-built student accommodation scheme, predominantly, with some ancillary commercial uses on the ground floor. The scheme also accommodates amenities for students within the building and some external amenities as well. In terms of the addendum items, I'll just draw briefly attention to an email that was received from the London Healthy Development Unit just to confirm they had no further representations on the application and a further representation from TfL Engineering and Technical Insurance just concerning some additional specification elements to the on-site bus driver welfare facilities, which the applicant has responded to officers to confirm that the additional specification comments are minor in nature and can be progressed through the detailed discussions with TfL. The other item to mention in the addendum is the Barnett's Draft Local Plan Regulation 25. The Council has now received the Planning Inspector's Report on the Local Plan and the Inspector's Report concludes that the duty to co-operate has been met and subject to the recommended main modifications, the Barnett Local Plan is legally compliant, which means that the Local Plan can be afforded a significant weight in determination of planning applications. Now just moving to the site. The site is located in the Staples Corner Retail Park, which comprises a mixture of industrial bulky goods retail style uses. To the north you've got the North Circular Road and Staples Corner Roundabout and the M1 Slip Road onto the M1. To the south of the Staples Corner Retail Park you have the Consented Waste Transfer Station and further up beyond the Rail Freight Facility operated by DV Cargo and Cricklewood Centre further south. To the west you have the London Borough of Brent with the A5 comprising the borough boundary. This is strategic industrial land and is subject to master planning and design codes that London Borough of Brent have been producing. I'll move on to that in a moment. On the east hand side you have the Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration which is part of the opportunity area for Brent Cross Cricklewood. I'll just move on to that in a moment. Moving to the east of the site, it does comprise the Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration and this is a comprehensive regeneration of Brent Cross Cricklewood. The Cricklewood, the Clamon Industrial Estate on the southern part of the development and on the northern part the Brent Cross Shopping Centre and also the Brent Cross West Station redevelopment. The southern development is being delivered through a joint venture between London Borough of Barnet and Related Argent and comprises up to 6,700 homes, a new town centre, 3 million square foot of office space and supported by local highways, parks and other social community infrastructure works. This is just a view of the aerial view looking down towards the site with the site highlighted and showing the Brent Cross West Station also constructed and open since December last year and this provides services into London, apologies it's quite small to see but you can see the station highlighted there, services into London St Pancras and Luton Airport Parkway in the north. On the western side is the London Borough of Brent's design codes and London Borough of Brent's Strategic Industrial Land Staples Corner which has recently been developed through comprehensive design coding and master planning. You'll see on the text to the right hand side that London Borough of Brent received Cabinet approval for adoption earlier this week. Then moving to London Borough of Barnet Local Development Framework, the key policy for London Borough of Barnet is the policy GSS 03 which is the Growth Area Policy for the Staples Corner Retail Park which comprises the Brent Cross West Staples Corner Master Plan, Brent Cross West Staples Corner Growth Area, apologies. The policy designation sets expectations, apologies my mouse is not working. Apologies, I can't change slides. Thank you. The Growth Area designation is for upwards of 1,800 homes and a combination of users to support the Growth Area objectives for the Growth Area. Moving to other aspects of the Local Development Framework, this is an excerpt from the Tall Buildings Update which is part of the evidence base for the Local Plan and what it shows is several clusters of buildings of height located along the A5 corridor one of which is further in the Brent Cross Staples Corner area. I'm just highlighting here with my mouse here. Just to note that the Council's regeneration services did undertake some master planning and design work for the Staples Corner area within the Western Lands Growth Area and this is denoted by the orange circle here and this is really just some design and urban design master planning that the Council services commissioned to try and articulate how schemes might come forward and exploring layout and master plan principles and connections to the other emerging growth areas to the east and the west as well. This is just a slide showing some of the master planning, massing and principles that have been developed and that have just been developed alongside as part of the works. It's important to note that this is not a planning document, it's an aid to aid discussions with developers and to help articulate how linkages and designs may come forward in the Growth Area. I'm just moving to the site description. This is the site here right next to the Brent Cross West Station and you can see the existing building which is a brick built with a corrugated rooftop, approximately three storeys. I'm just moving to some other site photographs here. This is the front of the site, picking up local bus services. I've just included a slide showing some of the bus connections that are available from the site. The 316 connecting down the A5 towards Shepherd's Bush and White City. It's worth noting other routes nearby, the 189 on the other side of Brent Cross West Station takes you to Marble Arch and other bus routes nearby the 232 northeast towards Arnall's Grove and Wood Green. The 182 through to Wembley and Harrow Wheel pass the University of Westminster and the 326 from the shopping centre itself, which is a short bus journey to Middlesex University campus as well. It's worth noting. And just some other photos of the site here, looking north up Heron Way and then looking south and at the back of the sites. And just a collection of photos of the site environs with Brent Cross West Station entrance there on the top left of the screen. So just moving to the design, the applicant has engaged with Barnett's Quality Review Panel as part of the design process and that was during pre-app as well as officers pre-app as well. And the applicant also utilised the Quality Review Panel at the outset of the application to pick up on earlier comments from the Quality Review Panel and that's borne out in the design and how it's been developed. So as you can see here, the approach is, as I said in the introduction, it's two components predominantly, a shoulder block with ground plus mezzanine, 10 storeys rising up to ground plus mezzanine and 11 storeys rising up to a tower element adjacent to the station. Now the building adjacent to the station is developed as a landmark feature with a crown feature on the rooftop and this is, as you can see, the approach that they've taken here. And just in terms of how that's expressed in the elevations, this slide just shows how it's been articulated on the elevations and the modularity that's been sought to achieve to try and break down the scale and introduce visual interest to the building and create distinctive parts to the building. In terms of materiality, the tower element is a predominantly stone cast element with reveals and the shoulder element is predominantly brick built with some incidences of different materiality incorporated as well. I'm just moving to some elevations. This is how the approach is borne out in the elevations and the railway side elevation here as well and side elevations as well. And how the scheme is manifested in CGI is presented here on several slides. As you can see, the interest of the precast stone and the glazed brick on this central hinged element adding some interest and providing some relief. And just looking at how the building lands at ground level, there's an extensive landscaping scheme proposed at the front of the building and as you can see, there's some cutaways in the tower element as well to give the building a bit more interest from a vertical verticality. And again, some more slides here. And just picking up a render at night, this highlights the crowning feature of the development where some sensitive lighting is proposed to emphasise this element of the building. And again, just detailing of the crown. I think including on design, I think officers felt comfortable that the applicant has utilised the quality review panel and has developed the scheme in a way which is design led and follows the appropriate London plan D9 policy for tall buildings and the London and the local plans emerging policy and officers of the opinion that the design is of a standard that it's befitting for a building of this size and landmark intention. And just in terms of the ground floor, we can see that there's some commercial units accommodated. It's four in total. And these will serve to animate the locality and provide activation from day one when the scheme lands in a location which really doesn't have this kind of neighbourhood offer presently. And so small commercial sort of E-class units provide that optionality for the developer to provide some complementarity to the student use. And again, this is just a landscaping plan here to see. So in terms of the student accommodation, the applicant has prepared a student demand study by Knight Frank to examine the profile of students living close by and where they attend university and the types of accommodation they're living in. And some of the main takeaways from this study is that within a one and a half mile radius of the site, there's close to six and a half thousand students who live there, a portion of whom attend middle-sex university and others attending other universities. In terms of the supply and what kind of student accommodation supply there is at the present, the Knight Frank report concludes that there's only 413 bed spaces within that radius, which comprises only 6.4% of that six and a half thousand students. Some students are living with parents, but the rest are considered to be living in HMO private rented stock, up to 4,187 students. I think it's clear to see that providing purposeful student accommodation would provide a different option for those students and other students and provide some relief to the existing private housing stock and release our private housing stock for others who are in need or looking for homes. In terms of how the accommodation is made up, the applicants have been careful to follow the policy H15 of the London Plan and the requirements for student nominations. What this table shows is that 51% of the student rooms will be nominated to a higher education institution. This is a requirement of the London Plan and within that 51%, 35% of those student rooms will be affordable following the London Plan's definition of affordability, which is that the rental cost of those rooms will be equal to or below 55% of the maximum income for a new full-time student studying in London and living away from home and what they can receive from the government's maintenance loan. So 55% of that government's maintenance loan for living costs for the academic year. And this will be secured through part of the legal agreement, which the heads of terms are included in the introduction of the committee report. In terms of the composition of the rooms, this table at the top, and apologies if it's a bit small, just shows you the composition. There's 51.4% of the rooms are cluster rooms, which is essentially a flat share between four to eight student rooms sharing a private amenity and the remainder as either studios or accessible rooms. And accessible rooms meaning they're either adaptable and capable of being adapted to be fully accessible. And this is just a plan showing the typical layout. As you can see in the shoulder block accommodates the majority of these cluster rooms denoted by the light green. These have a private corridor and they go to, they're served by a kitchen living room and officers have sent to check these spaces with the council's own HMO standards and other student schemes and the size of the individual units and the shared amenity spaces are all comparable and exceeding the council's HMO standards. And as you can see, there's the wheelchair accessible rooms as well, wheelchair adaptable accessible rooms here located in close proximity to the cores. The majority of the studio rooms are located within the tower element and as you can see the wheelchair adaptable rooms towards the back there. The accommodation has been prepared in consultation with Homes for Students and the applicant has provided us with a student management plan reassuring that the accommodation is going to be managed in a proper way with good onsite facilities and in terms of the comfort levels for students the application is accompanied by microclimate studies in terms of daylight and sunlight which show positive conditions for students, wind studies showing the ground floor accommodation to be within the comfortable levels, the required comfort levels and also an overheating analysis which demonstrates that the scheme even when windows are closed, which they might need to be in some cases in order to achieve noise levels, the comfort levels can be achieved in terms of temperature. And just moving on to some of the viewpoint assessment which forms part of the environmental statement which goes with the application. There's several views and I've picked out a few for the presentation. There's a view from Edgeway Road, a view looking south on Garon Way and a view from the north on Garon Way as well. And this one from the platform on Brent Cross West Station looking back at the development. And one from further north on Rockwell Way. The applicants in their townscape visual impact assessment also included consideration of the locally important view from Golders Hill Park to Harrow-on-the-Hill and the diagram demonstrates that the site is not within the protected view cone and notwithstanding there are some views afforded of it from the park but these are not within the view cone. So in terms of key considerations and recommendations, the scheme will provide 844 PPSA beds which will contribute to housing delivery and releasing homes for families and other key workers in need of homes. There's an affordable proportion of homes in line with the London Plan requirements. There's on-site welfare facilities that have been proposed in conversation with TfL for bus drivers which has been a long-standing request from TfL and that's accommodated on the ground floor and it's for exclusive access to TfL bus drivers. As reported in the ES socio-economic chapters, there are considerable socio-economic benefits during the construction of the development and once operational there's jobs that are created through the operation of the PPSA itself and the ground floor commercial units and there is an estimated seal liability for the scheme based on index linked rates in the region of 8.2 million Barnett Council seal and 1.6 million Merrill seal, so considerable sums. Key environmental benefits, it's the optimisation of a brownfield site right next to Brent Cross West station, high quality station wayfinding, marker building, act as a catalyst for growth in the growth area and help achieve the councils and the boroughs objectives for growth in this key growth area. It achieves the required carbon reductions through a combination of on-site renewables and building efficiencies and through an offset contribution. It's targeting bream excellent for the ground floor commercial units, biodiversity net gain in adherence with the requirements and in excess of the requirements even and significant part of the trees and other elements such as cycle parking and sustainable transport given it's a car free development and a provision of suds on site such as rain gardens all falling within the ground floor landscaping scheme and the landscaping and amenity provisions within the development itself. Given the above and the recommendations and the review of the officers report itself, the application is recommended for approval subject to section 106 conditions and conditions and also subject to stage 2 Merrill referral and I'm happy to take any questions. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. We have one speaker, Percy Bolani, who's here on behalf of the applicant as the agent. You have three minutes and the button in the middle with the speaker icon, if you press that. Sorry. And then we'll give you a one minute warning. Nigel, can I request a 10 second tissue jab and can we talk and I can vote? Of course. Can we just pause for 30 seconds? Thank you for that. Thank you. So, as I said, you've got three minutes and we'll give you a warning one minute before the end and we'll start timing from when you start. Thank you. Excellent. Well, thank you and firstly, good evening councillors and a big thank you for your time this evening to consider our planning application. My name's Percy Bolani, I'm land director for Astur and we are a residential lead developer with a focus on mixed use developments in London. I'll be brief because the committee report and the presentation from Sam this evening, they're both excellent, they've covered most of the issues in a lot of detail. So Astur's aim is to improve the living experience for people who are renting in London across a range of living spaces including residential, co-living, hotel and also student accommodation. The reason why we're different is that we build out and then we retain a long-term interest in our developments. This means that we have a genuine desire to deliver exceptional buildings which positively contribute to the local area and economy. We first started looking at this site in early 2023 and it was clear to us quite early on there was a unique opportunity to deliver a landmark student scheme. The new Brentcross West station and then the excellent placemaking underway at Brentcross Town made a compelling opportunity for us, but really it was the new Sheffield Hallam campus that really gave us the confidence to move forward and acquire the site in October last year. Yn hynny, rydyn ni wedi gweithio'n ymwneud â'r bobl Barna, gyda gysgwyddiadau gysgwyddiadau sydd wedi'u cymryd yn y schema y byddwn ni'n meddwl yw gweithredu. Rydyn ni wedi cymryd gyda Aliza Morrison, ac roedden nhw'n gwybod y fform erbyn a'i ddemonstruoedd bod y site yn gallu cymryd unrhyw bwyd. Mae'r schema wedi cael ei gynllunio gan y Prif Weinidog, a'r GLA hefyd yn ymwneud â'r schema. Mae gennym Llywodraeth ym Mhobol o Sheffield Hallam, ac rydym yn ymwneud â'i gysgwyddiadau gyda nhw am ymwneud â gynllunio. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi cael ymwneud â strategaethau cymdeithasol cymdeithasol, gyda phobl cymdeithasol nesaf i'r schema. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi cymdeithasol gyda TfL a'r tîm Llywodraeth Cymdeithasol, ac mae hynny'n cael ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol, ac hefyd wedi cael ymwneud â Network Rail a'i cymdeithasol. Mae'r cyfnod hwn yn cael ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a chyflwyno'n bwysig. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi cael ymwneud â'r gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol o gwaith ddysgu, ac rydyn ni hefyd wedi cael ymwneud â'r ffyniadau yma, a'r ffyniadau QRP, a byddwch chi'n deall â hynny. Felly, yn y ffyniad, rydyn ni'n credu bod y gysgwyddiad hwn yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol. Rydyn ni'n credu bod y gysgwyddiad hwn yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, yn y peth yng nghymdeithasol, Ffairio a Thera. Thank you. On the face of it, it looks like a good scheme, if we've looked at this in detail before. I really wanted to ask you about, this is just for students. It is how you are going to ensure that it is just for students taking places there and not other possibly single people, ond yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwneud yn ymwne ię sy'n damitioedd efallai o arall ag na gael adnodd y gweithredu. Mae'n cael ei ddeall fel sgwm ymddysgol, felly mae'n bwynt yn ymddysgol yn ymddysgol i'w gweithredu o ddod o'r ymddysgol eraill. Felly dyna'r mecais ymddysgol ar hynny a gallai'r gweithredu yn gallu ddeall beth yw hynny'n cael ei gynrychi. Yn ymddysgol ymlaen, sut y gweithredu o beth y gallai'n gweithredu yn ei gynnwys, mae'n cael ei gynnwys, ond nid ydych chi'n gweithredu y byddwch chi'n ymddysgol, y byddwch chi'n gynrychi'r ymddysgol, byddwch chi'n cael ei gynnwys ar hyn o ddod o'r ymddysgol, ar unrhyw un sy'n ddod o'r ymddysgol, mae'n bwysig iawn i ddod o'r ymddysgol. Felly mae'r pwynt hwnnw y byddwch chi'n cael ei gynnwys ar y ddod o'r ymddysgol. Mae'r cwestiwn yma am y gweithredu o ddod o'r ymddysgol. Felly, nid hynny'n angen yn ymddiriedeb o ddod o'r ymddysgol oherwydd y pwynt y byddai caraf hanes yn gallu gallu dod ar y ddod o'r ymddysgol. Byddwch chi'n cael llawer o ddod o'r ymddysgol? A ydych chi'n bwysig yun, pa mor disgwyl am sut yw'r ddod o'r ymddysgol, ydych chi'n bwysig y byddai'r ddod o'r ymddysgol yn y gwirioneddol i'r aelodau cyhoeddus i gydweithio at hynny. Diolch. Felly, y lleiaf leiaf cyhoeddus cyhoeddus, byddai'n ymwneud ymlaen at ymddiriedaethau ar y gynllun. Nid oes gen i ddiddordeb cyhoeddus o beth yw hynny yn y moment, ond rydym wedi cael ei ddod yn ymddiriedaeth Felly, rydym wedi cael ei ddod yn y moment, ond rydym wedi cael ei ddod yn y moment, ond rydym wedi cael ei ddod yn y moment, ond rydym wedi cael ei ddod yn y moment, ond rydym wedi cael ei ddod yn y moment, ond rydym wedi cael ei ddod yn y moment, ond rydym wedi cael ei ddod yn y moment, ond rydym wedi cael ei ddod yn y moment, ond rydym wedi cael ei ddod yn y moment, ond rydym wedi cael ei ddod yn y moment, ond rydym wedi cael ei ddod yn y moment, ond rydym wedi cael ei ddod yn y moment, ond rydym wedi cael ei ddod yn y moment, on 8akkio rad europaraidd n-Ex��, Prif Weinidog achosi ddiogelwch, a thwp am viwn awdurdod o'r Y Afyr, ddod yn ein cyllir ym assimu chi o' chatter y byddwn ni'n gymryd specialnydd y kunnen allaf ei ddod yn y Scottish Council. Roedden ni'n gallu ei adnabod ar y Deyrnas Unedig y attracted diwethaf, ac yr ha 어ith ar ei tydd, a إلى gweithiol y dyf gambau… Rwy fyddwn bwyso ei ddarparuffen d Ela tin, Mae e Naethau a L fer Lucky Tweddi Cawddi, a Gareth in micro speakers mewn Rwy ma wodod 왜냐하면 y Whatever, so ch chi am y fромdd a tro sodium ar unrhyw bethau sy'n cael eu cymryd, yng Nghymru yng Nghymru'n rhan o'r ymgyrch. Rwy'n meddwl bod bethau o'r ymgyrch i'w ddefnyddio a'r tîm ymgyrch sy'n cael eu cymryd. Rwy'n meddwl bod bethau o'r ymgyrch sy'n cael eu cymryd, ond nid yw'n cael eu cymryd, ond nid yw'n cael eu cymryd, ond nid yw'n cael eu cymryd, ond nid yw'n cael eu cymryd, ond nid yw'n cael eu cymryd, ond nid yw'n cael eu cymryd, ond nid yw'n cael eu cymryd. Rwy'n meddwl bod ymgyrch ymgyrch ymlaen o'r ymgyrch yng Nghymru yng Nghymru. 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Felly, die o bae fwy achos, sydd wedi bod yn ymwneud â'r brosiect hwnnw, ac rwy'n cofio bod, yn y sens, y gynllun hwnnw o'r scheme hwnnw, sy'n ymwneud â'r brosiect ymwneud â'r brosiect hwnnw, a'r brosiect ymwneud â'r brosiect ymwneud â'r brosiect ymwneud â'r brosiect hwnnw, ac roeddwn i'n meddwl bod y byddai'n helpu i wneud y pwynt o'r cymdeithas, a byddai'r cymdeithas yn ymwneud â'r pwynt. Rwy'n credu bod y brosiect hwnnw yw'r pwynt hwy. Mae'n ymwneud â phosibau floraethol ymwneud â'r brosiect hwnnw, ond rwy'n credu bod y pwynt yma, a'r ymwneud â'r brosiect hwnnw, y pwynt yma, y ffyrdd y byddai ymwneud â phosibau floraethol, ac er mwyn gallu ymwneud â phosibau floraethol i ddod yn y byddaeth o ffamiliau, a phobl a phobl unig. Rwy'n credu bod 35 per cent o ddod yn cael ei gael. 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I'm Councillor, hello, we have come to order actually. Excuse me. Thank you. I'm Councillor Nigel Young, Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee. Thank you for attending the Planning Committee this evening. I will ask members of the committee to first introduce themselves, followed by the Planning Officers, the Legal Officer and Governance. So if we could start with Councillor Cornelius. Well, thank you for introducing me. I'm Richard Cornelius. Thank you. I'm Michael Maier. If you just pause for a second, Councillor Naranthira. I'm Councillor Nagas Naranthira, Colindale South Ward. Councillor Rishikesh Chakraborty, West Hendon Ward. Councillor Richard Barnes, Barnet Vale Ward. I'm Claire Farrion, Councillor Paisley. Councillor Phil Cohen, East Barnet Ward. And Councillor Gordon, could you introduce yourself? Councillor Gordon, Ezra Ward. Thank you, and then Officers that are present. I'm Susanne Young, this Legal Advisor to Committee. Fabian Godin, Director for Planning and Building Control. I'm Sam Gerstein, Principal Planner in the Barnet Planning Team. Peter Olsok, the Brent Cross Planning Manager within the Planning Team. Karina Dimitriou, Governance Officer. Thank you very much. So we ask that everyone remains seated throughout the meeting, unless you're called to the table to address the committee. Please note that meetings may be recorded and broadcast as allowed for in law or by the council. By attending either in person or online, you may be picked up on recordings. Council recordings are covered by our privacy notice, which can be found at For the application that we're hearing tonight, the planning officer will present the application. Each speaker, I think there's only one, will have three minutes to address the committee. The governance officer will inform you when there is one minute left. The committee will have the opportunity to ask questions of the speaker and the officers, and then following discussion, the committee will determine the application, and the chair will announce the committee's decision. When you come to speak, please, and for members of the committee, but you all know this, please press the middle speaker icon to turn on the mic and ensure that after you've finished speaking, you press the microphone off to ensure there's no feedback, and also so the system can pick up the person that is speaking. So we have agenda item number one in the minutes of the last meeting. Are we happy that I sign those as a true record of the meeting? Thank you. Absence of members. I have apologies from Councillor Greenspan, who's being substituted by Councillor Marr. Welcome, Councillor Marr. I don't have any declarations of members' interests, but if there are any, please let me know. Thank you. And also no dispensations granted by the monitoring officer to report. There is an addendum to the substantive item that we have tonight. Are we happy that we take that addendum? That's agreed, thank you. And so that moves us on to the substantive item for tonight, which is Unit 7, Staples, Coroner, Retail, Clerk. And we start with the planning officer. Thank you. Thank you, Chair. So an application has been submitted for demolition of existing buildings and structures and redevelopment of the site to provide a building with a height of up to 26 storeys plus ground and mezzanine level, reducing to part 10 and part 11 storeys plus ground and mezzanine level. This is to provide a purpose-built student accommodation scheme, predominantly, with some ancillary commercial uses on the ground floor. The scheme also accommodates amenities for students within the building and some external amenities as well. In terms of the addendum items, I'll just draw briefly attention to an email that was received from the London Healthy Development Unit just to confirm they had no further representations on the application and a further representation from TfL Engineering and Technical Insurance just concerning some additional specification elements to the on-site bus driver welfare facilities, which the applicant has responded to officers to confirm that the additional specification comments are minor in nature and can be progressed through the detailed discussions with TfL. The other item to mention in the addendum is the Barnett's Draft Local Plan Regulation 25. The Council has now received the Planning Inspector's Report on the Local Plan and the Inspector's Report concludes that the duty to co-operate has been met and subject to the recommended main modifications, the Barnett Local Plan is legally compliant, which means that the Local Plan can be afforded a significant weight in determination of planning applications. Now just moving to the site. The site is located in the Staples Corner Retail Park, which comprises a mixture of industrial bulky goods retail style uses. To the north you've got the North Circular Road and Staples Corner Roundabout and the M1 Slip Road onto the M1. To the south of the Staples Corner Retail Park you have the Consented Waste Transfer Station and further up beyond the Rail Freight Facility operated by DV Cargo and Cricklewood Centre further south. To the west you have the London Borough of Brent with the A5 comprising the borough boundary. This is strategic industrial land and is subject to master planning and design codes that London Borough of Brent have been producing. I'll move on to that in a moment. On the east hand side you have the Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration which is part of the opportunity area for Brent Cross Cricklewood. I'll just move on to that in a moment. Moving to the east of the site, it does comprise the Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration and this is a comprehensive regeneration of Brent Cross Cricklewood. The Cricklewood, the Clamon Industrial Estate on the southern part of the development and on the northern part the Brent Cross Shopping Centre and also the Brent Cross West Station redevelopment. The southern development is being delivered through a joint venture between London Borough of Barnet and Related Argent and comprises up to 6,700 homes, a new town centre, 3 million square foot of office space and supported by local highways, parks and other social community infrastructure works. This is just a view of the aerial view looking down towards the site with the site highlighted and showing the Brent Cross West Station also constructed and open since December last year and this provides services into London, apologies it's quite small to see but you can see the station highlighted there, services into London St Pancras and Luton Airport Parkway in the north. On the western side is the London Borough of Brent's design codes and London Borough of Brent's Strategic Industrial Land Staples Corner which has recently been developed through comprehensive design coding and master planning. You'll see on the text to the right hand side that London Borough of Brent received Cabinet approval for adoption earlier this week. Then moving to London Borough of Barnet Local Development Framework, the key policy for London Borough of Barnet is the policy GSS 03 which is the Growth Area Policy for the Staples Corner Retail Park which comprises the Brent Cross West Staples Corner Master Plan, Brent Cross West Staples Corner Growth Area, apologies. The policy designation sets expectations, apologies my mouse is not working. Apologies, I can't change slides. Thank you. The Growth Area designation is for upwards of 1,800 homes and a combination of users to support the Growth Area objectives for the Growth Area. Moving to other aspects of the Local Development Framework, this is an excerpt from the Tall Buildings Update which is part of the evidence base for the Local Plan and what it shows is several clusters of buildings of height located along the A5 corridor one of which is further in the Brent Cross Staples Corner area. I'm just highlighting here with my mouse here. Just to note that the Council's regeneration services did undertake some master planning and design work for the Staples Corner area within the Western Lands Growth Area and this is denoted by the orange circle here and this is really just some design and urban design master planning that the Council services commissioned to try and articulate how schemes might come forward and exploring layout and master plan principles and connections to the other emerging growth areas to the east and the west as well. This is just a slide showing some of the master planning, massing and principles that have been developed and that have just been developed alongside as part of the works. It's important to note that this is not a planning document, it's an aid to aid discussions with developers and to help articulate how linkages and designs may come forward in the Growth Area. I'm just moving to the site description. This is the site here right next to the Brent Cross West Station and you can see the existing building which is a brick built with a corrugated rooftop, approximately three storeys. I'm just moving to some other site photographs here. This is the front of the site, picking up local bus services. I've just included a slide showing some of the bus connections that are available from the site. The 316 connecting down the A5 towards Shepherd's Bush and White City. It's worth noting other routes nearby, the 189 on the other side of Brent Cross West Station takes you to Marble Arch and other bus routes nearby the 232 northeast towards Arnall's Grove and Wood Green. The 182 through to Wembley and Harrow Wheel pass the University of Westminster and the 326 from the shopping centre itself, which is a short bus journey to Middlesex University campus as well. It's worth noting. And just some other photos of the site here, looking north up Heron Way and then looking south and at the back of the sites. And just a collection of photos of the site environs with Brent Cross West Station entrance there on the top left of the screen. So just moving to the design, the applicant has engaged with Barnett's Quality Review Panel as part of the design process and that was during pre-app as well as officers pre-app as well. And the applicant also utilised the Quality Review Panel at the outset of the application to pick up on earlier comments from the Quality Review Panel and that's borne out in the design and how it's been developed. So as you can see here, the approach is, as I said in the introduction, it's two components predominantly, a shoulder block with ground plus mezzanine, 10 storeys rising up to ground plus mezzanine and 11 storeys rising up to a tower element adjacent to the station. Now the building adjacent to the station is developed as a landmark feature with a crown feature on the rooftop and this is, as you can see, the approach that they've taken here. And just in terms of how that's expressed in the elevations, this slide just shows how it's been articulated on the elevations and the modularity that's been sought to achieve to try and break down the scale and introduce visual interest to the building and create distinctive parts to the building. In terms of materiality, the tower element is a predominantly stone cast element with reveals and the shoulder element is predominantly brick built with some incidences of different materiality incorporated as well. I'm just moving to some elevations. This is how the approach is borne out in the elevations and the railway side elevation here as well and side elevations as well. And how the scheme is manifested in CGI is presented here on several slides. As you can see, the interest of the precast stone and the glazed brick on this central hinged element adding some interest and providing some relief. And just looking at how the building lands at ground level, there's an extensive landscaping scheme proposed at the front of the building and as you can see, there's some cutaways in the tower element as well to give the building a bit more interest from a vertical verticality. And again, some more slides here. And just picking up a render at night, this highlights the crowning feature of the development where some sensitive lighting is proposed to emphasise this element of the building. And again, just detailing of the crown. I think including on design, I think officers felt comfortable that the applicant has utilised the quality review panel and has developed the scheme in a way which is design led and follows the appropriate London plan D9 policy for tall buildings and the London and the local plans emerging policy and officers of the opinion that the design is of a standard that it's befitting for a building of this size and landmark intention. And just in terms of the ground floor, we can see that there's some commercial units accommodated. It's four in total. And these will serve to animate the locality and provide activation from day one when the scheme lands in a location which really doesn't have this kind of neighbourhood offer presently. And so small commercial sort of E-class units provide that optionality for the developer to provide some complementarity to the student use. And again, this is just a landscaping plan here to see. So in terms of the student accommodation, the applicant has prepared a student demand study by Knight Frank to examine the profile of students living close by and where they attend university and the types of accommodation they're living in. And some of the main takeaways from this study is that within a one and a half mile radius of the site, there's close to six and a half thousand students who live there, a portion of whom attend middle-sex university and others attending other universities. In terms of the supply and what kind of student accommodation supply there is at the present, the Knight Frank report concludes that there's only 413 bed spaces within that radius, which comprises only 6.4% of that six and a half thousand students. Some students are living with parents, but the rest are considered to be living in HMO private rented stock, up to 4,187 students. I think it's clear to see that providing purposeful student accommodation would provide a different option for those students and other students and provide some relief to the existing private housing stock and release our private housing stock for others who are in need or looking for homes. In terms of how the accommodation is made up, the applicants have been careful to follow the policy H15 of the London Plan and the requirements for student nominations. What this table shows is that 51% of the student rooms will be nominated to a higher education institution. This is a requirement of the London Plan and within that 51%, 35% of those student rooms will be affordable following the London Plan's definition of affordability, which is that the rental cost of those rooms will be equal to or below 55% of the maximum income for a new full-time student studying in London and living away from home and what they can receive from the government's maintenance loan. So 55% of that government's maintenance loan for living costs for the academic year. And this will be secured through part of the legal agreement, which the heads of terms are included in the introduction of the committee report. In terms of the composition of the rooms, this table at the top, and apologies if it's a bit small, just shows you the composition. There's 51.4% of the rooms are cluster rooms, which is essentially a flat share between four to eight student rooms sharing a private amenity and the remainder as either studios or accessible rooms. And accessible rooms meaning they're either adaptable and capable of being adapted to be fully accessible. And this is just a plan showing the typical layout. As you can see in the shoulder block accommodates the majority of these cluster rooms denoted by the light green. These have a private corridor and they go to, they're served by a kitchen living room and officers have sent to check these spaces with the council's own HMO standards and other student schemes and the size of the individual units and the shared amenity spaces are all comparable and exceeding the council's HMO standards. And as you can see, there's the wheelchair accessible rooms as well, wheelchair adaptable accessible rooms here located in close proximity to the cores. The majority of the studio rooms are located within the tower element and as you can see the wheelchair adaptable rooms towards the back there. The accommodation has been prepared in consultation with Homes for Students and the applicant has provided us with a student management plan reassuring that the accommodation is going to be managed in a proper way with good onsite facilities and in terms of the comfort levels for students the application is accompanied by microclimate studies in terms of daylight and sunlight which show positive conditions for students, wind studies showing the ground floor accommodation to be within the comfortable levels, the required comfort levels and also an overheating analysis which demonstrates that the scheme even when windows are closed, which they might need to be in some cases in order to achieve noise levels, the comfort levels can be achieved in terms of temperature. And just moving on to some of the viewpoint assessment which forms part of the environmental statement which goes with the application. There's several views and I've picked out a few for the presentation. There's a view from Edgeway Road, a view looking south on Garon Way and a view from the north on Garon Way as well. And this one from the platform on Brent Cross West Station looking back at the development. And one from further north on Rockwell Way. The applicants in their townscape visual impact assessment also included consideration of the locally important view from Golders Hill Park to Harrow-on-the-Hill and the diagram demonstrates that the site is not within the protected view cone and notwithstanding there are some views afforded of it from the park but these are not within the view cone. So in terms of key considerations and recommendations, the scheme will provide 844 PPSA beds which will contribute to housing delivery and releasing homes for families and other key workers in need of homes. There's an affordable proportion of homes in line with the London Plan requirements. There's on-site welfare facilities that have been proposed in conversation with TfL for bus drivers which has been a long-standing request from TfL and that's accommodated on the ground floor and it's for exclusive access to TfL bus drivers. As reported in the ES socio-economic chapters, there are considerable socio-economic benefits during the construction of the development and once operational there's jobs that are created through the operation of the PPSA itself and the ground floor commercial units and there is an estimated seal liability for the scheme based on index linked rates in the region of 8.2 million Barnett Council seal and 1.6 million Merrill seal, so considerable sums. Key environmental benefits, it's the optimisation of a brownfield site right next to Brent Cross West station, high quality station wayfinding, marker building, act as a catalyst for growth in the growth area and help achieve the councils and the boroughs objectives for growth in this key growth area. It achieves the required carbon reductions through a combination of on-site renewables and building efficiencies and through an offset contribution. It's targeting bream excellent for the ground floor commercial units, biodiversity net gain in adherence with the requirements and in excess of the requirements even and significant part of the trees and other elements such as cycle parking and sustainable transport given it's a car free development and a provision of suds on site such as rain gardens all falling within the ground floor landscaping scheme and the landscaping and amenity provisions within the development itself. Given the above and the recommendations and the review of the officers report itself, the application is recommended for approval subject to section 106 conditions and conditions and also subject to stage 2 Merrill referral and I'm happy to take any questions. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. We have one speaker, Percy Bolani, who's here on behalf of the applicant as the agent. You have three minutes and the button in the middle with the speaker icon, if you press that. Sorry. And then we'll give you a one minute warning. Nigel, can I request a 10 second tissue jab and can we talk and I can vote? Of course. Can we just pause for 30 seconds? Thank you for that. Thank you. So, as I said, you've got three minutes and we'll give you a warning one minute before the end and we'll start timing from when you start. Thank you. Excellent. Well, thank you and firstly, good evening councillors and a big thank you for your time this evening to consider our planning application. My name's Percy Bolani, I'm land director for Astur and we are a residential lead developer with a focus on mixed use developments in London. I'll be brief because the committee report and the presentation from Sam this evening, they're both excellent, they've covered most of the issues in a lot of detail. So Astur's aim is to improve the living experience for people who are renting in London across a range of living spaces including residential, co-living, hotel and also student accommodation. The reason why we're different is that we build out and then we retain a long-term interest in our developments. This means that we have a genuine desire to deliver exceptional buildings which positively contribute to the local area and economy. We first started looking at this site in early 2023 and it was clear to us quite early on there was a unique opportunity to deliver a landmark student scheme. The new Brentcross West station and then the excellent placemaking underway at Brentcross Town made a compelling opportunity for us, but really it was the new Sheffield Hallam campus that really gave us the confidence to move forward and acquire the site in October last year. Yn hynny, rydyn ni wedi gweithio'n ymwneud â'r bobl Barna, gyda gysgwyddiadau gysgwyddiadau sydd wedi'u cymryd yn y schema y byddwn ni'n meddwl yw gweithredu. Rydyn ni wedi cymryd gyda Aliza Morrison, ac roedden nhw'n gwybod y fform erbyn a'i ddemonstruoedd bod y site yn gallu cymryd unrhyw bwyd. Mae'r schema wedi cael ei gynllunio gan y Prif Weinidog, a'r GLA hefyd yn ymwneud â'r schema. Mae gennym Llywodraeth ym Mhobol o Sheffield Hallam, ac rydym yn ymwneud â'i gysgwyddiadau gyda nhw am ymwneud â gynllunio. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi cael ymwneud â strategaethau cymdeithasol cymdeithasol, gyda phobl cymdeithasol nesaf i'r schema. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi cymdeithasol gyda TfL a'r tîm Llywodraeth Cymdeithasol, ac mae hynny'n cael ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol, ac hefyd wedi cael ymwneud â Network Rail a'i cymdeithasol. Mae'r hyn arian hyn wedi'i cael eu cymdeithasol oherwydd cymdeithasol, a chyfrifennu cymdeithasol. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi cael ymwneud â'r ofsyr am gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol, ac rydyn ni'n gobeithio o'r ffyniadau yma, a'r ffyniadau yma, a'r ffyniadau yma, a'r ffyniadau yma, a'r ffyniadau yma, a'r ffyniadau yma, ac rydym yn credu bod hynny'n gweithio'r ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a chyfrifennu cymdeithasol. Mae'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol Mae'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a chyfrifennu cymdeithasol. Mae'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a chyfrifennu cymdeithasol. Mae'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a chyfrifennu cymdeithasol. Mae'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a chyfrifennu cymdeithasol. Mae'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a chyfrifennu cymdeithasol. Mae'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a chyfrifennu cymdeithasol. Mae'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a chyfrifennu cymdeithasol. Mae'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a chyfrifennu cymdeithasol. Mae'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a chyfrifennu cymdeithasol. Mae'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a chyfrifennu cymdeithasol. Diolch yn fawr. A oes gennym cwestiynau? A oes gennym cwestiynau? Mae'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a chyfrifennu cymdeithasol. Mae'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a chyfrifennu cymdeithasol. Mae'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a chyfrifennu cymdeithasol. Mae'n ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a chyfrifennu cymdeithasol. Rwy'n meddwl iawn i chi am… Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl o fawr i tadooo Mae hyn yn dda ar gael i'r cyfleoedd ffodol o'r rhain ffyrdd, oherwydd y byddai'r myfyrwyr yn gallu ffyrdd o'r rhain ffyrdd. A ydych chi'n cael llawer o'r rhain ffyrdd? A'ch chi'n bwysig y byddai'n debyg ar y rhain ffyrdd? A'ch chi'n bwysig y byddai'r rhain ffyrdd yn ein bod yn y ddwylau'r rhain ffyrdd i'r myfyrwyr ffyrdd i'w gael ymddygiad? Diolch. Felly mae'r lefelau rhain ffyrdd, byddai'r rhain ffyrdd yn cael ei wneud ar lefelau rhain ffyrdd. Dwi ddim wedi cael ymddygiadau'n bwysig am beth yw'r rhain ffyrdd yn y moment, ond rydym wedi cael y balans i fynd i'r byd. Rydyn ni ddim eisiau ddwylau ar y cyfleoedd ffyrdd yn y cyfleoedd ffyrdd. Felly byddwn yn gweithio yn gysylltiedig gyda phoblwyr o'r rhain ffyrdd neu phoblwyr o'r rhain ffyrdd i wneud y lefel ar lefelau rhain ffyrdd. Mae nifer o ddwylo yn y cyfleoedd ffyrdd, ond mae'n ffyrdd iawn i ni. Felly mae'n balans ffyrdd iawn i'w ddwylo, ac rydym ni eisiau gwneud hynny'n gweithio'n ffyrdd cyfleoedd ffyrdd i sicrhau bod y byd yn cael ei wneud. Felly roedd y cyfleoedd ffyrdd yn cael ei ddwylo. Felly, yw'r section… Dwi ddim yn gwybod a allwch chi weld y papur sydd wedi'i cyfnod yn y cyfnod, ond yn sôn i'r section 7.147, ychwanegol, ond rydw i'n ymwneud â gynllun 7.147, sy'n ymwneud at y gynllun plannu ar unrhyw bethau i'w gynllunio, ychwanegol ymlaen i'r strategi ffyr. A ar y part o'r gynllun ffyr, rydw i'n meddwl bod rhan o ddau am fateriau i'w ddefnyddio a'r gynllunau yma ymlaen. 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Mae Ass shocking y cre flyn grandi y pwmpenion cw Els singlau a barhbwynt university mewnod g puedoeddol ac ond sut ydych chi'n allogio hynny i ddiddorol ymddygiadau? Dwi ddim yn cael hynny. A oes y byddai'n mynd i fod yn loteri? Oherwydd byddai'n meddwl y byddai'n gallu gyrraedd eu gysylltiadau fel bod maen nhw ddim yn gysylltiadau a ddim yn gysylltiadau yn unig? A oes y byddai'n mynd i fod yn y basïau i weithredu eu plant? Beth y byddai'n ei wneud? A oes y byddai'n gysylltiad? Rwy'n gallu ddysgu y cwestiwn, ond dwi ddim yn gwybod a oes y byddai'n gwybod i weithredu'r cwestiwn ymlaen a byddai'n gallu helpu i chi, os oes angen. Ie, diolch yn fawr. Ond mae ymlaen yn rhan o bryderiau ysbrydol iawn. Ie, diolch yn fawr, diolch yn fawr, Cyngor. Roeddwn i'n cysylltu ymlaen yn y prynhauon. Mae'r plann yng Nghymru yn cael, nesaf o'r ddau o'r hollol yn ymwneud â chyfnogiadau cymdeithasol cymdeithasol. Mae'r plann yn cael un neu wir, a hynny'n cymryd i'r ymwneud â chyfnogiadau cymdeithasol neu ymwneud â chyfnogiadau cymdeithasol, i gynnalu a chyfnogi a'n ymwneud â chyfnogiadau cymdeithasol yn y gwellaeth. Mae'n ffyrdd iawn y byddym ni wedi'i ddweud ar gwellaeth. Dwi'n credu bod y gwestiwn yn ffocwsol am y rhan o hynny, a'r hyn a ddim oedd yn ei wneud. Felly, ar hyn o bryd, mae rhai aelodau yn cael unrhyw ffrindd, felly rhai aelodau sy'n cael unrhyw ffrindd, fel rwy'n credu, byddai'n clywed ar y unedau ymgysylltu, ac byddai'n cael eu hysbysebio yn y ffordd y mae unrhyw ffrindd yn cael eu hysbysebio. Ond efallai y byddai'n gallu'n ymgysylltu i mi os ydw i am ymddechrau. Nid, byddai'n mynd o fhair na ddigwydd o'r hyn. Nid, dwi ddim yn mynd palmdda. Rydw i'n credu, yn y trocan ar private egyu, mae'n cael用r i weithio yma at y byddUn furdodais yn cael ei gilydd apro Lex-by radar, wrth y synthilleion drwy ddesoddiference allan y bobl dad leadetu'r cael ei gilydd o'r ffrindd. Llywodraeth ddiddordeb ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth Cymru, a byddwn yn siŵr y gallwch ddweud ymlaen. Ie, iawn, diolch. Mae'r cysylltiad ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth. Mae'r cysylltiad ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth ym Mhlaen Llywodraeth. Mae'r 106 wedi'i sicrhau y nominaethau a bydd yna bwysigau a ddefinitiadau ar gyfer ymddygiadau hynny. Diolch. Mae hynny'n bwysig iawn i'r ymddygiad. A allwn ni'n mynd i'r ymddygiad unrhyw bethau? Mae'r tyfu sy'n anodd ymddygiadu. Mae'r tyfu sy'n anodd ymddygiadau ymddygiad 2.5 yn anodd ymddygiad i'r ymddygiad i'r ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddy ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ac nid yw ein barod yn sôn ymddygiad yn y ddechrau. Mae'n r west ''1 emgyrch' mewn dod wrth y mir rywun. Mae'r hyn yn hun. M Nano y sincerely ymyrfa Houston sydd yn rhan yn dymdeithio. Mae'r hwn yn dda i ddwyn i gael ottos ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad mai. Dan Lloydίdd a gofod o dalu am dd cliqueoedd. A a gyrtha ni, dim ateb i mi g Tenys… mae'r dim liadell Lip penetration sy'n nodi â d��� 1.06, chyd tastynda yn 1.5. Diolch, 중요 allud. Mae'n rhaid i ni ddechrau'r adolygiad ymlaen, nid oes unrhyw busnes arall. Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich amser. Diolch.
I'm Councillor, hello, we have come to order actually. Excuse me. Thank you. I'm Councillor Nigel Young, Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee. Thank you for attending the Planning Committee this evening. I will ask members of the committee to first introduce themselves, followed by the Planning Officers, the Legal Officer and Governance. So if we could start with Councillor Cornelius. Well, thank you for introducing me. I'm Richard Cornelius. Thank you. I'm Michael Maier. If you just pause for a second, Councillor Naranthira. I'm Councillor Nagas Naranthira, Colindale South Ward. Councillor Rishikesh Chakraborty, West Hendon Ward. Councillor Richard Barnes, Barnet Vale Ward. I'm Claire Farrion, Councillor Paisley. Councillor Phil Cohen, East Barnet Ward. And Councillor Gordon, could you introduce yourself? Councillor Gordon, Ezra Ward. Thank you, and then Officers that are present. I'm Susanne Young, this Legal Advisor to Committee. Fabian Godin, Director for Planning and Building Control. I'm Sam Gerstein, Principal Planner in the Barnet Planning Team. Peter Olsok, the Brent Cross Planning Manager within the Planning Team. Karina Dimitriou, Governance Officer. Thank you very much. So we ask that everyone remains seated throughout the meeting, unless you're called to the table to address the committee. Please note that meetings may be recorded and broadcast as allowed for in law or by the council. By attending either in person or online, you may be picked up on recordings. Council recordings are covered by our privacy notice, which can be found at For the application that we're hearing tonight, the planning officer will present the application. Each speaker, I think there's only one, will have three minutes to address the committee. The governance officer will inform you when there is one minute left. The committee will have the opportunity to ask questions of the speaker and the officers, and then following discussion, the committee will determine the application, and the chair will announce the committee's decision. When you come to speak, please, and for members of the committee, but you all know this, please press the middle speaker icon to turn on the mic and ensure that after you've finished speaking, you press the microphone off to ensure there's no feedback, and also so the system can pick up the person that is speaking. So we have agenda item number one in the minutes of the last meeting. Are we happy that I sign those as a true record of the meeting? Thank you. Absence of members. I have apologies from Councillor Greenspan, who's being substituted by Councillor Marr. Welcome, Councillor Marr. I don't have any declarations of members' interests, but if there are any, please let me know. Thank you. And also no dispensations granted by the monitoring officer to report. There is an addendum to the substantive item that we have tonight. Are we happy that we take that addendum? That's agreed, thank you. And so that moves us on to the substantive item for tonight, which is Unit 7, Staples, Coroner, Retail, Clerk. And we start with the planning officer. Thank you. Thank you, Chair. So an application has been submitted for demolition of existing buildings and structures and redevelopment of the site to provide a building with a height of up to 26 storeys plus ground and mezzanine level, reducing to part 10 and part 11 storeys plus ground and mezzanine level. This is to provide a purpose-built student accommodation scheme, predominantly, with some ancillary commercial uses on the ground floor. The scheme also accommodates amenities for students within the building and some external amenities as well. In terms of the addendum items, I'll just draw briefly attention to an email that was received from the London Healthy Development Unit just to confirm they had no further representations on the application and a further representation from TfL Engineering and Technical Insurance just concerning some additional specification elements to the on-site bus driver welfare facilities, which the applicant has responded to officers to confirm that the additional specification comments are minor in nature and can be progressed through the detailed discussions with TfL. The other item to mention in the addendum is the Barnett's Draft Local Plan Regulation 25. The Council has now received the Planning Inspector's Report on the Local Plan and the Inspector's Report concludes that the duty to co-operate has been met and subject to the recommended main modifications, the Barnett Local Plan is legally compliant, which means that the Local Plan can be afforded a significant weight in determination of planning applications. Now just moving to the site. The site is located in the Staples Corner Retail Park, which comprises a mixture of industrial bulky goods retail style uses. To the north you've got the North Circular Road and Staples Corner Roundabout and the M1 Slip Road onto the M1. To the south of the Staples Corner Retail Park you have the Consented Waste Transfer Station and further up beyond the Rail Freight Facility operated by DV Cargo and Cricklewood Centre further south. To the west you have the London Borough of Brent with the A5 comprising the borough boundary. This is strategic industrial land and is subject to master planning and design codes that London Borough of Brent have been producing. I'll move on to that in a moment. On the east hand side you have the Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration which is part of the opportunity area for Brent Cross Cricklewood. I'll just move on to that in a moment. Moving to the east of the site, it does comprise the Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration and this is a comprehensive regeneration of Brent Cross Cricklewood. The Cricklewood, the Clamon Industrial Estate on the southern part of the development and on the northern part the Brent Cross Shopping Centre and also the Brent Cross West Station redevelopment. The southern development is being delivered through a joint venture between London Borough of Barnet and Related Argent and comprises up to 6,700 homes, a new town centre, 3 million square foot of office space and supported by local highways, parks and other social community infrastructure works. This is just a view of the aerial view looking down towards the site with the site highlighted and showing the Brent Cross West Station also constructed and open since December last year and this provides services into London, apologies it's quite small to see but you can see the station highlighted there, services into London St Pancras and Luton Airport Parkway in the north. On the western side is the London Borough of Brent's design codes and London Borough of Brent's Strategic Industrial Land Staples Corner which has recently been developed through comprehensive design coding and master planning. You'll see on the text to the right hand side that London Borough of Brent received Cabinet approval for adoption earlier this week. Then moving to London Borough of Barnet Local Development Framework, the key policy for London Borough of Barnet is the policy GSS 03 which is the Growth Area Policy for the Staples Corner Retail Park which comprises the Brent Cross West Staples Corner Master Plan, Brent Cross West Staples Corner Growth Area, apologies. The policy designation sets expectations, apologies my mouse is not working. Apologies, I can't change slides. Thank you. The Growth Area designation is for upwards of 1,800 homes and a combination of users to support the Growth Area objectives for the Growth Area. Moving to other aspects of the Local Development Framework, this is an excerpt from the Tall Buildings Update which is part of the evidence base for the Local Plan and what it shows is several clusters of buildings of height located along the A5 corridor one of which is further in the Brent Cross Staples Corner area. I'm just highlighting here with my mouse here. Just to note that the Council's regeneration services did undertake some master planning and design work for the Staples Corner area within the Western Lands Growth Area and this is denoted by the orange circle here and this is really just some design and urban design master planning that the Council services commissioned to try and articulate how schemes might come forward and exploring layout and master plan principles and connections to the other emerging growth areas to the east and the west as well. This is just a slide showing some of the master planning, massing and principles that have been developed and that have just been developed alongside as part of the works. It's important to note that this is not a planning document, it's an aid to aid discussions with developers and to help articulate how linkages and designs may come forward in the Growth Area. I'm just moving to the site description. This is the site here right next to the Brent Cross West Station and you can see the existing building which is a brick built with a corrugated rooftop, approximately three storeys. I'm just moving to some other site photographs here. This is the front of the site, picking up local bus services. I've just included a slide showing some of the bus connections that are available from the site. The 316 connecting down the A5 towards Shepherd's Bush and White City. It's worth noting other routes nearby, the 189 on the other side of Brent Cross West Station takes you to Marble Arch and other bus routes nearby the 232 northeast towards Arnall's Grove and Wood Green. The 182 through to Wembley and Harrow Wheel pass the University of Westminster and the 326 from the shopping centre itself, which is a short bus journey to Middlesex University campus as well. It's worth noting. And just some other photos of the site here, looking north up Heron Way and then looking south and at the back of the sites. And just a collection of photos of the site environs with Brent Cross West Station entrance there on the top left of the screen. So just moving to the design, the applicant has engaged with Barnett's Quality Review Panel as part of the design process and that was during pre-app as well as officers pre-app as well. And the applicant also utilised the Quality Review Panel at the outset of the application to pick up on earlier comments from the Quality Review Panel and that's borne out in the design and how it's been developed. So as you can see here, the approach is, as I said in the introduction, it's two components predominantly, a shoulder block with ground plus mezzanine, 10 storeys rising up to ground plus mezzanine and 11 storeys rising up to a tower element adjacent to the station. Now the building adjacent to the station is developed as a landmark feature with a crown feature on the rooftop and this is, as you can see, the approach that they've taken here. And just in terms of how that's expressed in the elevations, this slide just shows how it's been articulated on the elevations and the modularity that's been sought to achieve to try and break down the scale and introduce visual interest to the building and create distinctive parts to the building. In terms of materiality, the tower element is a predominantly stone cast element with reveals and the shoulder element is predominantly brick built with some incidences of different materiality incorporated as well. I'm just moving to some elevations. This is how the approach is borne out in the elevations and the railway side elevation here as well and side elevations as well. And how the scheme is manifested in CGI is presented here on several slides. As you can see, the interest of the precast stone and the glazed brick on this central hinged element adding some interest and providing some relief. And just looking at how the building lands at ground level, there's an extensive landscaping scheme proposed at the front of the building and as you can see, there's some cutaways in the tower element as well to give the building a bit more interest from a vertical verticality. And again, some more slides here. And just picking up a render at night, this highlights the crowning feature of the development where some sensitive lighting is proposed to emphasise this element of the building. And again, just detailing of the crown. I think including on design, I think officers felt comfortable that the applicant has utilised the quality review panel and has developed the scheme in a way which is design led and follows the appropriate London plan D9 policy for tall buildings and the London and the local plans emerging policy and officers of the opinion that the design is of a standard that it's befitting for a building of this size and landmark intention. And just in terms of the ground floor, we can see that there's some commercial units accommodated. It's four in total. And these will serve to animate the locality and provide activation from day one when the scheme lands in a location which really doesn't have this kind of neighbourhood offer presently. And so small commercial sort of E-class units provide that optionality for the developer to provide some complementarity to the student use. And again, this is just a landscaping plan here to see. So in terms of the student accommodation, the applicant has prepared a student demand study by Knight Frank to examine the profile of students living close by and where they attend university and the types of accommodation they're living in. And some of the main takeaways from this study is that within a one and a half mile radius of the site, there's close to six and a half thousand students who live there, a portion of whom attend middle-sex university and others attending other universities. In terms of the supply and what kind of student accommodation supply there is at the present, the Knight Frank report concludes that there's only 413 bed spaces within that radius, which comprises only 6.4% of that six and a half thousand students. Some students are living with parents, but the rest are considered to be living in HMO private rented stock, up to 4,187 students. I think it's clear to see that providing purposeful student accommodation would provide a different option for those students and other students and provide some relief to the existing private housing stock and release our private housing stock for others who are in need or looking for homes. In terms of how the accommodation is made up, the applicants have been careful to follow the policy H15 of the London Plan and the requirements for student nominations. What this table shows is that 51% of the student rooms will be nominated to a higher education institution. This is a requirement of the London Plan and within that 51%, 35% of those student rooms will be affordable following the London Plan's definition of affordability, which is that the rental cost of those rooms will be equal to or below 55% of the maximum income for a new full-time student studying in London and living away from home and what they can receive from the government's maintenance loan. So 55% of that government's maintenance loan for living costs for the academic year. And this will be secured through part of the legal agreement, which the heads of terms are included in the introduction of the committee report. In terms of the composition of the rooms, this table at the top, and apologies if it's a bit small, just shows you the composition. There's 51.4% of the rooms are cluster rooms, which is essentially a flat share between four to eight student rooms sharing a private amenity and the remainder as either studios or accessible rooms. And accessible rooms meaning they're either adaptable and capable of being adapted to be fully accessible. And this is just a plan showing the typical layout. As you can see in the shoulder block accommodates the majority of these cluster rooms denoted by the light green. These have a private corridor and they go to, they're served by a kitchen living room and officers have sent to check these spaces with the council's own HMO standards and other student schemes and the size of the individual units and the shared amenity spaces are all comparable and exceeding the council's HMO standards. And as you can see, there's the wheelchair accessible rooms as well, wheelchair adaptable accessible rooms here located in close proximity to the cores. The majority of the studio rooms are located within the tower element and as you can see the wheelchair adaptable rooms towards the back there. The accommodation has been prepared in consultation with Homes for Students and the applicant has provided us with a student management plan reassuring that the accommodation is going to be managed in a proper way with good onsite facilities and in terms of the comfort levels for students the application is accompanied by microclimate studies in terms of daylight and sunlight which show positive conditions for students, wind studies showing the ground floor accommodation to be within the comfortable levels, the required comfort levels and also an overheating analysis which demonstrates that the scheme even when windows are closed, which they might need to be in some cases in order to achieve noise levels, the comfort levels can be achieved in terms of temperature. And just moving on to some of the viewpoint assessment which forms part of the environmental statement which goes with the application. There's several views and I've picked out a few for the presentation. There's a view from Edgeway Road, a view looking south on Garon Way and a view from the north on Garon Way as well. And this one from the platform on Brent Cross West Station looking back at the development. And one from further north on Rockwell Way. The applicants in their townscape visual impact assessment also included consideration of the locally important view from Golders Hill Park to Harrow-on-the-Hill and the diagram demonstrates that the site is not within the protected view cone and notwithstanding there are some views afforded of it from the park but these are not within the view cone. So in terms of key considerations and recommendations, the scheme will provide 844 PPSA beds which will contribute to housing delivery and releasing homes for families and other key workers in need of homes. There's an affordable proportion of homes in line with the London Plan requirements. There's on-site welfare facilities that have been proposed in conversation with TfL for bus drivers which has been a long-standing request from TfL and that's accommodated on the ground floor and it's for exclusive access to TfL bus drivers. As reported in the ES socio-economic chapters, there are considerable socio-economic benefits during the construction of the development and once operational there's jobs that are created through the operation of the PPSA itself and the ground floor commercial units and there is an estimated seal liability for the scheme based on index linked rates in the region of 8.2 million Barnett Council seal and 1.6 million Merrill seal, so considerable sums. Key environmental benefits, it's the optimisation of a brownfield site right next to Brent Cross West station, high quality station wayfinding, marker building, act as a catalyst for growth in the growth area and help achieve the councils and the boroughs objectives for growth in this key growth area. It achieves the required carbon reductions through a combination of on-site renewables and building efficiencies and through an offset contribution. It's targeting bream excellent for the ground floor commercial units, biodiversity net gain in adherence with the requirements and in excess of the requirements even and significant part of the trees and other elements such as cycle parking and sustainable transport given it's a car free development and a provision of suds on site such as rain gardens all falling within the ground floor landscaping scheme and the landscaping and amenity provisions within the development itself. Given the above and the recommendations and the review of the officers report itself, the application is recommended for approval subject to section 106 conditions and conditions and also subject to stage 2 Merrill referral and I'm happy to take any questions. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. We have one speaker, Percy Bolani, who's here on behalf of the applicant as the agent. You have three minutes and the button in the middle with the speaker icon, if you press that. Sorry. And then we'll give you a one minute warning. Nigel, can I request a 10 second tissue jab and can we talk and I can vote? Of course. Can we just pause for 30 seconds? Thank you for that. Thank you. So, as I said, you've got three minutes and we'll give you a warning one minute before the end and we'll start timing from when you start. Thank you. Excellent. Well, thank you and firstly, good evening councillors and a big thank you for your time this evening to consider our planning application. My name's Percy Bolani, I'm land director for Astur and we are a residential lead developer with a focus on mixed use developments in London. I'll be brief because the committee report and the presentation from Sam this evening, they're both excellent, they've covered most of the issues in a lot of detail. So Astur's aim is to improve the living experience for people who are renting in London across a range of living spaces including residential, co-living, hotel and also student accommodation. The reason why we're different is that we build out and then we retain a long-term interest in our developments. This means that we have a genuine desire to deliver exceptional buildings which positively contribute to the local area and economy. We first started looking at this site in early 2023 and it was clear to us quite early on there was a unique opportunity to deliver a landmark student scheme. The new Brentcross West station and then the excellent placemaking underway at Brentcross Town made a compelling opportunity for us, but really it was the new Sheffield Hallam campus that really gave us the confidence to move forward and acquire the site in October last year. 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Bydd mwy bwysig yn ddwy ddy straffau o y adventurous hybl, mae eiséliorion captures i undis动, a dyna fod yn darllen ynary nhwol – rydym yn taro gwinks gyfeirio o dyw, ac nid ato dros Guardianông nesaf. Mae hynny'n oes bŵysig, mae'n darllen yw'n gweithio, ond efallai'r bobl yn gallu gweithio â mi os ydw i'n gweithio ymlaen. Nid, dwi'n credu bod hynny'n gweithio. Nid, dwi ddim yn credu. Dwi'n credu, yn y ffordd ysgol, fel dwi'n dweud, mae'n y ffordd ysgol y byddai'n cael eu defnyddio i gweithio beth y byddai'n gweithio â grant gweithio y byddai'n cael eu defnyddio fel y byddai'n gweithio â phobl a phobl y byddai'n cael eu defnyddio fel hyn. Mae'n gweithio'n ddiddorol yn y plen diolch, ond rwy'n siŵr y byddai'n gallu gwneud ymlaen. Ie, diolch. Diolch. Mae'n rhaid i chi ddweud ymlaen at y pwynt am sut yw'r gweithredu yn ymwneud, ac mae'n mynd i'r aelodau sy'n bwysig. Rwy'n credu bod y gweithredu Llywodraeth Cymru, fel y byddai'n dweud, wedi'i gweithio ar llawer o ddiddorol, ac efallai mae yna mwyaf o ddiddorol. Felly mae'r 106 yn sicrhau mwyaf o ddiddorol yn y fformaeth y byddai'r Llywodraeth Cymru yn y gweithredu ymwneud, ymwneud, ymwneud, ymwneud, ymwneud y gweithredu o ddiddorol. Mae'n gweithio ar llawer o ddiddorol yn y pwynt o ddiddorol. Felly mae'r 106 yn sicrhau mwyaf o ddiddorol, ac mae'n gweithio ar ddiddorol o ddiddorol. Diolch, mae hynny'n bwysig iawn i'r ddiddorol. Iawn, byddwn i'n mynd i'r ddiddorol, er bod yna unrhyw pwynt? Felly, o. Ie, mae'r tyfu sy'n angen gweithio. Yn y pwynt o ddiddorol 2.5, mae 0 yn angen yn y gweithredu ar y ffwrdd ffwrdd. Felly, os ydym yn cael 0 a chael ffwrdd, mae'n ffwrdd. A 0 i fod yn angen neu'n cael ei ddiddorol? Nid yw'n bwyso. O. Ie, mae'n bwysig. Ie, wyf. Felly, rydym yn cael ymwneud y gweithredu sy'n ymwneud yn y ffwrdd 2, cyfansoddiadau sy'n mynd o'r 2.1 i'r 2.5 a fyddai'n cael y gweithredu y gynllun, y cwmpas cyngorol i'r Gweithredu o Ddeddf Cymru a'r Cymru, notio'r ymwneud y gweithredu 106 a'r ymwneud y gynllun y bydd y gweithredu yn cael eu cyflwyno i'r Cymru a rydym yn cael eu cyfrannu y gweithredu i'r ymwneud y gynllun a'r ymwneud. A allwn ni'n mynd i'r gweithredu yna? A allwn i'n gweld, mewn siŵr, yr hyn a allan o'r cyfansoddiadau? Mae hynny'n unangos. Felly, diolch i chi. Mae hynny wedi'u cyfrannu, felly mae'r gweithredu yn cyfrannu i'r ymwneud y gynllun 106 a'r ymwneudau a'r ymwneudau sy'n cael eu cyflwyno yn y paragraffau 2.1 a 2.5. Diolch i'n hollol iawn. Ac rydw i'n dechrau'r gweithredu ymlaen, ond nid oes unrhyw gweithredu arall, ond nid oes unrhyw gweithredu arall. Diolch yn fawr iawn i'ch amser.
I'm Councillor, hello, we have come to order actually. Excuse me. Thank you. I'm Councillor Nigel Young, Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee. Thank you for attending the Planning Committee this evening. I will ask members of the committee to first introduce themselves, followed by the Planning Officers, the Legal Officer and Governance. So if we could start with Councillor Cornelius. Well, thank you for introducing me. I'm Richard Cornelius. Thank you. I'm Michael Maier. If you just pause for a second, Councillor Naranthira. I'm Councillor Nagas Naranthira, Colindale South Ward. Councillor Rishikesh Chakraborty, West Hendon Ward. Councillor Richard Barnes, Barnet Vale Ward. I'm Claire Farrion, Councillor Paisley. Councillor Phil Cohen, East Barnet Ward. And Councillor Gordon, could you introduce yourself? Councillor Gordon, Ezra Ward. Thank you, and then Officers that are present. I'm Susanne Young, this Legal Advisor to Committee. Fabian Godin, Director for Planning and Building Control. I'm Sam Gerstein, Principal Planner in the Barnet Planning Team. Peter Olsok, the Brent Cross Planning Manager within the Planning Team. Karina Dimitriou, Governance Officer. Thank you very much. So we ask that everyone remains seated throughout the meeting, unless you're called to the table to address the committee. Please note that meetings may be recorded and broadcast as allowed for in law or by the council. By attending either in person or online, you may be picked up on recordings. Council recordings are covered by our privacy notice, which can be found at For the application that we're hearing tonight, the planning officer will present the application. Each speaker, I think there's only one, will have three minutes to address the committee. The governance officer will inform you when there is one minute left. The committee will have the opportunity to ask questions of the speaker and the officers, and then following discussion, the committee will determine the application, and the chair will announce the committee's decision. When you come to speak, please, and for members of the committee, but you all know this, please press the middle speaker icon to turn on the mic and ensure that after you've finished speaking, you press the microphone off to ensure there's no feedback, and also so the system can pick up the person that is speaking. So we have agenda item number one in the minutes of the last meeting. Are we happy that I sign those as a true record of the meeting? Thank you. Absence of members. I have apologies from Councillor Greenspan, who's being substituted by Councillor Marr. Welcome, Councillor Marr. I don't have any declarations of members' interests, but if there are any, please let me know. Thank you. And also no dispensations granted by the monitoring officer to report. There is an addendum to the substantive item that we have tonight. Are we happy that we take that addendum? That's agreed, thank you. And so that moves us on to the substantive item for tonight, which is Unit 7, Staples, Coroner, Retail, Clerk. And we start with the planning officer. Thank you. Thank you, Chair. So an application has been submitted for demolition of existing buildings and structures and redevelopment of the site to provide a building with a height of up to 26 storeys plus ground and mezzanine level, reducing to part 10 and part 11 storeys plus ground and mezzanine level. This is to provide a purpose-built student accommodation scheme, predominantly, with some ancillary commercial uses on the ground floor. The scheme also accommodates amenities for students within the building and some external amenities as well. In terms of the addendum items, I'll just draw briefly attention to an email that was received from the London Healthy Development Unit just to confirm they had no further representations on the application and a further representation from TfL Engineering and Technical Insurance just concerning some additional specification elements to the on-site bus driver welfare facilities, which the applicant has responded to officers to confirm that the additional specification comments are minor in nature and can be progressed through the detailed discussions with TfL. The other item to mention in the addendum is the Barnett's Draft Local Plan Regulation 25. The Council has now received the Planning Inspector's Report on the Local Plan and the Inspector's Report concludes that the duty to co-operate has been met and subject to the recommended main modifications, the Barnett Local Plan is legally compliant, which means that the Local Plan can be afforded a significant weight in determination of planning applications. Now just moving to the site. The site is located in the Staples Corner Retail Park, which comprises a mixture of industrial bulky goods retail style uses. To the north you've got the North Circular Road and Staples Corner Roundabout and the M1 Slip Road onto the M1. To the south of the Staples Corner Retail Park you have the Consented Waste Transfer Station and further up beyond the Rail Freight Facility operated by DV Cargo and Cricklewood Centre further south. To the west you have the London Borough of Brent with the A5 comprising the borough boundary. This is strategic industrial land and is subject to master planning and design codes that London Borough of Brent have been producing. I'll move on to that in a moment. On the east hand side you have the Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration which is part of the opportunity area for Brent Cross Cricklewood. I'll just move on to that in a moment. Moving to the east of the site, it does comprise the Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration and this is a comprehensive regeneration of Brent Cross Cricklewood. The Cricklewood, the Clamon Industrial Estate on the southern part of the development and on the northern part the Brent Cross Shopping Centre and also the Brent Cross West Station redevelopment. The southern development is being delivered through a joint venture between London Borough of Barnet and Related Argent and comprises up to 6,700 homes, a new town centre, 3 million square foot of office space and supported by local highways, parks and other social community infrastructure works. This is just a view of the aerial view looking down towards the site with the site highlighted and showing the Brent Cross West Station also constructed and open since December last year and this provides services into London, apologies it's quite small to see but you can see the station highlighted there, services into London St Pancras and Luton Airport Parkway in the north. On the western side is the London Borough of Brent's design codes and London Borough of Brent's Strategic Industrial Land Staples Corner which has recently been developed through comprehensive design coding and master planning. You'll see on the text to the right hand side that London Borough of Brent received Cabinet approval for adoption earlier this week. Then moving to London Borough of Barnet Local Development Framework, the key policy for London Borough of Barnet is the policy GSS 03 which is the Growth Area Policy for the Staples Corner Retail Park which comprises the Brent Cross West Staples Corner Master Plan, Brent Cross West Staples Corner Growth Area, apologies. The policy designation sets expectations, apologies my mouse is not working. Apologies, I can't change slides. Thank you. The Growth Area designation is for upwards of 1,800 homes and a combination of users to support the Growth Area objectives for the Growth Area. Moving to other aspects of the Local Development Framework, this is an excerpt from the Tall Buildings Update which is part of the evidence base for the Local Plan and what it shows is several clusters of buildings of height located along the A5 corridor one of which is further in the Brent Cross Staples Corner area. I'm just highlighting here with my mouse here. Just to note that the Council's regeneration services did undertake some master planning and design work for the Staples Corner area within the Western Lands Growth Area and this is denoted by the orange circle here and this is really just some design and urban design master planning that the Council services commissioned to try and articulate how schemes might come forward and exploring layout and master plan principles and connections to the other emerging growth areas to the east and the west as well. This is just a slide showing some of the master planning, massing and principles that have been developed and that have just been developed alongside as part of the works. It's important to note that this is not a planning document, it's an aid to aid discussions with developers and to help articulate how linkages and designs may come forward in the Growth Area. I'm just moving to the site description. This is the site here right next to the Brent Cross West Station and you can see the existing building which is a brick built with a corrugated rooftop, approximately three storeys. I'm just moving to some other site photographs here. This is the front of the site, picking up local bus services. I've just included a slide showing some of the bus connections that are available from the site. The 316 connecting down the A5 towards Shepherd's Bush and White City. It's worth noting other routes nearby, the 189 on the other side of Brent Cross West Station takes you to Marble Arch and other bus routes nearby the 232 northeast towards Arnall's Grove and Wood Green. The 182 through to Wembley and Harrow Wheel pass the University of Westminster and the 326 from the shopping centre itself, which is a short bus journey to Middlesex University campus as well. It's worth noting. And just some other photos of the site here, looking north up Heron Way and then looking south and at the back of the sites. And just a collection of photos of the site environs with Brent Cross West Station entrance there on the top left of the screen. So just moving to the design, the applicant has engaged with Barnett's Quality Review Panel as part of the design process and that was during pre-app as well as officers pre-app as well. And the applicant also utilised the Quality Review Panel at the outset of the application to pick up on earlier comments from the Quality Review Panel and that's borne out in the design and how it's been developed. So as you can see here, the approach is, as I said in the introduction, it's two components predominantly, a shoulder block with ground plus mezzanine, 10 storeys rising up to ground plus mezzanine and 11 storeys rising up to a tower element adjacent to the station. Now the building adjacent to the station is developed as a landmark feature with a crown feature on the rooftop and this is, as you can see, the approach that they've taken here. And just in terms of how that's expressed in the elevations, this slide just shows how it's been articulated on the elevations and the modularity that's been sought to achieve to try and break down the scale and introduce visual interest to the building and create distinctive parts to the building. In terms of materiality, the tower element is a predominantly stone cast element with reveals and the shoulder element is predominantly brick built with some incidences of different materiality incorporated as well. I'm just moving to some elevations. This is how the approach is borne out in the elevations and the railway side elevation here as well and side elevations as well. And how the scheme is manifested in CGI is presented here on several slides. As you can see, the interest of the precast stone and the glazed brick on this central hinged element adding some interest and providing some relief. And just looking at how the building lands at ground level, there's an extensive landscaping scheme proposed at the front of the building and as you can see, there's some cutaways in the tower element as well to give the building a bit more interest from a vertical verticality. And again, some more slides here. And just picking up a render at night, this highlights the crowning feature of the development where some sensitive lighting is proposed to emphasise this element of the building. And again, just detailing of the crown. I think including on design, I think officers felt comfortable that the applicant has utilised the quality review panel and has developed the scheme in a way which is design led and follows the appropriate London plan D9 policy for tall buildings and the London and the local plans emerging policy and officers of the opinion that the design is of a standard that it's befitting for a building of this size and landmark intention. And just in terms of the ground floor, we can see that there's some commercial units accommodated. It's four in total. And these will serve to animate the locality and provide activation from day one when the scheme lands in a location which really doesn't have this kind of neighbourhood offer presently. And so small commercial sort of E-class units provide that optionality for the developer to provide some complementarity to the student use. And again, this is just a landscaping plan here to see. So in terms of the student accommodation, the applicant has prepared a student demand study by Knight Frank to examine the profile of students living close by and where they attend university and the types of accommodation they're living in. And some of the main takeaways from this study is that within a one and a half mile radius of the site, there's close to six and a half thousand students who live there, a portion of whom attend middle-sex university and others attending other universities. In terms of the supply and what kind of student accommodation supply there is at the present, the Knight Frank report concludes that there's only 413 bed spaces within that radius, which comprises only 6.4% of that six and a half thousand students. Some students are living with parents, but the rest are considered to be living in HMO private rented stock, up to 4,187 students. I think it's clear to see that providing purposeful student accommodation would provide a different option for those students and other students and provide some relief to the existing private housing stock and release our private housing stock for others who are in need or looking for homes. In terms of how the accommodation is made up, the applicants have been careful to follow the policy H15 of the London Plan and the requirements for student nominations. What this table shows is that 51% of the student rooms will be nominated to a higher education institution. This is a requirement of the London Plan and within that 51%, 35% of those student rooms will be affordable following the London Plan's definition of affordability, which is that the rental cost of those rooms will be equal to or below 55% of the maximum income for a new full-time student studying in London and living away from home and what they can receive from the government's maintenance loan. So 55% of that government's maintenance loan for living costs for the academic year. And this will be secured through part of the legal agreement, which the heads of terms are included in the introduction of the committee report. In terms of the composition of the rooms, this table at the top, and apologies if it's a bit small, just shows you the composition. There's 51.4% of the rooms are cluster rooms, which is essentially a flat share between four to eight student rooms sharing a private amenity and the remainder as either studios or accessible rooms. And accessible rooms meaning they're either adaptable and capable of being adapted to be fully accessible. And this is just a plan showing the typical layout. As you can see in the shoulder block accommodates the majority of these cluster rooms denoted by the light green. These have a private corridor and they go to, they're served by a kitchen living room and officers have sent to check these spaces with the council's own HMO standards and other student schemes and the size of the individual units and the shared amenity spaces are all comparable and exceeding the council's HMO standards. And as you can see, there's the wheelchair accessible rooms as well, wheelchair adaptable accessible rooms here located in close proximity to the cores. The majority of the studio rooms are located within the tower element and as you can see the wheelchair adaptable rooms towards the back there. The accommodation has been prepared in consultation with Homes for Students and the applicant has provided us with a student management plan reassuring that the accommodation is going to be managed in a proper way with good onsite facilities and in terms of the comfort levels for students the application is accompanied by microclimate studies in terms of daylight and sunlight which show positive conditions for students, wind studies showing the ground floor accommodation to be within the comfortable levels, the required comfort levels and also an overheating analysis which demonstrates that the scheme even when windows are closed, which they might need to be in some cases in order to achieve noise levels, the comfort levels can be achieved in terms of temperature. And just moving on to some of the viewpoint assessment which forms part of the environmental statement which goes with the application. There's several views and I've picked out a few for the presentation. There's a view from Edgeway Road, a view looking south on Garon Way and a view from the north on Garon Way as well. And this one from the platform on Brent Cross West Station looking back at the development. And one from further north on Rockwell Way. The applicants in their townscape visual impact assessment also included consideration of the locally important view from Golders Hill Park to Harrow-on-the-Hill and the diagram demonstrates that the site is not within the protected view cone and notwithstanding there are some views afforded of it from the park but these are not within the view cone. So in terms of key considerations and recommendations, the scheme will provide 844 PPSA beds which will contribute to housing delivery and releasing homes for families and other key workers in need of homes. There's an affordable proportion of homes in line with the London Plan requirements. There's on-site welfare facilities that have been proposed in conversation with TfL for bus drivers which has been a long-standing request from TfL and that's accommodated on the ground floor and it's for exclusive access to TfL bus drivers. As reported in the ES socio-economic chapters, there are considerable socio-economic benefits during the construction of the development and once operational there's jobs that are created through the operation of the PPSA itself and the ground floor commercial units and there is an estimated seal liability for the scheme based on index linked rates in the region of 8.2 million Barnett Council seal and 1.6 million Merrill seal, so considerable sums. Key environmental benefits, it's the optimisation of a brownfield site right next to Brent Cross West station, high quality station wayfinding, marker building, act as a catalyst for growth in the growth area and help achieve the councils and the boroughs objectives for growth in this key growth area. It achieves the required carbon reductions through a combination of on-site renewables and building efficiencies and through an offset contribution. It's targeting bream excellent for the ground floor commercial units, biodiversity net gain in adherence with the requirements and in excess of the requirements even and significant part of the trees and other elements such as cycle parking and sustainable transport given it's a car free development and a provision of suds on site such as rain gardens all falling within the ground floor landscaping scheme and the landscaping and amenity provisions within the development itself. Given the above and the recommendations and the review of the officers report itself, the application is recommended for approval subject to section 106 conditions and conditions and also subject to stage 2 Merrill referral and I'm happy to take any questions. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. We have one speaker, Percy Bolani, who's here on behalf of the applicant as the agent. You have three minutes and the button in the middle with the speaker icon, if you press that. Sorry. And then we'll give you a one minute warning. Nigel, can I request a 10 second tissue jab and can we talk and I can vote? Of course. Can we just pause for 30 seconds? Thank you for that. Thank you. So, as I said, you've got three minutes and we'll give you a warning one minute before the end and we'll start timing from when you start. Thank you. Excellent. Well, thank you and firstly, good evening councillors and a big thank you for your time this evening to consider our planning application. My name's Percy Bolani, I'm land director for Astur and we are a residential lead developer with a focus on mixed use developments in London. I'll be brief because the committee report and the presentation from Sam this evening, they're both excellent, they've covered most of the issues in a lot of detail. So Astur's aim is to improve the living experience for people who are renting in London across a range of living spaces including residential, co-living, hotel and also student accommodation. The reason why we're different is that we build out and then we retain a long-term interest in our developments. This means that we have a genuine desire to deliver exceptional buildings which positively contribute to the local area and economy. We first started looking at this site in early 2023 and it was clear to us quite early on there was a unique opportunity to deliver a landmark student scheme. The new Brentcross West station and then the excellent placemaking underway at Brentcross Town made a compelling opportunity for us, but really it was the new Sheffield Hallam campus that really gave us the confidence to move forward and acquire the site in October last year. Yn hynny, rydyn ni wedi gweithio'n ymwneud â'r bobl Barna, gyda gysgwyddiadau gysgwyddiadau sydd wedi'u cymryd yn y schema y byddwn ni'n meddwl yw gweithredu. Rydyn ni wedi cymryd gyda Aliza Morrison, ac roedden nhw'n gwybod y fform erbyn a'i ddemonstruoedd bod y site yn gallu cymryd unrhyw bwyd. Mae'r schema wedi cael ei gynllunio gan y Prif Weinidog, a'r GLA hefyd yn ymwneud â'r schema. Mae gennym Llywodraeth ym Mhobol o Sheffield Hallam, ac rydym yn ymwneud â'i gysgwyddiadau gyda nhw am ymwneud â gynllunio. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi cael ymwneud â strategaethau cymdeithasol cymdeithasol, gyda phobl cymdeithasol nesaf i'r schema. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi cymdeithasol gyda TfL a'r tîm Llywodraeth Cymdeithasol, ac mae hynny'n cael ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol, ac hefyd wedi cael ymwneud â Network Rail a'i cymdeithasol. Mae'r proiect hwn yn cael ymwneud â gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol a gysgwyddiadau cymdeithasol. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi cael ymwneud â'r ofytau i ddod o'r schema o gwaith deisyddiaeth, ac rwy'n gobeithio o'r ffrindiau ydych wedi gweld ymlaen i'r cwbl cymdeithasol, a byddwch yn gwybod â hynny. Felly, yn y cyfnod, rydyn ni'n credu bod yma'r rhai ymwneud â'r ddod o'r ystafell ar y ddod o'r amser. Mae'r schema ymwneud â'r ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o ddod o 300 contractors PPE commercial ихoughs Ie, diolch. Yn y ffordd hynny, mae'n edrych fel ysgol iawn, rydym ni wedi'i edrych ar hyn o bryd. Rwy'n dechrau i chi ddweud y byddai hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae hynny'n unig i bobl. Mae wyท o wedi bod yn cyfeiriolaeth eithaf na branches BBSA. Felly mae'n oed ynt mexeini'n greni Addaiol i flle混 installation drwy gael am yr uchel o siaradau agUh Pan wir yma'n goto. O American Cydwch Mae everythyr ar gyfer yr ydain y byddwch chi'n gweithio'n ymwneud â'r cwrs, nid y byddai'n ymwneud â'r rhannu cyfrannol i unrhyw un sydd nid yw'n aelodol. Mae'n bwysig iawn ar gyfer gwasanaeth aelodol. Felly mae'r holl bethau hynny'n unrhyw un yn cael ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer gwasanaeth aelodol. Mae'r cwestiwn yw am y cyfrannol aelodol i'r aelodol. Felly mae hynny'n ymwneud â'r gwasanaeth aelodol, oherwydd y byddai'r aelodol yn cael ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer gwasanaeth aelodol. A ydych chi'n cael unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw unrhyw I gyfrifedd y balans ar gyfer y gallwn ei fynd at nghefyd y bobl. Byddwn yn dechrau prif Czech yn oet o'i llesgarau am y bobl. Mae nifer o ddwyloedd yn gweithio ar hyn o bryd i'r ddwyloedd, ond mae'n ddigon i ni ddysgu'r ddwyloedd. Mae'n bwysig i'n bwyso, ac rydym ni eisiau gwneud hynny'n unig ymlaen yn y brifysgol i sicrhau bod y ddwyloedd yn cael ei ddwyloedd. Mae'n bwysig i'r ddwyloedd, ac rydym ni eisiau gwneud hynny'n unig ymlaen, ond mae'n bwysig i'r ddwyloedd. 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The committee voted unanimously to grant planning permission to Astir Brent Cross West Limited for the demolition of the existing buildings at Unit 7, Staples Corner Retail Park and erect a 28 storey building in its place. The permission is subject to a Section 106 Agreement being completed within 3 months and several planning conditions being met, and will also be referred to the Mayor of London.
Unit 7, Staples Corner Retail Park
The committee considered an application to demolish the Flip Out trampoline park at Unit 7, Staples Corner Retail Park and build an 844 room student accommodation building in its place. The development would be car-free, with the exception of one accessible parking space, and include four commercial units on the ground floor. It would also include communal facilities like study rooms and a gym for students, a terrace on the 12th floor, and a 360 degree viewing platform and terrace on the 26th floor.
A representative of the applicant, Mr Percy Mullany, spoke in favour of the scheme. He explained that Astir Brent Cross West Limited build and retain their developments, making them ideal providers of student accommodation. He highlighted the proximity of the site to Brent Cross West station, the recently opened station on the Midland Main Line. He also mentioned that the site was chosen because Sheffield Hallam University are building a campus nearby at Brent Cross Town.
Demand for student housing
The applicant, supported by a student demand assessment conducted by Knight Frank, argued that the development would address a shortage of student accommodation in the area. The assessment found that there are over 6,000 full-time students living within 1.5 miles of the site, but that there are only 413 purpose-built student accommodation rooms within the same area. They argued that the development would free up homes in the private rented sector for families and other key workers who are not students.
A member of the committee questioned whether there was a danger that the development could attract single people who are not students, putting pressure on local services. In response, the applicant and planning officers confirmed that an agreement would be made with a higher education provider to nominate students to live in the accommodation. The applicant confirmed that they had been in discussions with Sheffield Hallam University and had received a letter of support from them. They stated their intention to agree that 51% of the student accommodation would be nominated by Sheffield Hallam, in line with the draft Purpose-Built Student Accommodation London Plan Guidance, including 35% of rooms that would be let at an affordable rent. This would mean that students in these rooms would pay no more than 55% of their maintenance loan on rent. These nominations would be secured by a Section 106 Agreement.
Design of the development
The proposed development is a tall building and so is subject to Policy D9 of the London Plan (2021). The committee were content that the applicant had made good use of the council's Quality Review Panel during the pre-application process to ensure that the building was of an appropriate height and design.
A committee member raised a question about the materials that would be used to clad the building, seeking confirmation from the planning officer that the details of the materials would be agreed with the applicant before the development is constructed. The officer confirmed that conditions would be attached to the permission that would secure these details.
Impact on local infrastructure
The site is located in close proximity to the A5 Edgware Road, the North Circular Road, and the M1 motorway. The committee were concerned about the impact of the development on local transport infrastructure, particularly as the site is located in an area that is already congested. In response to questions about the impact of the development on local transport, the planning officer explained that the applicant had submitted a Transport Assessment that showed that the development would be unlikely to have a significant impact on traffic levels. This is because the development is car-free, the majority of students would be expected to travel by public transport, and the on-site commercial units would primarily serve local residents and people visiting the station.
The committee sought confirmation that a Section 106 Agreement would be used to secure financial contributions to support improvements to local highways infrastructure. They highlighted in particular the need for improvements to the pedestrian crossing on the A5 to the north of the site. The planning officer confirmed that the legal agreement would secure £100,000 towards improving footways and the crossing itself.
The committee asked about the impact of the proposed development on local healthcare services. The planning officer explained that a Health Impact Assessment had been submitted by the applicant that concluded that the development would not have a significant adverse impact on health services. However, he explained that a response to the consultation on the application had been received from the NHS London Healthy Urban Development Unit (HUDU) which disagreed with this conclusion. The HUDU argued that the large influx of students into the area would put pressure on existing healthcare infrastructure and requested a financial contribution of £312,280 towards the construction of several planned healthcare premises in the Colindale and Hendon area.
The planning officer argued that it would not be appropriate to require the applicant to make this contribution through a Section 106 agreement. This is because there is no guarantee that the contribution would result in any healthcare facilities being provided and because the request is not directly related to the proposed development. He argued that it is more appropriate for this contribution to be secured through the Community Infrastructure Levy, which will be paid by the applicant when development commences, in accordance with the council's CIL Charging Schedule. The committee accepted this argument.
Other matters
The committee also discussed several other matters relating to the proposed development, including:
- The provision of cycle parking. The committee were content that the applicant had proposed a sufficient number of cycle parking spaces to meet the needs of the development.
- The management of the development. The committee were content that the applicant had proposed a suitable management plan for the development.
- The provision of refuse and recycling facilities. The committee were content that the applicant had proposed suitable refuse and recycling facilities for the development.
- The provision of landscaping. The committee were content that the applicant had proposed a suitable landscaping scheme for the development.
- The protection of trees. The committee were content that the applicant had proposed a suitable tree protection plan for the development.
- The provision of sustainable drainage systems. The committee were content that the applicant had proposed a suitable sustainable drainage system for the development.
- The provision of renewable energy. The committee were content that the applicant had proposed a suitable renewable energy strategy for the development.
In summary, the Strategic Planning Committee considered a planning application to build 844 student rooms at Unit 7, Staples Corner Retail Park and granted planning permission, subject to a number of planning conditions and a Section 106 Agreement being completed within 3 months. The committee also resolved to refer the decision to the Mayor of London.
- Claire Farrier
- Eva Greenspan
- Michael Mire
- Nagus Narenthira
- Nigel Young
- Philip Cohen
- Richard Barnes
- Richard Cornelius
- Rishikesh Chakraborty
- Shuey Gordon
- Corinna Demetriou
- Farah Hussain
- Supplementary item - Addendum 13th-Nov-2024 19.00 Strategic Planning Committee
- SPC Addendum 13.11.2024
- Agenda frontsheet 13th-Nov-2024 19.00 Strategic Planning Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 13th-Nov-2024 19.00 Strategic Planning Committee reports pack
- Minutes of Previous Meeting other
- 24_2584_FUL Committee report FINAL other
- Printed minutes 13th-Nov-2024 19.00 Strategic Planning Committee minutes