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Strategic Development Committee - Tuesday 19th November 2024 6.00 p.m.

November 19, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to consider 5 planning applications, a report on developer contributions for the 2023/24 financial year, and the confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting. The committee was recommended to approve 4 planning applications, and to refuse one.

Gemini Business Park

The creation of a new external hardstanding for flexible use as external storage (Use Class B8) and/or the storage of commercial vehicles (Sui Generis) at Gemini Business Park, Hornet Way, Beckton, London, E6 7FF was scheduled to be discussed. The committee was recommended to approve the application. The site is in the Beckton Riverside Strategic Industrial Location1 and the application was supported by officers because:

The proposed uses are complimentary to the strategic policy context of the site and would be consistent with delivering the strategic aims and objectives of local planning policies set out above.


Transport for London raised no objections, subject to an Operational Management Plan condition. It was noted that the site has a PTAL2 of 1b, meaning there is very poor access to public transport. Vehicular access to the proposed hardstanding would be from Hornet Way, but this part of the road is not part of the public highway. The application proposes two cycle parking spaces.


The development would result in a net loss of -1.54 habitat units (-29.94%), and so would need to be offset by trading up through the creation of medium distinctiveness habitat off-site. A condition requiring a Biodiversity Net Gain Plan was recommended by the planning officer.

London Design And Engineering University Technical College

The erection of a new 950sqm, 3-storey college building adjacent to the current London Design & Engineering UTC building at London Design And Engineering University Technical College, 15 University Way, Beckton, London, E16 2RD, was scheduled to be discussed. The committee was recommended to approve the application, which is near the Grade II Listed Buildings, Central Buffet at Custom House and Dock Managers Offices.


2 letters of support were received, including one from the University of East London, which said that:

We believe the scheme will bring much needed support with state-of-the-art resources and learning environment that is crucial to the advancement and provision of high-quality education whilst also preparing students for skilled jobs or further progression to STEM qualifications by young people in Newham.

London City Airport objected to the application unless a condition requiring a “Glint and Glare” assessment of the proposed photovoltaic panels was imposed.


The applicant submitted a revised Design and Access Statement in response to the concerns of the LBN Strategic Design Manager, who said that the application should:

...consider a tree lined street to the south of the proposed building which would enhance the character and quality of the street and have environmental benefits, including shading of the ground floor glazing...The red line would need to be extended to the back edge of the footway to include these. The proposed landscaping along this edge feels tokenistic and lacks detail.

The red line of the application could not be amended due to ownership issues, so the applicant submitted an amended site location plan and landscaping scheme instead. Officers considered that a s106 agreement would be necessary to secure the planting of trees and paving outside the red line boundary.


The site has a PTAL of 2. The applicant stated that there would be no increase in the number of pupils attending the college. No new car parking spaces are proposed, but the applicant suggested in their Transport Statement that staff could use public car parking at Gallions Reach Shopping Centre and take the 366 bus service to the site. Officers did not support the park and ride scheme and requested that the development be car free. The applicant agreed to enter into a s106 agreement to that effect, and to make a financial contribution of £2000 for the administration of car-free measures.

The Transport Statement said that the existing UTC building has a secure, covered cycle parking store with 46 spaces, which can be increased to 100 spaces if necessary. The Council’s Transport Officer was not satisfied with the location of the new cycle parking and recommended a condition requiring details of the cycle parking spaces to be approved before the occupation of the development. A condition requiring a Construction Logistics Plan was also recommended.


A Biodiversity Net Gain assessment was submitted, which said that the proposed development would deliver a net gain of 0.01 HU. The planning officer did not consider that this was sufficient and a condition was recommended to secure a detailed BNG.


The applicant stated that the development would achieve a BREEAM rating of ‘Very Good’. A condition was recommended to secure this. The applicant also submitted an Energy Statement, which said that the development would satisfy the GLA target for a 35% on-site carbon reduction relative to Part L 2021, as well as the 15% improvement for fabric efficiency. A condition requiring details of the photovoltaic panels to be submitted before they are installed was recommended.

Barclay Hall

The demolition of the existing single-storey building at Barclay Hall, 156B Green Street, Forest Gate, London, E7 8JQ and construction of a four-storey extension to the existing college building was scheduled to be discussed. The proposal was previously granted planning permission in April 2018, under application ref. 17/03801/FUL, but this permission has since lapsed. The committee was recommended to approve the application.


One other representation was received from TfL Infrastructure Protection, which recommended conditions be attached to the application requiring a Travel Plan, a Delivery and Servicing Management Plan, and a Construction Logistics Plan.


The site contains a locally listed building. The planning officer considered that the design of the extension is acceptable in light of the building's heritage status:

The proposal has been carefully designed to incorporate a large glazed active frontage and entrance at ground floor with a uniform pattern of fenestration above...These revised elements serve to strengthen the architectural quality of the proposal and officers are satisfied that the proposed fenestration would facilitate the delivery of a well-balanced façade fronting Green street.


The site has a PTAL of 4. There is a bus stop outside the site, which will need to be relocated during construction. The applicant stated that the development would not increase the number of students attending the college. No off-street parking is proposed. A condition requiring a Travel Plan, a Delivery and Servicing Management Plan, and a Construction Logistics Plan was recommended by the planning officer.


The planning officer determined that the development would be subject to the De Minimis exemption under the Biodiversity Net Gain regulations. The application proposes a green roof, which will enhance the biodiversity of the site.


The applicant submitted an Energy & Sustainability Statement, which said that the development would achieve a 38% improvement on carbon emissions over the Part L 2021 standard. A condition requiring a BREEAM certificate was recommended.

50A Romford Road

An application for change of use from residential (Class C3) to GP Surgery (Class E(e)) at 50A Romford Road, Stratford, London, E15 4BZ was scheduled to be discussed. The site is located within the University Conservation Area. The planning officer recommended that the application be refused.


No letters were received in response to the Council’s consultation on the application.

The NHS Regeneration and Infrastructure Department told the Council that they do not have a business case to support the application, and that the site does not feature in their Integrated Care System infrastructure strategy.

Principle of Development

The planning officer recommended refusal on the following grounds:

"The proposal would result in the loss of housing, without the replacement of at least equivalent floor space within the borough which is a specific use the Council is seeking to protect from conversion... This proposal is therefore considered contrary to:

  • The National Planning Policy Framework (DLUHC, December 2023)
  • Policies GG4, H1 and H8 of the London Plan (GLA, March 2021)
  • Policies S1, SP2, SP3, H1 and H4 of the Newham Local Plan (December 2018)."

The change of use would result in the loss of 2 existing 3-bedroom flats. The application site is not located in a designated Town Centre, Local Centre, or Community Facilities Opportunity Area. The applicant stated that the loss of housing is justified by the provision of additional healthcare floorspace and that the flats are currently vacant, but the planning officer determined that this argument did not outweigh the loss of housing in an area where there is a significant need for new homes. They determined that the scheme would not meet the exceptions test in Policy INF8 of the Newham Local Plan.

The officer also noted that Newham has a shortfall of 16,472 homes, according to the Council’s Draft Submission Local Plan Site Allocation and Housing Trajectory Methodology Note (July 2024), and concluded:

It is imperative in the context of both Policy H4 and our current under delivery of housing and future needs that any existing housing is protected in order to ensure there is no further exacerbation of the current housing shortages in the Borough which would prejudice the ability for the Local Plan to meet its strategic aims to provide a choice of housing to secure a successful, stable and inclusive place, ensuring housing supply can meet the differing needs of a diverse population in order to reduce churn and generate a resident population who have a strong stake in the borough’s future.


The site has a PTAL of 6a. No car parking or cycle parking spaces were proposed as part of the application. The Council’s Transport Officer recommended that a condition be attached to the application requiring a Travel Plan, and that the use of the rear access for parking should be discouraged. The lack of details on cycle storage provision weighed against the application, as did the lack of information on servicing and delivery arrangements. Had the application been otherwise acceptable, further information would have been sought in these areas.

Developer Contributions Annual Report

The Developer Contributions Annual Report for 2023/24 was scheduled to be presented to the committee.


The report pack stated that Newham Council received £4,033,306 in CIL payments during the 2023/24 financial year. 20% of CIL receipts are ringfenced for Neighbourhood CIL (NCIL) projects.

Newham Council allocated £11,109,803 from the Strategic CIL pot towards infrastructure projects in the 2023/24 financial year. Of this, £1,750,700 was allocated to Greenspace/Grounds Maintenance; £1,244,400 to Highways; and £1,070,000 to Community Neighbourhood Property. £5,347,566 was allocated to the Royal Docks Corridor Highways Improvement project; £500,000 to a new entrance at Stratford Station; and £262,237 to the Leaway Bridges project (phase 1).

£840,522 was allocated to NCIL projects, which are delivered by the Council’s Resident Engagement Team. The report pack noted that:

...there have continued to be delivery challenges for a limited number of the existing projects allocated funding from previous funding cycles. To support these projects a further extension of time was agreed by via a non-key decision report in May 2024.

Section 106

The total value of S106 payments agreed in the 2023/24 financial year was £3,822,477. Of this, £1,535,955 was for Our Newham Work; £797,553 for the Carbon Offset Fund; and £709,170 for affordable housing.

The Council received £10,191,766.97 in S106 payments during the 2023/24 financial year, of which £10,051,826.24 was spent, including £3,332,733 on Affordable Homes for Newham; £1,115,742.49 on Bidder Street area improvement works; and £4,171,217.28 on Our Newham Work.

London City Airport

The report pack included a review of London City Airport's (LCA) 2023 Annual Performance Report (APR). The report said that LCA is fully compliant with the conditions and s106 agreement attached to planning permission 13/01228/FUL.

The APR reported an increase in passenger numbers in 2023, with 3,417,924 passengers using the airport, well below the cap of 6.5 million passengers per annum. The number of complaints received by LCA was also lower than in previous years, at 313.

LCA paid a total of £1,618,973 in financial contributions to the Council in 2023. Of this, £909,064 was for employment, £345,078 was for community recreation, and £159,417 was for education.

Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 15 October 2024 were scheduled to be confirmed.

It is important to note that this article summarises the documents that were scheduled to be discussed at the meeting, but does not include any information about what was actually discussed or decided at the meeting.

  1. Strategic Industrial Locations are areas identified in the London Plan which are strategically important for industry and related uses, and are subject to planning policies that are designed to protect their industrial function and encourage intensification. 

  2. PTAL stands for Public Transport Accessibility Level. It is a measure of how accessible a location is by public transport, and is used in planning to assess the transport impacts of development. A PTAL score of 1b means that the site has very poor access to public transport. 


Jane Custance
James Bolt
Shirley Fortune
Profile image for Councillor Harvinder Singh Virdee
Councillor Harvinder Singh Virdee  Labour & Co-Operative •  Boleyn
Councillor Mehmood Mirza
Profile image for Councillor Lewis Godfrey
Councillor Lewis Godfrey  Labour & Co-Operative •  Green Street West
Councillor Alan Griffiths
Councillor James Beckles
Profile image for Councillor Miraj Patel
Councillor Miraj Patel  Deputy Cabinet Member for Environment •  Labour •  Green Street East
Profile image for Councillor Blossom Young
Councillor Blossom Young  Cabinet Member for Housing Landlord and Tenant Experience Improvements •  Labour •  Beckton
Profile image for Councillor Susan Masters
Councillor Susan Masters  Scrutiny Commission Chair •  Labour & Co-Operative •  East Ham South
Councillor Rachel Tripp