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The Cabinet of Camden Council met and approved the Camden Transport Strategy (CTS) Delivery Plan for 2025-28, which is broken down into a number of different programmes and projects. The meeting also approved Camden’s submission proposals for Transport for London (TfL) funding - Local Implementation Plan (LIP) - and approved the allocation of £22m of Council Capital “Healthy Streets” funding to support the 3-year plan.
Camden Transport Strategy Delivery Plan for 2025-28
A deputation was heard from Steve Prowse of the Camden Cycling Campaign on the subject of the CTS Delivery Plan. The most significant projects proposed in the plan will see the completion of a range of “Holborn Liveable Neighbourhood” “STARter” schemes and a consultation on the main project, and the potential to extend the proposed trial Camden High Street pedestrianisation project further north, over the canal bridge to the junction with Castlehaven Road and Hawley Road.
A wide range of new and upgraded cycle routes are proposed that would add around 18km of new segregated cycle tracks. This includes a major east-west “Cross Camden Cycleway” which would run across the central part of the Borough through many popular locations including linking Pratt Street to Delancey Street, Hawley Road and Prince Albert Road.
The completion of the “Better, Safer Kilburn High Road” project is also planned. This project, delivered in partnership with Brent and Westminster Councils, aims to improve road safety, upgrade the public realm and improve facilities for walking and cycling.
The Plan also proposes the roll-out of neighbourhood-based Safe & Healthy Streets projects including the emerging scheme in the Dartmouth Park area and schemes in the West Hampstead and Kingsgate Road areas.
A number of projects are planned in Camden’s part of the Central Activities Zone including projects to reduce through-traffic, improve the public realm and review Controlled Parking Zones.
The Plan also contains further road safety improvements at priority junctions, and more measures to improve road safety around schools, making it easier and safer to walk and cycle to them. Councillor Adam Harrison confirmed that the Council wished to introduce Healthy School Streets for every school where possible, but for schools where this was not possible work would be done on greening the areas around these schools. The Head of Transport Strategy and Projects detailed some such measures that had already been taken and others that were planned for the future and added that officers were working with TfL on measures that could be put in place outside schools located on their network. The Plan aims to have the vast majority of feasible Healthy School Streets schemes in place by 2026 and to start a new programme of Healthy Hospital Streets which will deliver changes similar to Healthy School Streets.
The Delivery Plan also includes plans to add more Electric Vehicle Charge Points and more secure cycle hangars and will continue to roll out complementary measures across the borough. This includes projects such as cycle training initiatives and Green Micro-Mobility Hubs. The plan will also include a package of parking management programmes including reviewing CPZ hours of control and exploring the potential for a Workplace Parking Levy.
The Plan also sets out a number of proposals for improving the bus network in the Borough. In particular these aim to address the problems of bus journey times not having recovered to pre-pandemic levels. The Head of Transport Strategy and Projects commented on the focus being placed on the Council’s role in helping to make bus travel more efficient and accessible.
In response to comments from Councillor Steve Adams on the subject of the 603 bus, Councillor Harrison acknowledged the request to press the case for the bus with the Greater London Authority.
The Council’s approach to cycle routes was to create protected infrastructure wherever possible.
Councillor Adam Harrison, Cabinet Member for Planning and a Sustainable Camden
Finally, responding to a question from Councillor Tom Simon, Councillor Harrison indicated that there was as yet no firm timescale for the review of the workplace parking levy.
Local Implementation Plan
Camden’s proposed LIP submission to TfL seeks to secure funding for the schemes in the CTS Delivery Plan. Councillor Harrison confirmed that TfL has two new funding categories available from 2025/26: “Better Bus Partnerships” and “Borough Safer Streets”. Camden propose to bid for funding from both of these streams.
Council Capital Allocation
To deliver the schemes in the CTS Delivery Plan, the meeting approved the allocation of a total £22m of Council Capital to help fund the 3-year programme. Of this £12m is allocated to help fund the general Healthy Streets programme, £6m to help fund the “Holborn Liveable Neighbourhood” project and £4m to help fund the “Better, Safer Kilburn High Road” project. It is expected that this Council Capital funding will “lever additional investment” from other sources, such as Section 106 contributions and the Community Infrastructure Levy.
Healthy Streets projects deliver excellent value for money
CTS Delivery Plan 2025-28 and Local Implementation Plan report

- Printed minutes 13th-Nov-2024 19.00 Cabinet minutes
- Agenda frontsheet 13th-Nov-2024 19.00 Cabinet agenda
- Public reports pack 13th-Nov-2024 19.00 Cabinet reports pack
- Minutes of Previous Meeting other
- CTS Delivery Plan 2025-28 and Local Implementation Plan report
- Appendix A - CTS delivery to date and developing the new 3-year plan
- Appendix B1 - Plan for 2025-26 and 2027-28
- Appendix B2- 202526 to 202728 Delivery Plan
- Appendix B3 - Three year LIP programme of Investment
- Appendix C - Focus Areas summary of insights
- Appendix D - Equalities Impact Assessment. CTS Delivery Plan 25-28 other
- Deputations 13th-Nov-2024 19.00 Cabinet
- Camden Cycling Campaign
- Decisions 13th-Nov-2024 19.00 Cabinet other