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Health in Hackney Scrutiny Commission - Thursday 14 November 2024 7.00 pm

November 14, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Health in Hackney Scrutiny Commission received updates on the City & Hackney Place Based System, plans to possibly in-source Soft Facility Management services at Homerton Hospital, the new GP Provider Organisation City & Hackney Integrated Primary Care, and the Public Health Medium Term Financial Plan. The Commission expressed strong support for in-sourcing the soft facilities contract at the Homerton and noted that savings are still being sought to balance the Public Health budget.

City & Hackney Place Based System

The Commission received an update on the progress of the City and Hackney Place Based System1. The Commission was informed that work is progressing on supporting information such as financial and activity reporting, but there are still ongoing discussions about what funding, if any, will be devolved to the Place Based System. It was noted that clinical leadership is key for the partnership, but they had absorbed a 30% reduction in clinical leadership funding from NHS England.

We champion City and Hackney every day.

The partnership had worked with Andrew Ridley, the former Director of Transformation for NHS England to develop recommendations on how the partnership should be strengthened.

The partnership’s key strategic focus areas are:

  • Giving every child the best start in life
  • Improving mental health and preventing mental ill health
  • Preventing ill health and improving outcomes for people with long term health and care needs

There was discussion about the ‘levelling up’ agenda and the need to support other Integrated Care Board partners. It was noted that while City and Hackney have historically had good outcomes and done innovative work, this may be at risk going forward.

What that does mean is that there may be redistribution of growth. There may be less for some of the work that City & Hackney does because we need to support our partners.

Sally Beaven of Healthwatch Hackney stated that because of this ‘levelling up’ agenda, voluntary sector organisations that depend on grant agreements from the NHS, such as Healthwatch itself, are at risk of losing funding.

The meeting heard from Dr Kirsten Brown, Clinical Lead for Primary Care, on how the reduced clinical leadership budget is impacting on the working of the partnership.

The more clinical leadership, the better. But we do have to think about working in slightly different ways and getting our leadership in different ways.

The Commission was informed that the Place Based System is working on a delivery plan focused on three key deliverables that will be brought back to the Commission once they are more clear about what they are.

The Commission will receive a further update from the partnership in a year’s time.

Soft Facility Management services at Homerton Healthcare

The Commission received an update on discussions about the future of Soft Facility Management (FM) services, such as catering, cleaning and portering, at Homerton Hospital.

The Commission had previously discussed this issue at a meeting on 10 January 2024, and was informed that the hospital is undergoing an options appraisal for how these services are delivered.

We are looking at all the options. So we are looking at total insourcing, which would mean that we would directly employ certainly the catering, cleaning, water security, as staff members and run those services ourselves.

The meeting heard that the three options being considered are:

  • Total in-sourcing
  • Total out-sourcing
  • Hybrid model

The Commission was informed that in September 2024 the hospital’s Board of Directors had agreed to extend the current contract with the private company ISS for a further year until September 2025, to allow time to do the options appraisal.

We need to do the options appraisal and we obviously you've mentioned BARTs and I've previously worked at the Royal Free we've done this both ways there's a lot of lessons learned at the moment that need to be factored in we want to make sure that the options appraisal is covers every single item so we know fully the decision that we're making.

Members of the Commission expressed concern about the extension of the contract with ISS, particularly because staff employed by ISS were not given the same COVID allowance or bonus as staff employed by the hospital.

I'm a thought really the covid payment was before my time and I honestly have not had time to do the history lesson to be able to answer that question I'm just here to talk about it.

The Commission was informed that it is not legally possible to change the terms and conditions of the ISS contract during its extension, but the hospital is in conversation with ISS to see what is possible.

...the key bit here is making sure that we're communicating with ISS to work with them to see so the senior management and ISS to work with them to see what is possible in relation to terms of conditions because clearly what we need to do is is to have those negotiations we clearly are unable to commit at the moment as to what the outcome of any of those conversations will be but I think from a trust perspective we will continue to review and have those conversations because we understand in relation to the staff and the the difference in terms of reference so those conversations are continuing

Members of the Commission pointed out that both Barts Health NHS Trust, and Hackney Council, have been successful in bringing soft FM services in house.

I just wanted to check the last time chair the last time we had the an update on the item we were told that trade unions will be more involved and i remember asking this is there any update that we can receive on how the trade unions have been involved in this decision of extension thank you

The Commission was informed that the trade unions are kept regularly updated and are involved in the decision making.

The Commission will receive a further update on this issue in July 2025.

New GP Provider organisation - briefing

The Commission received a briefing on City & Hackney Integrated Primary Care, the new GP provider organisation for City & Hackney.

The Commission was informed that the new organisation is the result of a merger between the City and Hackney GP Confederation and the Office of the PCNs, and that this merger had taken place on 1 August 2024.

So we've been working over i mean over the last two years but it's really very intensively for the last year um to bring those two organizations together and to merge into one organization and that happened on the first of august um this year so this um this new organization and it is a new organization um um is now called city and hackney integrated primary care

The meeting heard from Dr Kirsten Brown on the background to this merger and the role of the new organisation.

The coming together has been hard work but actually the transition was really smooth we've retained all the staff from across both organizations so we've got that organizational memory and that really um so so the the people because of course it's the people that help provide the services that make the organization what it is and we've retained that from across both organizations which has been amazing um so now it's consolidating that and making it an even stronger organization going forward

The Commission was informed that City & Hackney Integrated Primary Care is the first organisation of its kind in the country to merge PCNs with a GP federation, and that it has allowed GPs to have a stronger voice within the City & Hackney Place Based Partnership. The Commission noted that the budgets for the two organisations have been merged, but there are concerns about the future of enhanced service contracts.

So as it stands at the moment the budgets have not changed so that all the money going into the confederation and all the money going into the um into the office of pcns has stayed the same so there has not been any change there's not been any increase in funding and there's no not been any decrease in funding so it's literally been a merging of budgets

Councillor Christopher Kennedy, Cabinet Member for Health, Adult Social Care, Voluntary Sector and Culture, and a member of the North East London Integrated Care Board, explained that the new organisation puts the borough in a strong position to argue for the retention of these contracts.

...having ipc um and a single gp representative body gives us a much better chance of arguing um to the to the wider system that we should keep those services um one of the the things we we're going to dig out because we think we can find it and it's there is is showing how much having those services relieves the pressure on the homerton and enables it to provide the mutual aid to the rest of the system...

The meeting heard that a good outcome would be for these contracts to be rolled over for another year.

The Commission discussed the implications for the new organisation of the Government’s drive for digital primary care, and was informed that City & Hackney GP practices have been proactive in providing online access and triage for patients.

...many practices are operate a triage model i think we have worked really hard in city and hackney to make sure that we haven't we're not creating a digital divide so for example in my practice and you know again you know we obviously have 37 seven different gp practices so everyone they all work slightly differently but i you know in terms of my practice you know we often we make sure that people who phone people who walk in who people who who access our services online get the same offer and i think many practices in city and hackney do that

The Commission also discussed the role of Physician Associates2 in GP practices in Hackney, and were informed that they are well supervised and that supervision arrangements have been in place from the beginning.

Public Health Medium Term Financial Plan update

The Commission received an update on the Public Health Medium Term Financial Plan. The Commission had previously requested that the Director of Public Health, Dr Sandra Husbands, review Public Health contracts as they came up for renewal, to identify savings.

The City and Hackney Public Health (PH) Department has committed to identify £3m of savings from the Public Health directly controlled spend within Hackney over a three-year period - £1m per year between 2024/25 and 2026/27 (as far as possible)...

The Commission was informed that because the Public Health grant is ring-fenced, any savings found will be reallocated to other areas of spending within Hackney Council.

...we're only making savings from the Hackney grant we're not making any savings from the city grant um and we'll be reallocating the money elsewhere across hackney council in ways that support um activity that is delivering public health outcomes in accordance with the grant conditions but at the same time it's supporting the general fund and therefore um hackney's financial position overall...

The Commission was informed that the savings would be released in stages over the three year period, depending on when contracts were due to end or when there were opportunities to renegotiate them. means that things were um contracts that were due to come to an end within that three-year period were much more likely to be targeted as an opportunity for achieving savings...

The meeting heard that, to date, £2.2m of savings have been identified, but there was still a shortfall of £774,000.

To date we have been able to identify £2.2m of savings and have already or will have delivered £629,000 by the end of the financial year.

The Commission raised a number of issues and concerns, in particular the proposal to decommission the falls prevention service currently provided by the organisation MRS.

The Public Health funded falls prevention programme is a six month group based exercise programme, for those aged 55 and over, delivered in the community for those at risk of falling, or those that have had a recent fall.

Members of the Commission expressed concern that this would increase demand on the NHS, as falls can result in hospital admissions, and that there is no comparable alternative service in place.

it will inevitably... cause um unnecessary deaths injury but more than that it's a any admissions inpatient stays gp consultations um social care disability all of those things are real and will operate in lieu of those cuts

Dr Brown explained that the decision to discontinue funding for the service was made because it is considered to be secondary, rather than primary prevention, and so is better funded by the NHS.'s it's it's not necessarily it's not necessarily in keeping with our strategic objectives around prioritizing prevention and and um and population level approaches and um and that it really although the mrs for the falls prevention service community prevention service um is called prevention it's actually a secondary prevention services for people who've already fallen and um it is more suitably would more suitably be funded by the nhs as part of a whole system force prevention pathway...

She stated that the Council is working with NHS colleagues to review the falls prevention pathway and that in the meantime, the Council is committed to promoting a range of physical activity opportunities to reduce the risk of falls.

Public Health plays a critical role in the primary prevention of falls through promotion of population-wide physical activity interventions. This more 'upstream', primary prevention approach aims to delay and reduce the risk of a first fall among the wider population of older people across the City and Hackney.

The Commission also heard that the contract with the Mental Wellbeing Network will be reduced by £500,000.

A saving of £500,000 has been agreed in the envelope available for the Wellbeing Network.

The meeting was informed that this was done because some of the work of the network, in providing talking therapies, should more appropriately be provided by the NHS. The Commission was informed that there are ongoing discussions with NHS partners to ensure that culturally appropriate mental health provision is available for Hackney residents.

The mitigation is that we are working with NHS partners to review delivery of their mental health services.

The Commission will be updated on the remaining £774,000 of savings once they have been identified.

  1. The City & Hackney Place Based System is the means by which Hackney Council and its health partners jointly plan and commission a range of services and programmes. 

  2. Physician Associates are healthcare professionals who work alongside doctors, providing medical care. They are trained to take medical histories, carry out examinations, diagnose illnesses, analyse test results and make treatment recommendations.