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Pensions Committee - Monday, 11th November, 2024 6.30 p.m.
November 11, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Pensions Committee noted the reports of the Pension Board, Schroders, and officers. The committee approved the holding of a Pension Fund Information Forum for scheme employers and members in January 2025.
The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)
Kerie Anne, the Tower Hamlets UNISON Branch Secretary, made a statement to the Pensions Committee calling for the council to divest from fossil fuels and produce a 'roadmap' to invest ethically. In her statement, Ms Anne said that the divestment campaign wanted the council to revise their Investment Strategy Statement (ISS) to identify and problematic investments
. She said this was an important matter for her members and she’d like to work with the Committee to achieve this goal.
The committee resolved to respond to the request in writing after forming an opinion on it.
Schroders Presentation
The committee received a presentation from Schroders, the council’s real estate investment managers. The presentation explained the advantages of investing in real estate, the different sectors the council invests in, and how the portfolio is managed. When asked if the council could use the investments to fund its house building projects, Ms Docker said that there was an explicit social or impact objective within
the fund, and that such an investment would only be made if it would have to have a more attractive risk-return profile than the other opportunities
The committee also questioned the manager about its sustainability policy in light of the council’s commitment to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2035. Ms Liss explained that Schroders had a policy to work with its partners to have all of them having 90% of the carbon emission reduction by 2030 for scope one and two, and then for scope one, two, and three by 2040
. The committee then discussed the benchmark performance of the fund, which Councillor Begum said was underperforming based on the target of 5.2% set in September 2023. In response, Mr English said that there was not a fixed benchmark every year
Pension Administration Report – September 2024
The Pension Administration Report was noted. This report provided an update on the work done by the Pensions Administration team. It was noted that there had been a disproportionate growth in the number of undecideds
in the LGPS, but that we are obviously looking to survey this in a particular group just to supersede this one
. The report also explained that the number of outstanding cases was putting the pensions team under pressure because the workflows produced to be under-resourced
Scheme Engagement and Communications Report
The Scheme Engagement and Communications Report was noted. This report set out plans for a Pension Fund Information Forum to be held in January 2025. The proposed agenda included sessions on the LGPS scheme, investment performance and the 2025 Actuarial Valuation.
Pension Fund Risk Register
The Pension Fund Risk Register was noted. Councillor Saeed asked what the target risk rating of 9 meant for a given risk, and how a risk could be considered mitigated when its target was still in the 'amber' range. Mr Kassim explained that the risk ratings were not rug ratings
but instead likelihoods in the four different levels
, where 'yellow' was the best before green
. He explained that a rating of 9 was 'yellow' because there’s always a chance of data going wrong
Liquidity and Cashflow Monitoring – September 2024
The Liquidity and Cashflow Monitoring – September 2024 report was noted. This reported that the fund had a positive position
of £10.6m and was therefore expected to have sufficient liquidity in 2025/26. Councillor Begum queried a £37.2m entry for 'other miscellaneous payments' in the 2023/24 actuals, which was explained as payments for AVC Lumsum, death grants for admitted bodies [and] death grants for the authority
Work Programme
The Work Programme was noted. This report listed the work to be undertaken by the Pensions Committee and the Pension Board in the 2024/25 municipal year.

- Agenda frontsheet 11th-Nov-2024 18.30 Pensions Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 11th-Nov-2024 18.30 Pensions Committee reports pack
- Risk Register 30 September 2024 FINAL other
- Declarations of Interest Note other
- FINAL Minutes 300924 PUBLIC other
- Liquidity and Cashflow Monitoring_30 September 2024 FINAL other
- 20240930 T Hamlets presentation Q3 2023 Committee presentation- Final v57242156.1 other
- Pensions Administration Report - September 2024 FINAL other
- Work Programme FINAL
- Scheme Engagement and Communications Report FINAL
- Pension Fund Risk Register - September 2024 FINAL other
- TH Pension Board Work Programme - 2024-25_Final
- TH Pensions Committee Work Programme - 2024-25_Final
- LBTHPension BoardSubmission PensionsCommittee1111243 other
- SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDA 11th-Nov-2024 18.30 Pensions Committee agenda