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Agenda and decisions

November 21, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Board agreed to note the Safeguarding Adults Board annual report, the Better Care Fund spend, the Healthwatch annual report, and the Health and Wellbeing Board work programme. It also agreed to note the delivery outputs in the Start Well portion of the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Safeguarding Adults

The Board considered the annual report from the Richmond and Wandsworth Safeguarding Adults Board.

The Chair of the Safeguarding Adults Board, Christabel Shawcross, said that a rise in safeguarding concerns and inquiries was a good thing because it meant more people were receiving advice, support and help, even if they did not meet the criteria for an inquiry.

Ms Shawcross said the Board was seeking to better understand the needs of young people in the 18-25 age group who are not captured by any service.

The emphasis is very much on ensuring that we've got multi-agency systems and partners that can fit around the individual, the person, who needs different styles of engagement than the traditional approach, which may be sending a letter or just making a phone call.

She reported that the Board was working to improve engagement with Wandsworth Prison. She said there were a number of concerns about safeguarding there, particularly around the support available to people on release.

As you know, Wandsworth is by and large a remand prison so different from other prisons where people are literally in there for a long time...there's a particular issue here with people being on remand who will turn up in court, case dropped, they're left and although probation are there in theory to provide support, they may not always be able to do that and so we want to do some more work.

The Board heard from Councillor Waqaar Shah that there were a number of opportunities to better integrate the work of the Board with the criminal justice system, and that the Board should seek to engage with His Majesty's Courts and Tribunal Service as part of this work.

The Board heard that there was no GP lead for Adult Safeguarding in Wandsworth. A representative of the Integrated Care Board said the ICB was reviewing safeguarding lead provision across South West London, and anticipated a lead would be appointed in Wandsworth soon.

A representative of local GPs said that under-reporting by GPs might be a data issue, and that in their practice they were regularly making referrals to adult social care. They added that they suspected this was happening across Wandsworth. The Chair said that data showed there had been a positive awareness in our community of safeguarding issues.

The Board heard that autistic people were not recorded as dying in South West London last year. The Chair of the Safeguarding Adults Board said she would find out why this was.

The Board agreed to note the report.

Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy: Start Well

The Board considered an update on the delivery outputs in the Start Well portion of the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy (Start Well-Appendix 1).

Self-Harm and Mental Health

The Board heard that there had been an increase in investment in mental health services for children and young people, and that a new Mental Health Support Team would begin operating in Putney and Roehampton in January 2025. It was reported that by 2025 all schools in Wandsworth would be covered by a Mental Health Support Team, or another support service.

The Board heard about the success of the Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) programme, which had been implemented in 18 schools in Wandsworth and was teaching 2,152 pupils self-awareness, self-management, problem-solving, social awareness, and relationship skills.

Childhood Obesity

The Board heard that data showed that there had been no significant change in the prevalence of obesity in reception age children in Wandsworth, but the prevalence of obesity in year six children was increasing.

It was reported that Health Visitors, the 0-19 Service, and Healthy Schools London were all working to promote healthy eating and lifestyles in children and families.

The Board heard from Dr T. M. R. Orban, who said that the Board should be looking at breastfeeding rates up to one year old, rather than just 6-8 weeks. He said more support should be provided to new mothers to encourage them to breastfeed for longer.

Dr Orban also said he thought it was worrying that there was no mention in the report of type 2 diabetes in children, or of screening and prevention programmes.

The Board was told that the 6-8 week breastfeeding data was taken from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, and that national 9 month data had been discontinued. They were told that local Health Visitors provide support clinics to families who are struggling with breastfeeding.

Childhood Immunisations

The Board was told that levels of childhood immunisation in Wandsworth were higher than in other areas of London but lower than the England average. It was reported that a measles, mumps and rubella vaccination campaign at the beginning of 2024 resulted in an additional 389 1-5 year olds receiving the MMR vaccine.

The Board heard that pharmacies were playing a key role in promoting vaccination in Wandsworth, and that a targeted call-recall service had been established to encourage parents and carers to vaccinate their school-age children.

Dr Orban said that a table showing the percentage of children fully vaccinated in each of the vaccination programmes should be provided to the Board in future. He also said that the Board should be looking at how they could improve the uptake of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.

A&E Attendances

The Board was told that the lead for this step of the strategy was on leave. They heard that a brief update on the work being done to reduce A&E attendance, including accident prevention leaflets and the implementation of the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative in Children's Centres, was provided in the report.

The Board agreed to note the report.

Healthwatch Annual Report

The Board received the annual report of Healthwatch Wandsworth.

The Board heard from Sarah Cook, Manager of Healthwatch Wandsworth, that the organisation was gathering insight into access to primary care services and the autism diagnosis pathway, and that Healthwatch Wandsworth had recently published a report on the Queen Mary's Hospital Community Diagnostic Centre.

The Board heard that Healthwatch Wandsworth was working with St George's Hospital to improve the support available to carers following the discharge of a loved one from hospital. Ms Cook said that the hospital was taking a number of steps, including:

  • Making sure information about carers is captured on the hospital systems.
  • Making sure carers are signposted to carers’ centres.
  • Implementing training sessions, newsletters, events, presentations and more to raise awareness of carer issues and how to work with carers.

The Board heard about a Healthwatch Wandsworth project that was seeking to understand how mental health was impacted by homelessness.

the prevalence is so high amongst people who move into homelessness so they already may have mental health concerns the various determinants of health that have led them to where they are again are all associated with increased risk of mental health conditions or problems and then once they get there the impact on mental health when you're struggling with your housing or actually homeless so we were trying to make the recommendation that every service that deals with people who are homeless are considering mental health and trying to bring those connections to support a lot quicker than or as quickly as possible.

The Board heard that Healthwatch Wandsworth was working to improve access to support for people with autism. It was told that Healthwatch Wandsworth would work with local autism groups as part of this work.

Ms Shawcross suggested that Healthwatch Wandsworth provide the Safeguarding Adults Board with an early alert when it is beginning a new project so that the Board can work with Healthwatch to include questions related to safeguarding in the project.

The Board agreed to note the report.

Better Care Fund

The Board considered an update on the Better Care Fund spend in the first quarter of the financial year 2024/25 (BCF).

The Board heard from Brian Roberts, Head of Health and Care Integration, that 37.34% of the Discharge Fund had been spent in the first quarter of the financial year 2024/25. He said that this included funding for a range of initiatives designed to support the safe and efficient discharge of people from hospital, such as:

  • Additional funding for community equipment.
  • A mental health discharge team.
  • Enhanced social care support for discharges.
  • A step-down capacity across South West London.
  • Additional home care capacity.
  • Quick start bridging care.
  • Additional short-term and residential beds.
  • Personalised support for discharges to care homes.
  • Technology Enabled Care.

The Board heard that the spend was higher than planned, but this was largely due to an increase in demand for home care and residential care.

The Board was told that there was a great deal of work taking place between the Council, the Integrated Care Board, and St George's Hospital to improve the discharge process. The Board heard that this was not just a static pitch, and that there was a commitment to making the discharge process as sleek as possible.

There's an awful lot of work trying to get the patient experience the patient out of hospital quickly safely and into the break care environment as much as possible.

The Board agreed to note the report.

Health and Wellbeing Board Work Programme

The Board considered its work programme for 2024/25.

The Board heard from Lynn Wild, Assistant Director of Health and Care Integration, that a number of seminars were planned for the coming year, including a seminar on developing the partnership of the Board, which would be held in January or February 2025.

Ms Wild said that the Board was keen to develop its work to be much more interactive and involve the community. She encouraged Board members to suggest topics and areas for discussion.

The Board agreed to note the report.