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Ordinary meeting, Council Assembly - Wednesday 20 November 2024 7.00 pm
November 20, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The meeting approved the Southwark 2030 strategy, the Old Kent Road Area Action Plan: 2024 Draft and noted the Treasury Management – Mid-Year Update 2024-25.
The climate emergency in Southwark
Five community groups - SE1 Solar, JoyRiders, Southwark Climate Collective, Ryan Matthews-Robinson, and Community Cycleworks - each gave a four minute presentation about their work on the climate emergency.
Following this, Councillor John Batteson presented the motion, which Councillor Graham Neale responded to, on behalf of the opposition. An amendment was proposed, but was subsequently lost. The motion was carried.
The motion:
- Noted the climate emergency and the UK’s responsibility for reducing emissions.
- Noted the legally binding targets for the UK to reduce emissions by 78% by 2035 and be net zero by 2050.
- Noted Southwark’s climate emergency declaration in 2019, and the target of carbon neutrality by 2030.
- Noted the particular vulnerability of Southwark, as a borough on the Thames, to flooding.
- Noted the need for a fair transition to net zero and the importance of collective action.
- Welcomed the new government’s commitment to the climate emergency, the establishment of Great British Energy and new onshore wind farms.
- Noted the progress that Southwark had made, despite lack of leadership and funding from the previous government.
- Noted the year-on-year emission reductions since launching the Climate Action Plan in 2021, the full assignment of £25m in the Climate Capital Fund and the progress made in reducing building emissions.
- Noted the progress made in reducing transport emissions, preserving the natural environment, creating a greener and cleaner economy and making use of renewable energy.
- Recognised and thanked those who have played their part in the efforts, including the Community Stakeholder Panel, Southwark Climate Action Schools, and the Southwark Biodiversity Partnership
- Called upon the Cabinet to continue its campaign on securing the future of council housing, help establish Retrofit London, update the climate strategy and action plan, bring forward its early climate review of the Southwark Plan, continue its work on ‘Streets for People’, bring forward a new plan for green spaces, campaign for the Bakerloo line extension, strengthen partnerships and work with residents and businesses.
Supporting Older People This Winter
Councillor Gavin Edwards proposed a motion on supporting older people through the winter, to which Councillor Victor Chamberlain proposed an amendment, which was subsequently lost. The substantive motion was carried.
The motion:
- Noted the difficulties many residents (especially pensioners) face paying bills in the winter months.
- Noted the impact of austerity measures and the Labour government’s inheritance of a £22bn hole in the national finances.
- Noted the £53m of support distributed to Southwark residents since 2021, the increase in Pension Credit take up, and the work of the Southwark Energy Savers Scheme.
- Welcomed the government’s Warm Home Discount, the extension of the Household Support Fund, the maintenance of the Winter Fuel Allowance and the above inflation increase to the State Pension.
- Acknowledged the council’s response in supporting those not eligible for Pension Credit, including £150 one-off payments to those on low incomes and £200 payments to those in crisis, along with an additional £100 one-off payment for domiciliary care recipients.
- Asked the Cabinet to ensure the Pension Credit Campaign is well advertised and that warm hubs are opened up for elderly and vulnerable residents.
Rethinking Winter Fuel Payment Cuts
Councillor Rachel Bentley proposed a motion rethinking the cut to the Winter Fuel Payment, to which Councillor Sabina Emmanuel proposed an amendment, which was carried. The substantive motion as amended was carried.
The motion:
- Noted the £22bn black hole in the UK finances
- Noted that Winter Fuel Payments should be means-tested.
- Noted the 4,400 Southwark households eligible for Pension Credit who do not claim it and the 21 December 2024 deadline.
- Noted the council’s existing work on increasing take-up, the extension of the Household Support Fund, and the energy support scheme.
- Noted the council’s support for pensioners including £150 one-off payments to low-income pensioners not eligible for Pension Credit, £100 to domiciliary care recipients and £150 to residents living in properties rated EPC D or lower.
- Noted the 10% rise in the Energy Price Cap and additional barriers to claiming Pension Credit.
- Believed that the Labour Government's commitment to the Triple Lock and the increase to the minimum Pension Credit guarantee would benefit low-income pensioners in Southwark.
- Asked the Cabinet to look at how the Household Support Fund can support low-income pensioners, and to work with partners to sign up those eligible for Pension Credit.
Right to Grow
Councillor Margy Newens proposed a motion on the ‘Right to Grow’. Before the motion could be seconded, the guillotine fell. The motion was carried.
The motion:
- Noted the Cost of Living Crisis, the need for access to fresh food and the powerful link between health and wellbeing and access to fresh local food.
- Noted the hunger created by the Cost of Living Crisis and the potential of community food growing to reduce costs to the NHS and social care, as well as improving the public realm.
- Noted the existence of underused council owned land that could be used for food growing.
- Asked the Cabinet to identify land suitable for community cultivation, explore making land available for cultivation at no cost, consider using rooftops, consider using land awaiting development for other uses, work with Southwark’s MPs to support the ‘right to grow’ campaign and work with other partners.
Supporting the Climate and Nature Bill
Councillor Graham Neale proposed a motion supporting the Climate and Nature Bill, to which an amendment was proposed and carried. The substantive motion as amended was carried.
The motion:
- Noted the high temperatures witnessed across the globe and the cost of living crisis.
- Noted the overreliance on fossil fuels and the irreversible effects of climate change.
- Noted the lack of a credible pathway to 1.5 degrees, the UK’s biodiversity crisis and the risk of further pandemics.
- Noted the introduction of the Climate and Nature Bill by Liberal Democrat Dr Roz Savage MP.
- Noted that the Bill was the only piece of legislation ensuring a comprehensive approach to the climate and nature crises.
- Noted that it would be given adequate parliamentary time and had the strongest chance yet of becoming law.
- Noted that the Bill had cross-party support and local support.
- Noted that Southwark Council was already playing its part.
- Asked the Cabinet to continue the hard work, support the Labour government’s ambitions, and to formally endorse the Bill.
Supporting Renters in Southwark
Councillor Sam Foster proposed a motion on supporting renters. The motion was carried.
The motion:
- Noted the high private rents in Southwark, and that spiralling private rents were a leading cause of homelessness.
- Noted that letting agents were using ‘bidding wars’ to pressure renters into paying above the asking price.
- Welcomed the Renters Reform Bill’s proposed ban on bidding wars, rent hikes, no-fault evictions and discrimination.
- Noted the council’s work on selective private licencing schemes.
- Noted that more work needed to be done, and that letting agents would continue to increase rents.
- Asked the Cabinet to support ACORN’s ‘Ban the Bids’ campaign, contact letting agents asking them to stop using bidding wars, write to the Minister for Housing and Southwark’s MPs, extend licencing schemes to the whole borough and review the support provided to private renters.
Creating Good Lives Together: Southwark 2030 Strategy
The council assembly approved the Southwark 2030 strategy.
The strategy:
- Is an ambitious plan setting out a partnership vision for a fair, green and safe Southwark, where everyone can live a good life as part of a strong community.
- Is a plan for the whole borough, written in conjunction with people who live, work, study and visit Southwark.
- Focuses on six goal areas:
- Decent homes for all.
- A good start in life.
- A safer Southwark.
- A strong and fair economy.
- Staying well.
- A healthy environment.
Old Kent Road Area Action Plan: 2024 Draft
The council assembly approved the Old Kent Road Area Action Plan: 2024 Draft for consultation, subject to no major modifications arising from the consultation. They also delegated the approval of any minor amendments arising from the consultation to the Director of Planning and Growth, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for New Homes and Sustainable Development.
The AAP:
- Seeks to manage growth in the Old Kent Road area.
- Is an ambitious plan to regenerate the area, which was designated an Opportunity Area by the Mayor of London in 2015.
- Commits the council to delivering, over the next 18 years: two new underground stations as part of the Bakerloo Line Upgrade and Extension (BLUE); 20,000 new homes, including 7,000 affordable homes; and 10,000 new jobs.
- Seeks to put residents and communities at the heart of the process.
- Is planned to be family-friendly, improve the area for young people, and integrate older people into community life.
- Is committed to tackling the climate emergency by requiring net-zero carbon new development.
- Includes a strategy for healthy streets, safer crossing points, segregated bus lanes, cycle routes, and more tree planting.
- Builds on the Southwark Plan 2022, providing additional policies and a masterplan.
Treasury Management – Mid-Year Update 2024-25
The council assembly noted the Treasury Management – Mid-Year Update 2024-25.
The update:
- Reported on the council’s compliance with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) Treasury Management Code of Practice.
- Noted the impact of the economic situation.
- Noted that, at 30 September 2024, the balance of external loans was £1,077m and the balance of investments was £38.8m.

- Agenda frontsheet Wednesday 20-Nov-2024 19.00 Council Assembly agenda
- Public reports pack Wednesday 20-Nov-2024 19.00 Council Assembly reports pack
- Supplemental agenda no.1 Wednesday 20-Nov-2024 19.00 Council Assembly other
- Tabled items Wednesday 20-Nov-2024 19.00 Council Assembly other
- Printed minutes Wednesday 20-Nov-2024 19.00 Council Assembly minutes