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Licensing Sub-Committee - Monday 20 May 2024 10.00 am

May 20, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting was held to discuss the application for a premises license for Abbasine Diner at 39-41 The Wicker, Sheffield. The main points of discussion were the potential impact of the diner on local residents, particularly concerning noise, traffic, and parking.

  1. Application for Abbasine Diner License:

    • Abbasine Diner Limited applied for a premises license to operate from 11 PM to 4 AM.
    • Jane Gough from Licensing introduced the report, noting an unresolved representation from local resident Nick Kitchen.
    • The South Yorkshire Police had agreed on conditions, including the installation of CCTV.
  2. Concerns from Local Resident:

    • Nick Kitchen, a local resident, expressed concerns about the diner operating late hours in a highly residential area.
    • He highlighted issues with traffic, parking, and potential noise disturbances, especially from delivery vehicles and late-night customers.
    • Kitchen noted that the area already suffers from illegal parking and noise, which he fears will worsen with the diner's extended hours.
  3. Applicant's Response:

    • Alan Ball from Business Sheffield, representing the applicant Mr. Ola, addressed the concerns.
    • He emphasized that the diner does not serve alcohol and caters mainly to the local Muslim community, including providing a prayer area.
    • Ball argued that the diner would not significantly increase traffic or noise and committed to ensuring that delivery drivers park legally.
    • He also mentioned that the diner aims to be a community hub and is commercially viable only if it operates seven days a week.
  4. Committee's Decision:

    • The committee decided to grant the premises license as applied for.
    • They acknowledged the existing problems in the area but found no evidence that the diner would exacerbate these issues.
    • The committee assured that if the diner causes any nuisance in the future, the license could be reviewed.
    • They also committed to requesting parking services to address the parking issues in the area.

The decision to grant the license is subject to appeal within 21 days to the Sheffield Magistrates Court.