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Agenda and decisions

November 28, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The committee noted reports about the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 2 Report, Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) for 2023-24, and the Borough Residence Forum's most recent meeting. The committee also supported recommendations to adopt a new Vulnerable Residents Policy and to delegate authority to officers to make bids for affordable housing grants.

Grenfell Tower Inquiry

The committee received a report on the Grenfell Tower Inquiry's Phase 2 Report findings. The report, which was published in September 2024, made a number of recommendations about building safety, particularly around the definition of a 'high risk building'.

Councillors discussed how the recommendations of the report might impact on residents in Wandsworth, and how the council's existing policies could be adapted to take into account the inquiry's findings.

There was a discussion about the storage of combustible items in communal areas of blocks. Councillor Rigby said that more bike hangers were needed to prevent the storage of bikes in communal areas and asked if the transport team could email councillors asking them which estates they thought were missing bike hangers. Ms Price, the deputy chair of the Borough Residence Forum, said that residents' associations could apply to their local Area Housing Panel for Small Improvement Budget (SIB) funding for new bike hangers, and reminded councillors that tenants are not allowed to hang bikes on railings.

Councillor Gavindya asked how the council made sure that residents were kept informed of fire safety issues. Ms Willman said that the council used its resident magazine Homelife to keep residents informed, and that the council's Fire Safety Steering Group was working on producing a residents' portal where people could access information about fire safety in their block.

The committee noted the report for information.

Borough Residence Forum Report

The committee received the Borough Residence Forum (BRF) report of its meeting held on 21 November 2024. The BRF is a tenant and leaseholder forum that meets every two months and discusses issues relating to housing in Wandsworth.

Councillor Varafraj asked Ms Price, the deputy chair of the BRF, about the recent Wandsworth Tenants Conference. Ms Price said that 80 people had attended the conference, and that officers from the council's housing management team had delivered the conference, which had been well-received by residents.

The committee noted the report for information.

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

The committee received a report on the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) for 2023-24. The TSMs are a set of 22 measures that are used to assess the performance of social housing landlords. The measures are divided into 12 satisfaction measures, which are based on an annual perception survey, and 10 management measures, which are based on data collected by the landlord.

The report showed that Wandsworth Council had achieved an overall satisfaction score of 64%, which was a significant increase from 54% in the previous year.

Councillors discussed the satisfaction scores for repairs, which had fallen to 53%. Ms Willman said that the council was working with its contractors to improve the quality of repairs and that it would be undertaking a focus group with residents next year to find out more about why they were not satisfied with repairs.

Councillor Rigby said that the noise complaints service was not good enough and asked how the council could improve it. Mr Crawley said that the council was working to improve its communication with residents about noise complaints and that it would be exploring ways to manage residents' expectations about how quickly noise complaints could be resolved.

Councillor Gavindya asked why some of the data submitted to the regulator had been incorrect and if the figures in the report were based on the corrected data. Ms Willman confirmed that the figures in the report were based on the corrected data.

The committee noted the report for information.

Vulnerable Residents Policy

The committee considered a report on the proposed Vulnerable Residents Policy. The policy sets out how the council will identify and support vulnerable residents. The report proposed two recommendations, the first to approve the policy, and the second to approve an Equality Impact Needs Assessment (EINA) of the policy.

Councillors discussed the definition of vulnerability and how the council would ensure that the policy was implemented effectively.

Councillor Kishane asked how the policy would be evaluated, and Mr Worth said that the council would monitor complaints to see if there were any issues with the policy's implementation.

Councillor Tiller asked if the policy could be extended to cover other situations, such as disputes between the council and residents. Ms Willman said that the policy was about recording vulnerability data and making sure that officers were aware of residents' needs.

The committee voted to support the two recommendations.

Affordable Housing Update

The committee considered a report on affordable housing in Wandsworth. The report provided an update on the council's property acquisitions programme, and sought approval to maximise grant funding opportunities to expand the programme.

The committee was asked to delegate authority to officers to make bids for funding to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) and the Greater London Authority (GLA) without having to seek approval from the committee first.

The report also provided a summary of new social rented and affordable housing supply during 2023-24.

Councillor Austin asked if the council would be able to meet its target of acquiring 56 properties with the funding it had received from MHCLG. Ms Willman said that the council was confident that it would be able to meet the target.

There was a discussion about the balance of tenures in the borough, with Councillor Kishane asking how the council would promote home ownership. Councillor Dickerton said that the council was committed to increasing the supply of social rented homes, but that it would also continue to promote home ownership through schemes such as shared ownership1 and the house purchase grant.

Councillor Austin asked why the council did not simply buy more properties on the open market to increase the supply of affordable housing. Councillor Dickerton said that this would be a very expensive way to increase the supply of affordable housing, and that the council was getting better value for money by building new homes.

The committee voted to support the two recommendations.

Housing Services Activity Update

The committee considered a report on housing services activity, which gave an update on the council's temporary accommodation placements.

The committee voted to support the recommendations in the report.

Budget Monitoring Report

The committee considered a report on the housing revenue account (HRA) budget monitoring for quarter 2 of 2024-25. The report showed an overspend of £5,187,000.

Councillor Gavindya asked if the forecast overspend was realistic. Mr Davies, the Financial Controller for Housing and Regeneration, said that the forecast was based on the latest data and that the council was confident that it was accurate.

The committee noted the report for information.

  1. Shared ownership is a scheme that allows people to buy a share of a property and pay rent on the remaining share.