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Licensing Sub-Committee - Thursday 14 November 2024 10.00 am

November 14, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to discuss an application for a new premises licence for Food Rules at 5 Westmoreland Road.

Food Rules, 5 Westmoreland Road, London, SE17 2AX

Ammigo Limited applied for a new premises licence for a restaurant at 5 Westmoreland Road. The application was for the sale of late night refreshment between the hours of 23:00 and 05:00 every day.

The application was called in for discussion after objections were raised by the Council's Environmental Protection Team and the Licensing Team.

Environmental Protection

The Environmental Protection Team objected on the grounds that the application contravened the council's Statement of Licensing Policy, which stated that:

Takeaways are not considered appropriate for this area.

The team also noted that the application contravened a condition of the existing planning permission for the site, which stated that:

The A5 use hereby permitted shall only be permitted to operate between the hours of 11:00 - 23:00 on Monday to Sundays.


The Licensing Team was also concerned about the application. They noted that Westmoreland Road was a quiet street and that the proposed hours were out of character with other businesses on the street. They were also concerned that the applicant's operating schedule did not include sufficient measures to mitigate the risk of public nuisance. The Licensing Team suggested a number of conditions that should be attached to the licence in order to mitigate their concerns.

These included:

  • That all staff should be trained in the Licensing Act 2003 and the council's licensing objectives
  • That the applicant should agree to only deliver food to residential or business addresses, and never to open spaces or ‘the street’.
  • That delivery drivers should be instructed to turn off their engines when collecting orders, to behave in a quiet and orderly manner, and not to use their horns unnecessarily
  • That an extract ventilation system should be installed and maintained in order to prevent odours from the site.

The Licensing Team stated that they would be prepared to withdraw their representation if the applicant agreed to all of the conditions suggested in their representation.


Prior to the meeting, the applicant and the Licensing Team had been in contact to discuss the application and the Licensing Team's objection. The applicant had indicated that they were willing to agree to some, but not all of the conditions that had been suggested by the Licensing Team. They had also suggested that they would be willing to amend their application.

It is not known whether the application was amended, or if any agreement was reached.


Debra Allday
Toyin Calfos
Andrew Heron
Wesley McArthur
Charlotte Precious
Mark Prickett
Andrew Weir
Profile image for Councillor Sunny Lambe
Councillor Sunny Lambe  Deputy Mayor of Southwark •  Labour •  South Bermondsey
Councillor Jane Salmon