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November 15, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Board noted the contents of all the reports presented to it, and will now await further updates. The Board was informed that David Lewis had resigned from the Board due to ill health, and that a new Vice Chair would be appointed in due course. Lisa Fogarty-Scott was welcomed as a new member of the Board.

Improving the Governance of the Surrey Pension Fund

The Board welcomed the approval by Surrey County Council of recommendations made in September by the Pension Fund Committee to formally recognise the distinct roles and responsibilities of the Pension Fund Committee and the County Council. The Board was informed that the changes were recommended by independent advisers Barnett Waddingham1 following a review requested by the Board in 2023. In particular, the Board noted that the amended Scheme of Delegations would give officers of the Surrey Pension Fund greater autonomy, and would allow the Pension Fund Committee to focus on the most significant decisions that needed to be made. The Board was informed that the changes anticipated the findings of the government's response to the Good Governance Review, which was published earlier in the week. The Board was further informed that the government's review recommended bi-annual independent governance reviews. Barnett Waddingham are a firm of actuaries and consultants. The Board discussed the potential conflict of interest between the County Council as both the scheme employer and the administering authority. The Board felt that the risk register did not clearly lay out the risks associated with this conflict, but was informed that a new conflicts of interest policy that would bring together all of the council's existing policies on the matter would be presented in March 2025.

Surrey Pension Team Overview

The Board noted the increase in both the value and funding level of the Surrey Pension Fund. The Board were informed that the increase in the funding level was primarily due to an increase in the discount rate2. The Board also noted the continuing reduction in legacy casework in the service delivery team, and the identification of new legacy issues in the accounting and governance team. The discount rate is the rate used to calculate the current value of future cashflows. In this case it is being used to calculate the value of the fund's future liabilities. The Board discussed whether the performance targets of the service delivery team were appropriate. They felt that achieving marginal improvements in performance was getting increasingly difficult and expensive, and that the team may be reaching the limit of what could be achieved. The Board suggested that a review of the targets be undertaken, and that alternative performance indicators, such as customer satisfaction, be considered.

Change Programme Update

The Board were informed that the Surrey Pension Team had won an award for their adoption of the Impact Investing Principles during the last quarter. The Board was also informed that two short videos about the Pension Fund had been published on LinkedIn. The Board noted the results of the most recent Staff Pulse Survey and that work would now begin on the next survey. The Board noted the success of the residential Board and Committee Training event. The Board was informed that consultants were being sought to help the team with the digital transformation of the service, and that two consultants were likely to be appointed. One consultant would focus on understanding digital trends in the pensions sector and developing the digital strategy for the team. The second consultant would focus on implementing the strategy by, for example, automating specific tasks, such as the reconciliation of employer contributions.

Service Delivery Overview

The Board were informed that the service delivery performance levels were up by 7% on the last quarter, to 92%, and that performance for September and October was at or above target. It was explained that the improvements had been driven by a recent reorganisation of the benefits teams. The Board were informed that the legacy case reduction work was nearing completion. The Board discussed the GMP Equalisation3 project, and were informed that Mercer had been appointed to carry out the project. The Board were informed that the McCloud4 project was progressing well, and that data provided by employers was now being used to calculate the level of underpin for members. The Board heard that an estimated 1,654 members would need an underpin applied to their pension, and that this would likely result in increased liability for the Fund. It was noted that the calculations were still being refined, and did not include members whose pension included past transfers or aggregations. The board were informed that further engagement with stakeholders, including the LGA, would be needed to resolve these more complex cases. The Board were informed that a pilot scheme for the verification of overseas pensioners, using biometric data, was proving successful. The scheme is being delivered by Crown Agents Bank5 and will run until January 2025. GMP Equalisation is the process of ensuring that men and women with guaranteed minimum pensions receive the same level of benefits. The McCloud judgement is a legal ruling that found that changes to the pension schemes of judges and firefighters were discriminatory. The ruling has implications for all public sector pension schemes, including the LGPS, and has required all funds to review the way they calculate benefits. Crown Agents Bank is a provider of wholesale foreign exchange and international payment services. The Board discussed the impact of the ongoing implementation of MySurrey, Surrey County Council's new Unit4 financial management system, on the work of the Pension Fund. It was noted that a new Pensioner Payroll team had to be created because data about Surrey County Council employees was not being provided to the pensions team in a usable format. The Board were informed that the difficulties experienced with MySurrey were recognised by the Council, and that a MySurrey Stabilisation Programme had been launched to address the problems. The Board were informed that as a result of these difficulties, internal audit had only been able to provide minimal assurance about the Council's payroll processes, and were unable to provide an opinion about the adequacy of the Pension Fund's banking controls. The Board heard that the risk register had been updated to reflect these difficulties, and were informed that the Pension Fund's external auditors, Ernst & Young, had raised concerns about the system during their audit of the 2023/24 financial statements. The Board heard that, although most issues had now been resolved, work to understand the full impact of MySurrey on the Pension Fund was still ongoing, and would likely result in further expense to the Fund.

Risk Register Update

The Board noted the changes made to the Risk Register, including the splitting out of the 'MySurrey' risks into 10 separate risks. The Board felt that the risk register did a good job of summarising the risks faced by the Fund, but suggested that it could be improved by:

  • Providing a narrative summary of the most significant risks
  • Explicitly stating whether the overall risk faced by the Fund had increased since the previous quarter

The Pensions Regulator General Code of Practice

The Board noted the contents of the General Code of Practice (GCOP) compliance report, and the Pensions Team's current assessment of their compliance with it. The Board heard that the GCOP replaced 10 pre-existing Codes of Practice, including the one specific to public service schemes. The Board were informed that the team's current assessment found that they were fully compliant with 5 out of 11 of the chapters reviewed so far, and partially compliant with the rest. The Board discussed whether an independent review of the Pension Team's GCOP self-assessment should be undertaken. The Board were informed that the review would be conducted by Hymans Robertson, who had previously provided advice to the team on GCOP compliance, and that the review would likely cost less than a full, independent assessment of compliance.

Actuarial Update

The Board noted the proposed timetable for the 2025 actuarial valuation.

Internal Audit Progress Report

The Board noted that the planned review of the Pension Fund's banking controls had been delayed due to the ongoing work on MySurrey. The Board were informed that the work was now planned for March 2025. The Board also noted the completion of an audit of Surrey County Council's payroll processes.

External Audit Update

The Board noted the progress report submitted by the external auditors, Ernst & Young (EY). The Board heard that EY's final audit opinion on the 2023/24 financial statements, both for the Council and the Pension Fund, would be delayed until January 2025. The Board heard that the delay was due to the need to gather further evidence about the operation of the MySurrey system.

LGPS Update

The Board discussed the implications of the Chancellor's recent announcement of a wide-ranging review of the UK pensions system. In particular, the Board discussed the government's stated aim of mandating the consolidation of LGPS funds if insufficient progress had been made towards their pooling by March 2025. The Board were reassured that the Surrey Pension Fund was well ahead of the government's timetable in this area. The Board were also concerned that the review could result in the government dictating the investment strategy of the Fund. They felt that this would potentially be in breach of the Fund's fiduciary duty6 to its members. The Board agreed that this was an important issue, and that a single-issue meeting should be held to discuss it in more detail after the review's findings were published. Fiduciary duty is a legal obligation to act in the best interests of another party. In this case the Surrey Pension Fund has a fiduciary duty to the members of the fund.

