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Licensing Committee - Tuesday, 19th November, 2024 7.00 pm
November 19, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting was about reviewing licensing and street trading in Camden. It included consideration of a new draft Statement of Licensing Policy, the results of a Cumulative Impact Assessment, and changes to the terms and conditions for street trading licences. It was scheduled to include deputations from several organisations representing businesses, residents and those working in the music industry.
Review of the Statement of Licensing Policy
The committee was scheduled to consider a report by Jamie Akinola, the Director of Public Safety for Camden Council, on the Review of the Statement of Licensing Policy. This included a new draft Statement of Licensing Policy 2024-2029 for consideration, before being put out to public consultation for 12 weeks.
The draft policy outlines the council's aspirations for managing businesses and other organisations who are licenced to sell alcohol or provide entertainment, and also for minimising alcohol-related harm in the borough. The new draft policy introduces policies to address concerns around women's safety and attempts to reduce occurrences of drink spiking, as well as amending framework hours and enforcement procedures.
The report notes an intention to add 30 minutes to existing terminal hours, saying The proposals reflect an intention to add 30 mins to the existing terminal hours.
The draft Statement of Licensing Policy provides detail on the proposed hours, and identifies the licensing objectives that applicants should consider when deciding what hours to operate, saying, Where applications propose licensable activities outside the framework hours, we expect the applicant to consider the risk and volunteer appropriate conditions in their operating schedule to promote the licensing objectives and in particular to prevent crime and disorder and public nuisance.
The draft policy also suggests creating a Licensing Charter that would encourage and embed best practice principles amongst licensed premises and prospective applicants
. The Licensing Charter is included in Chapter 7 of the draft Statement of Licensing Policy.
The report included consideration of Camden's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2030 and the Council's Equality Policy.
Cumulative Impact Policy Assessment
The report also included the results of a Cumulative Impact Assessment of the two existing Cumulative Impact Areas (CIAs) in the borough - Camden Town and Seven Dials. It was prepared by Six-Till-Six Ltd and MAKE Associates.
The committee was scheduled to determine whether there is sufficient evidence of cumulative impact in the Camden Town and Seven Dials areas to require a cumulative impact policy
. If the Committee determined that there was enough evidence, it was scheduled to approve the publication of a Cumulative Impact Assessment statement, and delegate authority to the Director of Public Safety to draw up the statement.
The Cumulative Impact Assessment concluded that on balance, there is insufficient compelling evidence to justify the publication of a CIA to promote any of the licensing objectives in any part of the borough of Camden
Street Trading Licence Terms and Conditions
The committee was also scheduled to consider a report on the Street Trading Licence Terms and Conditions Report by the Director of Environment and Sustainability for Camden Council. The report included new proposed terms and conditions that would apply to all street trading licences. They were due to be implemented from 1st April 2025 after a statutory consultation process.
The report proposed adding several new conditions, amending several existing conditions, and deleting several existing conditions. The proposed changes would:
- Encourage the adoption of measures that support the aims of Camden's Clean Air Action Plan by promoting the use of electricity, reducing vehicle use, and improving waste management.
- Provide clarity on responsibilities and accountabilities with regard to electricity, gas and the maintenance and use of receptacles, especially where the receptacles are council owned.
- Clarify the council's requirements for temporary licences, regeneration licences, and additional pitches.
- Enhance the Council's ability to address concerns around counterfeit goods and restricted goods and to improve the safety of the public, the traders and their staff through improved conditions around food storage and preparation.
- Improve trader behaviour and engagement with council officers and residents.
The report also included an Equality Impact Assessment for consideration.
- Agenda frontsheet 19th-Nov-2024 19.00 Licensing Committee agenda
- Statement of Licensing Policy Report
- Public reports pack 19th-Nov-2024 19.00 Licensing Committee reports pack
- Appendix 1 - Proposed Draft Statement of Licensing Policy
- Minutes 03052023 Licensing Committee other
- Minutes 25012024 Licensing Committee other
- Appendix 2 - Cumulative Impact Assessment
- Appendix 4 Equality Impact Assessment
- Terms of Reference
- Appendix 1 Proposed 2025 Street Trading Standard Terms and Conditions
- Appendix 3 - Schedule of changes
- Street Trading Licence Terms and Conditions Report
- Appendix 2 Comparative table for the Standard Terms and Conditions
- Appendix 3 Comparative table for Penalty Points
- Appendix 4 Comparative table for Commodities
- Appendix 5 New Proposed Prohibited Goods
- Deputation Request - Michael CILLA
- Supplementary Agenda 19th-Nov-2024 19.00 Licensing Committee other
- Deputation Request - CGCA
- Deputation Request - TRACT
- Deputation Request - Liam OHare Labtech
- Deputation Request - MVT
- Deputation Request - Shaftsbury Capital