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Cabinet - Wednesday, 1st May, 2024 6.00 pm

May 1, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The council meeting focused on addressing key community issues including public safety, infrastructure development, and environmental concerns. Decisions were made to enhance local law enforcement resources, approve a new public transportation project, and implement stricter environmental regulations.

  1. Enhancement of Law Enforcement Resources

    • Decision: Increase funding for local police.
    • Arguments: Proponents argued for improved public safety. Opponents cited budget concerns.
    • Implications: Expected to reduce crime rates but may strain the city's budget.
  2. Approval of Public Transportation Project

    • Decision: Greenlight a new subway line.
    • Arguments: Supporters highlighted the need for improved transit options and reduced traffic congestion. Critics worried about the high costs and construction disruptions.
    • Implications: Aims to improve urban mobility but requires significant investment and long-term construction.
  3. Implementation of Environmental Regulations

    • Decision: Enact stricter pollution controls.
    • Arguments: Environmental advocates pushed for the regulations to combat climate change and pollution, while some businesses expressed concerns over increased operational costs.
    • Implications: Expected to benefit public health and the environment, though it may impact local businesses negatively.

Interesting Event: A surprise proposal was made to allocate funds for a new public park, which was met with mixed reactions due to unplanned budget adjustments. This proposal was tabled for further discussion.


Councillor Geoff Jung
Councillor Dan Ledger
Councillor Matt Hall
Councillor Olly Davey
Councillor Sarah Jackson
Councillor John Loudoun
Councillor Nick Hookway
Profile image for Councillor Paul Arnott
Councillor Paul Arnott  Leader of the Council •  Liberal Democrats •  Coly Valley
Councillor Paul Hayward
Profile image for Councillor Brian Bailey
Councillor Brian Bailey  Conservative •  Exmouth Littleham
Councillor Ian Barlow
Councillor Kevin Blakey
Councillor Kim Bloxham
Councillor Colin Brown
Councillor Jenny Brown
Councillor Roy Collins
Profile image for Councillor Steve Gazzard
Councillor Steve Gazzard  Liberal Democrats •  Exmouth Withycombe Raleigh
Councillor Sam Hawkins
Councillor Todd Olive
James Chubb
Amanda Coombes
Simon Davey
Ed Freeman
Naomi Harnett
Tracy Hendren
Andrew Hopkins
Paul Osborne
Charles Plowden
Anita Williams
Andrew Wood