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Licensing Sub Committee - Thursday, 12th December, 2024 2.30 p.m.

December 12, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The meeting considered two licensing applications, the first of which was withdrawn by the applicant. The second application was for the variation of a licence for the Wellcome Co-op at Unit 2, 68 Smeed Road in Bow East. The sub-committee decided to grant the application. The sub-committee also agreed to the extension of four other licences.

Application for a Variation of the Premises Licence for Wellcome Co-op Unit 2 68 Smeed Road London E3 2TF

The application by Wellcome Co-op at Unit 2, 68 Smeed Road in Bow East, to vary its existing licence was granted.

The applicant was represented by Mr Suresh Kanapathy. There was also an objection from Ms Lindsay Stano.

The applicant sought to extend its hours so that it could sell alcohol from 06:00 to 00:00, provide late night refreshment until 00:00 and open from 06:00 to 00:00.

Initially there was confusion over the address of the premises, with Mr Moshin Ali, Licensing Officer for Tower Hamlets, stating that it was unclear if the premises were at Unit 2, 68 Smead Road, or at 79-85 Monier Road. Mr David Wong, Legal Officer for the Council, clarified the matter by stating that the address should be taken to be the one given in the premises licence.


Ms Stano objected to the variation on the grounds that it would increase noise pollution from deliveries, waste collections and customers coming and going from the shop. Ms Stano also stated that:

The ventilation of the commercial unit – which sits right under our bedrooms – is very noisy, especially whilst the shop is open. It also requires 2h to cool off after closing time.

Mr Kanapathy countered the objection by stating that no deliveries or collections would be made between 22:00 and 07:00. He also stated that the ventilation noise would not be an issue as:

as soon as they close the shop, some of these machines are off and they don't take two hours to cool down, you know, um, and it's just cool down very quickly.

Mr Wong further stated that, when making its decision, the sub-committee should only consider the application on its own merits and not take into account Ms Stano's references to the operating hours of other branches of Wellcome or to other licences that had been granted in the area.


Councillor Peter Golds, Chair of the Licensing Sub-committee, asked if Mr Kanapathy would accept the conditions that had been requested by the Metropolitan Police. Mr Kanapathy agreed to accept these conditions.

Councillor Golds also asked if Mr Kanapathy would be willing to add a timeframe to condition 13, which states that All deliveries and waste collections to the premises will take place at a time as to not cause a disturbance to the nearby residents. Mr Kanapathy agreed and stated that no deliveries or collections would be made between 22:00 and 07:00.

Councillor Golds then asked who would be responsible for the waste collections and Mr Kanapathy replied that they would be collected by Wellcome's own waste and recycling service.

Councillor Golds queried what was meant by the phrase late-night refreshment. Mr Kanapathy stated that this referred to the shop's coffee machine, tea and microwave.

Ms Stano then asked for clarification about the arrangements for waste collection and stated that whilst waste was kept inside the shop, recycling was kept in metal cages outside. Mr Kanapathy replied that all waste was kept inside the store.

Mr Wong clarified that this clarification should be disregarded as it added to Ms Stano's original representation.

Mr Wong then asked Ms Stano if she had made any complaints to the management of the premises. Ms Stano confirmed that she had complained about the ventilation system, stating that it continued to run after the shop had closed. She also stated that she had complained about the metal cages that were used to keep waste outside, stating that they were both noisy and a breach of the leasehold agreement for the building.

Mr Wong then asked Mr Ali if the council had a record of Ms Stano's complaints. Mr Ali stated that there were no records of complaints held by the Licensing Team, although he could not speak for other departments.


Mr Kanapathy stated that he felt that the applicant had addressed Ms Stano's concerns satisfactorily. He reiterated his earlier point that the shop manager had been working with residents and that there had been no complaints in the two years since Ms Stano had first complained about the noise from the cages.

Ms Stano stated that Mr Kanapathy was incorrect about the lack of further complaints about waste collection, and that the shop had recently received a letter about it. She also stated that Mr Kanapathy was incorrect about the ventilation noise, and that she and the shop manager had discussed it. She concluded by stating that she did not oppose the shop opening, but that she felt that the opening hours being sought were too late. She stated that she would prefer the shop to be open from 07:00 to 23:00 and that there should be no waste collections or deliveries other than bread deliveries between 20:00 and 08:00.

Extension of Decision Deadline: Licensing Act 2003

The sub-committee agreed to extend the deadlines for decisions on four licence applications until February 2025. The applications were for:

  • Portuguese Love Affair, 324 Hackney Road
  • Hargan Express Bar, Unit 230, South Quay
  • Highway Service Station, 102-106 The Highway
  • The Dorset, 48 Marsh Wall