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Development Committee - Thursday, 28th November, 2024 6.30 p.m.

November 28, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The committee unanimously approved an application to redevelop Montgomery Square in Canary Wharf. The plans will see a new, larger pavilion building built that will provide a new restaurant with terraces and spill out seating. The existing temporary marketing suite and the current occupier 640 East will be removed to allow for new landscaping that will increase the amount of Publicly Accessible Open Space and introduce extensive planting and new trees. In related changes, Water Street will be closed to vehicles travelling eastbound.

Montgomery Square Redevelopment

This application was previously considered by the committee on 3 October 2024, however the committee resolved to refuse planning permission.

The road closures would adversely affect local businesses; The road closures would affect traffic and congestion within Canary Wharf; and The adverse impact on residents entering and exiting Wood Wharf by car.

The applicant amended the plans, and following further public consultation, only one objection was received. The key changes were the removal of the complete closure of Water Street to public through traffic, which will still allow residents to access their properties, and to amend the timing of the introduction of the restriction so that it will not happen until all of the access roads into Wood Wharf are open, not just the Cartier Circle entrance.

Many of the original objections to the scheme came from people who use or work at the 640 East café in the square. The café has occupied a unit at 10 Water Street since October 2023 as part of the applicant's attempts to ensure that they could continue to trade nearby. The new unit is a similar size to the café's current unit, will include outdoor seating, and is located inside the application site.

The committee raised no issues with the rest of the proposals during the previous meeting. They liked the proposed changes and felt they were decent and made quickly.

Closure of Water Street to eastbound traffic

The proposals will make Water Street one-way, removing the ability for vehicles to travel eastbound. Access will still be retained for service and emergency vehicles, taxis and blue badge holders. This will allow the applicant to introduce pocket parks, additional greenery and new seating areas to Water Street, which will also be resurfaced to demarcate it as semi-pedestrianised.

The Wood Wharf masterplan contains a restriction that prevents the applicant from closing roads to the public, so they will have to enter into a deed of variation to allow the changes.

A condition was placed on the application to ensure that the restriction to Water Street will not be introduced until both the access route through Cartier Circle is open to two-way traffic, and the exit onto Preston's Road has also been delivered.

During the debate, Councillor Farooq Ahmed raised concerns that the re-consultation period for the amended application, which only received one objection, may not have been sufficient. The council's Statement of Community Involvement sets out a minimum consultation period of 14 days, which the applicant complied with. Officers clarified that there is no statutory requirement to consult on amendments to planning applications.

Councillor Iqbal Hossain closed the meeting by paying tribute to Jerry Bell, the area planning manager, who was attending his last meeting before leaving to take up a new role at Westminster City Council.