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General Purposes Committee - Monday, 2nd December, 2024 6.30 p.m.

December 2, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The committee discussed the appointment of school governors, whether it should formally respond to a government consultation on remote council meetings, proposed changes to the council's constitution, and received a report on the conduct of recent elections. The committee decided to note the contents of the reports it received, to continue to discuss the location of the State of the Borough debate, and to develop a proposal for the use of AI in council reporting.

Appointment of School Governors

The committee received a report on the appointment of local authority governors to schools in Tower Hamlets. The report, the LA Governor Appointment Report DEC 2024, included the appointment of governors at two schools, and the reappointment of governors at six schools. It also noted the recommendation of two local authority officers to sit on the management committee of the London East Alternative Provision Pupil Referral Unit. The committee noted the report.

Councillor Talha Chowdhury raised the issue of diversity on governing boards, noting that the council had run a campaign to encourage people from Global Majority backgrounds to apply to become school governors, and asking:

how has that sort of campaign been evaluated? And have we seen sort of interest from global majority backgrounds?

In response, Salma Siddiq, from the council's Governor Service said:

In terms of the applications we received, we received applications from a wide range of people from all different backgrounds. In terms of global majority, I believe around approximately 40% of our applications were from the global majority.

Remote Meetings

The committee received a report on the Government Consultation on Enabling Remote Attendance and Proxy Voting, which asked councils for their views on whether they should be allowed to hold remote or ‘hybrid’ meetings, and whether councillors should be allowed to vote in meetings without being present, by appointing a ‘proxy’ to vote for them.

After a discussion in which councillors expressed a range of views on the proposals, the committee decided not to produce a formal response to the consultation as a council, and instead to encourage individual councillors to respond to the consultation themselves.

Constitution Update

The committee received a report, the Constitution Update, on the work of the Constitution Working Group. The report recommended a number of factual and minor amendments to the council's constitution.

The report also included a number of issues for further discussion, including:

  • The potential for the council to subscribe to the service to provide AI-generated reports and summaries of council meetings.
  • Whether the council should purchase electronic voting equipment for use in council meetings.
  • Where the council should hold its annual State of the Borough debate.

The committee decided to note the report, to delegate responsibility for making factual and minor amendments to the council's constitution to officers, to continue to discuss the location of the State of the Borough debate, and for the Constitution Working Group to develop a proposal for the use of AI in council reporting.

Elections Act 2024 Update

The committee received a report, the Elections Act 2024 Update, on the implementation of the Elections Act 2022. The report described the work that had been undertaken by the council to implement the act, and the impact that it had on the conduct of the 2024 Greater London Assembly and General Elections.

The report noted that a number of people had been turned away from polling stations for not having appropriate ID, and that a number of other people had been unable to provide acceptable ID at the polling station, but had later returned with acceptable ID. The report also noted that the government's online portals for registering to vote, and for applying for a postal or proxy vote, had struggled to cope with demand in the run-up to the general election.

The report concluded by noting that:

“Following the polls in 2024, there have not been any substantiated offences or further action taken by the police following accusations that were made. And there is, though, concern – and I think that we need to raise this – that, across the UK, the Electoral Commission have acknowledged that offences or intimidation and threats have been prevalent towards candidates and political parties.”

GLA Update 2024

The committee received a report, the GLA Update 2024, on the conduct of the 2024 Greater London Assembly Election in Tower Hamlets. The report noted that the election had been conducted in accordance with the law, and that there had been no major incidents. The report also noted that the turnout for the election had been 39.89%, which was lower than the turnout for the 2020 Greater London Assembly Election.

General Election Update 2024

The committee received a report, the General Election Update 2024, on the conduct of the 2024 UK Parliamentary General Election in Tower Hamlets. The report noted that the election had been conducted in accordance with the law, and that there had been no major incidents. The report also noted that the turnout for the election had been 53.42%, which was lower than the turnout for the 2019 UK Parliamentary General Election.

Polling Districts and Polling Places Review 2024

The committee received a report, the Polling Districts and Polling Places Review 2024 on the outcome of the review of the borough’s polling districts and polling places. The report noted that the council had received 37 responses to its consultation on the review, and that it was recommending a number of changes to the polling districts and polling places in the borough. The report noted that a number of residents had objected to the use of schools as polling places. The report also noted that the council had been forced to find a new polling place in the Fish Island area after the previous polling place had become unavailable. The report recommended that the council continue to use schools as polling places, but that it investigate the possibility of using alternative venues where possible.


Robert Curtis
Shupriya Iqbal
Lorraine Feyi-Shonubi
Matthew Mannion
Joel West
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Councillor Ahmodul Kabir  Aspire •  Bethnal Green East
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 (Cabinet Member for Jobs, Enterprise, Skills and Growth) •  Aspire •  Bethnal Green West
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 (Cabinet Member for Environment and the Climate Emergency) •  Aspire •  Whitechapel
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Councillor Maisha Begum  Labour Party •  St Dunstan's
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 (Cabinet Member for Safer Communities) •  Aspire •  Bethnal Green West
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Councillor Marc Francis  Labour Party •  Bow East
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Councillor Peter Golds  Chair of Licensing Committee •  Conservative •  Island Gardens
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Councillor Saif Uddin Khaled  Speaker of the Council •  Independent •  Bromley North
Profile image for Councillor Asma Islam
Councillor Asma Islam  Chair of Overview and Scrutiny •  Labour Party •  Weavers
Profile image for Councillor Sabina Khan
Councillor Sabina Khan  Aspire •  Mile End
Profile image for Councillor Rebaka Sultana
Councillor Rebaka Sultana  Chair of General Purposes •  Labour Party •  Bethnal Green East