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Planning Committee - Thursday, 14th November, 2024 7.00 pm
November 14, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The meeting was about making decisions on five planning applications. The applications included proposals for a mixed use development on Malden Road, the erection of a new commercial building on Saffron Hill and the intensification of employment uses at Highgate Studios.
Highgate Studios
The most significant topic of discussion was likely to be a proposal to intensify employment uses (Use Class E (g)) at Highgate Studios, a 1.1 hectare site comprising ten commercial buildings.
The proposals involve the demolition of Plots A and F, which are single storey commercial buildings with rooftop parking. These would be replaced with a new seven and four storey (respectively) building. A new entrance pavilion building with a community space is also proposed, together with a comprehensive hard and soft landscaping scheme across the external yard space to improve the public realm.
The intensification of employment uses is in accordance with:
Policy E2 of the Camden Local Plan which reiterates that sites which are suitable for business use will be protected and the intensification of employment uses will be supported provided they are maintained or increased.
The report pack also mentions two Neighbourhood Plans1 in the surrounding area. Of these, the Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Forum raised objections to the proposal for Plot F due to its potential impact on the adjacent Carol and Sanderson Close Housing Estate.
Objections were also received from two of the Ward Councillors covering issues around the impact of the proposed development on neighbouring properties on Sanderson Close, and the need to secure the retention of the gym in Plot F.
Less than substantial harm at the lower end of the scale is identified to Highgate Business Centre, a non-designated heritage asset.
The report identifies a range of public benefits that outweigh this harm, including:
- Additional employment floorspace of over 16,000 sqm;
- Provision of over 1,300 sqm of fully fitted out affordable workspace secured in perpetuity;
- Significant employment and training opportunities during construction and end use phases;
- A sustainable scheme that meets carbon reduction and renewables targets;
- The introduction of two new well-designed buildings in place of car parking areas and low-quality buildings;
- Restoration and enhancement works to locally listed buildings;
- Enhancement of Carker’s Lane; and
- Reduction in over 90 car parking spaces and a shift towards more active travel choices through the provision of substantial cycle parking and further improvements via a Travel Plan.
NCP Car Park, Saffron Hill
A proposal to demolish an existing eight-storey car park and ancillary office at 45 - 54 Saffron Hill and 3 Saffron Street and erect an eight-storey commercial building was scheduled to be discussed.
The report pack states that:
The proposals seek demolition of the existing 8 storey car park (Sui Generis) and redevelopment of the site to provide a new 8-storey building comprised of office floorspace (Class E) on the ground and upper floors, cafØ and restaurant space on part of the ground floor (Class E), and affordable workspace at ground and basement level (Class E) with rooftop plant.
The report argues that the principle of demolition is acceptable because the existing building:
lends itself very poorly for any use other than car parking without very significant intervention and rebuilding required to it.
and because it:
is listed as making a negative contribution to the conservation area.
The proposed development includes 586 sqm of affordable workspace at basement level. While this is below the 20% target set out in the Camden Planning Guidance on Employment Sites and Business Premises, the report suggests it is acceptable because:
Having 586sqm of affordable workspace dedicated to jewellery occupiers in this area and of this quality means there is considerable benefit provided.
The report pack says that the site is located within the Central Activities Zone2, the Hatton Garden Special Policy Area3 and the LVMF Protected Vistas 2A.1 and 3A.14.
The report pack also notes 44 objections were received from local households, raising concerns about the impact of the development on daylight/sunlight, overlooking, and noise and disturbance.
Car Park adjacent to Harrington Square
A proposal for the development of a vacant car park adjacent to Harrington Square was included for discussion.
The proposal involves:
Development of the existing vacant car park involving the erection of a five-storey plus basement block of flats to provide 11 residential dwellings and associated works.
The development would provide one London Affordable Rent unit and a £300,000 affordable housing payment in lieu.
The applicant argued that:
the scheme is capable of realising a surplus, enabling a contribution of enabling delivery of an on-site affordable home and some further contribution through a top-up payment-in-lieu.
However, an independent assessment by BPS Chartered Surveyors concluded that the scheme could only viably deliver:
an on-site affordable home and some further contribution through a top-up payment-in-lieu
and that the scheme is not capable of providing the full policy compliant affordable housing contribution.
160A Malden Road
A proposal for the redevelopment of a site at 160A Malden Road, currently occupied by an MOT repair garage and hand car wash, was scheduled for discussion.
The proposal is for:
Erection of 4 storey building to provide 15 self-contained flats at ground, first, second and third floor levels and office use at ground floor level, following demolition of existing MOT repair garage and hand car wash.
The development would provide three affordable homes, designed as social-affordable rented housing. The report argues that the loss of the existing garage and car wash is acceptable because:
local provision for vehicle repair services and car wash facilities [is] still adequate in the area
and because:
the new building would provide 15 new homes over the ground to third floors, with a commercial unit allocated for office use being provided at the Malden Road and Wellesley Place corner frontage of the building.
Darwin Court, Gloucester Avenue
A proposal to erect single-storey roof extensions on a group of five residential blocks at Darwin Court, Gloucester Avenue was scheduled to be discussed.
The application was submitted by Airspace Group and would result in the addition of eight new residential units, providing a mix of two and three-bedroom homes.
The report notes that the buildings are located in the Primrose Hill Conservation Area and that they are identified as negative contributors in the Conservation Area Statement.
Objections were received from 149 local households, with many concerned about the impact on the character of the Conservation Area. The Primrose Hill CAAC also raised concerns and objected to the proposal on the grounds that the additional height and bulk would lead to 'significant harm' to the Conservation Area.
The report states that:
Less than substantial harm has been identified to the Primrose Hill Conservation Area.
and that there are a number of public benefits to the scheme that outweigh that harm including the delivery of eight new homes and a financial contribution of £500,000 towards affordable housing.
The report pack also notes concerns that the proposals would:
set a negative precedent in the area
However, it also notes that the proposals would deliver:
accessibility improvements to the existing communal entrances, landscaping and public realm improvements, and the provision of Community Infrastructure Levy contributions and other financial contributions to be secured through a Section 106 agreement
Neighbourhood Plans allow communities to shape development in their local areas. They are written by Neighbourhood Forums which are groups of local residents and businesses who work together to decide what they want for their area. Once a Plan has been voted on by the local community in a referendum, it becomes part of the Development Plan, and decision makers have to take account of its policies when deciding planning applications. ↩
The Central Activities Zone (CAZ) is an area of London that is identified in the London Plan as being of strategic importance for a range of activities including business, culture, tourism, and retail. Camden Council's planning policies for the CAZ are set out in Chapter 3 of the Camden Local Plan. The aim of these policies is to promote the CAZ as a vibrant and successful centre for London. ↩
The Hatton Garden Special Policy Area is an area of Camden identified in the Camden Local Plan as being of strategic importance for the jewellery industry. Camden Council's planning policies for the Hatton Garden Special Policy Area are set out in Policy E2 of the Camden Local Plan. The aim of these policies is to protect and promote the jewellery industry in Hatton Garden. ↩
The London View Management Framework (LVMF) is a set of policies and guidance that aims to protect strategic views across London. It is contained in Chapter 7 of the London Plan, and is supported by guidance in London Plan Guidance. The LVMF identifies a number of 'Protected Vistas' which are views that are considered to be of strategic importance for London. The LVMF also identifies a number of 'Viewing Corridors' which are corridors of land that are considered to be important for protecting views. Protected Vistas and Viewing Corridors are shown on the Policies Map in the London Plan. ↩
- Agenda frontsheet 14th-Nov-2024 19.00 Planning Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 14th-Nov-2024 19.00 Planning Committee reports pack
- Agenda Item 72 - NCP Car Park Saffron Hill Report agenda
- DM Structure - May 2024 other
- Planning Committee Procedure May 2021 Current other
- Agenda Item 75 - Darwin Court Report agenda
- Minutes 10102024 Planning Committee other
- Agenda Item 73 - Car Park adj to Harrington Square Report agenda
- Planning Committee Cover Sheet - 14th November
- Agenda Item 71 - Highgate Studios Report agenda
- Agenda Item 74 - 160 Malden Road Report agenda
- Supplementary Agenda 14th-Nov-2024 19.00 Planning Committee other
- Supplementary Agenda agenda
- Tabled Paper 14th-Nov-2024 19.00 Planning Committee other
- Agenda Item 71 - Supplementary Info Report agenda