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Tower Hamlets Health and Wellbeing Board - Tuesday, 10th December, 2024 5.00 p.m.

December 10, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The meeting received annual reports from the Safeguarding Adults Board and the Safeguarding Children Partnership, as well as a progress report on the use of the recently insourced leisure services for clinical pathways, and began a discussion of a strategic vision for Tower Hamlets in 2035. The Board agreed to defer discussion of aligning the Health & Well-Being Board with the Tower Hamlets Together Board.

Be Well - progress on clinical pathways and access to insourced leisure service

The Board received a presentation on the progress made in implementing the Theory of Change that informed the insourcing of leisure services in Tower Hamlets.

The newly created Be Well service, which launched on 1 May 2024, has introduced a range of clinical pathways including free swimming, a membership scheme for people with disabilities and long-term conditions, and a pilot to provide free access to youth justice service users and care leavers.

Concerns were raised that the booking system was limiting access to the free swimming offer:

bookings are released a week in advance and get fully booked pretty immediately.

The Board also raised concerns about the lack of targeted provision for transgender and non-binary residents, and the low reported uptake of free swimming by residents who are not of Bengali origin.

Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2023-24

The Board received the Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report for 2023-24. The report was introduced by the newly appointed independent chair, Dr Suzanne Ross.

The Board was told that the number of safeguarding concerns raised about adults in the borough had increased, and that neglect and acts of omission continue to be the most frequent forms of abuse reported.

Dr Ross noted that the Board had been praised during the peer review that took place earlier in the year.

Dr Ross told the Board that future reports would be easier to understand:

Going forward... we want to make [reports] somewhat easier to read, somewhat less complex, and we want to include more information which is drawn from the authentic experiences of adults going through safeguarding procedures.

She went on to say that future reports would aim to reflect more strongly the voices of service users.

Safeguarding Childrens Partnership Annual Report 2023

The Board received the Safeguarding Childrens Partnership Annual Report for 2023. The report was introduced by Steve Reddy, Corporate Director of Children Services.

The Board was told that the partnership is leading four multi-agency improvement projects focusing on anti-racism, peer-on-peer harm, neglect and infant safety.

The report describes the work of the partnership's Young Scrutineers, who review the partnership's policies, data and projects.

Improving alignment between Health & Wellbeing Board and Tower Hamlets Together

The Board agreed to defer the item.

People First - Strategic Vision 2035

The Board began a discussion about a new strategic vision for Tower Hamlets, to be aligned with the existing Tower Hamlets Partnership Plan 2023-2028.

The Board discussed ways to engage with residents in the process. Concerns were raised that the voices of older people had not been sufficiently heard during the development of the Partnership Plan.