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Local Development Committee - Monday 25th November 2024 7.00 p.m.

November 25, 2024 View on council website
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The meeting included two applications for planning permission that were scheduled for discussion, for sites at Hudson Bay in Forest Gate and Stock Street in Plaistow. A report on the procedures for decision making was also provided.

31-35 Stock Street, Plaistow

The committee report pack contains a request for planning permission for the conversion of the vacant five-storey warehouse building at 31-35 Stock Street into a multi-functional community space with ancillary educational classes and a cafe.

The application concerns the installation of a single storey side extension, the enlargement of fenestration, the addition of a cafe canopy to the front elevation, and facade restoration works. Solar blinds would be installed on the east and west facades, and the floor plan would be altered, including the removal of some existing floors to create double height ceilings in part of the second floor. A stair core would also be introduced, and other associated works carried out.

The applicant seeks to convert the existing vacant building into a multifunctional community space (Use Class F2 (b), Class E (c) & (g) with ancillary educational classes and café).

The ground, first and part of the second and third floor would be used for studio and office workspace. The remainder of the second floor would be used as a venue hire space, and a front yard area would be introduced. The report also mentions public realm improvements, including the extension of guard railing and the removal of a redundant crossover at the front of the site.

The report recommends that planning permission is granted subject to a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 being completed. The proposed terms of this agreement include that the use of the building be restricted to use classes F2(b), E(c) and E(g) with ancillary educational classes and cafe. The agreement would also include the requirement for a travel plan, a restriction on the issue of parking permits, and highway improvement works. The agreement would also contain provisions for a workplace strategy to ensure affordable workspace.

The officer report notes that the application site has a PTAL rating of 4, indicating good access to public transport.

Hudson Bay, 1 - 5 Upton Lane, Forest Gate

The committee report pack contains a request for planning permission for the erection of a new building to be used as a 'ghusl' facility.1 The report notes that this building would be used for washing and shrouding the body in Islamic funeral practices. The proposed single storey building would be located to the south-east corner of the site.

The site is located within the Forest Gate Town Centre Conservation area, and the report notes that the site is also near the Grade II listed Emmanuel Church.

The officer report acknowledges that

the application site is the subject of a planning enforcement investigation, referenced 23/00501/ENFC. It was found that the applicant had already commenced works to erect the outbuilding the subject of this application.

The report recommends that planning permission be granted, subject to conditions that include the submission of an operational management plan, a scheme of landscaping and a waste management strategy.

The report also notes that

This application has been submitted alongside planning application referenced 24/02567/COU that seeks to change of use of the existing building from public house (Sui generis) building to a multi-functional community space (Class E/F.2) at lower ground and ground floor level. This was resolved to grant planning permission at the Local Development Committee in September 2024 and is currently undergoing legal proceeding to secure the required S106 obligations.

  1. A ghusl is the act of washing a deceased person's body in accordance with Islamic rites. 


Shirley Fortune
Mehrunnisa Hussain
Jane Custance
Alexander Odwyer
Councillor Mehmood Mirza
Councillor James Beckles
Councillor Musawwar Alam
Councillor Salim Patel
Councillor Carolyn Corben
Councillor Femi Falola
Councillor Nur Begum
Profile image for Councillor Imam Haque
Councillor Imam Haque  Deputy Chair of Council 2024/2025 •  Labour •  East Ham
Profile image for Councillor Syed Bashar
Councillor Syed Bashar  Labour •  Little Ilford
Councillor Sabia Kamali