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November 21, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Board noted reports on the Surrey Firefighters' Pension Scheme, the McCloud remedy and the Matthews Remedy. Councillor Nick Harrison noted an error in the XPS report, which included data about Cleveland Fire Brigade, and the Board agreed to seek a corrected report.

End of Year Returns

The Board discussed the progress of the 2023/24 End of Year return, which was required by XPS to produce the combined Annual Benefit Statements and Remediable Service Statements.

The data was due to be supplied by Surrey County Council's payroll team by the end of May 2024, but had been delayed due to problems with the Unit 4 payroll system. This has delayed the issuing of the statements, which were due by the 31st of August 2024. The Board agreed that the Surrey County Council pensions team should continue to liaise with the payroll team to produce the data, and to keep the Board updated on their progress.

We will provide further updates on timetables as soon as the testing has been completed. We will be also communicating this out to all staff who this affects.

The Board also discussed whether the delay should be reported to The Pensions Regulator.

Matthews Remedy

The Board discussed the progress of the implementation of the Matthews Remedy, which provides retained firefighters with the right to elect to become a special member of the Firefighters' Pension Scheme from the start date of their employment.

The Board noted that the pensions team continue to receive completed Expression of Interest forms from members of the scheme who may be entitled to the Remedy, and that 93 of the 208 members contacted so far are interested in taking part. 52 statements have been sent out to members, with a further 17 currently being checked. 21 members have so far returned their options election form.

A data protection impact assessment has been agreed for a tracing exercise to contact members who have not responded to the initial mailing. A contract has been drawn up with a tracing company and is currently with Surrey County Council's legal team.

McCloud Remedy

The Board received an update on the McCloud Remedy, which will provide younger members of the 1992 Firefighters' Pension Scheme with protection from age discrimination. The Board noted that XPS are issuing Remediable Service Statements alongside Annual Benefit Statements to give members details of the available options.

The Board discussed the Guaranteed Minimum Pension rectification exercise. This is a project to ensure that all members of the scheme are receiving the correct amount of pension, in line with legislation. The Board requested an update from XPS on this project.

XPS Reporting

The Board reviewed the XPS report, which provides an overview of the performance of the scheme administration. The Board noted that there had been a slight drop in the overall service level agreement score from 63% to 62%. They also noted that there was an error in the report which included data for Cleveland Fire Brigade. This has been an ongoing issue. Councillor Sally Wilson stated:

Can we have confirmation in terms of the other data that the other data is, is, is sorry data so that we've got confidence across.

The Board agreed to ask XPS to re-issue the report with the correct data.

Risk Register

The Board reviewed the Pension Team Risk Register, which identifies and assesses the risks to the scheme.

The Board noted that the main risks to the Scheme continue to be:

  • Data Management
  • Pensions Team Skills and Team Resourcing
  • Software
  • 10% Day Related Flexible Hours Allowance and Variable Crewing Hours Allowance
  • Retained Firefighters' Modified Pension Scheme Update (Matthews) Project
  • McCloud / Age Discrimination
  • The 2023/2024 end of year return for XPS

The Board discussed the risk related to the delay in the end of year return, and agreed to monitor this risk closely.

I mean, in terms of obviously the risk, what will be changing in terms of the risk? I know it's going to be a more stable team, but what's stopping that becoming a problem again in the future? I suppose that's the, the, the reason for this risk register is, is how to reduce that risk going forward.

The Board also noted that the Pensions Team is currently under-resourced, and that this is a risk to the Scheme. The Board heard that the team is recruiting to two vacant posts, and that this should help to mitigate the risk.

The Board also reviewed a separate risk register for the Matthews Remedy.

Fire Bulletins

The Board noted the Fire Bulletins, which provide updates on the latest developments in the Firefighters' Pension Scheme.

The Board noted that the latest bulletins have covered topics such as the McCloud remedy, the Matthews Remedy, the Pension Dashboard and Local Pension Board training.