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Licensing Sub-Committee - Thursday 21 November 2024 10.00 am

November 21, 2024 View on council website
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The Licensing Sub-Committee was scheduled to consider an application for a new premises licence for AJ Restaurant and Bar at 11 John Ruskin Street in Camberwell Green. The application had been subject to representations from four responsible authorities - The Metropolitan Police Service, Environmental Protection, Trading Standards, and Licensing - and also from nine members of the public. All of the responsible authorities were scheduled to withdraw their representations having agreed revised operating hours and conditions with the applicant.

AJ Restaurant and Bar, 11 John Ruskin Street, London SE5 0NS

AJ Restaurant and Bar Limited applied for a new premises licence to allow the sale of alcohol, the provision of late night refreshment, and the provision of regulated entertainment in the form of recorded music.

The applicant was scheduled to agree to a number of conditions with the Metropolitan Police Service including the installation of CCTV, the maintenance of an incident log, and the adoption of a zero-tolerance policy on drug use. The applicant was scheduled to agree to conditions with the council's Environmental Protection team to limit noise nuisance from the site. These included a requirement to install and calibrate a multi-band sound limiting device1 and a condition that all amplified music, song or speech must not be broadcast in external areas at any time.

The applicant was also scheduled to agree to a number of conditions with the council's Licensing department including training staff on their responsibilities under the Licensing Act 2003, adopting an 'Ask for Angela' scheme, and closing all external areas to customers at 22:00.

Nine local residents also made representations in respect of the application. All of the residents' representations refer to the negative experiences they had with a similar venue nearby. They raised concerns about late-night noise and disturbance from patrons leaving the premises, parking issues, and anti-social behaviour. In a letter to the residents the applicant addressed these concerns, stating their intention to cultivate a family-friendly atmosphere, not a nightclub, and committing to strictly adhering to the revised 23:00 closing time.

  1. Sound limiting devices are used in licensed premises to limit the volume of music and other amplified sound. They are usually installed by acoustic consultants and their settings can only be altered by qualified engineers. 


Debra Allday
Toyin Calfos
Charlotte Precious
Andrew Heron
Andrew Weir
Councillor Ellie Cumbo
Councillor Renata Hamvas