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Cabinet - Tuesday, 26th November, 2024 6.00 pm

November 26, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Royal Borough of Greenwich's Cabinet approved new equality objectives for 2024-28, a new intermediate housing register and its strategic risk register. Cabinet also agreed to sell off a plot of land in Brookhill Road, Woolwich and to accept the surrender of two flats in Carnbrook Road, Kidbrooke. The Cabinet also agreed to send a revised gambling policy to the full council for a final decision.

Equality and Equity Objectives

The cabinet agreed to adopt six new equality objectives. The new objectives build on the previous objectives which covered 2020-24.

One of the key successes from the 2020-24 objectives has been the establishment of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Steering Group and Race Equality Action Group. These groups have provided oversight and advice on the implementation of the Council's Equality and Equity Action Plan. The groups have also facilitated engagement with partners on their best practices. The reciprocal mentoring scheme has also been a positive outcome of the previous objectives.

However, there have been challenges in relation to disability and neurodiversity.

Suggested interventions were inappropriate. Still lack of clarity from managers on how to support staff with disability or a form of neurodiversity.

Appendix - Equality and Equity Objective Report 2024-28 - November 2024

The new objectives address these issues by ensuring that management receive training on supporting staff with disabilities, that there is more communication with residents and that policies and procedures are sensitive to the needs of staff and residents with disabilities.

The new equality objectives are:

  1. Leadership, management and councillors will act as one in our strive to achieve equity in the borough.
  2. As we recruit, develop and reorganise staff, we will support actions that ensure that the Council’s workforce, including senior leadership, are representative of the wider borough population.
  3. Review actions taken to implement equalities policies and procedures, so they reflect the needs and experiences of staff and residents and that they are applied consistently, fairly and sensitively across the Council.
  4. We will embed our Inclusive Language Guide throughout the organisation.
  5. To work better with our community forums, to more proactively engage with our communities on our policies and programmes.
  6. The Council will support disabled and neurodiverse staff and residents to thrive in the borough.
  7. The Council designs services around the needs of residents, ensuring that equality and equity are embedded at the earliest stage possible.

The Council intends to develop an action plan which will set out specific actions to be taken to deliver the objectives. The action plan will be produced in March 2025.

Intermediate Housing Register

The cabinet agreed to set up a new intermediate housing register. The register will allow people who live or work in Greenwich, and earn between £25,000 and £90,000 to register their interest in intermediate housing, such as shared ownership or discounted market rent.

Establishing an intermediate housing register of interest will support residents to build a life and a career in Greenwich and support employers to recruit staff who are crucial to the economy and public service in the borough.

Intermediate Housing Register Strategy

The cabinet agreed to give highest priority to social housing tenants who want to move, and people on the Council's housing register. The next priority group will be workers in a small number of occupations that the Council has determined to be in short supply. The Council will then prioritise people who live in Greenwich, and will offer any remaining homes to people who work in Greenwich.

The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Housing and Safer Communities to decide which jobs are in short supply, and asked the Director to take into account information from employers, residents, and the Council's own Inclusive Economy team.

Strategic Risk Register

The cabinet noted the strategic risk register. This document sets out the most significant risks to the Council's plans. Each risk is assessed for its impact and likelihood, and the register lists the actions that are being taken to manage it.

New risks that were added to the register for this meeting include Compliance with New Procurement Legislation, which addresses the risks of the new NHS Provider Selection Regime and Procurement Act 2023, and Loss of Life and/or Injury Through Lack of Corporate Estate Building Safety.

Sale of Land at Brookhill Road

The cabinet agreed in principle to sell off a plot of land at Brookhill Road, Woolwich. The plot has been advertised by a local estate agent, and has received an offer which the Council considers to be best consideration. The cabinet delegated authority to the Director of Regeneration Enterprise & Skills to complete the sale.

The unconditional offer...that has been received, represents the highest and best land value. The sale of the land will generate a capital receipt which can be directed to the provision of affordable housing. It will also eliminate any management costs.

Sale of land at Brookhill Road

Carnbrook Road Flats

The cabinet agreed to accept the surrender of a lease on two flats in Carnbrook Road, Kidbrooke. The flats had previously been leased to London and Quadrant Housing Trust, but the two parties were unable to agree the terms of a lease extension.

for reasons outlined in this report, it was not possible to complete the extension of the lease with the tenant.

Nos 8 14 Carnbrook Rd Deed of Surrender

The Council will now pay for the refurbishment of the flats, and will let them to social housing tenants.

Gambling Act 2005

The cabinet agreed to send a revised gambling policy to the full Council for approval. The revised policy has been consulted on with local residents and members of the gambling industry. The policy has been amended in a number of areas as a result of the consultation.

For example, the policy now acknowledges the importance of public health issues relating to problem gambling, and includes reference to the Regulators' Code. The cabinet agreed to delete a section of the policy about indicators that a premises is providing substantive betting or bingo facilities.

Almost identical provisions are made by SR Code Provisions 9.1.2 (bingo premises) and 9.1.3 (casino premises.) As these are SR Code Provisions, there is no need for these to be repeated within the draft statement of principles.

Appendix A - Summary Response Summary

The full council will make a final decision on the policy at a future meeting.


Councillor Averil Lekau
Councillor Denise Hyland
Councillor Adel Khaireh
Councillor Mariam Lolavar
Councillor Majid Rahman
Councillor Pat Slattery
Councillor Jackie Smith
Profile image for Councillor Rachel Taggart-Ryan
Councillor Rachel Taggart-Ryan  Cabinet Member Community Safety and Enforcement •  Labour and Co-operative •  Middle Park and Horn Park
Chief Executive
Interim Director of Legal and Democratic Services
Director of Communities and Environment and Central
Director of Housing and Safer Communities
Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills
Director Adult Social Care
Interim Assistant Director of Finance & Deputy s151 Officer
Assistant Director of Quality Improvement