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Licensing Committee - Tuesday, 26th November, 2024 7.00 pm
November 26, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Licensing Committee of Lewisham Council met on 26 November 2024 and agreed to confirm the minutes of their meetings on 26 March and 19 September 2024.
Application for a new licence for China Ark Market, Unit K Gothenburg Court, Bailey Street SE8 5EY
Asian Food CW Ltd applied for a new Premises Licence1 for China Ark Market at Unit K Gothenburg Court, Bailey Street, SE8 5EY. The application was for permission to sell alcohol for consumption off the premises from 10am to 10pm, 7 days a week.
Two objections to the application were received from local residents, citing concerns about public nuisance, public safety, and the protection of children from harm. The residents also pointed out that there was an open case with the council about the conduct of the business.
I am writing to formally object to the alcohol licence application... As a resident of this building, I have significant concerns that granting this licence would further disrupt the peace of the local community and adversely affect the well-being of the residents. My objections are based on the following licensing objectives:
- Prevention of Public Nuisance
- Public Safety
- Protection of Children from Harm ... I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the shop in question has already demonstrated a lack of care for local residents and their concerns. There is an open case with the council (Acolaid Case ENF/24/00067), which highlights previous issues with the shop's conduct and their disregard for the well-being of the local community. This ongoing case should be taken into consideration as evidence that the shop has failed to act responsibly towards residents, further supporting the argument that granting them an alcohol licence would not be in the best interests of the neighbourhood.
The Metropolitan Police also made a representation about the application.
After discussions between the applicant, the police and the council officers, the Metropolitan Police withdrew their objection, and a number of conditions were placed on the Licence. These included:
- CCTV must be in operation at the premises
- A challenge 25 scheme must be in place
- All staff must receive regular training on preventing the sale of alcohol to minors
- No super-strength alcohol can be sold
- Notices asking customers to leave the area quietly must be displayed
Savalan Kebab, 289 Sydenham Road, SE26 5EW
The committee considered an application by Admitat Ltd for a new Premises Licence for Savalan Kebab at 289 Sydenham Road, SE26 5EW. The application was for permission to serve late night refreshment2 from 11pm to 1am on Friday and Saturday, and from 11pm to midnight Sunday to Thursday. The meeting heard from Mr Luke Elford, a representative of the applicant, who stated that this was a small business that had been operating without problems, and that the application was to allow them to trade for extended hours. He argued that there was no evidence to suggest that the applicant would be unable to uphold the four licensing objectives.
Councillor Chris Best, who represents the Sydenham ward in which the business is located, spoke at the meeting in opposition to the application. Councillor Best argued that the extended opening hours would increase noise and anti-social behaviour in the area. She also expressed concern about the potential for the premises to become a magnet for street drinkers, and noted that there had been a recent stabbing in the area. She stated that:
Residents who live above takeaways have a good rapport with traders because they have lived there for a number of years. Late night trading would bring more noise and anti-social behaviour and residents did not have confidence that this could be managed.
After hearing from both parties, the committee went into private session to reach a decision.
The committee decided to grant the application but limited the terminal hour to midnight Sunday to Thursday. The Licence was also subject to a number of conditions, including the production of an external management plan to address the concerns raised by Councillor Best.
The committee explained its decision in a letter to the applicant.
The Licence Committee has decided to grant the Premises Licence subject to the following: a. The hours permitted for the provision of late-night refreshments approved by the Licensing Committee are Sundays to Thursdays from 23:00 hours to 00:00 hours and Fridays and Saturdays from 23:00 hours to 01:00 hours. b. All conditions offered in Part M of the application and the conditions agreed with the Licensing Authority, as responsible authority, to attach to the Premises Licence. c. The additional condition offered in the Applicants written submissions, relating to the External Management Plan, shall also attach to the Premises Licence...
A premises licence is required for any business in the UK that wishes to carry out any 'licensable activities'. These include the sale of alcohol, the provision of late night refreshment, and the provision of entertainment. ↩
'Late night refreshment' means the sale of hot food between 11pm and 5am. ↩

- Decisions 26th-Nov-2024 19.00 Licensing Committee other
- Declarations of interest other
- Minutes minutes
- Agenda frontsheet 26th-Nov-2024 19.00 Licensing Committee agenda
- Minutes Public Pack 19092024 Licensing Committee other
- China Ark Market Unit K Gothenburg Court Bailey Street SE8 5EY other
- Public reports pack 26th-Nov-2024 19.00 Licensing Committee reports pack
- Minutes Public Pack 26032024 Licensing Committee other
- Redacted Application form
- Redacted Objections
- Additional Conditions Agreed with the police
- Plan
- Locality - Surrounding area