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Budget Scrutiny Task Group - Wednesday 4th December, 2024 6.30 pm

December 4, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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This meeting was to discuss the Council’s proposed capital programme, including both General Fund and Housing Revenue Account budgets. The Budget Scrutiny Task Group considered reports on an overview of the Capital Programme, and the programmes for each Executive Leadership Team.

Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme

The most significant item on the agenda was the proposed 30-year Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Capital Programme. The Council was scheduled to consider a report that described how their current 30-year HRA capital programme, approved in March 2024, included a gross budget of £2.493bn and a borrowing requirement of £0.597bn.

The report explained that:

Each year the programme is reviewed and updated to ensure strategic alignment of its key deliverables, operational changes are reflected and to ensure its overall affordability

The two main areas of expenditure covered by the programme are:

  • Housing Planned Maintenance – maintenance and improvements to the Council’s existing housing stock of over 20,000 homes
  • Development & Regeneration – development projects that enable the delivery of new affordable housing

A number of individual projects were scheduled to be considered in the report, including:

  • Church St Site AThis scheme is aiming to deliver 430 homes, of which 215 are affordable, including affordable family sized homes, a new library and commercial space. It was noted that there had been an expenditure increase on the project of £31.425m
  • Ebury Phase 2 – This is the second phase of the Ebury scheme and is expected to deliver 330 homes, of which 233 are affordable. The report noted that Proposed delivery is through [Westminster Builds](, costs here are those attributable to the HRA.
  • Carlton Dene – This scheme is 100% affordable and is expected to deliver 65 extra care units and 22 general needs social rent units.

General Fund Capital Programme

The Council was scheduled to consider a report that presented a proposed General Fund Capital Programme for 2025/26–2038/39.

It was noted that the Council’s current 15-year capital programme was approved in March 2024, and included a gross budget of £2.604bn and a net budget of £1.413bn. The report explained that:

Each year the programme is reviewed and updated to ensure strategic alignment of its key deliverables, operational changes are reflected and to ensure its overall affordability.

The report set out that 52 new schemes, with a total spend of £54.7m, were proposed as part of this year’s capital programme review. In addition, changes were proposed to existing capital schemes, including:

  • £139m further property acquisitions for Temporary Accommodation
  • £11m for continuation of rolling programmes
  • £33m additional net spend on existing housing development schemes
  • £37m additional expenditure on other existing schemes

The report also explained that a number of schemes were identified where reductions could be made. Overall reductions of £62.3m were proposed. The report noted that:

The largest of which are within the Finance & Resources Directorate

The report also described a number of “Corporate Adjustments” including grant funding assumptions, the removal of the Oxford Street Programme, the application of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Section 106 (S106) funding, and a review of centrally held contingency budgets and future years placeholder budgets.

Capital Programme: Environment and Communities

The Council was scheduled to consider a report on the proposed 2025/26-2029/30 capital programme for the Environment and Communities Executive Leadership Team. The report set out a programme with a gross budget of £307.454m, and a borrowing requirement of £186.640m.

The report highlighted a number of new schemes including:

  • Leisure Centre ImprovementsTo make investment improvements into the Leisure portfolio prior to new management arrangements or contract
  • St Johns Wood Church Grounds Depot & Building – Main Contractors’ Office/YardTo demolish and replace the existing building (as it currently suffers from subsidence, structural cracks and rising damp) and remodel the yard
  • Drury Lane Play AreaReplace play equipment and the supporting infrastructure at the existing play area that has reached end of life (20+ years)
  • Urgent Planned Health and Safety Gate WorksTo facilitate urgent health and safety works over the next two years directed by inspections that are being undertaken by surveyors
  • Active Street: play Street (Barnsdale Rd, Moreton St, St Ann’s Terrace)These three schemes are to enable Play Streets following resident's expressions of interest and subsequent WCC Officer viability assessments

The report also included information on a number of existing schemes including:

  • Planned Preventative Maintenance - Highways – An annual rolling programme to ensure highway assets remain safe and efficient
  • Planned Preventative Maintenance - Lighting – An annual rolling programme to ensure highway street lighting assets remain safe and lit efficiently
  • Planned Preventative Maintenance – Bridges and Structures – An annual rolling programme to ensure highway bridges and structures remain safe
  • Piccadilly UnderpassRenewal of the Strategic Route underpass to comply with Tunnel Regulations
  • Waterloo and Golden Jubilee BridgesThe installation of security measures, installation and improvements to active travel infrastructure on this busy strategic route
  • Cycle Grid SchemesTo improve and enhance cycling infrastructure across the borough, including Cycleway routes, Cycleway-Links, and Cycle Permeability interventions
  • Health and WellbeingTo improve the health and wellbeing of adults to become more active
  • PlaygroundsThis capital scheme is intended to maintain these important green spaces by undertaking minor works to pathways, railings, fountains and similar parks infrastructure
  • Community HubsTo provide support within the Community to tackle inequalities and improve outcomes
  • Public ConveniencesBudget increase of £6.249m to update the Public Conveniences to those fit for a modern city
  • Waste Containers and BinsMultiple projects to increase recycling capacity across housing estates and on-street locations along with a rollout of further doorstep bins for residents following the successful Queen's Park pilot scheme
  • Waste FleetReplacement of the second tranche of diesel waste trucks in 2025/26 with electric alternatives, working towards the overall net zero target
  • Disabled Facility Grants (DFG)To ensure vulnerable residents remain safe and independent at home

Capital Programme: Regeneration, Economy and Planning

The Council was scheduled to consider a report on the proposed 2025/26-2029/30 capital programme for the Regeneration, Economy and Planning Executive Leadership Team. The report set out a programme with a gross budget of £480.168m, and a borrowing requirement of £280.424m.

The report highlighted a number of new schemes including:

  • Future Pipeline FeasibilityThis request is to explore some potential future development sites and the ability of them to be delivered in the future
  • Placeshaping delivery budgetThis budget is to deliver a variety of schemes around Westminster across the medium term
  • North Paddington – NeighbourhoodsThis is a feasibility budget to allow for the design work to complete prior to delivery commencing, for works within Queen’s Park, Harrow Road and Westbourne wards
  • North Paddington – High StreetsThis is a feasibility budget to allow for the design work to complete prior to delivery commencing, the main aims of this project are to increase greening, Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) \[…], additional footway space, street furniture and lighting
  • Lisson Grove Health and Wellbeing HubAcceleration of a meanwhile Health and Wellbeing hub in the Lisson Grove area

The report also included information on a number of existing schemes including:

  • Lisson Grove ProgrammeThe scheme will deliver 300+ new homes and strategically relocate council services, as well as unlocking a community health and wellbeing programme
  • 291 Harrow RoadThis scheme is aiming to deliver 148 homes with 50% affordable housing. The scheme will include Social Rent, intermediate rent, additional Adult Social Care units, commercial space and a new MUGA as well as placemaking improvements
  • Church Street Site A Partnership InvestmentThis is to support the delivery of Church Street Site A. The budget includes the equity investment and a potential loan facility which the Council retains the option to offer the Joint Venture with Mount Anvil
  • Strand AldwychThis budget will deliver the permanent scheme but is dependent on external funding with local stakeholders
  • District High StreetsThe budget will deliver several projects including ongoing shopfront and public realm improvements across Paddington - Bayswater High streets
  • North Paddington Place PlanThis programme will tackle social-economic and health inequalities in North Paddington. The budget has 25+ projects ranging from greening and playgrounds through to refurbishment contributions of existing community hubs

Capital Programme: Housing and Commercial Partnerships

The Council was scheduled to consider a report on the proposed 2025/26-2029/30 capital programme for the Housing and Commercial Partnerships Executive Leadership Team. The report set out a programme with a gross budget of £185.625m, and a borrowing requirement of £156.125m.

The report noted that There are no new schemes that have been added to the HCP Capital Programme.

A number of existing schemes were highlighted in the report including:

  • Temporary Accommodation Acquisitions – This scheme seeks to extend the Temporary Accommodation acquisitions programme
  • Housing Service Digitisation – This scheme is to review and redesign the existing Housing IT systems
  • Major Works On TA and Intermediate Housing Acquisitions – This scheme ensures that acquired Temporary Accommodation and Intermediate Housing are maintained to a decent home standard
  • Rough Sleeper Accommodation Programme – This scheme is to maintain previous Rough Sleeper Accommodation Programme acquisitions.

Capital Programme: Westminster Builds – General Fund

The Council was scheduled to consider a report on the proposed 2025/26-2029/30 capital programme for Westminster Builds. The report set out a programme with a gross budget of £291.216m, and a borrowing requirement of £146.758m.

It was noted that Much of this budget is a development loan from WCC to WB to enable the delivery of Ebury Phase 2.

Capital Programme: Finance and Resources

The Council was scheduled to consider a report on the proposed 2025/26-2029/30 capital programme for the Finance and Resources Executive Leadership Team. The report set out a programme with a gross budget of £238.182m, and a borrowing requirement of £209.347m.

The report highlighted a number of new schemes including:

  • Emanuel HouseRemedial work for RAAC \[Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete] found in roof and ceilings of 10 properties on the 6th floor plus completion of major works including new windows, roof repairs and cladding replacement
  • 215 Vauxhall Bridge Road RefurbishmentRefurbishment of the building following the current tenant serving notice
  • Barrow Hill Primary SchoolSignificant scaffolding and repairs to the roof, windows and façade to ensure the building remains safe
  • Digital & Innovation capital projects – The report noted that There are several schemes included within this

The report also included information on a number of existing schemes including:

  • Property Investment AcquisitionsInvestment fund to facilitate the acquisition of investment properties of strategic importance
  • Property Works OperationalResponsive, planned, preventative and emergency works for operational properties managed by the Council
  • Seymour Leisure CentreRedevelopment project to create a multi-functional leisure centre that can accommodate wider council and community services in a service hub
  • Property Carbon Managementthe delivery of works across the Council’s operational and investment properties to maximise energy conservation and efficiencies
  • Investment in Commercial Propertiesreinvesting in the Investment Property Portfolio to maximise the potential to achieve rental growth and ensure the buildings meet health and safety standards

Capital Programme: Adult Social Care and Public Health

The Council was scheduled to consider a report on the proposed 2025/26-2029/30 capital programme for the Adult Social Care and Public Health Executive Leadership Team. The report set out a programme with a gross budget of £0.785m, and a borrowing requirement of £0.685m.

The report explained that the care management system, Mosaic, requires periodic updates. The report noted that:

Keeping the system up to date is essential to maintain its efficiency, security, and alignment with the latest technological advancements.

Capital Programme: Deputy Chief Executive

The Council was scheduled to consider a report on the proposed 2025/26-2029/30 capital programme for the Deputy Chief Executive. The report set out a programme with a gross budget of £10.296m, and a borrowing requirement of £7.796m.

The report noted that:

Oxford Street programme budget reflects potential residual costs.

Capital Programme: Children's Services

The Council was scheduled to consider a report on the proposed 2025/26-2029/30 capital programme for Children's Services. The report set out a programme with a gross budget of £28.809m, and a borrowing requirement of £6.820m.

The report highlighted a number of new and existing schemes, including:

  • Libraries Smart Lockers – A technological upgrade to provide self-service access to tablets and laptops for library users
  • Care Leaver Supported Accommodation – A scheme to enable the Council to provide accommodation to care leavers (up to the age of 25)
  • SEN High Needs and Family Support – A project to enhance educational SEN settings within schools across the borough.
  • Schools Development Capital Projects – A project to ensure that there are sufficient and adequate school places in the borough
  • Special School Provision – This project will explore options for meeting the estimated requirement of 150 additional special school places in the borough by 2027/28.