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Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday 5 November 2024 10.00 am

November 5, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was to consider two applications for new premises licences in the borough.

Application for a new premises licence for The Sun Wharf

JD Wetherspoon PLC has applied for a new premises licence for a public house at The Sun Wharf, 50 London Bridge Station, Tooley Street, London SE1 2TF.

The application requests permission for the sale of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises from 08:00 to 00:00 Monday to Saturday and from 08:00 to 23:00 on Sunday. Late night refreshment would be provided from 23:00 to 00:00 Monday to Saturday. The premises would be open to the public from 06:30 to 00:30 Monday to Saturday, and from 06:30 to 23:30 on Sunday.

The premises is described as a traditional JD Wetherspoon public house with a full food menu.

There have been objections to the application from the Metropolitan Police Service and the Council’s Licensing department. Both raise concerns about the location of the premises within the Borough and Bankside Cumulative Impact Area, where there is a presumption against granting new premises licences for certain types of premises, including pubs.

“A licence could be refused on the sole ground that the area was already saturated with licensed premises”

The police are particularly concerned about the potential for off-sales of alcohol to contribute to crime and disorder in the area. The Licensing department has requested a number of additional conditions to be added to the licence if it is granted.

There has also been an objection from another person. It is noted in the report that the objection appears to be based on business competition and, as such, cannot be taken into account by the sub-committee.

Application for a new premises licence for Cheeks

An application has also been made for a new premises licence for Cheeks, Railway Arch 3, Almond Road, London SE16 3LR by South London Arts Group Ltd.

The application requests permission for a range of activities including plays, films, live music, recorded music, performance of dance, late night refreshment and the sale of alcohol on the premises.

The applicant describes the purpose of the venue as a multi-purpose arts space, saying:

“Cheeks will be a multi purpose arts venue that seeks to support the arts and creative community, and their audience, in South East London and beyond. We are focused on nurturing a creative environment through the provision of production and performance space. It is not intended as a dedicated drinking establishment."

The requested hours for the sale of alcohol, regulated entertainment and late night refreshment are until 02:30 most nights, and until 05:00 on Friday and Saturday nights. The premises would be open to the public until 03:00 from Monday to Friday.

The application has attracted objections from four responsible authorities: The Metropolitan Police Service, Southwark Council’s Licensing department, the Environmental Protection Team (EPT), and the Trading Standards service.

The Police and Licensing raise concerns about the extended hours applied for, which are significantly later than those recommended in the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy for premises in residential areas. They suggest that such late opening is likely to increase the risk of crime and disorder and have a negative impact on the local community.

The EPT is concerned about the potential for public nuisance, particularly noise, given the proximity of residential properties. Their representation notes that:

The nearest dwellings include a care home opposite the rear yard and outside smoking/drinking area (Aspinden Care Home). This care home specifically caters for vulnerable people suffering from alcohol dependency, with complex physical and mental health support needs.

The Trading Standards service objects on the grounds that the application provides insufficient detail about the steps to be taken to prevent the sale of alcohol to children.

All four responsible authorities recommend a series of conditions be added to the licence if it is granted, including a range of measures relating to CCTV, security, noise control, dispersal of customers and staff training.


PC Walter Minka Agyeman
Debra Allday
Toyin Calfos
Richard Earis
Andrew Heron
Charlie Jerrom
PC Mark Lynch
Wesley McArthur
Charlotte Precious
Jayne Tear
Andrew Weir
Councillor Ellie Cumbo
Councillor Charlie Smith
Councillor Renata Hamvas