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Licensing (2003 Act) Sub-Committee - Thursday 7th November 2024 10.00 a.m.

November 7, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Licensing Sub-Committee met to review the premises license of Asona, a shop at 305 Romford Road in Forest Gate. The Sub-Committee agreed to modify the shop's licence to prevent the sale of single cans and miniature bottles of alcohol, and to require that all customers buying alcohol are sold no fewer than two cans or bottles.

Review of Asona Off-Licence

The Sub-Committee reviewed the licence following an application for review from Newham Council's Licensing Enforcement Team on 27 August 2024.

The Licensing Enforcement Team applied for the review following a visit to the shop on 21 August 2024 in which Licensing Enforcement Officers discovered that alcohol had been sold before the licensed hours by a member of staff.

I then realised then an error had been made, despite my previous warning to him that alcohol cannot be sold prior to 10 AM. In all the years I have conducted business at my shop, there has never been an instance in which I have made an alcohol sale outside the allocated hours, or to anyone under the age of 18. I sincerely apologise for the mistake, which has never occurred before and will surely never happen again.

— Mr Kofi Mensah, in a letter to the Licensing Enforcement Team.

In their submission to the Sub-Committee, the Licensing Enforcement Team raised further concerns, stating:

As for the review application, there were also a number of issues I identified and suggested appropriate conditions that the Licensing Authority feel will ensure that you can uphold the 4 Licensing Objectives.

Have you had a chance to look at these especially around the training of your staff (for his lack of knowledge of the licence and under the Licensing Act 2003 especially opening bottles of alcohol within the premises) and also the alcohol controls I have listed due to the issues in the local area with street drinkers and your premises having a selection of high strength beers and ciders and miniature bottles of spirits available that is attracting these drinkers to the area which is a concern to the licensing authority.

— Steve Jackson, Senior Licensing Enforcement Officer, in a letter to Mr Kofi Mensah.

The Metropolitan Police submitted a statement in support of the application. In their statement, they noted that:

Although the statistics for incidents of anti-social behaviour reported to police, that are specific to an area within a quarter of a mile radius of the postcode of the premises, are relatively consistently low over a four month period, there is clear evidence of problems with street drinking in the vicinity of this premises.

The presence of street drinkers congregating in the vicinity that is residential is very likely to have an adverse effect on the quality of life and wellbeing of local residents and especially of women and children and of other vulnerable persons that may reside there.

— PC Conal Stoat, Metropolitan Police Licensing Officer, in a letter to the Sub-Committee.

The Sub-Committee heard that the licence holder, Mr Kofi Mensah, was out of the country on the original date set for the hearing.

During the meeting, PC Steve Jackson of the Metropolitan Police and Mr Kofi Mensah, the licence holder of Asona, reached an agreement to modify the shop's licence to prevent the sale of single cans and miniature bottles of alcohol. Under the new conditions, all customers buying alcohol will be sold no fewer than two cans or bottles.

Mr Mensah told the Sub-Committee that he has two members of staff and that he would be training them on the terms of the licence and the new conditions.

Councillor Sabia Kamali asked Mr Mensah about his arrangements for staff training, saying:

I mean, isn't it advisable for someone else from external to come and train the staff as well?

— Councillor Sabia Kamali

PC Jackson told the Sub-Committee that Mr Mensah would be receiving training from his agent, a Mr Azad of Lecture Solicitors.


Christine Elsasser
Mehrunnisa Hussain
Colin Hunt
Steve Jackson
Mandeep Mehat
Ken Foot
Umair Malik
Councillor Lester Hudson
Councillor Carolyn Corben
Councillor Simon Rush
Profile image for Councillor Canon Ann Easter
Councillor Canon Ann Easter  Commissioner for Interfaith and Interreligious Dialogue •  Labour & Co-Operative •  Royal Albert
Councillor Sabia Kamali
Councillor Tonii Wilson