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This meeting was about Hackney Council's Planning Sub-Committee considering several planning applications that had been submitted to the Council. The applications included proposals for residential and mixed use schemes as well as for new community facilities. The documents describe what was due to be discussed at the meeting, but do not tell us anything about what was actually discussed, or whether any decisions were actually made.
85 Lordship Road, London, N16 0QY
The application sought permission for the demolition of buildings on the site and their replacement by a part 2, part 4, part 7 storey (above a two-storey basement) building. This would comprise a 2 form entry nursery, primary and secondary school (Use Class F1) for up to 700 pupils, 40 dwellings (8x1bed, 19x2bed, 8x3bed, 5x4bed) with associated works and landscaping. A dedicated open air multi-use games area (MUGA) was proposed to be located at first floor level. The applicant was Housefresh Limited. Their agent was Stephen Hinsley. The application was accompanied by 25 objections from local residents, one of which was submitted on behalf of an unknown number of occupiers. 744 letters of support were also received from local residents and organisations. Objections related to the principle of the development, its design and impact on the amenities of surrounding residents and businesses. The Stamford Hill Area Action Plan, which was published in draft form in 2023, states that new schools are urgently required in the area, and so the application was supported by the Council’s Planning Officers. Following representations from the Council, the scheme was revised to address some of the concerns raised during the consultation process. This included the lowering of the ‘gatehouse’ element of the residential building by a storey and reducing the massing of the tower. In response, a further 15 objections were received from local residents, including an addendum to the original group objection. A further 10 letters of support were also received. The objections largely related to concerns regarding the viability of the development, particularly the need for the residential element of the scheme and questioning whether the provision of the school would actually be delivered. The application was called in to be determined by the Planning Sub-Committee as it is considered to be a major application and due to the substantial level of objections received. Council Officers recommended that Planning Permission be granted subject to conditions and the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement.
305A Kingsland Road, London, E8 4DL
The application sought permission for a variation of condition 2 (development in accordance with approved plans) of a previously approved planning application (ref 2019/2175). The applicant was Charles Moran (Kingsland Road Developments Ltd). The applicant’s agent was CMA Planning. This condition related to the approved plans for a development comprising of a part 6 and part 7 storey (plus basement) building. This comprised of flexible workspace (Use Classes B1a and B1c) and co-living accommodation. The proposed variations sought an additional storey of co-living accommodation within the consented volume. This would bring the total number of rooms to 150. The application was accompanied by 27 objections from local residents. The objections largely related to concerns over the increase in height and massing of the development. These residents considered that the additional storey would be out of character for the Regent’s Canal / Kingsland Conservation Area in which the site is situated. They also raised concerns regarding the impact of the development on the amenity of surrounding properties and businesses, particularly the impact on daylight/ sunlight. In order to overcome the concerns raised during the consultation process, the scheme was revised. This included increasing the overall height by 80cm. A reconsultation was undertaken and no further objections were received. The application was called in to be determined by the Planning Sub-Committee as a result of the substantial level of objections received. Council Officers recommended that Planning Permission be granted subject to conditions and completion of a legal agreement.
63-67 Dalston Lane, Hackney, London, E8 2AB
The application sought permission for the erection of a part one and part two storey roof extension to an existing mixed commercial and residential use building. This would provide six new self-contained flats with associated landscaping, cycle storage and waste facilities. The applicant was Avon Estates. The applicant’s agent was Lewis Wrench (Planning Potential Ltd.) The application was accompanied by 29 objections and one letter of support. Objections related to concerns about the impact of the development on the amenity of surrounding properties, particularly the impact on daylight and sunlight, as well as privacy. Concerns were also raised regarding the standard of accommodation provided, with the plans proposing several single-aspect flats. The application was called in to be determined by the Planning Sub-Committee as a result of the substantial level of objections received. Council Officers recommended that Planning Permission be granted subject to conditions and completion of a Section 106 legal agreement.
Clissold Park Greenway Close, Hackney, London, N4 2EY
The application sought Full Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent for the erection of an office, garage and storage unit, the provision of car parking and cycle storage and the installation of solar panels. The applicant was Hackney Council. Their agent was Concertus Design And Property Consultants. The application was accompanied by three objections from local residents. These objections related to the proposed use of dark blue engineering brick for the building, as it was considered to be out of character with the Clissold Park Conservation Area in which the site is situated. Concerns were also raised over the proposed location of solar panels, which were to be installed on the roof of the Former Stable Block, a curtilage listed building. Following representations from the Council, the scheme was revised to address some of the concerns raised. The height of the proposed building was lowered and the materials were revised. The application was called in to be determined by the Planning Sub-Committee as it is a Council-owned application where a letter of objection has been received raising material planning issues. Council Officers recommended that Planning Permission be granted subject to conditions and the completion of a Unilateral Undertaking legal agreement.
Hackney Downs Park, Downs Park Road, Hackney, London, E5 8NP
The application sought permission for an extension to the existing Hackney Downs Depot, with new hard surfacing, boundary treatments and cycle storage. The applicant was Bruce Irving (Hackney Council). The applicant’s agent was Eumir Barreiros (Concertus Design and Property Consultants). The application was accompanied by an objection from The Hackney Society. This related to concerns over the design of the proposed extension which was considered to be of a poor design and “perfunctory”. Following representations from the Council, the scheme was revised to address some of the concerns raised. This included changing the proposed roller shutter serving the storage areas for hinged doors, relocating a window opening from the west to the north elevation, upgrading the roof to the remaining section of the existing building, changing the full height wall cladding to the roof upstand level on the south elevation, relocating the cycle shelter to a secured area, separated from vehicular traffic and removing the proposed permeable paving. The application was called in to be determined by the Planning Sub-Committee as it is a Council-owned application where a letter of objection had been received, raising material planning issues. Council Officers recommended that Planning Permission be granted subject to conditions.
Delegated Decisions 25 October 2024 - 22 November 2024
The meeting also included a schedule of planning applications that were decided by officers under delegated powers. These included applications relating to:
- the erection of a single storey outbuilding in the rear garden of Flat A, 49 Adolphus Road, London, N4 2AX, which was granted,
- the replacement of a rooflight with conservation style rooflights and associated works at Flat B, 36 Mountgrove Road, Hackney, London, N5 2LS, which was granted.
- a prior approval application for a change of use of part of the basement and ground floor at 74 Mountgrove Road, Hackney, London, N5 2LT, from Use Class E (commercial, business and service) to a dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) which was granted.
- an application for a single storey ground floor rear extension with elevational alterations, including the conversion of rear windows to double doors and replacement of windows and upper floor works including the removal of the mono-pitched roof of the existing rear outrigger and its replacement with a roof terrace with a privacy screen, and a dormer loft extension at 15 Digby Crescent, London, N4 2HS, which was refused.
- the discharge of conditions 4 (details), 5 (SuDS) and 6 (flooding) attached to planning permission 2023/2348 at 1 Digby Crescent, Hackney, London, N4 2HS, which was granted,
- the discharge of condition 4 (flooding) attached to planning permission 2021/1933 at the Ground Floor Flat, 43 Filey Avenue, Hackney, London, N16 6JL, which was granted.
- an application for an increase in height of an existing rear extension, including the formation of part internal and part external rear staircases, the formation of new doors to the rear ground floor, the formation of new railings, the formation of a new first floor rear door and the formation of stallrisers to the shopfront to create new window openings to the basement, at 28 Stamford Hill, Hackney, London, N16 6XZ, which was granted.
- the replacement of existing single glazed timber framed windows and doors with double glazed timber framed windows and doors at 25 Osbaldeston Road, London, N16 7DJ, which was granted.
- a variation to condition 1 of a previously approved application (2024/0839) to replace two rear windows with two bay windows at ground floor half landing level at 9 Clapton Common, Hackney, London, E5 9AA, which was granted with extra conditions.
- the discharge of conditions 4 and 5 (SuDs) attached to planning permission 2024/0839 at 9 Clapton Common, Hackney, London, E5 9AA, which was granted.
- the erection of a single storey side/rear extension at 10 Firsby Road, Hackney, London, N16 6QA, which was granted.
- an application for a lawful development certificate for the existing use of the Ground Floor Rear of 245 Northwold Road, Hackney, London, E5 8RA, as four self-contained flats, which was refused.
- the erection of a hip-to-gable and rear roof dormer extension at 165 Osbaldeston Road, London, N16 6ND, which was granted.
- the excavation of a basement and the erection of a single storey rear extension at basement level with an accessible flat roof above at 165 Osbaldeston Road, London, N16 6ND, which was granted.
- an application for the erection of a two storey rear extension at basement and ground floor level to facilitate the partial change of use from Use Class E to a self-contained residential unit (Use Class C3) at 26 Stamford Hill, London, N16 6XZ, which was refused.
- an application for a rear dormer roof extension with two rooflights to the front of the existing House of Multiple Occupation (HMO) and a basement extension with associated side and rear lightwells, to facilitate the creation of a new self-contained flat at 71 Northwold Road, Hackney, London, E5 8RN, which was refused.
- a non-material amendment to planning permission 2022/2404 at 110 Osbaldeston Road, Hackney, London, N16 6NL to replace a window and door with bifold doors to the rear ground floor extension and enlarge the rear dormer, which was granted.
- the construction of a full-width rear dormer and roof extension over the outrigger at Flat A, 119 Albion Road, Hackney, London, N16 9PL, which was granted.
- a lawful development certificate for a single storey ground floor rear extension at 40 Hawksley Road, Hackney, London, N16 0TJ, which was granted.
- the discharge of condition 4 (permeable paving) attached to planning permission 2023/1405 at 34 Lordship Park, Hackney, London, N16 5UD, which was granted.
- the discharge of condition 5 (groundwater flooding) attached to planning permission 2023/1405 at 34 Lordship Park, Hackney, London, N16 5UD, which was refused.
- the discharge of conditions 3 (cleaning) and 8 (detail of work) attached to Listed Building Consent 2023/2965 at 207-233 Stoke Newington Church Street, Hackney, London, N16 9ET, which was granted.
- the replacement of two windows with a tripartite larger window, the replacement of a uPVC window, a new timber shopfront fascia and the removal of rendered bands at 26 Allen Road, London, N16 8SA, which was granted.
- a mansard design roof extension with a terrace at roof level and the replacement of second floor front windows at Flat C, 53 Nevill Road, Hackney, London, N16 8SW, which was granted with extra conditions.
- the erection of a single storey rear extension at Flat A, 97 Carysfort Road, Hackney, London, N16 9AD, which was granted.
- the discharge of conditions 4 (SuDS) and 5 (flood resilient construction) attached to planning permission 2023/2651 at 57 Winston Road, Hackney, London, N16 9LN, which was granted.
- an application for the installation of an extractor flue and alterations to the shopfront at Caffine, 134 Stoke Newington Church Street, Hackney, London, N16 0JU, including the replacement of existing windows with folding doors, which was refused.
- the erection of extensions, including a mansard style roof extension, works of repair and alterations and the conversion of the extended building to five self-contained flats and the installation of solar panels at 31 Nevill Road, Hackney, London, N16 8SL, which was granted with extra conditions.
- a non-material amendment to planning permission 2020/3679 at 73 Lordship Road, Hackney, London, N16 0QX comprising of additional external plant, PV panels, rainwater fittings and security systems, which was granted with extra conditions.
- the partial change of use involving the conversion of an office studio to additional residential space at Studio 2, 133a Church Walk, Hackney, London, N16 8QW, which was granted.
- the replacement of existing single glazed timber windows with new uPVC double glazed windows at 18 Chester Crescent, Hackney, London, E8 2PH, which was granted.
- an application for advertisement consent to display an externally illuminated sign at 596-598 Kingsland Road, Hackney, London, E8 4AH, which was granted with extra conditions.
- the replacement of existing single glazed timber windows with new slimline double glazed timber windows and the replacement of front and rear doors at 6 Fassett Square, Hackney, London, E8 1DQ, which was granted.
- the erection of an outbuilding in the rear garden at Flat 1, 15 St Marks Rise, London, E8 2NL, which was granted.
- an application for Listed Building Consent for the removal of the pedestrian access gate at 26 Ritson Road, Hackney, London, E8 1PF and its replacement with a new gate to match the vehicular access gate, which was granted.
- the replacement of uPVC windows with timber sash windows at 110 Dalston Lane, Hackney, London, E8 1NG, which was granted with standard conditions.
- the replacement of an awning and a repurposed awning at 41 Kingsland High Street, Hackney, London, E8 2JS, which was granted.
- the discharge of conditions 3 (flood resilience) and 4 (details of materials) attached to planning permission 2024/0110 at 33 Parkholme Road, London, E8 3AG, which was granted.
- the erection of roof extensions and a dormer window to allow for a loft conversion and elevational alterations, including new windows and rear roof terraces at 9a Dalston Lane, London, E8 3DF, which was granted.
- the removal and replacement of an existing summerhouse with a new refurbished summerhouse with a bathroom at 97 Mortimer Road, Hackney, London, N1 4LB, which was refused.
- the discharge of condition 3 (sustainable drainage systems) attached to planning permission 2024/0206 at 66 Southgate Road, Hackney, London, N1 3JF, which was granted.
- the discharge of conditions 3 (flood resilient construction), 4 (window details), 5 (materials) and 6 (SuDS) attached to planning permission 2024/0323 at 22 Northchurch Terrace, Hackney, London, N1 4EG, which was granted.
- the erection of a single storey outbuilding in the rear garden of Flat A, 70 Mortimer Road, Hackney, London, N1 5AP, which was granted with standard conditions.
- the replacement of existing single glazed timber framed windows with double glazed timber framed windows at 2 Penpoll Road, Hackney, London, E8 1EX, which was granted.
- tree works to a London Plane tree (T5) in the front garden of 134 Amhurst Road, Hackney, London, E8 2AG to remove regrowth and dead branches, which was granted.
- the erection of a single storey rear extension and the replacement of the existing conservatory at the Basement and Ground Floor Flat, 209 Richmond Road, London, E8 3NJ, which was granted with extra conditions.
- the enlargement of rear and side dormers with roof extensions at Flat A, 173 Richmond Road, Hackney, London, E8 3NJ, which was granted.
- a mansard roof extension to facilitate the creation of two self-contained flats and alterations to existing roof windows at Davina House, 238a Dalston Lane, Hackney, London, E8 1LQ, which was granted.
- the amalgamation of existing ground floor and basement flats to provide a three bedroom maisonette and the replacement of the rear basement door with a bifold door at Flat 1, 1 Goulton Road, Hackney, London, E5 8HA, which was granted.
- the erection of a single storey infill and rear extension at 34 Queen Anne Road, Hackney, London, E9 7AH, which was granted.
- the discharge of conditions 3 (detailed drawings) and 4 (SuDS) attached to planning permission 2024/0790 at 123 Hassett Road, Hackney, London, E9 5SL, which was granted.
- an application for the installation of an off-street parking space at 35 Cassland Road, Hackney, London, E9 7AL, which was refused.
- the replacement of the existing rear extension at 27 Cassland Road, Hackney, London, E9 7AL, which was granted with extra conditions.
- the erection of a first floor rear extension with new access to the first floor and an additional storey at second floor level, with a new pitched roof to the front of the building to create a new residential unit at 99 Wick Road, London, E9 5AE, which was refused.
- a lawful development certificate for the recladding of external elevations and the replacement of decking at Haggerston Studios, 284 Kingsland Road, Hackney, London, E8 4DN, which was granted.
- a lawful development certificate for the replacement of cladding, insulation, decking and other components with non-combustible alternatives at Benyon Wharf, 295 Kingsland Road, Hackney, London, E8 4DQ, which was granted.
- Listed Building Consent for the erection of two dining pods in the curtilage of Haggerston Secondary School, Weymouth Terrace, Hackney, London, which was granted.
- Full Planning Permission for the erection of two dining pods in the curtilage of Haggerston Secondary School, Weymouth Terrace, Hackney, London, E2 8LS, which was granted.
- Full Planning Permission for a new awning at Jimmy Fairly Uk Ltd, 15 Broadway Market, Hackney, London, E8 4PH, which was granted.
- the replacement of the existing green and felt roofing with a like for like system and the replacement of the PV solar panels at Alvares House, 5 Furrow Lane, Hackney, London, E9 6JS, which was granted.
- the replacement of the existing sedum and felt roofing with a new felt roofing system and the replacement of the PV solar panels at Alvares House, 5 Furrow Lane, Hackney, London, E9 6JS, which was granted.
- the discharge of condition 5 (archaeology - written scheme of investigation) attached to planning permission 2017/5024 at Marian Court, Link Street, London, E9 6DT, which was granted.
- Listed Building Consent for the repointing of brickwork, the installation of a downpipe, repairs to the roof and repainting at 10 Sutton Place, Hackney, London, E9 6EH, which was granted.
- Listed Building Consent for internal alterations at 2 Sutton Place, Hackney, London, E9 6EH, which was granted.
- Full Planning Permission for internal alterations at 2 Sutton Place, Hackney, London, E9 6EH, which was granted.
- Full Planning Permission for the installation of solar panels and a new boiler at Sutton House, 2-4 Homerton High Street, E9 6JQ, which was granted.
- Listed Building Consent for the installation of solar panels and an electric boiler at Sutton House, 2-4 Homerton High Street, E9 6JQ, which was granted.
- Full Planning Permission for the removal of a green wall at The Archer Tower, Berger Road, Hackney, London, E9 6FG, which was granted.
- the discharge of condition 84 (air quality positive) attached to planning permission 2014/2425 at the land known as the Bishopsgate Goods Yard, London E1, which was granted.
- Full Planning Permission for a change of use at the Shoreditch Arts Club, 6 Redchurch Street, London E2 7DD, from a Private Members Club (Sui Generis) to a flexible Private Members Club (Sui Generis) or Use Class E, which was granted.
- the discharge of condition 8 (salvage strategy) attached to Listed Building Consent 2014/2427 at the land known as the Bishopsgate Goods Yard, London, E1, which was granted.
- the discharge of condition 27 (air permeability/ photovoltaic cells/ air source heat pump/ solar shading) attached to planning permission 2018/2104 at 49-51 Paul Street, Hackney, London, EC2A 4LJ, which was granted.
- an application for Advertisement Consent for one internally illuminated fascia sign, 12 non-illuminated graphic signs and two retractable awning signs at 18-20 Appold Street, London, EC2A 2AS, which was granted.
- Full Planning Permission for new external lights and retractable awnings at 18-20 Appold Street, Hackney, London, EC2A 2AS, which was granted.
- Full Planning Permission for a roof extension at Fanshaw House, Fanshaw Street, Hackney, London, N1 6HX, which was granted.
- the discharge of condition 30 (sound insulation) attached to planning permission 2018/2104 at 49-51 Paul Street, Hackney, London, EC2A 4LJ, which was granted.
- the discharge of condition 28 (construction and environmental management plan) attached to planning permission 2014/2425 at the land known as Bishopsgate Goods Yard, London, E1, which was granted.
- the discharge of condition 29 (construction logistics plan) attached to planning permission 2014/2425 at the land known as Bishopsgate Goods Yard, London, E1, which was granted.
- the discharge of condition 32 (archaeology written scheme of investigation) attached to planning permission 2014/2425 at the land known as [Bishopsgate Goods Yard](

- Supplementary Paper - Addendum Wednesday 04-Dec-2024 18.30 Planning Sub-Committee other
- Decisions Wednesday 04-Dec-2024 18.30 Planning Sub-Committee other
- 04_12_2024 Planning Sub Committee Addendum 1 other
- Draft 2024.10.09 Planning Sub-Committee meeting minutes other
- Agenda frontsheet Wednesday 04-Dec-2024 18.30 Planning Sub-Committee agenda
- 05 - 85 Lordship Road Committee Report other
- Public reports pack Wednesday 04-Dec-2024 18.30 Planning Sub-Committee reports pack
- Draft 2024.11.06 Planning Sub-Committee meeting minutes other
- 06 - Committee report 2022_0225_305A Kingsland other
- 05 - 85 Lordship Road Site Plan N16 0QY other
- 06 - 305 Kingsland Road Site Plan other
- 07 - 63-67 Dalston Lane Committee Report other
- 07 - 63-67 Dalston Lane Site Plan E8 2AB other
- 08 - Clissold Park Greenway Close Hackney London N4 2EY other
- 08 - Clissold Park Greenway Close Site Plan N4 2EY other
- 09 - Hackney Downs Depot Report - 2023_2180 other
- 09 - Hackney Downs Park Site Plan E5 8NP other
- Delegated Decisions by Ward 25_10_2024 - 22_11_2024 other