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The only item on the agenda for this meeting was the proposed award of a contract to refurbish Donald Hunter House 1
Donald Hunter House Refurbishment
A report was prepared for this meeting that sought approval to award a contract for capital works to refurbish Donald Hunter House to Equans in the sum of £1,487,863.
The report explains that Newham Council bought the building in January 2023, and that the scheme consists of 80 residential units across two blocks and 2 commercial units, including [Forest Gate Library](
It describes the need for the work, saying: The works will respond to deficiencies in compliance in the residential areas, improve the overall building and provide better accommodation for the residents living there and users of the commercial units, including the library
It goes on to say: They are not however intended as a full refurbishment due to potential redevelopment plans for the site. The redevelopment of site is being explored and further updates will be presented to Cabinet as the plans progress.
According to the report, the refurbishment work will include:
- roof works
- window repairs
- renewal of fires doors and internal fire stopping,
- renewal of floor covering
- structural repairs to stairway
- repairs to mechanical and electrical installations
The report notes (in section 8.6) that There is a risk that the project may expand beyond its original scope due to the Building Safety Act
. It goes on to explain that To mitigate this, extensive surveys have been conducted on the building, with prior works completed accordingly. However, additional budget is available within the DHH capital budget to accommodate any further required works.
The report was prepared by officers for Conrad Hall, the Corporate Director of Resources, in consultation with Councillor Zulfiqar Ali, the Cabinet Member for Resources.
A residential and commercial block in Forest Gate, London Borough of Newham. The ground floor is occupied by Forest Gate Library. Donald Hunter House. ↩