The members of the public have joined us either virtually or physically. This meeting is being recorded and is being broadcast live. The recording of tonight's meeting may also be used for quality and training purposes. Whilst we hope everything runs smoothly, please be patient if we hit some challenges in this virtual environment. In the event that technical issues require the meeting to be adjourned and it cannot be restarted within a few minutes, further updates will be posted on the Council's Democracy Twitter account, which is at LBL Democracy.
Some housekeeping, the fire exits, you exit the room from either door and up the stairs to street level. There's an accessible toilet just outside that door on the right-hand side.
There'll be a comfort break around 9pm if the meeting is still going on. We've received apologies from Councillor Diogo Costa and Councillor Salaya Jaffa.
I'll now introduce members of the committee, starting with Martin Bailey.
Councillor Martin Bailey from Bottsallwood.
Councillor Malcolm Clark from Stretton-Wells and vice chair of the committee.
Councillor Emma Knight from Knights Hill wards.
Councillor Scott Ainslie, Stretton-Strenson-Leonard.
Councillor Joanne Simpson, Stockwell-Western Larkhall ward and chair of the committee.
I'll now introduce the senior officers at this evening's meeting, starting with our presiding officer.
Kiri Shetworth, head of development management and presiding officer.
Thank you. Our democratic services officer.
Thank you. Our democratic services officer.
Excuse me. Thank you. Our legal officer.
And our presenting officer for the Arches application.
Good evening. It's Stephanie Maddox. Thank you. And the manager for the application.
Hi. Good evening. I'm Ben LeMair. Area team manager at Waterloo in Stretton.
Thank you. I'm the presenting officer for Keybridge House.
I'm Sunseet Kelly, senior planner from the Brixton and Clapham.
Thank you. And the manager for the application.
Jennifer Walsh, Area team manager for Brixton and Clapham.
Thank you. OK. The order of business.
There are five items on the agenda and they'll be considered in the order they appear on the agenda.
All the paperwork is available on the council's website.
The applications will be considered in the same way.
Reports which are to be debated.
Well, for the first item, the Arches application,
I've decided that we don't need an officer presentation for that one because it's pretty straightforward.
We have no members of the public registered and all the information I consider to be in the officer report.
However, for the second application, we will have a very short officer presentation where the officer will highlight the main issues.
We then turn to speakers and there are two members of the public.
Sorry, before when I meant members of the public, I meant who weren't from the applicants teams.
But there are two members of the public who've registered to speak for the items on today's agenda.
We then move to a debate where members of the committee may ask questions of the officers and will then debate the application.
Members would have read the officer reports and may wish to amend the recommended conditions or place informatives on the decision subject to officer advice.
Each application will be decided this evening and formal notification of the committee's decision will be sent to the applicants and any interested parties who made written representations.
The minutes from tonight's meeting will be published after the meeting.
The deadline for final written submissions was 12 noon, one clear working day before the meeting.
So item one, which is declarations of pecuniary interest.
Do any members have any declarations of pecuniary interest they wish to share?
Thank you.
And item two, declarations of other interests.
Do any members have any other declarations of interest they wish to declare?
Councillor Bailey.
The item in Keybridge House is in the hall which I represent, but I approach the application of the opening.
Thank you.
Item three is the minutes.
Are the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday the 22nd of October agreed?
Thank you very much.
So agenda item four, which is Archie's 228 to 232 Waterloo station approach.
So given that we're not having an officer presentation on this one, I'm going to move straight to questions from members.
Does any member have any questions they wish to ask the case officer?
I can see you on report there.
Okay, right.
Well, we'll move to a boat then.
So, um, oh, sorry, apologies.
We have a, we have somebody registered to speak.
So Henry Tricky, who's here in person.
Yeah, we're here to speak, but if you don't need to hear from us, we're quite happy to speed the meeting up for you.
Yeah, that's fine with me.
Um, so we'll move straight to a boat then.
So I'm going to propose that we accept officers' recommendation, including the amendment to condition nine as set out on the agenda and grant planning permission.
Do I see a seconder?
Councillor Bailey, all those in favour, please raise your hand.
So that is unanimous.
Thank you very much.
Okay, we'll move straight on to item five now, which is Keybridge House, where we're going to have a very short officer presentation, just setting out a bit of the planning history in relation to the office use.
Um, good evening, my name is Selin C. McKillie, I'm a senior planner in the Berkshire Entrapment team.
The scheme being presented this evening is application 34, 34, 95, 12, ST Bridge House, the change of use of part of the basement, associated access ground floor level, flexible uses, to an electric indoor goocarding, generous use with associated access ground floor level.
The Gales Bakery is currently the only ground floor unit within the flexible use area, blocks B and C, that is left, circa 186 square metres.
The basement level, level, the upper basement level, minus one, remains vacant since being completed.
Since being completed, the Keybridge redevelopment scheme has struggled to let flexible use floor space as part of a Section 73 application in 2021.
Marketing evidence was submitted that demonstrated that due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors, the basement floor space was not viable for an office user.
The current application for an indoor goocarding use will occupy a space of 4,290.5 square metres.
This is split as follows, 180.5 square metres at ground floor level, with access provided by Retail Unit 4 at the ground floor level of block C1.
You can see that just in the bottom right of your screen there.
Could you point to it only?
See where my cursor is, just in that bottom right hand corner there.
Just adjacent to South Lavin through.
And then 4,110 square metres of basement level of minus one.
The proposal does not encompass all of the basement space and only provides access to the ground floor through one of the existing retail units.
The use proposed is similar in nature to that consented previously for the ground and basement floors.
Noting that permission also included su-generous uses.
Officers consider that the change in use in this floor space is acceptable, as the provision of the latest approved minimum content of office space, which is 2,213 square metres, will still be retained on the ground floor of the wider Keybridge house complex within the remaining just over 3,000 square metres.
And therefore there is no loss of office space in line with local plan policies, ED1, site 11 and local plan, London plan policies, sorry, E1, SD4 and SD5.
In conclusion, officers consider that the proposal complies with the development plan as a whole and recommend approval subject to conditions and a section 16 legal agreement.
Happy to take any questions.
Thank you. OK, we have somebody registered to speak.
We have somebody registered to speak who is Frederick trust in person.
If you'd like to make your way to the table.
Hello. So how this works is if you state your name and your relationship to the application.
Once you've done that, my colleague will start the timer.
You have two minutes.
It gives you a 25 second beep warning when your two minutes is about to come up.
And then again, when the two minutes is up and out, I'll ask you to finish your sentence.
So over to you and then the timer will start.
Hi, Brother Troas, Chief Development Officer at General Projects.
We are the owners of the site alongside the British Airways Pension Fund.
So good evening, chair members of the planning committee.
I wanted to thank the officer for the summary and the work on the application.
We are very excited with the proposal being put forward and to finally have a substantial portion of the commercial area.
under offer since first marketing in 2018.
We believe this will be a great addition to the neighborhood.
And in light of there being no objectors registered to speak tonight, we will leave it with you to debate.
And we remain at your disposal should you have any questions.
Thank you.
OK, thank you very much.
If you want to make your way back to the audience and I'll open up to questions from members.
Would anybody like to ask the officer a question?
Councillor Clarke.
Councillor Clarke.
May I just, if we go back to some of those other light labs.
Would you be able to point out where the minimum of office space is still planned?
And I just, I guess I want to be reassured that the use of the basement or part of the basement here is undermining any potential office use in that area.
So I think the key, the key points are here.
So I've just got this plan.
So you can see unit one, unit 2D.
These are both in the upper basement level.
And then there's this small quantum, which I had up earlier, which is about 180 square metres of ground floor, which provides access down to that level.
In terms of the planning history for blocks B and C.
If I just move back slightly, let me see.
So at the bottom of the screen, you can see in the solid red line.
Oh, yeah.
Let me move my mouse, of course.
Just here.
That's the ground floor.
And then the rest of the dashed red line is the basement level below.
This is where my cursor is.
That's block C.
And I'll move it up.
That's block B.
In terms of the planning history.
The most recent relevant approvals in 2023 was for the use of the ground floor block B for flexible use.
Use of the ground floor block C for flexible use.
Use of the basement for flexible use.
That totalled 7,335 square metres GIA.
This application is for just over 4,000.
So there will be a remainder of just over 3,000 square metres.
And that assures officers that the minimum content of office floor space, which is 2,213, can still be delivered across the wider Keybridge development complex.
I think it's probably important to note as well that this proposed use is majorly in the basement level, which probably wouldn't be as favourable to officers for office use, considering the lack of light, daylight, etc.
And that leaves some of the more favourable units, which are ground floor level for office use.
Any other questions?
Yes, I suppose I've got one.
For Ainsley.
So just looking at the sound checks that you're going to do prior to signing off.
I think I read that.
Sorry, can you just go through what sound checks you're going to make prior to signing off on the board of the book?
I didn't really know what 4.2.61 meant.
Officers have revised the wording and subsumed the two recommendations,
you know,
recommended noise until musicians through to a one combined condition.
I don't know about it.
Do you just explain all that?
Yeah, that's fine.
So we, the applicant was submitted a noise assessment, noise impact assessment that was independently reviewed.
That was, came back and recommended, set recommendations being added to their recommendation.
And in terms of specific noise mitigation measures, these include sound insulated linings installed around ventilation openings,
the acoustic and full of openings within the slab above the venue, acoustic linings around the lift and door openings within the cores,
which are common between the basement garage floors, music noise levels.
recommendations and approved planning permission.
The condition that you were discussing, councillor Ains, asking questions about rather, was this condition five regarding the
revenue management plan?
And am I right that wanting it to be amended so that it states that this needs to be looked at every two years?
Yeah, I think two years, given that this is a new, innovative use of the space,
I thought that waiting two years before we check on noise levels of people coming out of the venue
was probably a little bit too, too long.
I wonder if it should be changed to, you know, see what it's like after six months.
The condition, I read it doesn't actually say two years, even two years.
It doesn't say anything about coming back.
Just to clarify that, there's a planning obligation we've recommended in section six,
and that is the two year update.
In terms of the condition itself, that just requires the submission of a venue management plan and the approval by the authority.
Okay, so this then relates to the planning obligation.
Can I get officers opinion on whether six months is maybe too short and onerous?
Would one year be better?
What's your officer opinion?
It's probably slightly onerous for them to be in and monitoring for that period.
You probably need a little bit longer to show proper impacts and how they're managing that.
If we say one year, reduce it from two years to one year.
And that's the section 106.
All right.
So I'm going to propose that we accept officers' recommendation, subject to the amended section 106,
which we've discussed, and grant planning permission.
Do I see a seconder?
Councillor Ainslie, all those in favour, please raise your hand.
That is unanimous.
Thank you for your time.
Thanks, everybody.
And this is the final one before Christmas.
So have a lovely break.
See you all pushy-tailed in the new year.