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Licensing Sub-Committee (3) - Thursday 5th December, 2024 10.00 am

December 5, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The Licensing Sub-Committee (3) considered two applications for review of premises licenses under the Licensing Act 2003. The meeting was scheduled to be conducted under the terms of the Licensing Act 2003.

Sunny Corner, 353 Harrow Road, London W9 3NA

A review of the premises licence for Sunny Corner, a convenience store, was included for the committee's consideration. The review was requested by the Licensing Authority on 18 October 2024 on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, and the prevention of public nuisance. The report notes that:

This premises appears to be operating with a complete disregard to the conditions attached to the premises licence and the promotion of the licensing objectives.

The Licensing Authority had received numerous reports that the licensee was not complying with the terminal hour and conditions attached to the premises licence. Test purchases of alcohol were made on two occasions outside the premises licence's terminal hour for the sale of alcohol. The Licensing Authority also raised concerns about the storage of alcohol at the premises outside of licensing hours, the lack of a publicly available telephone number, the lack of signage displaying the permitted hours for the sale of alcohol and that tills did not have mandatory prompts for staff to ask for age verification.

Representations in support of the review were received from the Metropolitan Police and Environmental Health. The Licensing Service also received two representations from interested parties in support of the review. No submissions appear to have been received from the Premises Licence Holder at the time of publication of the agenda.

The options available to the Sub-Committee were to modify the licence's conditions, to exclude a licensable activity from its scope, to remove the designated premises supervisor, to suspend the licence for a period not exceeding three months, or to revoke the licence.

Warwick Food Centre, 266 Harrow Road London W2 5ES

The Sub-Committee was also scheduled to consider an application for a new premises licence for Warwick Food Centre. The application was made by Mr Noshad Ali. The applicant proposed a series of conditions consistent with the operating schedule, and a series of conditions proposed by the Police were agreed by the applicant to form part of the operating schedule. No representations were received from interested parties or responsible authorities. The Sub-Committee was required to determine whether to grant the licence, and if so, whether to add any new conditions to it for the promotion of the licensing objectives.