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Licensing Sub-Committee (3) - Thursday 28th November, 2024 10.00 am

November 28, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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This meeting was about making licensing decisions on two applications: one for a variation to the premises licence of the Radisson Edwardian, The Mayfair Hotel, and another for a variation to the premises licence of the Phoenix pub on Cavendish Square. A number of objections from local residents and residents associations were registered against the Radisson Edwardian, The Mayfair Hotel application, and one from the Marylebone Association was made against the Phoenix application.

Radisson Edwardian, The Mayfair Hotel, 17 Stratton Street, W1J 8LT

London Mayfair Hotel Limited applied to vary the Premises Licence for the Radisson Edwardian, The Mayfair Hotel to:

  • Permit the use of the premises for non-residents until 02:00
  • Remove condition 51, which prevents the use of the entrance/exit on Berkeley Street after 23:00.
  • Amend conditions 53 and 56.
  • Add 5 additional conditions

Ayesha Bolton from the Environmental Health Service submitted a representation against the application, arguing that the variations could increase public nuisance and affect public safety.

A number of objections from local residents and residents associations were also submitted. The Residents Society of Mayfair and St James’s objected, describing the site as:

a proven and grievous source of disturbance, crime and anti-social behaviour

The applicant submitted a dispersal plan, safety & security management strategy, service security policy overview and a pre-application advice report. The applicant argued that:

The safe & effective dispersal of guests, especially in the later hours, is of paramount importance to us in ensuring we meet our overriding aim of being a courteous and responsible neighbour.

Phoenix, 37 Cavendish Square, W1G 0PP

Mitchells & Butlers Leisure Retail Ltd applied to vary the Premises Licence for the Phoenix pub to permit the following:

  1. To extend the terminal hour for the sale of alcohol (on & off premises) on the basement floor on Thursday to 02:00 the following morning.
  2. To extend the terminal hour for the sale of alcohol (on & off premises) and late night refreshment (indoors) on the ground floor on Thursday to Saturday to 02:00 the following morning.
  3. To extend the terminal hour for opening hours on the ground floor Thursday to Saturday to 03:00 the following morning.
  4. To amend non-standard timings for New Year’s Eve into New Year’s Day and an additional hour later on the day British Summertime commences as set out in the application and accompanying documents.
  5. To add and remove conditions attached to the premises licence as detailed in the application and accompanying documents.

Anil Drayan from the Environmental Health Service submitted a representation against the application, arguing that the variations could undermine the prevention of public nuisance licensing objective.

The Marylebone Association also objected, arguing that the variation could:

entice additional people into the premises and area late at night

The applicant submitted a document with the proposed changes to hours and conditions, an entertainment overview, and a dispersal plan. The applicant proposed to remove the condition that:

The sale of alcohol must be ancillary to the use of the premises for music and dancing and substantial refreshment.

The Marylebone Association objected to the removal of this condition, arguing that it would make both the ground floor and basement drink-led venues.