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Planning Sub-Committee (1) - Tuesday 3rd December, 2024 6.30 pm
December 3, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
This meeting was about two planning applications: a major office development at 58-70 Old Compton Street and the repainting of bollards on Floral Street. It also appears to have included a discussion, in private, about the confirmation or otherwise of a tree preservation order. The document pack provided to the attendees for the meeting does not describe what was actually discussed, or what decisions were made, only what was scheduled to be discussed.
58-70 Old Compton Street
An application was submitted by Gerald Eve, on behalf of Soho Estates Ltd for the Partial demolition, refurbishment and extension of the existing buildings including; creation of external terraces; new cycle parking and facilities, and associated works
The Soho Estates Ltd site is a collection of five buildings fronting Old Compton Street and Bourchier Street that currently house Runway East, a co-working office provider, and Soho Studio Project. The proposed works would refurbish the existing buildings and erect a new building on Bourchier Street, creating an additional 1,170 sqm of office space.
The report by the Director of Town Planning & Building Control recommends that planning permission be granted, conditional on a Section 106 legal agreement1 to secure the following:
- A financial contribution of £18,184 (index linked) towards the Carbon Off Set Fund.
- 'Be Seen' monitoring and reporting on the actual operational energy performance of the building, including as-built and in-use stage data.
- A financial contribution of £36,271 (index linked) towards initiatives that provide local employment, training opportunities and skills development and supporting the Westminster Employment Service.
- The costs of monitoring the Section 106 agreement.
The report also recommends a number of conditions to be attached to the planning permission. These include requirements to:
- Control noise and vibration from the development during construction.
- Use materials that are appropriate to the character and appearance of the Soho Conservation Area2.
- Provide accessible access to the development for people with disabilities.
- Provide a Servicing Management Plan.
- Achieve a BREEAM3 rating of 'Excellent' or higher.
- Submit a pre-demolition audit and Circular Economy Statement4.
- Provide a biodiversity management plan for a new green roof.
- Provide a fire statement.
- Install obscure glazing in some of the rear-facing windows.
The application attracted both objections and letters of support from local people and businesses. The report notes that a number of the objections related to the potential impact of the development on the amenity of neighbouring residential properties, in particular the flats at 12 Bourchier Street.
The report concludes that the development is acceptable and would be consistent with the relevant policies in the Westminster City Plan 2019-2040 and the London Plan 2021.
Floral Street
An application was submitted by Gerald Eve, on behalf of Shaftesbury Capital, to temporarily repaint 120 bollards on Floral Street in a graded rainbow colour for a temporary period of two years
The applicant argued that the repainting of the bollards would help continue to reinvigorate Floral Street as a visitor destination, boost footfall and promote economic recovery post-COVID
. However, the proposal was opposed by the Covent Garden Community Association and the Covent Garden Area Trust, who argued that it would have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the Covent Garden Conservation Area. They also argued that the bollards should be black, in accordance with the City Council's Public Realm Strategy, as set out in the 'Westminster Way' SPD.
The report by the Director of Town Planning & Building Control acknowledges that the proposal is a departure from the council's usual policy. However, it concludes that the repainted bollards create a sense of place and identity and introduce a degree of vibrancy which is not uncharacteristic of the Covent Garden area generally
, and that their modest aesthetic impact
is acceptable because the repainting is only temporary.
The report recommends that advertisement consent be granted, subject to two conditions:
- The bollards must be returned to their original black colour at the applicant's expense at the end of the two-year period.
- The painting scheme must not include any lettering, commercial advertising, or illumination.
The report also includes an informative note advising the applicant that the City Council is unlikely to favourably consider any further applications to paint the bollards in any colour other than black, once the temporary consent expires.
Private Session
The committee then appears to have moved into private session to consider whether or not to confirm Tree Preservation Order No. 707 (2024).
Section 106 agreements are legal agreements between local authorities and developers, that are used to mitigate the impacts of new development. They are often used to secure financial contributions from developers towards local infrastructure, or to impose requirements on them to provide affordable housing. ↩
Conservation areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance. Planning authorities have a statutory duty to pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of conservation areas when determining planning applications. ↩
BREEAM is the world's leading sustainability assessment method for masterplanning projects, infrastructure and buildings. It recognises and reflects the value in higher performing assets across the built environment lifecycle, from new construction to in-use and refurbishment. ↩
The Circular Economy Statement (CES) is a requirement of the London Plan. It is a document that sets out how a development will contribute to the circular economy, by reducing waste, reusing materials and promoting sustainable procurement. ↩

- Printed minutes 03rd-Dec-2024 18.30 Planning Sub-Committee 1 minutes
- Public reports pack 03rd-Dec-2024 18.30 Planning Sub-Committee 1 reports pack
- Printed minutes 29102024 1830 Planning Applications Sub-Committee 1 other
- Agenda frontsheet 03rd-Dec-2024 18.30 Planning Sub-Committee 1 agenda
- Schedule of Applications Planning Applications Sub-Committee No.1 - 3 December 2024