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Scrutiny Coordinating Committee - Tuesday, 12th November, 2024 7.00 pm
November 12, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Scrutiny Coordinating Committee's meeting involved the consideration of an action plan arising from an LGA Corporate Peer Challenge, discussion of the Corporate Performance Framework (CPF) including updates and commentary for the period ending September 2024, and consideration of the Scrutiny work programme.
Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plan
The Committee was asked to note the outcome and recommendations from the Corporate Peer Challenge 1 report that was published in September 2024, and to review the proposed action plan 2 in response to the report. The recommendations from the Corporate Peer Challenge were grouped into four themes to structure the Council’s response:
- Investing in our People so they can deliver on our ambitions;
- Strengthening partnerships to maximise impact around shared challenges;
- Build a strong culture of assurance and measuring impact; and
- Setting up Mission Waltham Forest 3 for success.
Corporate Performance Framework
The meeting included consideration of the Corporate Performance Framework (CPF) and a report that provided the Scrutiny Coordinating Committee with an update on corporate performance for the period ending September 2024.
The Committee was asked to review the performance information within the report and within the dashboard, discuss the findings, make recommendations as required, and request further deep dives into KPIs of interest at relevant scrutiny meetings.
The Committee also received a detailed commentary document that provided information about changes in data. In particular, a number of entries in the commentary document detailed the changes in how data is collected, reported and monitored as a result of a new Corporate Performance Framework that had been implemented in June 2024.
“Changes were made to the CPR 4 process in June to improve monitoring, reporting and assurance, and to enable data-led decision-making.”
The commentary highlighted some areas where improvements are needed in performance and service quality. These areas include:
- Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) - the Committee was informed that the Council was self-aware that there are opportunities for improving adult social care following a peer review.
- School Exclusions - the Committee heard from officers that the Schools Forum would discuss the issue of a high number of permanent exclusions in the borough’s schools in November.
- Temporary Accommodation - the Committee was informed by officers that: > “The continued impact of the cost of temporary accommodation will create unsustainable financial pressure in subsequent financial years.”
- Adult Social Care Packages spend - the report noted that the: > “Provision of Adult Social Care (ASC) is also one of the biggest areas of Council spending nationally. A recent report has shown that ASC spending now accounts for more than 40% of all local authority spending on services.”
The report also highlighted data for a number of other areas. These included:
- Knife injury victims (under-25, not domestic abuse)
- Agency headcount
- Staff headcount
- Households in temporary accommodation
Scrutiny work programme
The Committee received a report from the Scrutiny Officer. This report included the forward plan, action tracker, recommendation tracker and forward plans for the various scrutiny committees. The Committee was asked to review these documents and make recommendations as necessary.
The Committee reviewed the Cabinet forward plan and noted a key decision to be made by Cabinet about recommissioning mental health accommodation and floating support. The decision is scheduled to be taken by the Portfolio Lead Member for Adults and Health on or after 30th September 2024.
Corporate Peer Challenges are carried out by the Local Government Association at the request of a council. Peer teams are made up of senior councillors and officers from other councils, who review a range of information and data and meet with a range of stakeholders to understand how well the council is performing and to identify areas for improvement. ↩
This action plan was created following the publication of the peer challenge report in response to the recommendations made by the peer team. ↩
Mission Waltham Forest is the corporate strategy for Waltham Forest Council, setting out the council's vision, priorities, and goals for improving the lives of residents. It outlines the Council's commitment to tackling inequality and creating a fairer and more prosperous borough. ↩
The Corporate Performance Report (CPR) is a report that is regularly produced by Waltham Forest Council to measure its performance and progress towards achieving its key objectives, as outlined in its corporate strategy, Mission Waltham Forest. ↩

- 2 - Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plan - Coordinating Scrutiny Report_12 Nov 2024
- 2a - Waltham Forest CPC FINAL Feedback Report
- 2b - Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plan
- 3a - Scrutiny Coordinating Committee - Draft Fwd Plan 24-25 other
- 2c - EqIA screener template v1.0_CPC action plan
- 3b - Scrutiny Coordinating Committee Action Tracker
- 3 - The Scrutiny Report
- 3c - Scrutiny Coordinating Committee Recommendation Tracker
- 3d - Cabinet Forward Plan
- Agenda frontsheet 12th-Nov-2024 19.00 Scrutiny Coordinating Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 12th-Nov-2024 19.00 Scrutiny Coordinating Committee reports pack
- Minutes Public Pack 19092024 Scrutiny Coordinating Committee other
- 1 -Corporate Performance Framework
- 1a - Appendix B - Commentary
- 3e - Budget Scrutiny - Draft Fwd Plan 2024-25 V1