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Cabinet - Monday 18th November, 2024 7.00 pm

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The Cabinet agreed to make significant changes to its capital programme, reducing expenditure by £69.5m. They also approved plans for the Grand Park North East development, with Lovell Partnerships Ltd. as their chosen partner for the scheme. They further endorsed the recommendations made in a report on GP Access in the borough, and a review of capital contracts with Capita. Finally, they approved changes to the Council Tax Support Scheme for consultation, and a proposal to decommission Pay & Display machines.

Financial Pressures

The Cabinet discussed the challenging financial position facing the council in detail. A projected £25m overspend was reported, with temporary accommodation needs and the rising costs of adult social care identified as the key pressure points. It was noted that the cost of emergency accommodation has risen significantly due to inflation and high interest rates. Councillor Nagley explained that the need for the substantial revision of the council's capital programme was driven by the increased cost of borrowing and a need to be 'realistic' about what the council can afford.

we are now taking a more realistic approach to forecasting and not as fictionalised as we discovered it was when we took office

Councillor Nagley suggested that the scale of the financial challenges faced by the council were not fully acknowledged by the previous administration, who he claimed dealt with overspends by making 'adjustments' to the Medium Term Financial Strategy, rather than by addressing the root causes. He further claimed that the council's reserves were not as 'healthy' as had been suggested by the Conservative administration, as internal borrowing had been used to finance capital projects in the past.

the previous administration lords as as adequate there there's a degree of misdirection as almost a fictional a fiscal fiction

Councillor Cornelia, a member of the opposition, disputed this, claiming that the previous administration had in fact produced forecasts that accurately predicted a budget shortfall for 2023/24. The leader of the council, Councillor Moore, responded by claiming that the Conservative administration had 'done very little' to address these predicted issues. He further claimed that outsourcing financial services to Capita1 had made it harder to identify and address these issues, and claimed that Capita had prioritised the interests of their shareholders over those of Barnet residents.

Councillor Moore asserted that the new Labour administration is committed to a more prudent approach to financial management and that a 'financially responsible transformation agenda' is in development to address the issues.

GP Access

The Cabinet considered a report2 by the Adults and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee on GP Access in the borough. The report highlights a number of factors that are impacting GP services, including a rapidly growing and aging population, a high number of care homes in the borough and a shortage of GPs, with some opting for early retirement, and junior doctors choosing to specialise in other areas. The report also notes that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in people with mental health conditions and anxiety, which has put additional pressure on services.

Councillor Stock, Chair of the Sub-Committee, highlighted the need to manage public expectations around GP access, which she claimed would now be a 'problem' due to the shortage of GPs. She suggested that residents may need to adjust to the idea of not always seeing the same GP and that they should be signposted to other healthcare professionals, such as pharmacists, physiotherapists, nurses or physicians assistants when appropriate.

Go home message is that GP access will now be a problem because there are so few GPs

Councillor Moore acknowledged the challenges to primary care presented in the report and noted that Barnet's high number of smaller GP practices presents particular challenges for the borough. She confirmed that officers will be preparing a report for cabinet in response to the recommendations.

Grand Park North East

The Cabinet approved the appointment of Lovell Partnerships Ltd. as the council's preferred partner for the Grand Park North East development, in a Joint Venture with Barnet Homes.

The £317m regeneration scheme will see the construction of 476 new homes, including 168 at social rent, 46 shared ownership properties and 262 for private sale. Councillor Moore noted that the majority of social rent properties will be family homes, helping to address a significant local need. She explained that funding for the scheme would come from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), with additional grant funding awarded by the Mayor of London. She also noted that private sales would be used to subsidise the affordable housing provision.

Private sale is one of the ways that we're funding this - Housing Associations do this this way

Review of Capita Contracts

The Cabinet endorsed recommendations3 made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee following their review of the council's capital contracts with Capita.

The recommendations include an extension to the contracts, which Councillor Nagley acknowledged are of 'critical importance' to the council's operations. An addendum4 to the report included responses from Capita to a number of questions raised by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, including those relating to the collection of business rates in the borough.

Councillor Nagley agreed that it would be 'inconvenient' if there were disruptions to the council's IT systems during the local elections in 2026.

Council Tax Support Scheme

The Cabinet approved a proposed change to the Council Tax Support Scheme5 for consultation, which would reduce the number of income bands from seven to five, reduce the discounts available on each band by approximately 2%, and cap the maximum discount to the level of a Band C property.

A report6 by consultants Visionary Network was commissioned by the council to provide an options appraisal for changes to the scheme. It was noted that the need for change was driven by the council's financial challenges.

Subject to the outcome of the consultation, the proposed changes will be brought to the Budget Council meeting in February 2025 for ratification.

Decommissioning of Pay & Display Machines

The Cabinet approved a proposal to decommission the 59 Pay & Display machines located in the borough.

Councillor Snigelman explained that the machines are now 10 years old, regularly require maintenance and are likely to need replacing in the next two years at a cost of £500,000. She further noted that the current maintenance costs of £86,000 per year are unaffordable, given the council's financial position.

they are they've been in for 10 years have you know do regularly develop faults

Councillor Snigelman highlighted that the majority of people now pay for their parking by phone or via the RingGo app, and that paypoint facilities will remain available at newsagents and other shops for those who are unable or unwilling to pay for their parking by phone. She also noted that officers are working with Age UK Barnet to ensure that older residents are aware of the alternatives available to them.

Other Business

The Cabinet also:

  • Noted the referral from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee relating to a task and finish group on GP access and agreed that officers should prepare a report in response.
  • Noted the referred motions from the full council meeting held on 15 October 2024, relating to Assets of Community Value, Leaseholders, Ofsted Inspections and the 310 bus route.
  • Agreed to the recommendations made in a report7 on the annual Childcare Sufficiency Assessment, noting that despite recruitment challenges, the council is confident that there is sufficient childcare provision in the borough, both now and in the future.
  • Noted the contents of the latest Delivery and Outcomes Framework report8.
  • Agreed to note the contents of the exempt report relating to the Grand Park North East development.

  1. Capita is a large outsourcing company that provides services to many public sector organisations.  

  2. The BBC Style Guide requires documents referred to in articles to be linked to. As this document does not exist on the internet, we have added this footnote instead. 

  3. The BBC Style Guide requires documents referred to in articles to be linked to. As this document does not exist on the internet, we have added this footnote instead. 

  4. Addendum to Item 17 Review of Capita Contracts 

  5. 1. Council Tax Support 2025 - Cabinet Report FINAL 

  6. 2. Appendix A - CTS Scheme Modelling and Analysis Report 

  7. Annual Child Sufficiency Assessment - Cabinet Report 2024 

  8. Our Plan for Barnet - Delivery and Outcomes Framework Q2 2024-25 - FINAL FOR PUBLICATION 
