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Licensing Sub-Committee (2) - Thursday 21st November, 2024 10.00 am

November 21, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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This meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee was to consider three applications for new premises licences under the Licensing Act 2003. It was also scheduled to note that the Environmental Health Service and the Metropolitan Police Service had withdrawn their representations against one of the applications, after the applicant had agreed to abide by a series of conditions.

5 - 6 Clipstone Street

The committee was due to consider an application for a new premises licence for Clipstone Restaurant at 5-6 Clipstone Street which already holds a licence. The applicant, Woodhead 17 Ltd, wanted to make a number of changes including:

  • regularising changes to the layout on the ground floor,
  • updating the operating schedule of conditions,
  • being permitted to sell alcohol for consumption on and off the premises until midnight Monday to Saturday and 10:30 pm on Sunday,
  • being permitted to provide late night refreshment indoors until 12:30 am,
  • regularising an additional external seating area on Bolsover Street,
  • varying the permitted capacity to 65, excluding staff.

The Fitzrovia Neighbourhood Association made a representation objecting to the application. They said:

There are residential properties at immediate vicinity of the premises. They expressed their concern regarding the extra hours requested, and the potential nuisance that might be caused -starting at 0700 to midnight.

Another local resident also objected to the application:

Given that WCC has also approved the PD to convert 3-8 Bolsover Street to residential. This licensed premises will now be surrounded by residential properties on both sides and across internal courtyard. It would seem prudent to curtail licensing hours for the sake of residents.

The Environmental Health Service made a representation on 3 October 2024, but withdrew it on 8 November 2024 after the applicant agreed to a series of conditions.

21 Lansdowne Row

The committee was scheduled to consider an application for a new premises licence from Hirmiz Ltd for 21 Lansdowne Row. The applicant proposed that the premises would operate as a Moroccan cafe with a shisha terrace, serving traditional tea and coffee, plates of fruit, snacks, and pastries. The applicant was also seeking permission to provide late night refreshment indoors and to sell alcohol for consumption on and off the premises. The application proposed that the premises would be open from 10 am until 11:30 pm from Monday to Thursday and Sunday, and until midnight on Friday and Saturday.

Two other businesses on the street, and the Environmental Health Service and the Metropolitan Police Service made representations objecting to the application.

The Metropolitan Police Service said:

The Police have concerns that a new premises, which provides Alcohol and Late-Night Refreshment will adversely impact the area. Whilst the premises is not situated within Westminster’s Cumulative Impact Zone or Special Consideration Zone1 it is just outside of the SCZ.

That area already has a busy and vibrant night life with many licensed premises located around Berkeley Square, W1. An extra bar in the area could cause further Policing issues with people becoming intoxicated. The police are already struggling to cope with excessive crime levels. This premises could also bring a rise in anti-social behaviour, which may impact on local residents.

The Environmental Health Service withdrew their representation on 1 October 2024 after the applicant agreed to a series of conditions. The Metropolitan Police Service also withdrew its representation on 1 October 2024.

55 Baker Street

The committee was scheduled to consider an application for a new premises licence for 55 Baker Street. The applicant requested permission for the following licensable activities:

  • Sale by retail of alcohol, on and off the premises from Monday to Sunday from 10 am to 11:30 pm
  • Late night refreshment indoors from Monday to Thursday from 11 pm to 11:30 pm and Friday and Saturday 11 pm to midnight.

There were no representations made against the application.

  1. Special Consideration Zones are areas in the City of Westminster that are subject to stricter licensing rules than other areas. They were introduced by Westminster City Council in response to concerns about the high concentration of licensed premises in certain areas, and the impact this was having on crime and disorder, public safety, public nuisance and the protection of children from harm.