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Licensing Sub-Committee (1) - Tuesday 19th November, 2024 10.00 am

November 19, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting
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The Licensing Sub-Committee (1) of Westminster Council met to consider representations against the interim suspension of the premises licence for Heaven Nightclub at 10A The Arches, London, WC2N 6NG. The interim suspension of the licence, pending a full review, was upheld.

Heaven Nightclub

An expedited review of the licence had been requested by the Metropolitan Police following an allegation of rape against an on-duty member of security staff at the club. At a previous meeting, the Licensing Sub-Committee had imposed interim measures suspending the licence pending the outcome of this expedited review. The meeting on 19 November was an opportunity for the licence holder, Heaven (London) Limited, to make representations against the suspension.

The Sub-Committee heard that the alleged rape took place on 1 November 2024. The victim, who had been refused entry to the club because she was intoxicated, was approached by a member of security staff who offered to help. The security guard then led the victim away from her friends and into a side street where he raped her in his car. The victim subsequently approached another member of staff at Heaven and told them what had happened, but was told to come back the next day. The incident was reported to the police and the security guard was arrested at Heaven Nightclub on 11 November.

The Police stated that this was the second serious incident at Heaven Nightclub in recent months, and that they had concerns about the management of the venue. In May 2024, three members of security staff were filmed assaulting a customer. This incident is significant because the same member of Heaven's management team was present on both occasions.

At the meeting, the licence holder denied any breach of the conditions of the licence. Heaven (London) Limited had engaged a licensing consultant and, following their advice, made changes at the venue. These included employing an additional security firm, purchasing body-worn video cameras, introducing an ID scanning system, and hiring additional welfare officers. The licence holder also proposed a reduction in capacity at the venue, from 1999 to 1600, and an earlier closing time of 4am.

The Sub-Committee considered the evidence and determined that the interim suspension of the licence was appropriate.

Whilst it is recognised that there are new systems in place at the Premises, the police have no confidence that permitting the Premises to open immediately, without their proper consideration of the PLH’s new policies, DPS proposals, SIA arrangements etc, would promote the Licensing Objectives.

The Sub-Committee also noted that the victim had been failed by both the security guard and the member of staff that she approached. They stated:

The Committee must ensure that customers and members of the public, including the LGBGTQ+ community, whether vulnerable or not, are safe.

The Sub-Committee acknowledged that Heaven Nightclub was an important venue for the LGBTQ+ community, but stated that public safety had to be the priority.

The full review hearing, which will determine the outcome of the review, is scheduled to take place within 28 days.