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Council - Wednesday, 27th November, 2024 7.30 pm

November 27, 2024 View on council website
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The most recent meeting of the full Council of Lewisham Council included a motion affirming the commitment of the Labour Group to addressing the climate emergency and included a review of the activities of the council's Overview and Scrutiny committees. The meeting also included discussion of whether the basic allowance paid to councillors should be increased.

Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

Councillor Liam Shrivastava, seconded by Councillor Aisha Malik-Smith, submitted a motion to the council affirming the Labour Group's commitment to tackling the climate emergency.

The motion noted the council's previous decision to declare a climate emergency in 2019, and the subsequent publication of Climate Emergency action plans, and the progress made in reducing emissions.

The motion went on to describe the scientific consensus on the role of fossil fuels in driving climate change, and the need to transition to a zero-carbon economy.

The motion called on the council to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, to write to the UK government calling on them to endorse the treaty, to continue to decarbonise the local economy and to write to the Local Government Association promoting the treaty to other councils.

Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report

The council were asked to note the Overview and Scrutiny Committee annual report for 2023/24 (Lewisham-Council-Overview-and-Scrutiny-annual-report-202324).

The report described some of the key topics that had been reviewed by the Overview and Scrutiny committees, which are made up of councillors who are not members of the council's Mayor and Cabinet. The Overview and Scrutiny committees exist to provide democratic oversight of the work of the Mayor and Cabinet, who make most of the decisions about how the council is run.

Amongst other topics, the report described the committees' work scrutinising the council's plans for bringing the management of its housing stock back in house from Lewisham Homes, its plans for a new Public Spaces Protection Order and its transition to a trauma-informed approach to service delivery.

Members' Allowances

The council were asked to approve an increase to the basic allowance that is paid to councillors to compensate them for their work.

The report explained that:

As no provision was made for an increase in the Basic Allowance or Special Responsibility Allowances for the period starting 1st April 2024, this report seeks agreement to increase all allowances by 2.5%, a increase of the same amount as the majority of Council employees. (Members Allowances Report - 27.11.24)

The report recommended increasing the basic allowance from £12,480 to £12,792.


Profile image for Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres  Mayor •  Labour and Co-operative Party •  Ward
Emma Campbell Smith
Jennifer Daothong
Jeremy Chambers
Samanta Federico
Councillor Jack Lavery
Councillor Aliya Sheikh
Profile image for Councillor Kim Powell
Councillor Kim Powell  Labour Party •  Hither Green
Councillor Rudi Schmidt
Profile image for Councillor Rachel Onikosi
Councillor Rachel Onikosi  Labour and Co-operative Party •  Bellingham
Councillor David Walker
Councillor Susan Wise
Councillor Hau-Yu Tam
Councillor Rosie Parry
Councillor Hilary Moore
Profile image for Councillor James Rathbone
Councillor James Rathbone  Labour and Co-operative Party •  Lee Green
Profile image for Councillor James Royston
Councillor James Royston  Labour and Co-operative Party •  Catford South
Councillor Sakina Sheikh
Profile image for Councillor Liz Johnston-Franklin
Councillor Liz Johnston-Franklin  Labour Party •  Ladywell
Councillor James-J Walsh
Councillor Joan Millbank
Profile image for Councillor Luke Sorba
Councillor Luke Sorba  Labour Party •  Telegraph Hill
Councillor John Paschoud
Councillor Louise Krupski
Councillor Luke Warner
Profile image for Councillor Eva Kestner
Councillor Eva Kestner  Labour and Co-operative Party •  Lee Green
Councillor John Muldoon
Councillor Paul Bell
Councillor Bill Brown
Councillor Sian Eiles
Profile image for Councillor Laura Cunningham
Councillor Laura Cunningham  Labour Party •  Ladywell
Councillor Mark Jackson
Councillor Jacq Paschoud
Councillor Amanda De Ryk
Councillor Billy Harding
Councillor Will Cooper
Councillor Edison Huynh
Councillor Dawn Atkinson
Profile image for Councillor Pauline Dall
Councillor Pauline Dall  Labour Party •  Blackheath
Councillor Andre Bourne
Councillor Mark Ingleby
Councillor Coral Howard
Councillor Peter Bernards
Councillor Chris Best
Councillor Sophie Davis
Councillor Chris Barnham
Councillor Ese Erheriene
Councillor Tauseef Anwar
Councillor Liam Curran