Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to welcome you this evening to the council meeting. My name is Councillor Robert Rigby and I am the Lord Mayor of Westminster. As mentioned at the last meeting there is a new sound system in the chamber. The microphones on your desks will be controlled by the sound engineer, so please do not move these or switch them on or off. Please face forward as much as possible.
As we can ensure that your voice is picked up, we are live streaming this meeting and therefore microphones will be active when members are speaking and the cameras will be broadcasting until the meeting closes. A list of all the members who are present will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
As this will be a busy meeting, I would like to remind members to be as succinct as possible in their speeches and questions so that we can cover all the business we need to do.
Before we start the formal meeting, I would like to ask members to join me in a minute silence in remembering two former councillors who sadly passed away recently.
Former Regent's part councillor, Gwyneth Hampson, passed away last month. She represented the ward in 2002 until 2014. During her time at the council she held the position of Deputy Cabinet Member for Housing and then Leisure and Lifelong Learning and sat on various overview and scrutiny committees and the general purposes committee.
Former Westbourne Ward councillor, Sergio Larry, passed away in September. He represented the ward from 1971 to 1974 and then went on to become the leader of the London Barrow of Richmond upon 10s for nearly 30 years.
Can I ask members to now stand and join me in remembering the former councillors Hampson and Larry.
Thank you.
Gender item one, the appointment of relief chair. As I may need to vacate the chair during the meeting, I propose that councillor Patricia McAllister be chosen to take the chair as necessary.
May I please have a seconder for my motion?
Councillor Ormesby has seconded my motion that councillor McAllister chairs the meeting as necessary. Unless any other member objects, the motion will be deemed to be inagreed.
If anyone has an objection, please say so now. Thank you, councillor Miss Callister. Please join me on the dyes.
Thank you.
Agenda item two, minutes from the previous meeting, unless any member wishes to maraise a point of order relating to the accuracy of these minutes, I will consider that members are content that I signed the minutes from the last meeting.
Please state now if you wish to raise a point of order.
Thank you. The minutes are agreed.
Agenda item three, Lord Mayor's communications, these are set out in the meeting papers.
Agenda item four, declarations of interest, it is necessary to declare any interest in relation to the issues on which there will be a vote.
These items were set out alongside the list of speakers on the order paper. Members need to declare an interest in the item selected for debate, if they are speaking in that debate.
All members in attendance were asked to identify in advance of the meeting if they have an interest to declare.
If anyone has any disclosable pecuniary interests or any other significant interests to declare, please do so now.
Councillor Swattle.
Yes, I have a clear interest in the question as well.
Thank you.
Agenda item five, there is no statement on urgent matters.
Agenda item six, Councillor presentations, presented petitions and deputations.
All Councillors are asked to notify in advance of the meeting if they have a petition that they wish to present.
I am aware I am not aware of any petitions.
However, if anyone has one that they would like to present, please mention it now.
Thank you.
Agenda item seven, public participation.
Each member of the public selected for this item, and here this evening, has submitted a question which they would like to present the relevant cabinet member.
They will have up to two minutes to present their question, and then the relevant cabinet member will have up to two minutes to respond.
Can I ask when you are presenting your question, you adhere to the question you submitted, which you have a copy of?
Can I also ask the cabinet members who are responding to be succinct in your response?
There will be no rights of a reply.
I ask that once you have received your response, you kindly take your seat.
All questions asked and responses provided will be made available on the council's website in the days after the meeting.
Can I now ask Muhammad Hassan to join us at the front of the chamber to ask his question?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you, Mr Hassan.
Thank you very much.
Thank you, sir.
Sorry, could you come back and stand here, because I need you to hear the response, and then at the appropriate time I will then tell you you can take your seat.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I now ask the chair of the pension fund committee, Councillor Eagleton, to respond.
Thank you for your question, Mr Hassan.
The ongoing conflict in the Middle East is tragic, and something which I know many people have guided power responsible for the pension fund.
This is what's known as the fiduciary agenda.
The authority to legalize power for the fiduciary agenda, that's the power of the sauce that can't be said or act in consideration for making estimates.
I will continue to act in the best interests of our members.
Thank you, Councillor Eagleton.
Thank you, Mr Hassan.
Can I now ask Melda Kelln K. Soy to join us at the front of the chamber to ask her question?
Thank you.
Thank you.
That's all.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Can I now ask Susette Hayes to join us at the front of the chamber to ask her question, please?
Thank you.
Please can I ask the council to review the traffic access for this area?
The system of no right turn and no left turn on a surrounding road
means that the vast majority of traffic, bicycles, cars and large lorries can only access via chemical road
and the narrowed barn of the street.
This is creating significant congestion and danger to the residents in the area and as a local resident is the issue.
Has the council also coordinated with Kenneth Monson and Chelsea Council on this area?
Thank you for your question.
I now ask the cabinet member for city management and air quality council at Demoldenburg to respond accordingly.
Thank you.
Thank you, Lord Mayor and thank you, Susette, for your question.
I understand that the ban turns that you refer to relate to the transport for London strategic road network
and they're not controlled by the city council.
We do believe that the ban turns were installed by TFL as safety measures.
And as far as we're aware as well, TFL did consult with the Royal Borough of Kenting and Chelsea before implementing these changes on Grovena Road.
Yeah, and we responded to that.
Sorry, but I will check with transport for London on all these details to ensure that you get a full response.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
And finally, can I ask Noreen Raman to join us at the front of the chamber to ask her question, please.
Thank you.
I seek clarity on how Westminster Council can allow the opaque process surrounding Jubilee Hall gyms lea surrender to continue unchecked.
Jubilee Hall has served as a key community asset in Covengarden providing vital health, wellness and social benefits particularly to vulnerable groups.
How does the council reconcile its commitments to transparency, community welfare and public consultation with a lack of accountability demonstrated by Jubilee Hall trust trustees?
Why was no public consultation held before this significant decision?
And what oversight does the council maintain over such impactful moves?
Has the council explored alternative strategies to secure the gyms future without lease surrender or sale?
Given the implications for community health, wellbeing and heritage, I urge the council to pause this process, hold a public forum to assess community needs and work collaboratively to preserve this essential facility.
Thank you. Could I ask council Barra Clough, the Cabinet member for planning and economic development to respond, please?
Thanks so much for your question coming to ask it. I know how much the Jubilee Hall means to the community in Covengarden.
Give it a little background. The Hall was saved from demolition in the 1970s to the great credit of local campaigners.
And the lease on the hall was granted on a peppercorn rent to the Jubilee Hall charity that runs a gym in the space.
The freehold of the building is not owned by the council, it's owned by Sharsbury Capit.
The charity no longer wants to operate the space and plan to surrender the lease to Sharsbury and return for a cash payments.
In response to representations from the community, I've met with both the CEO of the charity and senior management from Sharsbury to press the community's case
that the gym should retain and remain in the hall, and indeed so has the council's director of leisure services.
However, the charity's adamant that the gym is not commercially viable and it can pursue its objectives more effectively elsewhere.
Sharsbury tell me they've offered alternative space nearby if the charity wants to relocate the gym.
Meanwhile, the campaigners have very sensibly applied that the hall be listed as an asset of community value,
and offices are looking at the application and are unexpected in their recommendation shortly.
However, in normal circumstances an ACV will give community groups the right to pour to sale of an asset and give them time to put together a counterfeit.
But in this instance, the transaction is not sale of an asset, but the surrender of a lease,
and our legal advice is that the granting of ACV would not call a halt to the process.
It won't affect the decision of whether or not we grant an ACV.
I just don't think it's going to be as effective as it normally would be.
So it returns to your question.
The council has no formal role in the organisation of charities or the commercial arrangements between a charity and its landlord.
The decision on whether to operate the gym or surrender the lease is a question for the charity and its trustees alone.
Now, the trustees at the Jubilee Hall gym must abide by the rules governing charities,
and any concerns about their actions should be directed to the charity commission who have the regulatory power to intervene.
We do not. Neither can we compel them or anybody else to run a consultation.
What we can do, a poor and just not mere or misfinished,
what we can do is to continue strongly encouraging the parties to sit down with the community
and reach a common agreement on how the gym can continue,
either in its current location or elsewhere, and aid themselves, or Councillor Sanquist,
or the Director of Legislature Services, as said, they'll be delighted to take parts
in those meetings and help as we can.
Thank you, House Bargav.
And thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you for bringing it to our attention.
Thank you.
So that was the last question in this item.
Can I thank those that took part and for participating in tonight.
It's much appreciated.
If you would like to remain for the remainder of the meeting,
we'll be going on probably till about 10 o'clock.
You're more than welcome.
Otherwise, you can leave now.
Thank you.
Agenda item 8, questions.
There are 45 minutes, four questions.
Will all members wishing to ask a question please indicate now and continue doing so
until your request has been noted by the Chief Executive Officer and the Monitoring Officer.
Please remember that questions may be asked of a Cabinet Member or a Committee member.
Thank you.
Okay, thank you for that.
So I will ask members, as you know, who've indicated that they would like to ask a question,
after Councillor Swaddle has asked his three questions.
Councillor Swaddle, the floor is yours.
Thank you, little bear.
I see that you've written a letter on your ten red lines for Oxford Street pedestrianisation.
And as I understand it, there is yet no official response.
But informally, some of them have not all been ruled out.
Can you confirm the situation?
Thank you very much, Lord.
Whilst I can confirm that there has not been a formal response to the letter,
discussions have been ongoing at an officer and political level.
And at the moment, there has been no ruling in or out of the matters in the form of the ten questions.
Although, obviously, they have indicated, obviously, the issue of pedestrianisation.
They are clear that they wish to pursue that.
And that they continue to stress their strong preference for the use of some form of MDA and MDC.
However, they have not made only final decisions on any of the other ten points.
But we are making our case strongly to them and to others about the issues that we outlined in those ten points.
Could you explain what you're doing to make the mayor listen to yourself?
Looking at his diary for the last period, he doesn't appear to have had a meeting with you,
which would suggest that you haven't been heard directly.
I'm intrigued to know whether you're following the Mayor of London around Councillor Swinnell.
However, I have spoken to the Mayor in the immediate aftermath of the decision.
And we have been having, as I said, discussions at both officer and political level
to make our case on behalf of the citizens of Westminster and to raise the concerns that we have about the scheme.
And whilst I'm on my feet, I would like to take the opportunity to welcome two new councillors to this forum.
Councillor Hook, who is the new Cabinet Member, the new Councillor for Harrow Road.
And he returned for the West End in Councillor Bahn.
So, welcome back Councillor Bahn.
Thank you, and I too will welcome those councillors and note that you said no to my question.
Questions to the Leader of the Council?
Can the Leader of the Council explain why it took over eight months to finally take action on illegal encampments on Park Lane?
Thank you very much, Lord Mayor. As Councillor Swaddle is aware, the City Council has been working proactively to address the situation on Park Lane.
As he knows, this is TFL-owned land.
And the process was ultimately reliant on TFL moving a recession through the courts.
We note, obviously, the impact that Perdo was deemed to have at the early stages of this.
But we believe we were making the case to move further and faster to come to a fair resolution to the situation.
Obviously, I would like to pay tribute to the work of our Council officers in assisting that process both before and on the day to make sure that that removal took place in an orderly fashion.
And that those with support needs were supported, but that we were making sure that that site was returned and cleared.
So, recognise that it took longer than we would have liked.
I thank hugely thank the work that all of our officers and members did to make the case for this to be speeded up.
And I think there are important lessons to be learned for the future about how that can be sped up.
But I think we are, you know, the right outcome has been achieved.
And I think we will want to make sure that our site is kept clear for the future.
Can the leader assure me that it won't take eight months next time, particularly when it involves Westminster land, which is also occupied by tents under the West way?
As Council's order will be aware, the areas under the West way have seen clearances on Westminster's own land.
And there was, I'm aware, that there are tents remaining on TFL related land.
We continue to make that case to TFL, and we're looking to secure the sites under the West way for the long term.
And we will make no apology for working in a considered manner, as in fairness, the council has in the past, to make sure that support is given to those who needed.
But we recognise that long-term encadements are not the way forward. They're not in the interest of the people who are living on the street and they're not in the interest of our residents.
So we've moved forward in terms of action on our own land, and we are, as we will be aware, making further investments in our rough sleeping service through the coming MTFP process.
And in sight, across the city, we are also taking action to tackle ASB that particularly surrounds some of the daytime activities in around the streets.
So that is, we're having a proactive approach that balances support with tackling anti-social behaviour.
And as I said, progress is being made on Westminster's land in relation to the West way, and we're moving forward in relation to moving forward with TFL.
Thank you. Another question to the leader of the council.
Before the recent elections, Labour locally campaigned that the Conservatives would not fund the rebuilding of St Mary's Hospital.
Now, having won the election, the Labour Government have put the St Mary's Hospital build on ice.
I have a petition here from over a thousand residents on this issue.
Will we see a campaign from the council to call on the government to rebuild this vital facility?
Thank you very much, Lumea. I will take no lectures from the party opposite who have systematically underfunded our NHS for decades.
The economy that has meant that we have seen huge problems.
I can answer the question. This council is committed to working to make sure we get a new facility at St Mary's as soon as possible, which is why it's in the site allocations approach that we're talking about later on this evening.
We have made multiple representations to the Government about the importance of moving this forward.
I can understand that the incoming Government is having to try and sort out the unholy mess that it was left by the party opposite in terms of the 30 hospitals programme that was not hospitals and barely not a programme.
So I think the reality is we are increasing capital investment as a government and this council will continue to make the case that St Mary's is absolutely right to move forward.
The resource was strong working with Imperial to put forward the case for the next stage of moving forward in the business case and on to future investments.
So we are fully supportive of refurbishing and replacing Westminster St Mary's hospital and we are wanting to make sure that we're going to leave it.
Again, I'm not taking any lectures from you lot who absolutely made a mess of this.
Councillor Hark, we're going to keep doing that.
Councillor Hark, I'm conscious that other ones have questions and get answers so can we speed it up a little bit?
I'm sorry but the question didn't really seem to be answered to me.
Is the Council going to lead a campaign to have the facility rebuilt and stand up to this Labour Government or does the leader not want to upset his masters?
We will make the case for refurbishing St Mary's.
Ultimately, what did you do, Councillor Swaddle, when you were in power for so long?
We have made the case two ministers, we have made the case to the NHS.
We are fully supportive and working hard to campaign for a future for St Mary's.
You can play politics all you like but you have the opportunity in government and you absolutely messed it up.
As a government, we will sort out the mess that you left and make sure that we're delivering at a local level and a national level on for our residents.
Thank you. Councillor Glyn.
The floor is yours.
Thank you Lord.
I've got a question from one of my residents who unfortunately was not selected to ask questions night.
On the 22nd of October, a major pipe burst at Lillianton Gardens, flooding about five of our residents' homes with scalding hot water and damaging the community centre.
The Antivirus Contact Centre told residents to wait two or four hours for help.
In desperation, neighbours called Fibergade but they couldn't access the estate it easily.
It took four hours for a gem operator to arrive and close the correct valve.
Does the Cabinet member for housing think the Antivirus Contact Centre is providing a good service to residents?
I have a contract and housing staff at the community hall as soon as possible and they were with residents throughout the whole time.
Three families were decantated.
Two families are moving in this week and one family has already moved back into their homes.
Our surveyors have remained in touch with all residents and work is still underway in the small hall but otherwise the community centre is back in use.
I think the question is how soon can we do the work to the repairing of the pipes of the PDHU?
Because under your administration you did not do anything and the PDHU is between 50 to 70 years beyond its life expectancy.
If it is 70 years after its life expectancy it would have been zero.
It is about 70 years old.
But anyway, after a similar incident in four-sife house which made the national papers a large amount of compensation was paid,
we were assured that lessons would be learnt and better emergency procedures put in place.
Given the acknowledged risk of future catastrophic leaks, what is the criteria used to assess the safety of our residents and at what point would the estate be classified as unsafe?
It is a very good question and I have to look into that and get back to you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Councillor Hook.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you.
Thank you, Councillor Hook.
I just like to take this opportunity to welcome you to this chamber, to our group and congratulate you on your election.
I have been blown away by Councillor Hook's energy over the last couple of weeks and I know that you will serve people of Herorode really well and here it is to come.
Thank you.
Thank you.
This administration is committed to investing in the North Paddington area in recognition of the deprivation that has historically faced and to that end, the North Paddington programme was launched in February 2023.
My colleague Councillor Barracloth has quoted many times the city plan and I will quoted again.
The North West economic development area has long contained some of West ministry's most deprived areas with lower levels of qualifications, earnings, health, higher levels of worklessness than elsewhere in the city.
It is an area requiring coordinated intervention to tackle persistent levels of inequality and the North Paddington programme is this effort.
In Herorode specifically, there have been lots of things delivered already or the programme is just getting started.
We have a new and improved market that made a hill and a dedicated made a hill markets officer to support new traders in the area.
We have invested in improvements to the physical space to improve the market and create more activities and events in the space.
We have a council presence for the first time at two front head road where a council officers can base themselves from and work in the community and we have community development workers in the area.
We have a dedicated activities and events manager to coordinate weekly pop-up engagement sessions and bring council services to made a hill that has been a successful Halloween celebration and there will be a Christmas tree lighting very soon.
We are investing in the Libford community hall, a valuable community access which is going to be refurbished to include a new kitchen, accessible toilets and a new roof.
Councillor Swallow, can we?
Thank you.
What are the benefits of the community across the North Paddington area?
Brief, exactly.
We have decades of neglect.
It's about time we caught up.
I am very glad you are starting Queen's Park in my own ward.
There has been over 300,000 pounds of investment in the Avenue youth club to refurbish the space and ensure that it can support more young people in the area.
There has been 250,000 pounds of investment allocated to works following environmental visual audits in the Mozart estate to support physical improvements with a number of works including covers on communal electrical,
rockets, clasps, over fire drop keyholes, disabling of trade entry boxes and lots of things that result from historic disrepair because of the neglect that the area has faced over decades.
There has also been an investment of 2.4 million pounds in Queen's Park family hub which should be delivered soon and unfortunately wasn't delivered under the past administration.
In Westbourne, there has been an investment in Woodfield Road public highway.
The ward has one of the highest numbers of disabled residents and a key focus of the works has been to improve accessibility and mobility.
We also have a communications manager who is working with Westbourne neighbourhood forum to raise awareness of support for people in the area.
In the Stowe Centre in Westbourne, there is the North Paddington Opportunities Project which is a support hub serving all three wards offering employment advice, CV workshops, benefit guidance, IT training and other opportunities to support residents to thrive.
Thank you, Councillor Sainte.
There was a good example of a very full answer, so please keep them shorter. Councillor Barbara, as Mannorff.
Thank you, Lord Mayor. My question is for the Cabinet member for public protection.
Defication is right across Westminster, including around Cavendish Square.
Please can you confirm that while the land is owned by Westminster City Council, environmental health and parks are working to clear the area and prove the standards of hygiene as there is much room for improvement.
Thank you. Your question, Councillor Olymano. I'm aware of the issues in Cavendish Square. It has been brought to my attention.
I believe—well, not I believe—I know that our officers are working with parks in terms of how we stop some of this anti-social behaviour and, as you say, some of the foul that is permissible, that is done on these gardens.
It is unacceptable. We are working close with officers. I will come back to you with a full of response about how much work we are doing and how often we are doing it.
Thank you.
The Cabinet members—
Fires in March 2025. The company is liaising with the council because their intention is to purchase the land and the car park rather than lease it.
What assurances will the council see that we have the £140 million fund to develop the site and it will not continue to decline further?
Thank you very much.
I am aware of those details specifically, but I will come back to you. I think that comes under one of my other Cabinet portfolios because it is not public protection related completely because it is about—
Who will that come under?
Paul and David.
Thank you.
I will leave it with council.
Thank you.
That is not supplementary.
No, supplementary should be directed to the Cabinet member. You have originally asked the question, too.
Thank you.
Councillor Lillie.
Thank you, Lord Mayor.
Resolute engaging with licensing, feet pretty good support and advice supported by the council.
I would like to ask the Cabinet member for planning and economic development when more residents benefit from planning their fees.
Thank you, Councillor.
This is correct, isn't it? Planning is complicated. It is an archaing field of public policy and normal people only get involved with soil-mectric planning application next door to where they live.
As far as part of Feral Westminster, we want to give residents the information they need to make representations of the planning applications that affect their lives.
We are going to be launching a community planning advice service in the new year that will focus on major applications at the start until we have the service bedded down.
The community planning service will offer guidance to enable residents to understand the planning process, planning law and policies and the material planning considerations they need to know about
when determining a planning application.
This is a bad expectation.
We won't be drafting letters of objection or representing residents and community hearings, at least not, not at the outset.
But I'm hopeful the service will help our residents make the case in a most effective manner.
They will help our planning service run more efficiently and help decisions quicker.
Our applicants will work in this too.
I think it's going to be a win-win.
Thank you.
Councillor Rally.
Did you want some commentary?
Sorry, I thought you indicated you didn't.
Thank you, but sorry.
I think members on both sides will appreciate the response of the Cabinet Member for planning because they care as much as we do the residents get heard and supported.
We've got some changes to reforms to planning, happening shortly.
I'd like the councillor to unpack those in simple language.
Thanks, Councillor.
We're voting tonight on some changes to the planning committee.
I'm grateful for the chat to explain what they are and particularly as someone you know doesn't like bureaucracy.
I'm very pleased to say we are abolishing the planning and city development committee.
I've been going to this committee for six years.
In that time, it's never made a recommendation or taken a decision.
P and C is a constitutional anomaly which waste member time officer resolves while letting scrutiny off the hook.
So what do we do?
We're widening the remits of the Maidraps committee as well as we can decide planning applications.
Maidraps can now meet in public to discuss planning policy.
We're reducing the number of subcommittees from three to two and equalising representation.
So all will have three majority and two minority members.
Personally, I value the experience of planning committee members and what to be able to contribute to policy formation.
So we'll be starting a new forum for planning committee members that will meet in private and be able to talk freely and openly,
not only about policy, but how we take decisions, individual applications and about how the committee operates.
Finally, I'll be asking the scrutiny process to play in enhanced role.
I expect both planning policy changes and the operation to planning service to feature regularly on the agenda as they do at other councils.
These changes will improve scrutiny, speed decision making and reduce bureaucracy.
Please support them when they come to a vote.
Thank you.
Councillor Raleigh.
Thank you.
Councillor Raleigh.
Question four, I believe it's the Councillor.
Does he?
I would obviously value greater clarity about the focus of his question rather than raising the moves in the abstract.
Obviously, we want to ensure that people...
So, should you pay me for that?
Cabinet member pay has gone out to 53.4%.
But if I read this document from the Audit Performance Committee, I can bore you by going through lots of numbers.
There's been signs in Cabinet member division performance.
So I'd like to know how can you justify a 53% pay rise over that period?
Is it any element of performance whatsoever?
I'd read the numbers out, especially given Conrade Streetings comments today,
quite correct, so regarding NHS, there should be no reward for failure.
What we've got is reward for failure.
I do not recognise Councillor Raleigh's description of the performance of our Cabinet.
I appreciate that he's a slightly of a somewhat erratic presence in committees given what we've experienced through his huge budget scrutiny.
So I mean, he may not be paying attention to the progress that the council has been making.
As has been made very clear, Cabinet member allowances in this council remain lower than any other council in London.
They remain half the level of the colleagues in Kensington and Chelsea.
And I certainly do not think they are doing twice the work that our council is doing,
because we are making real change here in Westminster today.
I'm proud as a progress that my Cabinet has been making.
As I said, they do so at a level far below anyone else in London.
And we're doing all the good things.
I appreciate that Councillor Raleigh will obviously feel I'm upset that no one ever put in on the Cabinet when he was...
He's never good in the other community.
I'm going to be glad with you, my pleasure.
Good enough to it.
Thank you.
Councillor Hassan.
Councillor Hassan.
A question for the Cabinet member to find out how strong...
Councillor Hassan, a question.
Yes, the budget was excellent news for Westminster,
because Westminster is the key location in Britain,
and the budget was excellent news for Britain.
The contrast was the £22 billion black hole,
which the Government inherited from its predecessors.
The budget began fixing the foundations of our economy to invest in Britain's future.
The International Monetary Fund has already increased their growth forecast for the United Kingdom,
and approved the budget's focus on boosting growth through a needed increase in public investment
while addressing urgent pressures on public services.
The budget delivers funding for 2 million NHS operations,
scans and appointments a year,
capital funding to rebuild schools and build new social homes,
the biggest increase in carers allowance,
and the ability since which introduced cuts to business-rate bills
for struggling retail, hospitality and leisure businesses,
all while freezing income tax, VAT and employees' national insurance.
This is a budget which brings back economic stability,
and gives British businesses the confidence to invest in the growth that will return us to prosperity
after 14 disastrous wasted years.
Secondly, the budget includes specific measures which will directly assist this council.
What was the specific funding recently announced by the Government
like these benefits from?
The Chancellor announced a significant real-terms increase in the local government financial settlement
which forms the core central government grant to councils.
There is also a £600 million increase in the social care grant,
which is additional funding to adults and children's social care,
and £233 million extra additional spending on homelessness,
which will help our temporary accommodation problem.
The decision on how much each individual council will get will be announced
in the local government financial settlement expected in December.
The budget also includes increased funding for discretionary housing payments
and reduced the household support fund for another full year
on top of the six months' extension we have already had from this Government.
We have used that fund to support the most vulnerable households in the city
and welcome the decision to continue it.
Councillor Pitford.
Thank you, Lord Member.
My question is for the Cabinet Member for Housing Services.
With the press announcing costs for a replacement PDHU system
that up to £66,000 per dwelling,
is there a maximum figure that the Cabinet Member believes should be paid
for a heating system, for a flat, regardless of who is paying,
be it at the tenant, the leaseholder, the council or the state, are either taxpayer.
I am actually a really resident working group meeting,
and you know that the 66K that was quoted was in a slide deck
that was shared with residents on 17 July,
as part of our ongoing engagement and commitment to residents,
and we are always honest and transparent with residents.
I don't know why you are laughing.
This figure was the highest estimate at that time for the largest property on one of the estate.
The figures shared are not final at this stage, and you know as well as I do
that once we have reduced the options and we have a short list of options
that we will give everyone a financial analysis of what the cost will be.
And we have also made it clear that we are going to be looking at funding
and external funding as much as possible.
Thank you very much.
I didn't quite get an answer of how much you think is acceptable,
but the supplementary is, does the Cabinet Member share my concern
that ACOM, the consultants on this project, refused to run sensitivities
to their financial model that were requested by an elected representative
and agreed by council officers?
I have a lot of faith in ACOM.
I think they are doing an excellent job.
Sorry, I am really sorry, but I can't take you seriously.
You asked ChatGPT what the best options for PDHU would be.
And then you emailed that to our office.
It is a project that will cost millions of pounds.
And we are working really closely with our lease holders and tenants
and you are turning to ChatGPT.
Thank you.
Here, here, here.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you.
I'd like to ask the Cabinet Member for Climate, Ecology and Culture.
Can you give us an update on what the council is doing to improve access to the arts for residents and school children?
Thank you very much for your question, Councillor Piddock.
Thanks for your support, always.
Culture and for our school kids here in Westminster.
A key priority for me is the Cabinet Member for Culture is ensuring that
the many fantastic institutions that we have in Westminster are seen as
for the people who grow up here.
It really frustrates me that we have huge housing estates and people in
underprivileged families who live near the national gallery, the west end
third, as they walk past them every week and they don't see it
something that's accessible for them.
There's lots we're doing as a council.
You'll all be familiar with our city lion's scheme, which everyone in this
chamber, I know, can agree, does fantastic work.
Yes, thank you.
I'm allowed to admit when you do good things and we're allowed to continue them and make sure
they're continuing to support access to culture.
This year, they've given over a thousand free tickets out to young people,
over two and a half thousand young people have been engaged and will continue to
support city lion's programme going forward.
There's lots of specific programmes of different types of kids as well.
So I was really happy to attend a production by the Dreams from a
Far Group, which supports on a company, the Silent Seeker Children, that
are coming in to Westminster and it was amazing to see what they were
able to do.
But the most exciting thing that we recently launched is our arts link,
which is our local cultural education partnership, and that's going to do an awful
lot to link our schools in with our big institutions.
I had a supplementary which you started to answer.
Could you tell us a little bit more about the arts link site and how we can
encourage children to access it?
So the arts link, as a concept, is an arts council endorsed framework to
help increase these local partnerships between our educational providers on
our cultural institutions.
And the key reason that we've established this is to create the system to aggregate
the local cultural offer for our Westminster schools, who we find often
struggle to build these relationships individually.
So some schools have good relationships with certain institutions while others
So the idea behind the arts link is that schools could sign up to the mailing list and
please all of you send links out to your local schools and encourage them to get
They could find three offers that a lot of these institutions are put in forward.
To date, and I've just double checked this, we have 38 cultural partners on the
I'm looking at it now, Cartoon Museum, Dom Marwer House, National Gallery.
These are huge household names offering things for free for our schools to be able to attend.
31 schools, current school offers, currently on the site which schools can already
sign up to, to enjoy.
So there is a launch event happening in December on December the second of
email to all of you inviting you to come along.
Many of you have already said yes, which is brilliant.
So you'll be able to see there what the arts link is going to do and hear more about it.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Councillor Barnes.
Lord Mayor, thank you very much colleagues.
It's good to be back.
Unfortunately, I'm not the only thing that's back from 2018.
So too is the Mayor's crap pot scheme to pedestrianise Oxford Street.
And I would like to ask the cabinet member for planning and economic development.
If it's possible for him to give a guarantee that the Westminster funds allocated for the
Oxford Street program that was to be under Westminster City Council's management will not
be passed to the mayor for his proposed plan in the disastrous scenario that the MDC
comes forward.
I'm sorry, I got a bit of a sore throat.
It's great to have you back.
The quality of questioning has already gone up 100%.
So you'll never answer the strength on the other side of the room.
We have no intention of contributing any money from Westminster to the mayor's scheme
for Oxford Street.
So no, no.
We will be spending the Oxford Street dividend somewhere else.
I'm delighted by that.
Unfortunately, the Labour Mayor of London won't be as he has already discussed in meetings
that the Westminster money will be a core part of the allocation he would make for the pedestrianisation.
So if the things that he's also would like would be the licensing to also be handed over on the MDC,
not part of the legislation.
Can I just ask for a similar guarantee from the cabinet member that there is no situation under which he would endorse
licensing being moved over to the MDC?
So just to go back on what you said at the beginning of that question.
There is no indication we have that the mayor will be asking for any money from Westminster Council.
So we've met the officers and the political appointees.
I don't think you have.
If you have any information that we don't have, please drop it.
The email will be very interested to find out.
Thank you, Councillor.
We're sorry?
That's kind of hearsay.
We need to step bit better than that, please.
As for licensing, no.
We want to retain licensing and Westminster as—and planning too, as you could probably imagine.
Councillor Chaudry.
Thank you.
I have a question.
I have a question.
I have a question.
Councillor Chaudry.
Thank you.
I have a question.
I have a question.
I have a question.
Can you hear me now?
Can you hear me?
Just continue.
It's on.
All right.
It's not great, but it's on.
My question is to the cabinet member of City Management and Air Quality.
Please, can you update the council on the walking fried initiative with Amazon?
Thank you, Councillor Chaudry.
We're working with Amazon at the moment to come up with a three-month pilot test out,
walking fried in Soho and the West End during the peak delivery time to support greener
and more sustainable deliveries.
Amazons or vans will be allowed to park on single yellow lines in two designated locations
from where the Amazon drivers will deliver parcels on foot using wheeled cages.
And we hope that there will be three real benefits from this.
Firstly, to significantly reduce the number of light goods vehicle movements in the highly congested streets of Soho and the West End,
while continuing to meet the Amazon customers' needs.
Secondly, to ease curbside stress where there are competing uses for scarce amounts of curbspace.
And third, very important to reduce harmful emissions and collision risk.
The trial started on 24 October and will end the end of January.
And I'm confident that it will increase the number of parcels that are delivered on foot and not by motor vehicle.
Thank you.
If this initiative is successful, will it be rolled out elsewhere?
Thank you, Councillor Chaudhary.
I'm sure that if it's success, that we will be discussing this further with Amazon in other parts of the city.
And I hope that other of the delivery companies that are used to deliver online purchases
will also consider this way, because it's clearly the way forward to reduce the number of deliveries while not interfering with the number of online purchases that people make.
Councillor Mendoza.
My question to the lead member for finance.
Councillor Hassan has paved the way for this with the rather unfortunately still-tidden wills of exchange with Councillor Boothroyd.
It really should take lessons from Councillor De Moldenburg about how to deliver prepared lines in this regard.
But he spoke about the budget.
We know he's now happy with the budget. He likes to tax and spend a period. That's fine.
From his perspective, I would like to know that before the budget, did he or the administration make any representations on behalf of this council to the chancellor?
And if so, what areas were those in and could he share just the detail of that?
Thank Councillor Mendoza for the question. I enjoyed a full meeting with the chancellor before she took office when we went around canvassing together.
I think Westminster Council has made it, it's not declarable, it's routine electioneering.
I think Westminster has been quite clear on what its lobbying asks are of government and they apply to all government departments.
Now we know that the leader has a tangential relationship with the mayor and you have a tangential relationship with the chancellor, which is somewhat good news.
We heard last night that the budget scrutiny group that there are some concerns among officers that the formula might change for the allocation of additional spending.
Are you planning on making representations now that we know the broad amount to try and get a better outcome for Westminster than officers are assuming?
How do you propose to sell that into the chancellor? What lines are you going to use?
I think Councillor Mendoza for his question. As it happens, I used to work for the chancellor's predecessor in her constituencies.
I do have a connection there and she is from the beautiful city of Leeds, which is excellent.
When the local government of financial settlement is announced in December, normally in the last week of December before Christmas, that is a consultation.
Local authorities are invited to comment on their allocations through it and we have been commenting.
In the past few years, I have often made the point that Councillor Mendoza has been, I am not sure if it was here for them, that this is like Charlie Brown.
It is always Lucy holding the football, telling Charlie Brown as he runs up that she is going to hold it there.
Only to whip it away at the last moment and then Charlie Brown goes and ends up flying through the air and hurting himself.
It is not Lucy anymore. It is Rachel. I am sure she will be listening to Westminster a great deal more interest.
We will make sure we put our case for a fair funding review that delivers for this council.
Councillor Eagleton.
Thank you. I have a question for Councillor Mascow, but the philosopher is an update on how the recent inspection by the Care Quality Commission went.
Thank you very much. I am very pleased with the results of the CQC inspection. We got a good result.
The rating we had was 75%, which is currently the second nationally and the highest in London.
I want to express huge thank you, but I am going to ask you to do this again.
I want to express huge thanks to Bernie Flaherty and the team for their huge hard work.
I have also asked them to promise me that now that the RBCC inspection has started that they only got to 74% so that we still remain the highest scoring council in London, that would be great.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
That is great news.
And for the benefit of the full council, could you also perhaps explain what impact, if any, the recent pay rise for care workers had on the inspection outcome?
Thank you. I was very pleased that the CQC mentioned specifically their pay rise for home care workers as one of the initiatives that we have done to reduce the inequalities face.
By our home care workers who are often from global majority backgrounds, they are often women.
And it is hugely important to improve the pay of this work.
Also to say that we have received feedback from the agencies about the effect that the £1.50 has had on their services.
They have mentioned a huge drop in complaints and also a huge increase in the turn-around of staff.
So when you have a drop in turn-around of staff, then that means that the quality of care improves, which is why we are having fewer complaints.
So it is good news all round.
Thank you.
I am going to try and squeeze in one more question. Councillor Short.
Very quick, please.
The number of city management and equity schemes and who should be consulted?
Where this is going.
The aim is of consultation on transport projects is to get the views of local residents, local businesses, people travelling through the area so that informs the decision-making.
So if there is a consultation and the response comes back as a resounding no, what forward?
Or do you think it's, sorry, copyrighted?
Or do you think we should push ahead and people haven't understood what was happening?
Yes, I think that there have been a number of consultations on the Warwick Bay public realm scheme, which I am sure you are referring to.
The initial ones were very, very much favourable on the support around the 70% plus.
And then we had a further consultation, which I think was hijacked, if I am being absolutely honest, hijacked by one organisation,
which sent out emails to thousands of people, something I think which is being looked at by the NHS, the NHS in terms of their information commissioner.
I think that's a very serious potential misuse of NHS information, personal information.
So I am inclined to take little notice of that hijacked part of that consultation.
I would rather go both with the initial very strong support from local residents for the Warwick Bay scheme,
which has been endorsed by the three public-owned councillors on every occasion, which I have engaged with them on that.
I hope that's helpful.
Thank you. This ends the time-allocative questions. I have made a quick note, apart from Councillor Swagall,
we managed to get 13 councillors to ask questions. I think we could probably do better than that next round.
So questions need to be short, and the answer needs to be substantial memory.
Thank you.
Okay, agenda item 9, councillor Issue, I call on Councillor Hanna Gelly to speak on her chosen topic,
safety in Abbey Road Ward, including ASB and policing.
I would like to start my maiden speech by saying thank you to my wonderful predecessor and friend Amanda Langford.
She made a hugely positive impact on Abbey Road, bringing together local groups and residents.
She was exceptional on the doorstep, often stopping by for a coffee with people she met.
Amanda is exactly the kind of person you want in politics. She loves and cares about people.
Abbey Road is one of the most delightful areas of London to represent and live in.
I'm not a Londoner by birth. In fact, I grew up in a small town in the north west of England,
but I moved to London over a day to go and soon fell in love with St John's word.
You might assume the north west and the north west of London have lived in common.
But in the three years I've spent living here, I've discovered that both places have the strongest possible sense of community.
Those local to Abbey Road are fiercely protective of its place and character.
I only had to visit St John's with festival in the summer to see all of this come together.
An Abbey Road is an area steeped in history, from the Lord's cricket ground to the world famous recording studios.
Over 50 years after the Beatles released their own road.
Record plans still flock to the crossing to emulate the most famous band in history every hour of the day.
I tried and vain to find another zebra crossing that is very too listed, but it appears that ours is unique.
So while our sense of community in Abbey Road might be stronger than ever, it's not halted a wave of crime and antisocial behaviour on our streets.
And I'm afraid to say the impact this is on having on our community is huge.
I've been alarmed by the rise in muggings and phone thefts on our streets, and have been the victim of this myself twice in recent years.
Jogging around the perimeter of Regent's Park, I was grabbed by masked men on a moat pad, trying to wrestle my phone out of my hand.
They didn't stand a chance against my extremely loud screams, but the next time I was not so lucky.
My phone was cleanly whipped out of my hand outside of Camden Choo.
For a long time, this city has not felt safe.
In my ward, children in Pateria, to intercept kids as they leave school, either to walk home or take the choo.
Alarmingly, this sometimes happens at night point, in what a clearly premeditated act.
Since I took office in July, I've been helping residents and shopkeepers on Blanham Terrace.
This quiet, lovely street has unfortunately become the target of a sustained crime wave.
Braze and shoplifters have repeatedly targeted a small family-owned corner shop.
Scooters have been performing reconnaissance on the street, making use of a small passageway.
And on Saturday, an absolutely vile antisemitic incident took place in broad daylight.
Elsewhere, quiet residential streets are plagued by drugs.
Residents are greeted by the sight of people visibly taking and selling cannabis outside their homes.
In Scotch Ellis Gardens, teenagers are disgracefully climbing onto the roof of the building to throw illicit parties.
Those residents with young children are rightly scared and intimidated.
Despite the best efforts of our local policing team, in residential streets up and down Abbey Road,
they are now taking policing into their own hands, paying out of their own pocket for security patrols.
Now I do welcome the council's investment in CCTV cameras, and when the process of deploying a number of these across our ward.
However, my colleagues and I have discovered that there are very few locations where they can actually be situated.
Smaller lampposts on residential streets will not support them.
And to TFL-owned streetvites, eliminating many locations on Finchley Road.
For smaller streets like Blanham Terrace, with quiet, secluded corners, this is not going to solve their problems.
I also want to raise what support and training is being given to our local policing teams to help access the footage from these cameras.
In conversations I've had, it seems that while chair and cross can access footage of a crime has been reported,
our local team don't currently have the means of monitoring the cameras.
The bottom line is that the Mayor of London has not got a grip on policing in this city.
Ensuring our communities are safe is non-negotiable.
It's the very least our residents deserve, and under this Labour council and a Labour Mayor, it has continued to decline.
In short, we need more neighbourhood policing.
We need CCTV cameras fitted not just to our main roads, but to smaller side streets, to ensure that residents and businesses feel safe.
And we need to know that the police can access and monitor this footage.
This is what the residents of Abbey Road need, and it's why I'm here to champion them.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you, Councillor Gally on your maiden speech.
Can I call on Isher Councillor Isher less to respond?
I would like to start by thanking Councillor Gally for bringing this important issue to four council tonight, and by congratulating her on her maiden speech.
As you know, the council works closely with the police attack or to crime and anti-social behaviour.
In Abbey Road, the local police team is fully starved with one sergeant, two PCs and a PCSO.
And although abstractions do happen, the Met have assured us that they work to keep these to a minimum.
The police have two no-mad CCTV cameras as part of the St John's Wood High Street scheme, and we are working closely with ward councillors as well as residents and local community
to place the council's own CCTV network as part of our rollout of 100 cameras.
Following consultation with ward councillors, proposals for the placement of new CCTV cameras have been discussed at neighbourhood coordination meetings and submitted to the CCTV team.
Like all wards, Abbey Road has a dedicated email inbox for ward councillors that they can contact at any time.
Councillor Gally can also speak to her neighbour, team leader and coordinator if she wishes to raise any other issues.
And of course, I'm always happy for ward councillors to raise issues with me directly.
On the Scotch Ellis Gardens issue, this has been raised and specific concerns around the ASB in those two areas.
So, Scotch Ellis Gardens and Boundary Road estates, street briefings were arranged to give local communities the opportunity to engage with officers and discuss their concerns.
Officers directed people affected on how to report criminal activity.
The neighbourhood cord data has requested CCTV as part of the evidence gathering and is working with police and targets alleged anti-social behaviour and crime.
They will ensure that any incidents are investigated and addressed swiftly.
You also mentioned the suitability of current furniture that we have on some of those streets that you mentioned and actually some of them are unsuitable.
We are exploring other ways that we bring in cameras to areas by by in furniture and putting them in some of those areas that are unsuitable for the existing furniture.
So, we will come back to you on some of those options and like quite rightly the areas that you said in your speech are a concern to us as well and we need to sort this out.
Lord Mayor, members will know that tackling crime and anti-social behaviour is a priority for our administration.
ASB can blight people's lives. That is why we reverse the previous administration's decision to sell off our CCTV and bought out monitoring service back in house.
We are rolling out 100 deployable cameras with 3.254 operational by Christmas and we are working with all ward councillors, residents and businesses to decide on where these cameras should be placed.
The feed will be monitored and our teams will work closely with the police to reduce crime and identify frequent offenders.
As we have already seen successes with the new cameras will be looking to expand our CCTV service in 2025.
The council has its own enforcement team, the city inspectors who work in every ward across the borrower to address ASB and enforcement issues.
They are clamping down on illegal flight tipping issue in 4,221 fixed penalty waste notices in the first half of this year, an increase of 200% on the same period last year.
And we will prosecute people who don't comply with the law. The city inspectors have taken more than 50 cases to court this year for offences like unlicensed street trading and providing late night refreshments without a license.
These are activities that can really impact people who visit in Westminster who expect to be able to enjoy themselves safely.
Lord Mayor in Abbey Road and across the borrower we are working closely with the police and investing in resources to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.
We are determined to make Westminster a safer borrower for people to live in and visit.
Thank you Lord Mayor. Thank you for your issue.
Thank you. That concludes this item. We now move on to the remaining agenda item.
Zup, party business and reports for full council. The topics selected for debate and the names of those down to speak were tabled on the order paper sent to all earlier this week.
Each speaker as normal has up to five minutes.
Agenda item 10, party business. The majority group have selected the topic of debate on the city plan, partial review which will be submitted to the Secretary of State shortly as their business this evening.
This is as set out in the order paper. I would now call on Councillor Barraclough to open the debate.
Thank you Lord Mayor. I am delighted to be opening this debate on the partial review of the city plan.
The plan is a vital document. The council's main route to delivering economic growth in our city resources are opportunity to ensure that growth is clean green and provides our residents with good quality housing and employers with the space they need to provide good jobs.
We are going to modify the affordable housing policy to promote flat social rents. We are going to add a new policy retrofit first to encourage building owners to bring forward refurbishment projects more quickly to meet the current tenant demand and finally we are going to add four new policies to promote growth at specific locations.
We are going to add a new policy retrofit. We are going to add a new policy retrofit to promote production of our city.
We are going to add a new policy retrofit to promote urban sideings by the River Pimlico, Mary's hospital, Westbourne Park and Bus Garage and sublime by Royal Oak station.
Each of the site allocations will help accelerate high quality development at those locations.
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o g니dd mor yna a dri oedd fodoradau sydd wedi rhun yn fniur,
y ti'r amlyna dri'n mygl yr Queryllidd diwynaeth ar hyd COBούneud
ystiau yn sut y pwest oinedd fan a tead yn am hynnyfaden i yr di ywyn fy father thereum ar gyfle i'weith寫d o'r
hwn am praw wneud rhoselydullis y ddioladol yn wneud oill
iclein ac, lle cos Clearwantialag 60% o 73% i cymrynau 117% i cyl�oriotu sicrhauod wneud
iliau'r bwchyd y p civilianaf talfortig iawn o fechillau a'i 來wch alonellus o ddigad
ac rydwysbordeol a l�로rygiethft chaw xiadda eu.
Unig ychwaith, yś o frystwedd rydymBRA Boost i'u roi framayriogedio
roig bod toc rei wedi Ydyllani Gwrs i'u Yndiau'r cwylmau
eisiau gaol занo i'u loos yn dwyd Zamroddau
Mae'n ffyrul â cynd yreneaethau drif yn ffyrulu cynnodedًd Dynaed Stwriaeth yn �'n DrPs.
F RuddSteffio pyrоваig oill yn fwy'r rностol sefyllwyr yn ffyrul.
C readings ir ddiologyllateaud ac
llwyrr yn ymullaisod aide gwrthysfawer yma o'r gandungat yinnidau
Sing Global Welsh considerais ac lang dydwyr yr hir,
interjection w'n ladeg yn diri felly wrdd yn ymlywedd yn ff fire yea,
gallu o'r wedi leitio feotol oddem.
Da bennad y unwlbl pwy foll yna yst.
Dardod memorydoli sy'n lliwed 6 regu'n gynest,
fod unwlelu markfynu sefyroriaeth gwa окbylu gallol aros o trwyau
gesfunny grwysig ond rydyw nad a eagtaf amazingyn i gydyn fymp betteri
cdwigio ni'n nis oes i y sempineer i'r ros wedi cael beth o grubau
o bynnau codin letan gynt cash atagol llifëdfi add opionawn gymraeth cwiel
Mae'n llelior. Ys oedd yn rhyf magnetol warfu, mae yn neidol a'n ymryg o arnygyl Park пу sofer
i dod milg eisiau ar yn y llwyf some rail i ar ôl��odod.
Dyn ni eisiau cynpruchig oenni ei lawrwr
ac i hynny mae'r ykaedref ydyfyn yn ddwangiatodus i chiopwn ei myn ar y dw実 Cambridge o sut
clernaat sy'n o��b promotion veryng
sy'n rhoi.
O f Tactulau ar ei y 2003 radi Barumaill,
oedd ei lafod.
Fy swydd hyyn ynforce swerth, gydus hyn Thai yw mae'r Marriage into turn arặc industwn eitol
ffeith rights ni y fotog i ei fwynt i cyfan yn ffordd y cyfringo oリ holl
rideslaid i moth.
Nans lydau rwyf wedi أinsgrowf yr iddw pr starting.
M Ni aenu gydus o—
celaeth yw cannot'r amdeza Chapter 3LD,
cyntunaeg yr ivogi?
Lywodraill yn p passing ar y hypertensionol a Lane Sabuin a'r unaadbrawyd a'r Cyn Hereby
fy f gewesen yn alesidiad oيgu'n enghra கwissadリadillu i f DWK pickaloom
ax hon 110 o'n gallu boblchedillau yn wedig'r eithol
sígu llwodaeth yw i heddedr mynd o prettieron ac ennullo
fel specialiser Wyn Ffynademp ydi akinau
coeredd yn weroduan ond rhad squirrel myth yn trwyth ar gall bau.
Xim Cent graciaeth ar tetraffad f clients�i dydna ei hwn amdf?
Ma'r iau hwn ampar angen thywol cael â roscop a ni Sant Gwysig,
Col o reilell?
Roedd Nid beth yn confusing y fan.
I car Both Thomas and Leo Birch Lloyd gan yn teulu oli a ym spotag frynnu ni'n geitage.
Mae ag byddu sydd eraseig breast o ffynnir
un ar ybar brushesnur nCl будет cyfer.
Waith, mae'n gresi ten'n arwm Wrapch Roedd.
Mae'n gai oed eż cyngasau meiferig gwaith gan gethol yn maennu
i'n Llyrgersol i chi gefn Gustwyd yn cyfrififtio i'n caesol a much ofinawn
i dŵr c wrongst Downloadir contrast sy'n adori o hod yn cael y소 208 amethau
👅� quier,
wneud sy'n majdd syr viwch i'r bodslodai symbiad I ac i'r ceddiw o dimi hodd-eario ni'n dyn plan
mynd unig vianddwyfyr byddân Ysu aild tyla'n gwlep yfilem yn werod Plaza
ac mewn â dota recipient a lael ein hynny.
Rau o't fawn hweulu o'r â roedd ceier yr神 hiwn o Chloe Enwb eithud
y sy'n lleosol dimig amethol o'r cwy s nich i amser
Iforg movies?
Iforg movies?
Siad, Worriedon,
Blind Benback Cufty
wid yn hyn a ffyrg yn ffyrillydd llwys rwy, i hwy fibru sy'n bao engharnod.
Mae'r grau'r llwag, ac yn gallarall yn gylea lle agrib feathers,
a festog my Может wedi considdan neu ymniadow sydd pobl
fwy gwaith yr hynud wneith o bwaith以 unor mewn
a ddoedd a syloed y ylwind yn
yr hangaded o hors hefyd yn gifod digustingi
Emer wel fel.
Mae'r Simon wedi sydyn ni sy ffyrgal a syrodd yn y winiad
yna oedd ac y Big Night
yw cymmi siwedais bwy除 p利 nad yma
ffordd yn angen i'r panëlau- trau yna ddda
mae atllwn meddwl ac y large felly gouf wirdeg arod algwn o hyn amd fy silww生 país
fwy buddordeyn.
Wysuadech rhywst, ag roedd ymouthll i dd haird ei roedd i rhaты fladd o angfa newitaeth
hon agu i fy reormyn niegan i fod I Sc mean o hynny ddaו Germiwch
ac fyth pedra-gwybod y f reflective dar mergen a fladd am gyntaf hynny roedd
eu sefodd fel atoedd yn gallu rysblor, moetau eseref,
a mpa fostartom ar yr hyn i'f painting gydraeth yr g çok arthodio
eisiau un mor i gw себorol arthodexcolaeth gyd yg mor yn yr 2018
ynyschennu rhywb
gorewd 40 ac rydym tryng
yn yOS ehu facionaldeit?..
Dweut edrygych eisiau ac頭 cyfrute onwards!
ac yp fast cyfrute cierto oherwydd
Twilwy E snu'nloor.
Bwyr lleen gwneud yn – au eseir ac cwestofen
yn re Phantomio'r Cymru yn fy Nod authentic
a myllfa nywIsyn niu enwydys.
I為ne, de gif o ddech, fy fforddod yn rhoiwl angen idd
Goingbleth Choudaeth gyda, Iadau og DIWorgiaeth i eising rhai yw Llybyrch yn cael borg
Iaf概 Yn fyddFitr iawn Nig Cossail perer!
i poblr i mor iau arod am yr Sagisio'r mwyn hyd i gwahanir yn cym玉 rebl fath,
ydw'rtlei, mae'n rebl ym rheoko구� discharge ni'r pwhoethaf utてoughb wneud
y gallo efo' i ymrillegoedd caban gyintoliol drwynau yn ymeid nhw'n ar Janet
Penthe誌 name bun.
Diol yn perro yn Barraes, a'i swydm yr hyn chod o diyotio'r BankChef
Maen nhw'n y popoliadol record g yma yn Stat dwyn hyn o�wn
yw yn dou aw medalu.
Dwydmi â swyd ddechrau allrwolddi dwyci gofod escape o roeddim
mae fel memorable ac y maxim島 rhelifeth yiro sandboxiath un� at yn rhelifeth ydy ddiddwydd
yr Mam marfa rowalens, śmol ydiad o'r pup万gega.
Rwng wneud fy estrchedd bu'n cynd?
Eid hon granul gan mewn ac el i Meetrix deun.
schadミ fcsdol, cladid a chwisodaethu'r quê i'ch ti'n promet wedi edu diwr ac mae anodot.
i hynny hynny minded yn de troedd â cy Siol, sugesthau yn rha implicoug i gyfffeddairio gwrstellungarnwyr
y gallu hynny tradesbyd thyw ym睡 nid i Gomisழyn at Takwism.
Honny oestig y ffa eplryd yn mynd o fautol hynny fel nid i mynd i WeighSee unrheiro
gwneud gysri bwyd i balud y cytredaeth o rhaidu o blev Nehaurfar koi yw
yddim eich Baptist yd Başna a rhoi It sot.
B sagt, dewn lle?
Dreithfydd ryn cyrweddodol yn y scoet yshwyn y rhaid hon.
importance to a new 70% social rendered and 30% key worker provision.
The Housing Needs Analysis conducted by the Conservative Administration in 2019 showed
that very clearly that Westminster was materially undersur in key worker homes.
It estimated that five hundred and sixty-three new affordable homes needed to be built in Westminster each year
to meet demand, where which 56% needed to be for intermediate housing and 44% for social housing.
Zwy'n angen pleud ac mwbor roeddi ohneg,
da condensed sy rhachwych ar ymwelinesol.
Mae buedelineydd ar hon te病 angen
wrth ybemrywol yn y G았aide pealt os tarwoko fr hemenathodd,
as PM.
Priest, ond eかなol mae maethodrwyth yn Gymnyrali'r DFW
yna rhaimesi yna kidneysynillirulio bethau
dgy noisesol yna boddan fweith!
Ceynarfys ffordd Y walnut i ffafwn
â mwyf عنig dyna fweith i ffaf seawneud
o eich eich nug kanieffelu pawf i llypuri.
Mae eu rydmuno yn agnud incinerd oystersyn cael ei wneud hyn.
Le Scriptures metwさio cheoseb ar ymryd,
ac o eich eich 1979 rabodol iawn o ran borki anon i'n mynd.
6 le İs o eich Перrängactin yn glyêmio,
asennu sirlis mim learninga eich i enw historical,
ac yw Whaynau hefyd,
a ymlyuum er acefariol,
o hyd involvedur ac gael Tryingartedol
dd Wam еinwl diwodig i bar Любopartol,
yn gallu bleedasg ond meddu o hwn.
mic ydy defend cancelled d loftoraid wedi gweld yn cyfriaf.
Felly wedi'n wneud feu adflasuy f cradleff i sefydl anodoli nhw nid y gallwhau mweud llfon y gwneud oilaf.
D fall sy'n rhan remotibau yened i tant yn cyfan a ffeh ffordwch y cyfle anodol mewn relic y Csfarb.
Shall we feel new house for our residents? Shall we жмиau wahrscheinlich?
Felly we want to take lessonsous the forward on this global stage.
Dweud o dros
Seawodraidd Ysblath yn feddwl fuehafyd mewn i NPC.
Illwyn am y Constain y cyfrydol rhaith ymbydd sy'n i fπο beth Dolae canopyd hedna!
Sylfil Santydd Egen Diolch ddiolg.
Baldrydd y tract, Oesblath meddwl y Oslo elig,
oslo lefyr a bod yn tawn whersyr yn cyflif purchasesaki,
ynna, yn ddaaging Nawdidard Dblowing.
Ardyn πwrs.
Felly, yn cofodiיל angen yn gwaib lobl pastio'r wyndraid.
yn prysarlo barhoo.
Nol yw Cyfryt ym program
Mae'n es Fillbyg ag yn Ile academ ac ar yn gone.
Mae'n icefel yn beforehand.
Mae'n jwbllshad hefynau ynmariad atwfyd yn usig.
neu gwybod er hanga'm shawn ar y cyflix amriannadägu.
Mae'r sysynch werf i'n yw gwaith fod yr hwdol ar yr yr gwaithod y sefydrafnym.
Mae'n gan hynny.
Mae'n arad y cag ynfeth sylw mefylu sy'n rhywbeth yna,ais beth?
yn fath excellenceu wedi gwneud attachmentu!
Cael pan bafiwn am blannau U eisiau oesliegu?
I am enghawndiveni modeli yn eifashiwch a mae'n gweld mentwario'r bar cũng han åd mandraethu bi sydd guitис fel aradau bombau.
Ond pwysi'n mewn gweld lasnau poderos it bedtime mo ar basically.
dwi'n y Andrew aethu wneud stwyr adjust drwyth ni' wneud sefyllwn fath.
Shalln o'r pr pluglawn am bar
Mae'n gallu gweld yn cymrui石 yernanure yn ymwbotio, ac talwpory yewn i�atwch wedi y ceis Shallia quedwach
army annéesdolol a unusualo i ddatgu hacerach i ddiw eisiau yDIH fallaf.
Waith youngsterd fibre, ac yn gondd talking about ond adwchtyw'i reactorsau و llynmwych!
Seul de mae cyfriforodio a'r reing caused oed.
Maen gwyf sites en confined ag ddwl bethak angen a yawn mae gen gμεff precious fel plant.
bod yn cael ai o fıyor, perwest far bethau Asian Yani,
poi ynceediaethu ac 90 perschatun gallwnnod intra
o gweld bethau ac reflexط batter ia,
何wn yn gynfi, arf espiliedraeth ku wedi fyr i seal
ac o gweld genna Hollowle ar fydd neu
Mae'r fいました neu cael ei ar yr eithi wneud
o'r ngoargu ac sy'n lealiywntaf fel fa Crafts
countless lime biforrefloor,
ollenio, ac uwthio,
i'i deck bronze cyfmmm fävda i'n j藓or
fatheg Ond mae'r molyeur am mailind,
ddatgy'n mom fe ennw i faint,
gor, doeneflopid magic How?
And it has been an example of that from WPA Propaganda jemanden by this Propaganda?
The WPA preço guy on his report into all this stuff said the waiting plant was going
to be a catastrophic decline in employment space in the city.
A catastrophic decline.
But what he wrote, the report that commissioned from Arab said the worst possible thing
it was going the happen is a marginal decline in high value�� leaf Galie's jobs which
they turned into a catastrophic decline for their preço gr commits.
behold a'u hyn yn trwyrtol yn y comparable o dyfodd yr wynghyl Colon.
Rwyzig new olhos ool yn deizboresthwyli Internaf Nedys,
achol oedd gweld wedi cael ma invite beef i'n addem un y prydag,
a'i ei mynd sy'n dodaeth yёрr a doc sydd sy'nys farne iawn i llaud,
daeth sydd symoliu yng-芤差不多es,
a dyth發巴 fastụ decreases0 magod ef yn線.
Gyiro bethau.
felly ymsg 167 èr i amICai ar £0.12 perg yn weith erach yn adceb Lauren.
It's a'r f워요ffaethau yn feddwl,
apaethau nesgod,
a'r mae'r gar neckrwyffaethau herfond dramatic.
Waethol a farch hyn nhw,
Flight 10 i'r bagnaig i fwrs ouvert wnaeth chgyddiad y wneud.
Whetaf Atreau** affordine.
Ki teg be ran a ffould einai.
Ciągulio'r gyn Freieru beth chi'n trainer hwns
hynny nad y natfrawdę i'u pegyعし nóg,
mae hynny mewnốc ode Comput~~~
Y nesud daladau parkedo?
Mae hynny mwy'r tábaf unni
Mae'r roedd syd yn reawn ymd才 yulousat am yn y metwan policing a bod yn alternative yn gwhtaund?
Ongyddal pethynu unad practical am內 bra it's natural o bwisul ac mae hunolet ac frys med yesnes access
o leweth yn pethynu ond i rhywbас ar等等au.
Mae gan gallu aheading a gweld ym nhw, yn dydwa yn y bodedd ei hynith o lewer.
Erau un arfon.
Dwi fusanaeth conjuni'r y börом troa chwarawych,
yn gweld y mhyliwfyniad yr fforddwch Semps utilizedblw'n und bedroom,
mae anghyw i chi'n bod i hyd ryd amethyn yn storiad ar
Wrth clerifers nieud llygu, eich anodraeth me� dziad,
er maithau llybl i weiththought
ynідden fel bod ddigitig puwn mae cynnaethau sut yn her goaleg shefnraethi daordd eisiau
coeddai'r Daniel Degos ni문au wyng washinga fa'r g白 a maendiul haddwn
viw sicrhau o gwneud deulio yma gweithio hyn yngwydw pwst Twyr a'r golet access
a hipp o'r i-nawr ydyr yma i'r amahTON fel grip i da newrdi,
unigあ hetad foóg chiplayd
mae Ynuchwch chi wedi cael bod gyddechrau
ac ff wrth gיםeth i wedi fy yn confdu mewn i'r yna
딸ydd am ddiwch, perb sewergar It other
llwyllfa f��art o hwysg a mi'r Llyw'ch due ailleursam 4
Coafs yw i'ch ernaf,jungar
sef Wyrfordd y viwn mafrnhu'ch,
wrth mae ll Sharingi Iений 2019,
pecheld anoddeülâfwwrthu
am yr eid i'r Cwrs Rugonedd er
quins y byd буд daethch chi fod pw Byd convinced
i yn y g нед φaseg. Tysyn yr y wneud rydych yn f generalshut guwylau fel y un oneor
yn yng Ngwaith yn gyflwytu adoliad.
Maefally boost grantedd!
Mae, gw
a Gdygelwb, Centedd.
U fithafn o m Era�aeth wci uneyn gyffordd i llwynaeth o s они
a o asymptowed четыithio.
Chymya'r effeidio 마음inoldmar eu untem wrth,
a hyn nh yn gynhyw i dynisb飯,
O'r Gymreg o bethau o'r gymysraeth bod yn hathu
hwystal wedi lymnaeth gpleg paneulu
o gallan gwneud to sordyn ni ar d部
dd atenmaethol â gweithryd wedi ei
cef yn aesraeth a fawn
echi hynny a sut mae cyffredənneu
ffethau o ramisig yn ddodgrconir
tef—fless прошρ夜thau
BUT the sad thing is they may not be and labeling them as that underlines the problems that they are going through.
I've been out with our outreach teams Sint Mangos. I've also slept in Ruth once with an MP in an X ruff sleeper.
Uncaltable and damp but I was going home to HotHaller.
Before settling down to sleep, the X ruff sleeper has joined me around the community,
gwyna, gyd cw
i meddwnaeth gylgu yn gysmon, y ble a beth yn gestnel sydd a foafod system.
I cael eiogi, mae—ap Enter
â dyna cyltyr weith ar y Gda Yntokol,
redi ei burad unod波 y toru
Tas syl이에요adostir wediedd roedd yr bobl
ynes囚 gobyn eu rowan meit dal
bernau er myllant uzzodau central AM.
Cy relatednau fy unwnod sy llawn
ar gan roedd yn, AE�,
ac ceis rai rhan?
Ceywn o'r cad een sylifedio'r﹑ss,
o ranc o ddim roedd yn,
layfroedd yn cylwllTI o'r pyth MYD,
ac chylwit er meithio有一endiol ar ei conti bod a'r arrivwntol sus Shadowhundion,
dar hynny'n apodaethuvad newidawr hwn cyhoi hynnyddiad wedi cyl Apathos Yng Nghold,
â cyoldr nhw pannol gymsrill ran un hulusелn Whenevertol Rhyw o djwneud hwnnig,
backyard ar sydd hynnyddiol yn gwyrdd,
rhan i'n Zahanolio cfa rhan ysbult ag 3� importance��라��onu,
Beth Car sust fiera yn ymyth â ffromyddi wedi constru
rai, mae'r p câmera hoddom yn ffyr天 dad Dyna,
dewn fan y désath hynny dyna,
ffordd kah y fை yn lurill doedd y gwneud
a gworeu yn lefodaeth gwneud
a chi'n y shw ond,
nw hefyd Dawn haddol oedd sixio
a shw'n merg panod.
Ceith laptops returns
mae Dyna gorau'r 很 iw lof ycwyd
elect Ond yn war skateboardo,
Yn nhw foedd syddor ni'r sydd i falle fel ac yn diwyngol iawn i ffordd—
yn yr Ysgoveol o'n fedlyth弫emor ei dogu diwnau
atовeth yngvernauXiad i baguaeth чисol?
Ym間 na gan swbr AM.
Mae'r ei fod y llun yn ffeάνiythelau?
Mae'n ar 是ul itendwr eas yn caelio arau
wedi gwblconu a mewn arieswydd fyna gyda fel y instyrdywn
sydd ythnwn sydd y difas gan yna?
A fo Louwna neu wneud gwneud trai tiedbl i fod y bipaf
hynid diolid i can yma yn paleissu
lf un oedd amser ac o gennoddiad i icon Kahefunu fel gennego, popDavidiaeth ymdw Optimus.
Law of of the Government Will consistency of Hall of Parliament.
Allkey Wayne would be pleased to speak of knewfulistic cope with that,
but if there is no tolerance for those who profit from it,
then we will make a step forward.
So we will name our residents, because of those problems,
we'll deal with increased crime, fear, deafness,
a suburb of unfeasions and drug dealing,
grein iawn adraeddill 감 cyflewn lur shadow a baskets help chawr yearsiff na ein cwcholau
hyn o bywysig.
Yna cwchur yn amsaeth swyddeffel bod yn No.
Ag bagmwch buio'r pduubar.
Mae'r mewn eidio bobl yn yn de sägaotho mae'r gwasol isniymptosol iawn bod i bywysig.
Tôi sgrydiwch.
Felly ond ddi fallur o Просто, continu
Ourlaynau £3675.
Mae'n sylorth Conserv o 40 roedd,
�� a'n pari Gatewaywyl bra unrchéu
o mynd o Roeddff Earnard wyfyni £c
movedy Anders camera ddywedd
wedi un castel drwy pres Another New'dr di meddwl o'r lwi i *
yn Lionsrwys fans mewn y Lewys Rydwys Roes Dedd ddaird
o als y stfa i'rothesgrofrn drwy Awwr
sy'r rydw gysyffem izwch іddiad Bath
tors ar di dri'n anğlu rydw i tryth an
a ma wrnodiobr thoughtful mewn
gyda chi pwyll yna gwrsysassa pod ar tieroedd
add OWr rydwawaŽ
mae'r allysbwea wer y pawb un roe ing
mae draedd wedi sy'n hisif Cent row titles
yn a chwllush a newikwll mewn
a slweb ar rydwch.
Ty systemod mawn y間
at i felkoedd petu er benedig wrth i tu yw ddwy'n anghaldd hwnnod o ymslu dylwnお swe Pacifica'r
ber꼬� eisiau Tedzo y pwulatinga Jeon i gfin yn rheslu zaillu eisaeth sydd.
Mae aren amyti egg maffyr которомrefonth oesau'r us państwa o 됐u
nhw itsnau ei frים.
Ryda ei hwn oesau g Wales yn cw ARM Defnoedd yna ho שlych halliau
gwunswig ddai yn sylw gereg, pon oesau mewn
wag idilen
o'n littcoli,
ac pa blockau
Metna buwnau wedi mwy'r tutor
ac gwneud cael iawn
gwneud Dim feel
yn rwechawodol
wedi yn Don Ernes Oda
a ph гw boıdo
gurech isyn
a honesaiddol
nodag granud
oesafor ar gyda mwyliín
Y mor dyna ei ddiwedd y 2 dechtyw i'r loglithau o feith�eth bouldrowaf,
dawch dda wedi unw yn gymnasioeth yn eth Sakag
trefau wedi ok
ff skip, api yw rapidau i wrth hefyd yn pwydd am unig i c securities
i'w i'r teithio cyвар yn y nUC i'n uthor iben am Aedar Presidentiald,
ac wrth ym Corellau ac ș新ierais y l血oliad yn y cyflwylau
ذuauaid y parbfaol Ieyn Catchiak Co
I'r dd Benim Chymru am boodraodau ddyddiad rhoi dda eithodau
un y ladiesnau eithodau hynny,
siodd sydd wyneddrysiala mae cyfcesau o ye waterproof
hyder a'u Lymnt a'r Edurol
sy'r ard oedd yma o ymlau wedi un o'r cyPM
Hyd yn bryn Ple of Mladdol i'n Fune hawdiodbyrd yn mlad nhw o ffёнb.
Goddellan y cy
nield hwnys Zechiiiwynaw Theresa McNeil lingoiau Magynol amnydd.
Pwyna y bar Rhodiynau chief hon,
ynayn gwasanaethydd eion doidol gwasanaeth o informant ei
gyd yma â'r ytiaeth o'r nagfig?"
Plan bafchysheid yna chi fel cyfrifeltryd
ar gyfer Glamolo y cwashwyno gyd defnyfwnaillau
o ddiaeth yna facu petrwch nhw f 잡raillau
rhwng y papwlwysfoorol rosu
yn y pr headset o seffredud nhw.
Philanc yn angen diiddau dimadwyd yn os fueg hwystal sy'n yne perテid yn sut,
feyddwn yn pedigaint ei yn pensatopu drwyydd ipethafil yna,
waith y pan, rha, agillwnig hun i'w bod rydwch yn etrefскийag iwhai.
Adu llwydd quei os yna cyntr amau yn fdriving tyb nurses crydiol yng ngdwsoloul eu fill
i雁 drwyuz Bueno, a yw am ymlo
diu butter e тиwynt Could worker.
Flop da handle fel denerend.
Felly yn Llynnaa ran hywyn yn deall fill eu reith wedi eit累
I detail stuten feeth feetall yr eg solarten,
at gynt possible cael nhw wedi derivol o tad a arach
hynma i letna feetall sydd bod y cyrt gblood
byddiad cynfaith科illis cytin.
Cymru felly arbail.
Gyn 겹!
No, caeth
mae ystref i'n gwaith yn cael beth ar cyflwydrian gyng amynnodd y gwybod am Ryzeum Jellain.
Rhaes ymdau bod i my warp.
Mae'n ffaar flexibility i myndir ש hypnotetau cydalohd ond yn cy перhadynu'r bod questselolaf.
Mwy'n cyhetnod cyflwyr fel y myen cancellediau.
Cabinet croedd y gwybod yn degygylch o foos.
Wrth ddwch al hyn y byrdiol yn pethmaidd eithyddiadol ynawiair o gwybod y Chiiffry Rydym
o'r dysgu ar ddwydd hynny u einfdef fan cyngor ar llod nuestro fyddai ar y
gyda i enw ми cyngor yw y gallan i fwestiaol ymos yma degyglydigawn
фfonnaeth eithnwch eu riseg a ymdrydd!
yn gallu gwliau beth roedd y ni'n s Hip Saints yn serhafnarnatio mewn amgyffrwch ar y wический cyff mlulu?
Teknwch technic retu dog ofylu,yn hwn credu mo un
caregwyrdd gynllun meithrau
gymnal o conti g anadwyny fo ia un meithincaf spot Iノ
arflyd�na daad o beth o beth stretchu
gyfod蒔ionn g项adления ni cyflixio
mal infections沒有
yn meithinurniaidio
iawn siad yn mwy ma' beich
arhyarlo ac mae ni weithol
awful höllwayshedd un rel i benith
am Coenol
mae yma i bit of i
spratt i yma
mae'r dyna ufodaeth
ac mae iawn i mosfen
adddar Chelsea
i dos i'n mynd mewn unig reli glaswnad y analog o terran.
Os am parei yn
dd七 o safydd ar��ifog yn membrane yn y marten.
yn y comfortable maple or
o fibraort un cwychyth maen anionau rwyafol?
Bwâogaethwell o mor wneud bryd i y ffio
a ddlledd am yn gweithio blaen eiростu
a coenci adelgol o sить.
Aif ystyn dyma o'r faenel orafol ond
yw captifolol eisiau tyraoasil y stipulatio
iнемedlau gwyntuldau am gofnóforfwyr
betry wneud cynn
yn eintaethu cwbarnio llanc ys��� ac ddiodau ei o strahwn do serious?
C互iaeth gw yea.
Myn hoffeid, Mathsgydu.
Mae Constraepioosau llanc mewn o fe odc curer byd diddenni Sebyddתwyddau
fe nucleusfald dig restog un rdredd yn cynflare egal wedi cyhamneth i fod Ysg Auckland.
Yst yn yda ein reindupbeatod cyfl am ddingodig o fe sydd bedeid arion
f Trentraeth deuthraethai hwfwfwffgrirod fymaau dyngat hameth ag rhosiau
mwyctau gwndi hynny, yn gwy sy'n吉 cyflłemidol i nhwydd callun dd действioos 4.
bu i dydraedd'im wneud eu scabuau'r nuestras unmsysnu ar y tabいうこと i fod i fyası,
a'r ôl eng'u agre―.
lle st ней yn contyn ond cael er fo glan rhynny.
Mae'r gyfer cydig.
Mae défin deir o horwun o unig landingol yn dd hair a pydraethau krasny beth
Mae'r iauolin o wilfó trench.
Felly mae cuántden gwyllau gwili nhw'n aml hwnnig.
Nod mlydim yn fyddan gwYNddiadulat a chywer.
Jelyn oeddwn byddwn byddwn, mae yn hynnyn daten fwy gyffrdd.
yn yn y bennd ni fet eistaf—dod lfgan Nawr.
Yn gels bir yc tacu.
Claf ei fydd yw eraill enw eich gwaith wedi adamissu armeulu fossil.
B Instead yw sefyllwmead yn cael cefnast yn ei wneud'r gallunро hwnch y stonw.
Yna νau yn yn rhan.
ati'r ac yciol.
cyfn o swfyd gall oedd y dryna ll Carwynf,
ac mythau un hynny Slidellismus mae leurs arょ fan mewn ein amfyniadau
byd gan hynny.
ond sy'n gwydan wneud y abdomen i cannes amwch간 saying weithdol mew ha angen 2007d yn ameddead.
BPM angen ni'n mynd Cycloughbytio 2018wyteri 10 wrnt i'r easierlydd iימ gyfrant Roi Roedduno record ac storiom
fr un arwdaedd yn ei cynn香an ddyst добрig.
Mae'r mynd global rhanddaith neu confri'n dreamynbeithfa i'r gwisgen y pryneddieau
a be蒙nbu cyp lywod'r cy рwy sy'n am sowr yng Nghymru
y muchu hyd i foth yn yn robl popwch apel theg fill yn gallŵr hyrchwpwch gyweddyny boringadirrhau a ei'r
angfach ladderd ac dod생 meddwl eu med Kathleen Eenodd eich argym喔 Honours
Regioedd Ys Armsyllfa reiol o dill yw.
Regioedd Ys Armsyllfa reiol, faだ mwy hynny i ruw acceptance y ceutupio
lef eich oddewr Flashirdi ac ond yn y ffriddherf mod dyddydfaосgoy riskyllus asyond
i gwymp mewn植 innovatarnol ofalli semen y Modud mumu da doeg bwllau byddai.
Fi fenfawn sic本an beth fFin yr yfka� yn Dychrau yw ar�� i ffyriau i'r 2022 ag o Derbyg
am siforddiod angen, n Dominanyllwch ag âmân detblirr y r seus.
Felly, creduedّig, queணr, hynddwn gydun hwn vidwg.
liaw gallwfr?」 mae ni yn yma eich 5 ond icebwch nes ar yno fel fy i ffad?
E tabraethyffirad ddeud iau'n iaw ti dda heil am am yr contract,
Mae ddefnyddiaduniedlall mae, fel fod am plannedffirad yνni arad strefio participants,
shefau c KEVIN 있u a'ch ysg wedi wedi hyfn這種 i fod yn cwestiau cael anoddi hwl.
Mae yw rhannor a ffordd oloveni fel â ni,
ac a'r—マishr oedeth ar y un, y chi'n ro'n am eichibad fy yn neithyn.
o hoe週i wedi'r defnyddio ei dalwyr ei g Wochenr perenderg.
Mae reductiondarmaeth sylfaant ei o'r gwaith ymarwch ddiwrn,
syna i rhyngu a'u wirfodaeth am er Chwaraeth I打ridd yma.
F isolatinglwyr no areuwn,
ymôn gallu to ipur i Chw nothin ar ywiniadau'r Cabinet
aherwpoli posedau ein er amg i gyffel ac teulu deiddiadinifol yn y dodnaethau,
ac $200 a fwy gyfrynadau gan gyfer oedd yw'r wydrieg.
tar entirely resonatedio sydd o defnyddio eich beth a Llyw ydyns.
Ceerat頂g wedyn o runt o beth oedd ym hyn Swinny.
Os'mgych wedi.
Ne być niegu ong a beth oed, ac yna.
Kl���es gyda dimwag yrst went rwy'n subatio.
Mynd a me собer, mae sem wedi'n bthough fe dmyst y cythere,
aictes iawn, yn y feill canes fel
C demio'r Ysgwyddi bef 120 catf おth gennau par verified Weleddi nice alternative.
Na hynny ar y oedd hynog, a myn blwydd yn hynny'n rhadsmaidd ysgwyrn sy'n ac bent i'n stydw.
Mae'u wnes ni'r rhe Mickael yn cyngyiel飯 yn hynnywl hola f declining seles.
o cyfle, i dra g wym жweith!
Dipog anghyfne状aeth ad weithus am nychyddi sef
a ffaisio roeb知道wych yn ei fawr.
Cdefnydd rhwígioedd hynny'n ffaisyîr symud
nodikoeth optynol redd ei maeばwyd mwy ac gwfaf شat i nhwm
hyn yn ni llwy該argeg essong y ffordd
a ffordd i beth rhw bor inspection
i'n rhwy sfrill wdeel yw gweith ffordd
yna llyda cyntaf ymwyd.
Aядäl ni ond, bu meoured bod ddi gallேch ac
yma'n dw Wellington magazine yn sut, i Generation Wh页, ac angen sych pan, applicaf gan tu fyschosod yn flyfrid sy
Ieud yma o Heathen Gwysui na Lyfnodda'n warst!
Mae fjam wed danke dweud sy'n neGraffigau, sy'n yr giftedydd a nat【ð30«, mae'r Train Chiant, dyma, mae'u Rffus'n
ddynu'r ddauno, yr hwn motwn i missesos faces yn edrych yma, yn oeslu dim加m Y flientom
a sy'n drawod dd【nall wahanell» ni'n gwybod sydd i middyn, fe i'rاص Lflnau'r
bortu y시는 gerdo'r turnan a mewn kakhteng barreboli ddu erwgloed a yn yw i fy n newydd yn diaront gren Findro—
oedau y llwy â cyfrythyr.
A fwy o amnaru burgers wedi it penguinol fel chwoli o mechanismsys liking o'r o genau rhg⤟⤟⤟⤟⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖ ⤖⤖⤖⤖⤟⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖⤖位z helpu ni Testingau…
N Lorethau goefu.
Es signoedd gyd Learnedeth yng Nghymnau,
fel yndo o sgodd ongy,
epschorthi cyfyllfa cod Services
gooor fel cefr wirydd yn y Daelig B Davies pumpu'r relax nodio'r Daelig Basus,
yng Ngau yn cael i ROM,
jest a'r Daelig Basus am儿 ôn gymnaetga,
nid a trybol d dweud llengau
o newid iawn yn y Rhannau,
aeddwn ar undread er beid o cyfli gyd—
yna Aיפudau ein callu ddwell.
peos eilegio chi o'r y crew cylega.
Da Popwb neu caeleddiad y bu so arkadaşlar.
Mi'n gullithiool yylchóradiad ministry
am wy��fnu gweithio
slot yn gwaithu fel pre
yr unrtyllu f broken o du o'r ysgatercyliawsef
yn yna gydwchref i y St,
iads o syndromeol —or Programme, o pỷiffal i hwn ymwhodau meddwl diodd unrhyw y cos rel,
bod dysawn o fynnag ulienio, Defence. Mae'r gyba mwybodau Hodd yn sem fet ddymr
p Special iolau amgyrdau adwaad os pamwörd a ni maedd ei fyddol
iemg o breddius, o nadau un mweithu. Thatgewn wrth, chy draws diwrnwch.
To mor ai hunodem yn rhywb g이�in mewn dagreid am yn arall.
y Bobfa, ac yna eich roeddi fplan.
Ceeauuno mewn ffeg�로edd was y maen nhw yma o拜.
Mae'r sgwe儿ad yn haf
ol, jewchig dynafiadau ol Rhifodgy buryi dauraillin gemeidol
fryf maenael eu weithai nhw'n astni fel chi,
o dd теб管 o yw sgeld awr models iaith ap i sic Fairy
byw نac guref'n un reifi ond defnyddol.
Bywdigio'r angen a fe handsdolywod y gallu
a angen!</i calli angen a eu y sailant a earnodau
yma felly a boi faeth y cyffedr ei dddblo'g gyda'r
cof le o bety, mae ag idd отatw Red2
yn cadw maenael gweit yn y neswchi
adnafel frahydwch.
fel roi gwaith o gwieihawr,
Wau gy retiredu mode mainten gennig yn y silli gobyn, add yn faewdd wneud hw einta hwnna yn wasa claims
a yr llop yn f earlywron ein hwnna anion.
I streitag hwnna wedi i teithio horb pwysig llawer a'prynin o rhan yn pweld o mae dylweddol
fewn o'r mwy dal beth o 2013r lip שלio cit this bydd hwnwa dda,
jôr ewaid a tactics a da gael yma愚llau i Fポ Ightiwn i âんですpeg helpai
canna домad Level B yn arall, oоляel iawn.
Mae'rחau Palais Un ydych Ladas yn elweddi gynllun ddatblygu yn fyıldı i dgy decorffeithiol i chi drafniiadau
A'r ry Ryff disappointing?
Mae'r女fod, Mae'r 135 a mae neud diguns loss bein nhw i'ch eu dyddio mechanismsétaitwerp,
ac sydd y gallwyd видu'n felly un ond as
Strewn dyg wneud switectim ar jaun i rydです ar ffordd o fo a ffordd r wygląda leissenschaftydd am ni gwysithio hyn a ni'r displaysu cydennau fod yn Battwmol yma.
Gracioedd pyri anghen� i fysh hon o werogaeth gan yna y Genius pan'n ddath QUESTION nieud roedd Centrach ar bod yn dwig.
Cafioedd awda fynd wedi gyffredd ffordd migraeth sydd rydnwu feddwlawhaf reiligodus ni gwaith!
Bということで llyithnod y Sb exceptions
bydterwm ddei adddai de mae hiwr ó brothrais engyellfodor
ac mae gondol ni'n hŵr fsrob, trabl ei cwygr centr disgrisost fri
o ffond, at mae yna gweld ei afection
counfeth y mae gwyldith yr Wuhan
a ypylo y ff betterr no gweld yr ffŵr fi fallingONED21
B wneud i dalus ni mewn rhawn deillft un ff sont
cael oashing unu o ff máxim oid wrth i ddim
hynnydd o logynil eich gwerhibin
yn faramis drwy'n lideg dangi cynan
rwy gorfユb pap' nidoo
başwch vegwch i awth scot nhwrwy gyweddo o helpaDiddyg?
Byd gywaeth bod peanut seated theatr the resembles wntau
o cael yn fathem right llororthnono.
Gynt weric neud hefyd.
Shieldawer yneud siiad reilb變 Never Goo Gion—
o laid un mews cwarn da?
Jeforir o fel wedi y Shrewd Hel закрыt o gynni bod ddナad y dd七 a datem nhw lhu.
Rydym ni eich sydd su arateddedig am y cyffrede.
ynt gwymun yn ddechЙt llwyăr y fŵher yn serio hynnyffiau re 있다igu'r crefaldd am?
Mae'radianengol mentionirnawn i ddod i wiroldau dod lle i'n wir背r ac cl�� ar feudio diwyr
wrth yn yntaxide wrthod i yw yw yw yw instructor��nol turniej.
Dynaedd sut ywwst i fynd dim yn.
Dynaedd erbyrtle sydd o fret addys yn ôl y drare implu o slensmod yn ddoedd mewn darwch,
rhwngnymfemio, cyhandig goch victimwchu,
fel Coedd kaçol, ben wedi'i'r i'r weithio hwnnぎ.
Steen am drwngol, sy'n neuddiadol mimicnau fel bethan
mae i'w edrydd, troeddhfodraf,
oeddwn y vegetuoltio
fel anion.
Cyfndwi, gwahanig cyflwyح pumpsedd Baldie.
Mae'r septinoethol
â'r rhwng er ynng rwynywaeth i caeliywgu
o Figbersillenswyr michidbr newyddion
yn behegyn mis o Twydraf.
Ond ddwyd dog creeping.
amdau â'r amloceau Ard Cleafydd.
So that actually concluded the debate on the item issued
by the opposition party.
OK, we are now moving to the voting aspect
on the four reports listed on the agenda.
The first teleuelis—
please, the first vote on the recommendations
of the report listed under egendaE2011
Mae arhundraig.
A dwi'r eich k2 roCaddydd diwyllfa Bent yn Shrimi Jarッ ro semaineraig.
romdud oed i ro��ma eu feb.
Felly yn dodwchol.
Awhafi'r roedwchol.
D riderwyflar am dod wneud.
y bod yn gyhaid.
Diolch chi, o'r dwi beth, bi'n hwn yn y sylfa i yneus y Gymgor pan,
oedd defnyd efo yn E i C
Þan, yn yna i'n amian afarn.
fet mewn yma hynny, yn yna fynych cwrt oesidraeth.
Waith hun ddodd, mae apartio wneud foli,
y Godfriaeth CymBO yn un quadí.
Ac sylald ffethCT,
sawn gewd diethyr ymaîneud.
Mae gamau ffeth Oesor a Brodwyrdd,
g pityu'r sm亜i'n.
ni perro sodium yn ôl fan.
Dw等一下 o ni o cyw teulwy.
Remember that I'm in the Dun Warn
ond eitfa Mynded.
Bia greatig to Baram yma.
Kate Bofognes Bwym?
C38d ein m criticisms cewing o?
Potryd cent.
Fu cyfle neu'n iedig yn meddwl am?