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Licensing Sub-Committee - Thursday 12 December 2024 1.00 pm
December 12, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingTranscript
... Let us know if there's all of us need to speak louder, all the committee. This is where my drama school training will come in handy, 12 grand well spent. So, it's a good afternoon, everybody. Welcome to the meeting of the Li committee. As I mentioned, my name is Councillor David Ropson. Before we start the meeting, a quick few announcements to make about the meeting rules. The meeting is hosted by Lambert, and we are a member of the committee of the board for the committee. as well as meeting a person being broadcast live via the Council's democracy Twitter account or should that be X account which is at LBL democracy. If you've got any technical issues online, please make sure that you contact Kai Small, sat to my right who will be able to get the link back up and running. There are no scheduled fire alarms this afternoon, but should they long be heard, everyone is to leave the building and head to Buckner Road. To ensure that this meeting runs smoothly, only one individual will be allowed to speak at a time. If you've joined the meeting via Teams, which is only a small few, please ensure your microphone is muted. Any person speaking must be permitted to finish what they are saying without interruption. If I request that an individual stop speaking, they should do so immediately. Interruptions may result in your being disconnected or rejected from this meeting. Members of the public here are welcome to record or tweet the public proceedings of the meeting. Please note that the subcommittee will notify interested parties of its decisions on each application within five working days. Do we have any declarations of interest from the committee on either of the hearings this afternoon? I have none either. There are minutes attached to our path from the previous meeting, which was on the 7th of November. The minutes are all fine for me, fine with you both. Agreed, thank you very much. That leads us on to our two hearings. Before we do that, I will just ask the officers present to introduce themselves. As you're online, Jean-Mark, do you want to say hello first? Yes, good afternoon, everyone. My name is Jean-Mark McCarm. I'm a senior prosecution lawyer in Lambus Legal Services Department, and I'm the legal advisor to this committee today. Hi, right. Good afternoon. My name is Kaya Small, and I'm a Democratic Service Officer. I'll be taking a minute for today. We're going to hear from the licensing officers in a moment shortly, but I'll quickly get you to introduce yourselves now as well. Good afternoon, all my name is Justin Atkinson, and I'm the licensing authority representative licensed. My name is Marcia Green. I'm here for mosquito bar today's hearing. Good afternoon. My name is Paul Richards. I'm here at Paul, who has the lightning and responsible authority for the first case in this year. Brilliant. Thank you. Okay, so we're going to hear two applications this afternoon. First. Sorry, well, I didn't know because he was speaking as a representative, so I just wanted to hear from the normal officers, so I'll come back to you a little bit later. That's okay. I know when I'm doing it. Okay, thank you. So two applications this afternoon. We are going to be hearing first up. It is for a new premises license on behalf of God's shawl enterprise is limited, of which we have the applicant representation here. Then following that, we have a review of a premise license of mosquitoes bar, who are sat there waiting patiently. So without further ado, I'm going to come over to Mr Atkinson to introduce the first application, please. Thank you, Chair. Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Justin Atkinson, and I'm the licensed and case officer application. We're going on 47, what to move road, what to station, E1, 7, 12, Y. This case presents to you, or relates to a new premises issue, license application submitted on 11th of September 2024, ended on the 9th of October, 24th. That patient is seeking for the sale of alcohol, all sales, with the quality of diamonds. Money to Friday, 7 a.m. in 10 p.m. Satellites are standard, it will 9 a.m. so it will be 9 p.m. Not very now, but those now are the premises are the same as the sale of alcohol diamonds. Money to Friday, 7 a.m. till 10 p.m. Saturday, Sunday, 9 a.m. in attendance for this application, as follows. Peter Sparham, who is the agent representing the application, and his client, Lisa Gartcholl, and I believe, from Johnathan Orkin. He's no longer, he's nothing learned, and then thank you. June the 28th consultation period, a representation was received of half the responsible last authority. This will be presented by my good colleague Paul Richards. These refer to the agenda page 27, the 36th for the application of all representation of half the rest of the last authority, page 37, 14, and a map illustrating the premises location of page 41. That is my introduction. I have any questions for me, please open to ask. Thank you, Mr. Atkinson. Colleagues, any questions so far for Justin? The stage. Okay, then at that stage we will, Mr. Sparham, come over to you to introduce to say it is five minutes enough at this stage. I should hope so. Thank you. So, thank you for our licensing agent at the left. Lisa Gartcholl, who is the proprietor of Gartcholl Enterprise Limited. This is an application for an off-license situated on the concourse of Waterloo State. June the Savannah has 20 years experience with off-licenses around railway stations in its entirety, with five at Major Hubs, Kings Cross, Liverpool Street, Palinton, London, Bridget and Victoria for the current time. As part of the tenancy agreement with Network Rail, it is a requirement that they have a premises license to cover off sales. This premises is not an ordinary off-licenses, it is more high and deli. I'm eerily selling needs in goods with some more expensive and select points, spirits and based siders. It is a small store, just a result, it's not really going to be no mass selling, no bulk selling of any of the projects existed. It's not that it's a yes to actually store. As it is a little bit of a niche product, it's often at a higher price, which in terms of the licensing objectives, we've got to deter some of the more nuisance element attracted to more sort of mainstream stores. It's designed to encourage customers, 80% until from the African continent, who know the brands have prepared pay a little bit more for a premium product product, which have predominantly paid with food. The Amazon was requested in line with the application, which goes outside the policy. Toped that we can illustrate this. The bank goes above and beyond the requirements for the overcome this policy. In terms of the actual layout, looking to produce but want food, the other soft drinks, beer, siders and wine will be used to the iron nature, it will be contagious. During the hours, there will be a dedicated floor walker, so if this customer must have deter those who are not customers. We are aware of local issues as that run by the vice-versing officer. I'd just like to ask Lisa if she would outline some of the requirements, some of the experience that she already has in terms of other outlets from me. Thank you. Make sure you speak up, please. So I've obviously been working in stations for 20 odd years and I work very closely with licensing officials at the transport police, local police and also very closely with my landlords such as Network Rail. This particular unit is part of the Network Rail scheme. Once I open the store, I'll be joined with a business fine reduction partnership. We all work closely together as a team of tenants. We'll be having radios, body cameras, monthly meetings, quarterly meetings. We revisit any incidents, look at additional training. So we really do work together as a team to combat any crime, deal with any public nuisance. To add to that, if there is overcrowding in the station, we tend to get notification through our radio shutdown because we need to just sort of free up and continue to keep all the concours. So over the years, we've had various incidents and we've always worked well with all the different authorities to ensure that we look after public safety at all. Does this move to... I propose to members of the institutions which should be a greater or lesser extent are echoed by the organisations to both by the assistance. Let's go a little slightly further if I may. I've been offering two more conditions, which I'd like to consider as the principal to be trusted and for. The first is that all alcohol, outside the licensing, licensing publicly, and his eye, including the end to 11am, will be held in secure storage. So we're going to be available on request. This is, I think it's quite popular now in a lot of supermarkets. Basically, it will be secured. It will deter those, the opportunist beef, hopefully. And secondly, all alcohol sales outside the licensing policy times, again, 7am to 11am, must accompany a purchase of food. So there will be some normally associated with other licences. The main thrust of the business is food. The better expression of the alcohol is ancillary, but it's still a requirement that a normal circumstances. So if I can, I'd be brief. I think I've done it in under five minutes. I have. If we can be of any further assistance, please ask. Thank you very much, Mr Spireman. So I'm going to come to colleagues to see if you've got any questions followed up from that. So I don't know if you're aware of the reducing the strengths initiative that they have in a lot of our town centres where the offline centres will sell high strength, alkylite, lager and stuff like that, with her problem drinking. I'm wondering whether you'd consider that and what you reasoning was for not including it in your proposed provisions. So clearly, if I'm wrong to do this, but it's just not a feature of the actual offer anyway. It's one of the conditions that there's been put in by the last year, so there's no and up the road for about APV of six percent. It doesn't happen. So it's slightly interfering. That is the conditionals. Thank you. Boston. And so it would just be nice to hear just a little bit more of a kind of setup. I think, you know, you kind of mentioned, you know, I think we've kind of heard before, nice subcommittees. Oh, it's not that for the place. What kind of place is it? It would be good to hear just a little bit more on the kind of what would be possibly entering the concourse at Waterloo. I think the question just to say, what is you were saying that the pre it's not going to be that type of premises, you know, in terms of what we'd like to hear what type of premise it is going to be, you know, sort of classified as a high-end sort of food deli. And it's will be focusing largely on that. And because the unit is so small, and I don't think you can get five customers in at any time, no more than we will have a team of four staff where we will work in shifts. But it's a small setup. It works well for the brand because we're able to present a lot of products and represent lots of different countries, such as Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe and South Africa. So it's a whole range of products that we import. And the focus is on the products we import and the meat, the fresh meat and the dry meat, the protocol built on that we know in fact you're doing the UK. So that is our focus. And then as Peter said, there'll be a small selection of craft beers and ciders under 6%. We don't do minis. A very boutiquey unique range of wines, quite expensive, which will be caged at all times. The beers will be in a fridge that's locked. You need to ask for assistance. And then we sometimes do some brandies and gin that will be stored in the counter. So it's quite a small offering in a small location, but it's kind of key products that's us from African countries always seeking to buy. I could actually interest it a little bit extra. It's in various different cases. I've worked at least for a few years. One of the things that doesn't attract young people in terms of the protection of chugging, mainly for the fact that for one bit, especially a lot of the time, you may walk in there, they don't understand what they're looking at, because it's not a run of the meal of license where they know exactly what they're looking at. Also, going further than that, Lisa of the over the years has engaged companies to conduct test purchasing operations to ensure that her staff are meeting after doing it, in challenging people. And there are conditions that have been before by both the currency licensing officer, but the actual conditions that were offered in terms of showing an EPOS system, which actually goes further than the actual council that she requested. And also, this achievement was given. Spirits are always stored behind the counter. There's no public access to it. It goes on. I think to add to that is the training. We put a lot of focus on that. We revisit it every six months, challenge 25. It's documented for these records. And, you know, even at this stage, we're considering putting a few of the senior store managers in their own personal license. They weren't in the DPS because that's my role. But I think it's good that they have knowledge that they can tap into and share with the team. Thank you. Very useful. Any other questions at this stage? Of course, there's lots of clients to get, because it's similar to an international station. So does it tend to be people to travel or to come to the UK? It's a combination, actually. We're with a destination store. So people actively look for us because they know that particular products that you don't get in the supermarket. So I would say 80% of our customers are African. And the other 20% is people that are passing through, or they may be visiting South Africa and they've heard about some of these products. So that's largely the mix. My question is just, if people are purchasing alcohol and food together in the morning, like, what's it for? Are they going to have it on their journey? Is it a gift? What kind of thing? A lot of the wines that we sell, because they're quite expensive, tend to be for gifts. So if I imagine a customer like in my other stores coming in early morning, they'll tend to buy something that's not to consume there and then, or it's to take away as a present of some sort or for the evening. But they're always buying it with a product that we sell a lot of, which is built on since the dried beef. So, you know, and that's probably what they're coming in for initially, the purchase snack for the day. And then the wine is just something as an extra as a gift. Thank you. Any other questions at this stage? No, I've got one to turn up. I think it's probably more for either the license and officer or an interest in party. Okay, we'll pause at that stage. Is there anything to hear from interested parties? Justin, as the kind of licensing officer manager, this, can I ask you a question? So, I mean, I was particularly enthused to hear about the engagement work with the local businesses and security and where in body cams, just as the responsible license and authority, we've satisfied on the actions that were kind of taken about monitoring and security and trying to avoid public news, etc. So, I'll just have case officer, but it's application. So, probably more, there's a apologies, a difference. That's the panic coming over your face. Paul? Answer that question, Chair, which would probably lead into my representation. Yes. So, during the consultation period, the licensing, responsible licensing authority may contact, offer the number of conditions from the applicant in which they've all been read. Basically, our representation in submitting because of the operational assets that the applicants are seeking are outside of the licensing policy. And therefore, as the licensing authority, we are compelled to submit a representation or if we don't, that would be undermined in our of the licensing policy. So, as in, to do with the interactions with the applicant who in this consultation period, they have satisfied responsible authority by accepting the licensing conditions. And as the, we're stuck. Sorry. Sorry. I was a difficult one. As suggested, further conditions, you can actually secure representation. If the only point is, is that we are making a point that is outside of the licensing policy. Thank you. And we are satisfied? You are satisfied that the nation itself, any applicant, the tenant that they are compelled to have security, join the BRP, and therefore, we will be in contact with the licensing authority when needed, those meetings as well. Thank you, Paul. Anything to ask Mr. Richards? Well, on that basis, unless there was any other kind of questions that you want to either come back to the other party, then I think is it deliberation time already? Right. So, if you hold tight, we will depart momentarily and we will be back. This can take up to an hour, but I'm not sure it'll take that long. But we'll be back within, yeah, 15 minutes, 15 minutes, half an hour. But please, everybody else stay seated. We'll be back very soon. Thank you. Good morning. Good. Do you want to say this? I'll be just waiting for that. This one? Come on. I want to go to the meeting. Yeah, I think you had a long question. Oh, yeah, Tiki Wise, right? All right, good to see you. Yeah, and you're looking well. So, you really haven't been at the time. Oh, no, it's the sit-ups Luke's job. No, it's the sit-ups in the morning with the boys. How many did you do? I didn't want to be detailed. I used to do that. And then my back was to do those performances. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, thank you. Thank you, Tiki. I can't do the meeting. It must be some way of doing a sit-up. It doesn't do anything. That's still a good audience. It's a perfect job. You would have been able to go through a view just for that. It's so good. Yeah, it's a good one. I'll wait for that. So, you know, you don't have to go to that height if you go to the stage. You've got to be very close. You've got to be very close. You've got my issue now. Yes, so... That's where we started in Tiki. My role is just to be a good software. You like the voice? She's a good speaker. It's a good music. I'm not sure. It seems like there is a lot of work in the process. You may not be done today, but I'm just going to say, if I'm telling you, I'd like to say something about it. It seems like there is a lot of work in the process. It seems like there is a lot of work in the process. If I be solution, I'll be solution. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't finish work. Don't finish work. It's a lot of work in the process. It's a lot of work in the process. It's a lot of work in the process. It's a lot of work in the process. I'm going to talk about the process. It's a lot of work in the process. It's three minutes of humility. It means a lot of complexity. It's probably to say something before we go to the committee. Well, we've got a question today because it's coming. It's a community. It's a community. It's a community. It's a community. It's a community. It's a community. It's a community. I'd love to be here. I'm not sure if you're thinking you'll be any longer than me. It's a community. Our family needs to live in one room. Do you want to be in the gate? Do you like it? It's still in there. I don't know what it's going to do. It's going to do. It's going to do. Right, that's it. So, we're going to try to do it. It's like, I don't have no way. So, it's going to be a crew here. It would be a stream life. It's going to be a number of people. So, I am in which ones I want to play. I'm going to try to set this up. I'm going to write down. And then we go to the direction of going. It's two hours. I'm going to try to set this up. It's going to be a good one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to try to do the vibes. I'm going to try to do the vibes. Yeah. Yeah. Time. Yeah. I'll try to get in which videos. Right? Go up even though it's so bad. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just something I'll get in there. Yeah. You don't have a lot of different. So, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Yeah. So, second of all, we're just doing everything. All those things. I we're going to go six for the bottom. escape. All two. I'm going to be six for the bottom. Yeah, I know one more. I'm trying to use this one. First time. No, it is important. It was good to see what the system looks like. Yeah, yes. The bogus. It's an 8. Yes, I know. It's been a while. Making my way around now. It's a good committee. Really. It's a good committee. Yeah. And it's. Oh, wait a minute. It's a good committee. I don't know. It's a good committee. Still I think it's a good committee. I think that would be awesome. I'm always just watching. We spoke. Yeah. Yes. And therefore. I'm trying to explain. It's super common. Oh, it's absolutely. It's a good committee. Yeah. It's just a little. It's just a little. Yeah. I'm going to go. It's just a little. It's just a little. It's just a little. Yeah. It's just a little bit. It's a little bit. It's always. It's always. We were dancing. It's. It keeps you know, keeps. On. It's safe. You have no offstage. Okay. And we do this with a lot of other stores. And it works really well. Like. You're not sure. It's a clock here and lyrics on here. The actual two is just the. My bad shaking the bad. So that's the way it is. You know where I'll get you. How many rooms the record happens to there so it's the furthest you can get away. Yes, I should have it in the situation. Well, does you think you can also use it? I think it goes in the new world. You know, stuff is not deliverable. So I don't know what the next dose of the best. Anything you can imagine. Well, no one wears it. We don't have to save it like that. You don't have to waste the best of it. That's fine with it. I love you. I love you too. If you want to comment to accept that. I'm keen on you. Sometimes you have a new alternative. No, it's easier to pretend. Of course, it's interesting. Yes, it's less likely. It's a bit of an argument. It's a bit of an argument, but we're a professional. I don't believe that. It's an argument. It's an argument. It's an argument. So, do these involves what I've heard of you guys? I think they're going to be a bit of an argument. I'm going to ask them to gain a little. This is as good as any of it. I haven't seen it in the church. I'm working out on the building. I haven't seen it yet. I haven't seen it yet. I haven't seen it yet. Because I don't get to waste it. No, I haven't seen it yet. No, I haven't seen it yet. I haven't seen it yet. I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it yet. I haven't seen it yet. I haven't seen it yet. I haven't seen it yet. I haven't seen it yet. I haven't seen it yet. I haven't seen it yet. So, it's not. This isn't a movie. You have your role now. Usually, we're giving them all a sketchy. You can't really communicate that. It's a movie. It's a movie. It's a movie. It's a movie. It's a movie. It's a movie. It's a movie. It's a movie. Yeah. but they're actually down there. They're also going to be doing a lot of things. Sorry about that. It's not going to take a second. It's not going to take a second. It's not going to take a second. It's going to take a second. It's going to take a second. It's going to take a second. It's going to take a second. It's going to take a second. It's going to take a second. It's going to take a second. It's going to take a second. It's going to take a second. It's going to take a second. It's going to take a second. It's going to take a second. It's going to take a second. It's going to take a second. It's going to take a second. It's going to take a second. It's going to take a second. No. It's going to take a second. It's going to take a second. They're going to see a second. It's going to take a second. Yeah. Every day when you look at the front end it's going to take a second. Itaration some things that can be done. Mmm-hmm. In Thomas Grand. On the course of the day I had to be left inintra. It's going to take a second. S Gastropay presented as a baseball camp. and British Transport. I want you to take the email here. I want you to take the email. Yeah, I've got my signal down. So, I'm going to turn the shade, the radio source. Yes, it's a bit too busy. That's a big sense process. It's a bit too busy. It's a bit too busy. It's a big sense process. It's a bit too busy. It's a bit too busy. Yes, it's another source. Yeah, otherwise. Yes, which is the sort of thing. clearly, I mean, is the young girls' study. I didn't know it was a measure or Revolution, it's life but everything that needs, that needs sponsor any education. That needs make new experience in the state of life. Anything you think. Okay, get it together. Okay, OK. pump it in your hands. Tale with us. We added it to what we do in our station also in the world. I've always used to doing it myself. I think it's a lot to add to it. I don't know. But I would use it to use. We must. I don't know. Are we going to stop me? I'm not going to stop you. No, I'm not. You don't have any sense. I'm just kidding. I was giving my say. I was just saying it. What do you mean? I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. That's six percent of the other two. You're supposed to be neutral. Yes, you were standing. I did notice it was on. So I said. Six percent new training. You weren't seen in the under out. I was certainly fine. I wanted to expand the rate. The problem is that we're not going to get very much in the space. So we have this little pop of lines. I think this is the existence of material. It's emotion. So it's been quite a long time to go the long since. A period of time. The last thing I was going to say was that it was just a class here. It's an F. So, we're going to be fighting things. Exactly. It's a fight. It's a fight. It's a fight. It's a fight. It's a fight. We're going to be fighting. Yeah. We'll be doing some stuff. I was going to say, wow. I think I prepared. I have some opportunity for me. I've done a bad sentence. We've got a few buffs for you. Oh, okay. It's so fun. Well, you were here. And the voice is on. The princess gets on there. Not necessarily. Basically. I think we hear it out of the time. Smoking area. And I've seen this. We can't believe you're a genius. It's a really nice. We can't believe it was. It's a really cool thing. It's such an interesting thing. And. Right. Okay. Fantastic. Or Th I think that's a lot of that. You know, we've covered it properly back in our work. I think it's good to hear. Thank you. No, you've agreed. And when the side agent is in each stage on further than the other, the other day goes in. One tip is to be something else. She's on the ceiling. I don't have to hear it. I don't have to hear it. Can I cross the middle? No, I don't have to. Excuse me. Two hours. Two places. This emails to them. They've now received a whole unit. Our children. But a good one. They've got the areas. So, I think it's a certain man. I'm waiting. It's an option. I don't have to get. transparent. Just like the organised-life Trump plasma. ance. The GBP. Number one spoke. We have set of bonuses put it in the name of the book. So, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, let me say, turn around. Thank you very much. I have just, I call it two years ago. They would be coming back. You know, this is really good. I do have a decision as I feel. Neither. So, please, why I think this is for you. And anything that's heard about anyone as a service, particularly my sister and I have a few experiences. I want to consider. I'm responsible. You never know. I'm trying to reach the range. A bunch of things. I need help. If the end of what we do. I've literally come up. They didn't. They just took over itself. As we as two listeners. They're going to try to take a major slide board. They didn't already. Let's get the spirit to. oes. You may try to give you any. It was just going to be so William. He's going to go to. Okay. That's it. So we're pushing him does. Okay, It's going to be very dangerous. It's going to be dangerous. It's going to be dangerous. It's going to be dangerous. It's going to be dangerous. It's going to be dangerous. It's going to be dangerous. It's going to be dangerous. It's going to be dangerous. It's going to be dangerous. It's going to be dangerous. It's going to be dangerous. It's going to be dangerous. It's going to be dangerous. It's going to be dangerous. It's going to be an extra thing. I'm mentioning that I must add on jokes. I bet they aren't. Yeah. techno. is going to say that if you said it's a good place for the person, it's just like this. This is the same. So it's a very interesting location as to how it's going to be. It's very important that it's going to stay as well. It's going to stay as well. It's going to be very interesting. It's not going to be for the minor, but it's not going to be for the minor. But yeah, it's not. It's going to be for the major, it's going to be for the minor, it's going to be for the minor. Two weapons to extinguish, no, no. What Would you like to say? So, you know that Jesus. So cheap. The agreed. It uses the ground. The was set up. You join. You know, if you have a share location, or you've asked about them. It's a technology that allows you to share locations. And you can have it on. And what we did. And what we did. The ability to call. About the virtual data. And sides around. It's a guide. Yeah. We could have. We back up recording, please. We are OK. Thank you. And after robust discussion, this is the decision of the licensing committee. The LSE. Kevin considered the written material submitted by the parties. And having regard to the submissions made at the hearing and all relevant guidance. Policies and law have determined to grant the application of thought with the conditions. Consistent with the operating schedule. The conditions proposed by the licensing department and those performed by the applicant. In the gender pack of page 34. And the following conditions advanced at the hearing number one. All alcohol and the premises to be played in secure storage between the hours of 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. And only made available upon request. And number two. All alcohol to be purchased with food during the hours of 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. The licensing subcommittee considered that with the agreed conditions imposed. It was both appropriate and proportionate to grant the application. And that the concerns raised by the application were thus addressed. So thank you very much. So just gives a couple of moments and then as we ask. Thank you, Mr. Sparum. Thank you, Mr. Chris. This is a good this. Thank you. Thank you very much. I'll be Christmas. Thank you, Mr. Atkinson. With that, can I ask, please, is it Mr. Ranking to. Thank you very much. Also, why? You just want to go down there as well. If you want, or would you prefer. Actually, no, you don't get that. That'd be great. Thank you. Let me get a full rounded square. Oh, just give me a minute. Hey. You move to a sign. That's a spicy. Oh, yeah. Sorry. You can do it. Thank you. Now. I'm sorry. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Just before we get going, so I'm just going to say we have. The applicant. And representative from Mr. Rankin here. And we have the applicants. It's over here with self. And then we have the. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Nice and see you set opposite. Could you just remind me your name, please, sir? Very good afternoon. It's Louboutford. I'm here with the license holder, Soltani Yasmin. Thank you, Mr. L. First. Yeah, I can see you've got my list here. Right. So without any further or do I'm sorry, we have some additional officers as here as well from the local authority, but the I'll come back to you in a sec before that I'm going to ask. And this screen to introduce the report. Thank you, chair. You're not doing all my names. Marcy, a green. I am the case officer for this review. I'm a skitter bar number five, I'm high street London, Southways, for 70. In review application, we could make it on the 12th of September. Really funny for the applicant is seeking revocation of the license or alternatively, a cutback in the operating hours of the premises. The current license activity and timings are recorded music, Monday to Sunday, 12, noon till seven a.m. Late night refreshments, Monday to Sunday, 2300 hours. Five a.m. They live alcohol, Monday to Sunday, 12, noon till seven a.m. The opening hours for the premises is Monday to Sunday, 12, noon till seven a.m. The attendance for the license holder is Mr Luke Elford, who's the agent representing the licensee. He saw Tanya Yaslin, who is the licensee. And Mr. Baja Odin, who is the current DPS at the premises. And attendance for the applicant is Mr James Rankin acting on the half of Mr. Thomas van. He was also here. There were 13 representations received. In total, five were in support of the review application. And eight were in support of the premises. One representation in support of the review application was recently withdrawn. This was rep three on the list. The application columns located at four pages 47. This is 47. Three combined with this statement is on pages 55 to 68. A report of observation is on page 69 to 101. You can use the report on pages 123 to 139. Presentations in support of the review are on pages 141 to 148. Representations in support of the premises are on pages 149 to 156. A copy of the current premises licenses on pages 157 to 168. They were also supplementary documents submissive by the licensing police team. Mr Luke Elford representing the licensee and Mr James Rankin representing the applicant. This concludes my introductions. Are there any questions? Not at this point. I would just like some clarification. If you can, Marty, because they can see we've also got two additional, but I don't believe I have anything down that the police are going to be making a representation this afternoon. Is that correct? They have submitted a representation and supporting documents. Will you look at Mr Watson to be able to say something this afternoon? Yes. Yes, comes my intention, Joe. They have submitted two important statements. I don't think it was previously confirmed, but as per you have submitted a representation, I think probably only fair to allow that. And we also have the public protection here as well. Brilliant. Okay. Well, no other questions would be at this state. Thank you for those clarifications. Mr Rankin, I believe we come to you first. I understand that you're asking for a little bit more kind of time to kind of introduce, but I was going to say, how does 10 minutes sound rather than because the papers are quite extensive. I'm sure there's going to be a lot of questions from the committee as well. Or what would you say to that? It's an advance on three minutes. It certainly is. I possibly asked for 15 and then aim to be below. Yes. Thank you. Knowing then that you read the papers. There are two important statements. The first is Thomas Pham's first statement. And then there is his second statement in the supplementary bundle because it seeks to. And address criticisms that seem to be made by Mr L for. Suggesting that Mr Pham in some way should have engaged. The premises license. And I set out some of the background because certainly when Mr Pham into these premises on the 20th of March this year, he knew full well that they were a nightmare. And, and he was. We assured by the agent. So, but don't worry, if there are issues. Lambeth, my team will not be able to support them out. And we have a difficult because we've been unable to get some honesty to sort the issue. So, you know, it says have been made very recently. But just to that pattern. It's often the suggestion made by premise, it's licensed holder as well. You know, this comes as a complete surprise to us. We have no idea you would have not just done with a feather. Any arguments. Along those nights. We say you should disregard and I said for this reason. They went Mr Phambo. Pretty soon. And almost all the first night. It was perfectly clear that the premises were badly started. So that he had noise coming straight up. I believe. That you and your only country. It's right. You believe. To deal with this use. This joke is an nice escape. And such like, and you may have read with some enthusiasm. The user report. Maybe a page hundred and twenty three. I'm relieved to hear that because normally people completely disregard anything said by a noise. What is perfectly clear is that these. Are all in it. And this is one of those cases where the setting of a noise limit is not the magic bullet. Often you come across cases where what we just set the noise limit and there it is. That's the end of the story. It's not. The reason it's not is because of the. A noise of voices that can be heard from inside the premise. Just outside inside the book. Not as fan has not had. All of the period that he has moved in. That some eight months broken sleep. And he's diligently kept his diary. And it's rare probably that you come across. It's like this where somebody has meticulously laid out precisely what it is that the problem here. Oh, Mr. Alfred may say, well, he never told us about it. The reasons for that are explained in Mr. fans thing. When he moved in, he spoke to his name. And his neighbor said certainly had issues with the premises and Mr. Food in before. Engagement with Mr. Oodin. So he shouldn't just have relied on that. He relied on another. You recall the second state from talks about Elaine from the noise team. I said in turns up. And the first occasion to chute ends up is the fourth of May. And having turned. She speaks to Mr. Oodin. And the noises turned out and it's perfect. And then leaves 10 minutes later. It's crank up again. The next night. Thomas contacted a lady. Said, look, they're going to do this again. If you come straight to me. Just knock up the door. I'll let you in. And then you'll be able to see. And then the one. Under delta eight is what this is like. She knocked on the door. And before she came in, Mr. Oodin approached it, but not just approached it. That's a nice word. And his tone was aggressive. He was shouting at Elaine. And he shouted at her, not just for a brief moment, but for a full 10 minute. All of this by Thomas fan through the door. And then he came in very flustered after this episode. Mr. Oodin to his credit did apologize. Being rude and aggressive. She came in. I said, look, I can't stay long. But I'm asleep. She left. Five minutes after she lived. So that leaves Thomas fan with this. And there is an operator of these premises that is rude. He's rude and aggressive to officers. If he does that to officers, then what's he going to do to Thomas? Not only that. He simply thumbs his nose instructions from them. 10 minutes later, five minutes later. Up it goes again. And that's a pattern that is repeated. So any suggestion that we should have come to us. We would have helped. There. Hey there, please. Well, it's used for the sound interference. And then. A little over a week later on, the 14th of May. I'm just a cussler. Do you want to continue, please? It's good. I'm just. On the 14th of May. There's Dr. Vivaldi. Who. Been contacted. I've said this. I tell you what. Do you want me to pass on your contact deal? Details to Mr. He does. He says, yes, please get Mr. who didn't contact me. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So then this suggestion that we should have been reaching out. It was all a shock. Mr. who didn't you full well back in May. That's the problem. Nothing about it. And so Thomas is left for this difficult. He's not going to get in a restaurant. He's not going to get in a restaurant. He's not going to get in a restaurant from the noise team. Because the principal disturbance he gets is after two o'clock. When the noise team knocks off. So that doesn't exist. So what is it to do? Eventually, having reached his impact. That's dead end. And serves. Notice of review. What happens? Well, there is a small determinant of drop. The noise. And then it goes back to business as usual. But you would have thought that that's the moment when somebody serves a notice of review on you. You would have thought that that's the moment to say, well, hang on. There's a problem here. And I better get in touch. I've got these content. He tells. Nothing. He waits a month. And then his noise expert goes in. He views the premises, has a look at the noise limiter and confirms that it hasn't been working. Well, have not been working for some months. If there's any suggestion that Thomas is informed, please disregard that. He's not. He's driven to this. There are two clear problems. The first is the issue of sound and sound escape. It is so bad that the vibrations from the premises downstairs can move his bed. He sleeps with noise cancelling headphones and earplugs on top of them. So there's a bit of toing in front. The Vivardi comes on the sixth of November, sets the noise. The problem with that is that he said it at the wrong level. It was a complicated procedures. The telephones didn't work. He and Mr. Onus were at the premises on the sixth of December. Onus in the flat with Thomas. And a level would be safe. He would meet. Dr. Vivardi would come up. And on one occasion, the levels were perfect. And Thomas couldn't hear. And he and Mr. Onus agree that that's the perfect level. Dr. Vivardi comes up. And then goes down again. And then increases the level comes back up. And then the sound is audible. It's almost simple. How do we have the level? Because it was when it was perfect. The Vivardi says, no, this is the level that the children have. And so the sound of the bass. It's the sound of the bass. And it's the sound of the bass. All the way through. Mr. Eden, we say, well, if you see, we don't play drum and bass. That doesn't matter. The music that they've been playing, if you will know this, the music that they've been playing over the last three nights. It is definitely bass driven. And we call it to say, well, it's the sound. And we can sort that out just by imposing a limit on. The voices of the computer also as well. And he's not a lone voice. And I'm sorry that others are not here. It's difficult sometimes to get professional people to turn up to be like this. Big day. And you would have had Camille. Who is Thomas, his partner with him. You've got Charlie fits. Who lives in the flat above and comes in there. There, Dr. Vivardi has said that. The eyes are limited. Six thousand. Upon this. One. The other different. So we'll go on for number 10 minutes. So I'll do a monitor. Okay. I really have the council sound proofing abilities. I would say 6th of December. Charlie would say. Just as bad. There's been no discernible difference. And it's the base that just. Huge. And then there's a second issue. The second issue is this. It's the behavior of patrons that come to the premises. Because they've got a set. The world. Leaving every other club around. The West end and also other parts of. To send on these. That last drink in inverted commas and they stay and they behave. And not only there. But people. Out of these. So drunk that they're not living. Good. And they hang around outside. And don't leave. And we'll say well I'm doing my job. I'm not letting drunk people in. And we'll say it wouldn't be there. The reason that they're there. Is because you're open. It doesn't matter that you haven't. If the artist were picked back. They wouldn't be there. So it's the behavior of people. And I'm going to show you three short clips. And I understand from. We'll be going into four that will be going into a separate room to view the. Right. Show is typical. Adrian start. And you will have seen his evidence. Former chief in state. And he's going to show. And he's going to show. And he's going to show. And he's going to show. And you will have seen his evidence. Former chief inspector with CO 14 clubs and vice. And a man. There's 31 years experience. Been around the block. Standing outside these places. So Mr. Elphin for sale. It was April. Things have changed. No, they have. What he saw that I was typical. Of a Friday. Richard Vivian. A nice acquisition. Turns out on the fourth of May. Just a moment to sign. There's a fight. He takes cover on the other side. He can't get back in. Thomas is front door. It's common place. It's not something which is unusual for these premise. Mr. Elphin. And I hope he doesn't advance this argument. We'll say, well, what do you expect? You move next door to a nightclub. I didn't expect this is what Thomas will say. He will say, I knew for when was an eye club. But I didn't expect the nightclub to be in my bedroom. I didn't expect people to behave in the unalloyed way that they do. That there is no control of these people when they leave. People who are going out for a job at seven o'clock in the morning have to fight their way through these people. There's another disturbing element of the day. And so it talks about it's that people who really aren't drunk. But they're hanging around outside. His view with his experience is the reason that they hang around outside. Is to sell drugs. They seem to be very friendly with the dormant. They don't go inside. But they do communicate with a number of patrons outside. And sees what he took to be taking place. That's what's going on. The question is, what do we do? What do we do about this? But I accept internally the operational constraints that the noise team. People say, well, I'm afraid we can't do anything off the nightclub. But you can do something. You can take these hours back. What we see, revoke. Dave Watson says, well, that that would be disproportionate. And we understand. And you may not want to revoke. Look at these ads. Because if you restrict them to the ads within which the noise team operates. Then they have control of the moment they've got no. Two minutes. I'll just sum up this way by saying. You'll pay careful attention to what Dave Watson has to say. 20 years in clap of on this beat. And those these premises extremely well. It's quite pretty astonishing. Support the application. He'll explain why reviews weren't for the fraud. You will know because the guidance. Just seem to do this. That you have to create a great weight. Dave Watson because he is your main source of intelligence on the private. Let's see. And do you want to see the video? I was going to say I was going to advise the video. I think we should probably see it now. But this is going to be in private. I believe is it. So who would be invited to join us for this? Obviously the representatives. If you were to watch each party. They will be committed to coming. So it's not everybody of course. Looking around the table chair. I'm going to slight disadvantage here because a number of clips have been served. I'm not sure which clips Mr. Rankin's guys play. Presumably the ones that. Most suitable to his case. So I would like to see what it is. And I think Mr. Dean should be there as well. I'm so sorry, but any disadvantage that Mr. Elper talks about is in the forensic. He was so sorry. But he was so sorry. But he was so sorry. But any disadvantage that Mr. Elper talks about is in the forensic. He was served these clips. They're no longer in a mini teach each month. And to alert him and everybody else. Same with August 2024. That was going to be my next question. Ask him when the clips were from. 7th of June. 24. There are two clips there and I'm only going to show. And then. 24. 6.05 in the morning. Those parts. And your shot mark if you're not. I'm going to refer to you for just some kind of clarification on this. If I may. It seems to me. Chair that. On the assumption that. The videos in question have been circulated. And that they are. So I'm just checking. I can see. Mr Rankin speaking. They won't speak. Yes. Okay. No problem. It must be. Some delay in the feed. Chair. As the videos in question have been circulated. So I'm just checking. I can see. Mr Rankin speaking. They would speak. Okay. No problem. It must be. Some delay in the feed. I think it's a good question. I can see. As the videos in question have been circulated. All parties. Have had site or should have had site of the. Doc of these specific things before this hearing. It seems to me it's it's a matter for you. Chair and your. And your colleagues as to. You know, what you do actually see. I think it seems to me though that they are completely Jermaine to the application before you and to that extent. And the fact that they've been served beforehand, I think. There is no reason why you couldn't view them. Thank you for clarifying the fact that being viewed by all parties interest. So I think with that, I think the committee will retire to the other room to have a quick look at these. Is that with yourself? Do you? Okay. Mark? Hello. Yes. Yes. Thank you very much and are we back? Are we recording? Excellent. Okay. So again, apologies for that. There was just a slight technical mess up, but the videos have all heard and seen. So I believe where we left off, Mr Rankin had just finished some icing your 10, 15 minute spot. So I will now come to colleagues on the committee to ask if there are any questions for Mr Rankin and his representatives. Yeah, just the first question from me is you made some arguments against the submission from the license all day. And just to clear something up for me, was there also an additional submission from your client that we should have seen making those points? There is it just the verbal points you've made to make sure it should be in your additional bundle? We got two documents as an additional bundle. We got one. Do you want to clarify what that was Paul or Marcia? Oh, there was the Marcia, wouldn't it? So on Monday, we did receive an additional receive two. That's from Kyle there. Shall we speak to our other client reports? That's correct. And there should have been an additional one which was submitted by Mr Rankin. In response to the response. I haven't received that. We'll see that. It's been OK for the day after date position and produces his diaries. The after date. Sorry, this is the second witness. Oh, it's in the main papers. It's on the council website. The license of committee supplements her gender. OK, so that hasn't been emailed to us. It wasn't emailed direct to us. We need to read if we haven't seen it. We're going to ask you, yeah. We're going to be interested as to why we haven't been sent it. I know. So if we haven't been sent the paper for it, then we're going to have to take some time possibly to read on it. Can I just clarify, have all the parties, the parties themselves seen these documents that they've been circulated in advance of the hearing? If they have, I served Mr Elford on Monday with them. I served Paul Marcy with them on Monday. And I was under the impression that they were going to be before the committee said you had time to read. I received the papers from Mr Fan. I'm correct. Thank you. But can I just come to our licensing just for clarification on this? Because I just think it's really important. Yeah, because it was received and it was forwarded on. I think for it to be serviced. It's just that one has not been added. Is that limited? In that case. So what do you want to have? I'd like to read it. Because we need to have. So I think we might have to adjourn, be sure on Mark in that case, possibly for up to half an hour, just to have some additional kind of reading time on this. I'm certainly appropriate in the circumstances, Chair. Yeah, could it be said to us? Send to us. Not sure. I'll take a paper copy. And you'll start one on them. Yeah, if you said they don't have a paper copy or something. Anything? I'm going to send it via email as well. OK, that would be nice. So I send it via email. I'm going to do it right now. Yes, please. We're ever sent an ad. We'd just like it, please. Thank you. All right, so should we go up to the room now? All right, so we'll be back here within about, we'll have to be back. Let me read. I think probably more appropriate to go through. OK, or someone, can you dial me in to the. I'll do it. I'll do it. John Marcus. That's perfect. Yes. Thank you very much. Thank you. See you there. Thank you, everybody. We'll be back shortly. Thanks. Sorry, but. Boarding. They're brilliant. I have my committee to the left and we have went Mr. Rich. And Zoe. Oh, hold tight. Not speaking based on. It's a up to the fourth. It's a little bit more. Oh, that's fine. It's a little bit more. No, it's my thing. And we're about to see his most year old. The office, I'm not sure where he's going. Thank you. You know, I didn't. I don't know who he's just going to do with boss doesn't know that. Thank you. I don't know where you're allowed to lunch doing it. Everyone else is going hungry. Right. Thank you, everybody. We're back up and recording. Thank you, Kyiv. Thank you to both applicants, licensee and everybody on the interested parties for holding with. Apologies for some reason that paper didn't find its way to the committee, but I'm sure you can all understand. We thought it was important that we have had to read that and have some time to read that. But I just want to give assurances that we've totally read the supplement that was said Monday and obviously taken the time to read this a little bit further. Now where we were in the agenda was that we had just summarized and came to the end of the. Mr Rankin and the applicant and in terms of their presentation and we were just about to. Jump into questions from the committee. Hopefully all paperwork has been received and we can now dive in and then. Mr Alpha just to reassure you, you will get a similar time to speak as well as Mr Rankin. So hopefully we're now back on track colleagues and questions, please. Thank you just a really brief question. Those videos and just confirmed that the windows were all closed when those videos were taken. Thank you. There's windows taken from your front row. And there's single placed windows. Okay, thank you. There's the property directly of the mystery. It's adjacent to. Skita bar is just next door. I'm getting out of the mosquito bar go. It's going through the wall. I'm going to up to that. So just to understand the track, are you the first to have that? Have you got the entire, have you got a grand flow part of your. That's all fun. Yeah, so you're that. Yeah, you're a little bit more. A couple of minutes. You want just to re familiarize yourself because everybody likes we've been up down here there and everywhere. We can always come back a little bit later as well. I'm a counselor in Clappen, but across the border there in Clappen town. So I'm not representative clap me. So there's no conflict of interest. Suppose I just make notes that you know you say you moved into the area. Knowing that you know Clappen high street was a busy. Kind of area per se, I suppose. But I was just wondering how throughout your short time in living there has there been any mitigations whatsoever when it's come to tackle in this kind of issue or is it just being a complete downward spiral the way through. Just a complete downward spiral. And we mentioned in your statements when you serve the notice when the blue notice went up. It was coming. That was shortly of. Yeah, I think it was only in a week in a bit or so. Help us this way. The improvement is on. On 10 30 or two. It's been very, very quiet. And then after two is far louder, but I don't know if it's because the base because the new genre seems to have changed. So the base is far louder and I'm waking up far more often. I'm sure the actual volume itself is changed. In real terms better or worse. Okay, thank you. Colleagues and if and else, or should we move on to the next? I think I'm okay for now. Okay, for now. Just relevant. So would you like also was there any other questions for interested parties at this point? No, it's necessary coming up to yourself. Would 10 minutes suffice again to give you a bit of time. Are we not hearing from the police? I didn't know. That's why I was saying I didn't think it was at this point. The interested parties, I think was going to be coming a bit later on. If I recall. It did not make sense. So if I address everything, then everyone has to say something. Do first. Yep. Thank you for the prompt. Thank you very much, chair, councillors. Sorry, I think it's because we didn't initially have you down on our notes. So when you were speaking, so that's why it's been a bit confusing. So as I've said, this hearing seems to be carry on Lambeth at the minute. I apologize. So yes, just to what said and please go ahead. Five minutes. I would you need 10 minutes. Thank you. I don't intend to repeat what I've done. Well, I've probably submitted in my representations and just more than anything, just to give you a little bit of background in my experience as did in the premises. Whilst I was not only a licensing officer also for one sort of pencil phrase or a police officer. And I think it's important just to address on one particular point is. And when I first became aware of this application, what I did was I did some research on the premises. Now, in February, March time, the Met changed over from what was traditionally formally a Chris crime reporting system. And to what's called now connect system. Now we was advised at the time of changing what I used to do in my role. So every day I would come in and every day I would search all the crime reports that have been recorded in Lambeth for the last 24 hours. And what I would do is I would identify where allegations of crime disorder had been recorded or licensed premises and deal with it accordingly if it required any action. Now, with the time of changing we was advised that and that was no longer been necessary. And that's all instance reports that licensed premises would immediately be flagged up to us. But as is often the way when new systems come into place that wasn't that wasn't in fact the end. That wasn't in fact the case. So when I've done the search on the actual premises itself, and the crimes that I have referenced with my first time, they've been coming away with these crimes. So ordinarily what would have happened if I was aware of these crimes that I've referenced in my representation, I would have sought to engage with the premises and we would have started what we call the step to court. That engagement would have been consisted of meetings with the premises to discuss each individual allegation that has been recorded. Unfortunately, that's not been the case. And I make reference to the allegations that have referenced in my statement. And I have only done a search for a six month period. And I think it's dating from the ninth of the ninth of October when the representation was submitted. And the instance themselves was that I wouldn't describe them as overly serious nature. What I think it does do it demonstrates a pattern of crime and disorder being recorded in the early hours of the morning. Now, I'm aware of this premises, I will say, but please officer twenty one years. And as I refer to my statement, I would describe it as challenging. In the past, and when the dealers response officer, it was quite common to attend premises in the very early hours in the morning, six o'clock in the morning to incidents of crime and disorder, and fighting involving in toxic hate, toxication levels. And when I joined the team six years ago as a licensing officer, I initially wasn't responsible for the premises. I've only been responsible for the premises for the last two, two years. And it was my understanding that just before COVID, there was an incidence of what I would describe as serious crime disorder. And I know a review of the premises license was definitely under consideration at the time by a former colleague of mine. At the time, when this was being considered, COVID hit and obviously then all licensed premises called for a period of time. And the premises in question, once premises did reopen, I believe it was some damage to the roof and it remained closed even longer. So at the time it wasn't deemed necessary to act on the incident that had happened. But there was a serious crime disorder and a review of the premises license wasn't in consideration. What's the outcome of this particular hearing? It will be my intention to engage with the premises to discuss, obviously, the issues that have been referenced in my statement. At the time it wasn't deemed appropriate, obviously with the hearing pending. I'll try not to go on too much longer. One issue that I have considered that I found when dealing with the premises is we're doing my routine lighting patrols in the area early hours of the morning. What's a tend to find is patrons that are diffused entry in other premises along the high street, maybe a little bit more established premises and tend to then migrate the way down to premises in question. And I've witnessed and whilst I've been turned away from more premises, I have witnessed them gain entry to these premises. And what I would consider to be intoxicated state. Now, this isn't always the case. However, when patrons are refused entry, what I have witnessed for a number of occasions is these patrons will tend to remain in the area and demonstrate with security and give security a quiet part time as to why they have been refused entry. If the premises wasn't open and it promises wasn't operating until quite a late terminal hour. I think it's the belief that patrons would leave cup and high street and that would significantly reduce the chances of time and disorientating place. And I think that's it without going into a fair of details. Obviously, if you have any questions for me, I believe I've touched everything that I wanted to touch. It's not me intended. Oh, sorry, there was an additional crime disorder that I supplemented. And on Tuesday, Tuesday, 2nd of December. Officers attended a male who is registered being a victim of an ABH was in the south of premises and a abbreviation there and an architectural body harm. Officers attended and requested to view the CCTV there. Now, minimum standards we expect as officers when we attend is for a license premises to be able to provide that CCTV. We're realistic in that we don't expect the USB to be provided there. And then, however, what we can do is we can view the CCTV footage. And if the if the offenses happened, it runs a short period of time to report in the chances of apprehending a suspect are heightened. Unfortunately, on this occasion, officers weren't able to do the CCTV as the member of staff present and wasn't able to operate the CCTV. As a licensing officer, I often speak to licensed premises and the minimum we expect is CCTV should be able to be viewed at least because we have our capabilities. Then if we need to record it on calling one cameras, we can do. There's no further, no further. We add on that point, because that is subject to an ongoing investigation at this stage. So I won't go into too much more details. Any questions for me? I'm willing to feel free. Absolutely. Yeah, my question is about the allegations of drug dealing in people that are outside the smoking area, telling drugs to people that are inside the smoking area. Does that sound plausible to you? Is that something that you've witnessed? There are criminal intelligence reports that suggest this is going on. I'm mindful, though, to say that this is an issue for Cap and High Street in general, not solely linked to the premises. However, when the premises is open, say, for example, most premises will shut at three, four o'clock in the morning, Cap and High Street. And what you tend to do is people tend to migrate towards this premises in question. And again, there is drug dealing going on on Cap and High Street. It's quite common with regards to either laughing gas or things like that. And so, yes, what it does, it creates a point of contact for patients to remain in the area. And drug dealing is in offense that you always is an issue with it within Cap and High Street. Yes. Is your opinion that if there wasn't to be that smoking area with patron sitting in it, would that reduce the kind of the draw for drugliness? Yes, I believe so. I've seen it. I've witnessed it myself personally on a number of occasions when patrons are in the smoking area. People do try to engage in conversation with them. And it goes on security to do the best to try and stop this book. The premises is operating, it's open and it just creates the opportunity for its companies. On a similar note, sir, I made Miss Herndt, but given that the venue only has a capacity of 110 people. Will you suggest seeing that? If you believe that the either there was reduction in hours or license revoked or whatever, that there would be no crime and disorder on Clap and High Street after a certain time if this venue wasn't open. I think it'd be significantly reduced. It's a long High Street with a lot of issues, of course. Yes. There are a lot of issues, Councillor. And I do believe that when premises do come to a close, people then tend to leave the area. People tend to get on buses, embers, things like that. Unfortunately, when with this place operating and still open, people then congregate and remain in that area. So it would be reduced, but not completely eradicated on the High Street. That's not, of course. It's a clarification. That's kind of sick and thank you. Do you have anything, Councillor Costa? I do have a question. When patrons are using the smoking area, there is no enclosure, right? It's on to the onto the Cap my street itself. It's quite, it's quite open from my understanding. It's usually a rope, it's a rope area, okay. And barriers, you know, there are barriers there, but that wouldn't prevent people from engaging in conversation with patrons that are in this smoking area. And does security have an intervene to try and reduce any behaviour? Security have a challenging job. I have witnessed security and engaging and trying to prevent this from happening. But unfortunately, what we get is at that time of the day, it's be at four, five o'clock in the morning, you're dealing with patrons that are quite highly intoxicated and they can be quite challenging to deal with. So, I sympathise with security. They do make efforts to engage, I have witnessed this personally, but it can be very challenging. And that in addition to obviously carrying out their normal duties anyway. Following up to that, are there enough security to deal with the situation that you see? Yeah, because I'd suggest so given that it is a small premises and most of the challenges are within that media area, of immediately outside and the door. My understanding is I can think of one incident of crime of serious primary disorder inside the premises. But I think it overcrowded in a security. I think it could, it could make it a bit more of a confrontational matter. I think there is sufficient security at this stage. There's nothing else from me. This stage. And we can always recall this needs be. At this point, should we bring in yourself, Dr. Pivandi from public protection? Yes. But unless it was, I'm just getting clarification off. Because if you're saying that it's in the back of all the points. Yeah. So yes. So, yeah. Yes. Mark or you can confirm. I think it, yes. I think it makes sense as suggested. That's why I thought it'll make it easy for the offer to roll up his comments. That's my thought. Is that okay? Yeah. Yeah. Up to five minutes as well. 10 minutes max. Yeah. In all months. I could be. Choising in building the 26. Oh, no, that's nearly 20, 25 years or deal with the bars and class, mainly setting the limiter between the levels. And dealing with construction or its major construction during that. But one of those cases is mosquitoes are eligible over the years. Or was the original officer set the limiter by 14 years ago. And I got involved again for a few months. To set it and reset it and reset it again. The reason was, the reason that I involved the committee. We came to the review. So they asked me to go and check the limiter. Down there. The limiter was the same level or is fluctuating. The reason is fluctuating. A button. Two more details is that a piece of equipment for the ATC two limiter. It's a old fashioned one. Each probably was 13 years old, 15 years old, probably of the date. Or it was fluctuating. So. First time we went in. The noise that I was high five minutes ago, 10 minutes ago. And when I was there, the noise was low. And all same engineer outcomes. The magic can help me. The level is the same. If you had to, I'm sorry, the ABC was fluctuating. It was not doing the job supposed to do. So we canceled that visit. So they fixed it. They said they fixed it on back again. To set it up, which. We had a level from 13 years ago. We set it the same level. It is a general is suitable for the pops and clubs. If there is a visual. That doesn't mean. That's why I cannot hear the noise. When you're living next to the part, you're going to hear the bass. Slightly not to the level that it would disturb you. Or you would be here. So we are not talking about here. Inaudibility at all. The bass travels. It's hard to catch. It's not like a mid frequency or high frequency. So it's a bit complicated. So the last time I was there, it was a few days ago. So we got access to the. It was flat. One of our colleagues always said was there. A theoretical view was upstairs. And I believe we're going to. Puke. Blame me for a limiting. Gentlemen. But the reality is these equipments are sensitive. When you setting it. All fashion. You need a tiny screwdriver to put in equipment that turned it up. Notch. So you have to wait for a few minutes. To settle. Play different music. It really behaves. It's not matter of me going touching the computer is not. It's all fashion away. So you adjust it a little bit. Mini. You wait. You play different type of music. It's the music to see what you spend. On that equation, the mobile phone was a working. Or going up and down to get it. You see what's happening because over and there. Of course between the song. The frequency may get. You can hear it. Boom boom boom. Then it goes down again. There's a limit there. It won't respond quickly. No equipment will do quick. It will take about 20 seconds 30 seconds 40 seconds to adjust. So you can hear the fits. It goes down again. That depends. All depends on the song you're playing. I was told. I'm not defending or broke. I like to see that dark things stop music. Not basic. Or have from the time you're playing heavy basic music. So this is. Two. Because if you don't play music, KCSO is soft. You can control it or we can face it. Any music. Boom boom. It goes up, down, up. And the equipment. It's 20 minutes 30 seconds. I'll set it to the level which lower than before. Of that piece of equipment they have, they cannot control that much base. It's hard to control. That's going to control. You have to control overall for nothing. It is all fashion. It's a new equipment. They changed it recently. But it's not that complicated. It's not that sophisticated. So you can control the basis. New ones. You can control the basis. You can say, CC has 50 heads. You look at it. Then you can control it. But this one, it does overall. Okay. What I have to do is look at the overall on whatever happens. Cut it. Not only that, they had the other issue we had was the engineers that are limited. What the speakers are. Yeah, but two different type of speakers. Active. Active ones. It means that their own is AMP. Inside them. The normal ones. Use amplification somewhere else. You connected to their speakers. When they have got their active speakers, it means that for amplification inside the speaker. Unfortunately, their engineers, when they set the limited. And then not to a minimum. On the speakers. Yeah. So when they set it, the level is the same. So if somebody goes and turn it up. Up. The sneaker will blast, which happened when I was last time. Together, we adjusted all it. Bring the maximum level on the speakers. Someone now one can turn it up again. And set the level. It takes time. So it's not a matter of saying, and he walked upstairs and walked downstairs and tell the volume up on a setting. And said, no, no, my job is to. To draw a balance with the licensee. The. I have to be realistic. If you are living next to the pub. You would hear some noise. I'm not saying to the level that they should be disturbed. But you would hear a little bit of noise. A little bass. That's back. I'm not denying it. Because particularly when they're saying they can hear the conversation. That means the soundproof is not that good. I think it's the only party existing old party walk between the flat and the club. Nothing else. So. The way since all the blames comes on, I don't set the limit. No, I have set the limit. Or you are there. The club is entitled to play music. I'm not going to set it to the level they cannot. Realistically. I have to do a balance between the club. And the club not to be disturbed. And they can be operate to some level. As far as it. Okay. This is going to be with both. But there's an option to buy a limiter. So they can. To the frequency, which refer to this application. And this is the feature. It should be. Or it should be. Or. I know him, but yes. For this. For the experience of a lot of work with him. I'm against him sometimes. But he's not being fair. In my opinion, in this report. It was us. Not setting the level after 11 years. He blames that no 45% set it up. Always the one set it up. On the 45%. Or inject that section. In it is. Okay, yeah. It is a recommendation. I don't know. I think we know which page. If you want to specifically state the page and section. He's a section eight. What page. If the 70. I'm. Sorry, it won't be that in our. Oh, it's. 35. Yeah. 35. Okay. Perion, please. Oh, you're on the section eight. Is it not? Not experienced officer. Isn't that this is. Really. What to say. He just made assumption. You should open the equipment after 30 years. Can happen. All the client can buy for the equipment or the equipment. Yeah, but not blame it on the person. One, two. Section. In. Both section. Okay. Yeah, I mean, we understand your character is not to attack you. I think it's just to bring it back to the agenda of the presentation. Please. You recommend the noise levels. Take it. It's not a one. Which I don't think we can accept that because if. These numbers are from the research only for a pop concept and our things. We're not applicable to this. Particular case. I've seen this one before. And. We won't accept it. If we want to do a setting in the limit, we set the level. Okay. Yeah. I think we've gone over the five, about 10 minutes there. Do you want to sum up or any other kind of point I'd like to add? There's a personal quite happy to ask you. There'll probably be some. Because it would be. Okay. Well, I'm sure we can follow up. We could assess if it's complicated or not. Panel, do you have any questions first to kick off? Yeah. One of my first questions is the. You can made quite a detailed. I'm not in charge of the view. We have got two teams, one working data. Technical officers. Which we work data. Okay. But all officers do the business. You can. I'm not in charge of the view. We have got two teams, one working data. Technical officers. Which we work data. Okay. But all officers do the business. We work data. Okay. But all officers do the business. If anything happens, they will pass it to all. To handle it. Or I'll put access. All information. Okay. I'll see the complaints. Some of the complaints or platforms of them are. Do you have no time? Sure. Can I just quickly follow up? Has Elaine, did Elaine report this incident to you where the license holder was? Yes. I'll see that. It was a bit of a discussion outside the bar. I know. Well, we have a witness and uses. But somewhere here said we have witness and uses in the report. Sorry. I just wanted to clarify. I'm sorry. Could I just clarify that basically what has been described in the report about that incident with a lady. Is that does that tally with the report that Elaine gave to you about the incident? Same thing. Yes. Same thing. Yes. I can't. Not a lot of the order. Just in terms of as Mr Rankin identified, I have a previous career in playing clubs and DJing. I'm just intrigued about the limiters and some of my experience when a limiter kicks in, a limiter kicks in. And, you know, and it really crashes the volume down. There's not there way of overriding that. So I would just like to hear a little bit more in terms of what you said about the kind of what the system set up here. And I referred to. The supplement. Provided by the license holder on page 18. Where the words that the sound limiters have been set on the wall in bio or writing or whatever over the previous years. Oh, yes. Your autograph over the years on the wall. I mean, one, I wonder if that's an effective way to store the information like that. But maybe that's a question to the licensee. But I suppose, yeah, just a little bit more information on the type of sound limit that they have in and whether you think that to be appropriate for a venue serving as a club in the vicinity that is it's in and for the capacity that they have. Or what would your recommendation usually be for something like that? As we discussed, the problem is in place. I know by specifically want to ask you about them about the model. The equipment in the model. I can give a suggestion. Yeah. The ABC is not capable of controlling their base. Control. If you want to improve it, you have to buy a limited new image, which you can control it for the computer. And you can control it every individual frequencies. So treble mid face. Anything. One of them, not just a band. So if they're playing certain music, we can go bring it down, keep it down and overall the state the same. Would you think that, like I said, for a place operating for so long in such a vicinity where it would be a much beneficial. Yes, because of the. Post proximity. It would be a 100% improvement. Thank you. Colleagues. Were there any other questions comments? Yes, just to go back to your. Thing about the speakers. So. Again, I'm also sound engineer, my professional career, not in live music. I work in recording studios, but the sort of theory of all of this stuff doesn't make sense to me. So you're saying they've got. They set this limiter with passive speakers in the chain and then they've changed into active speakers. No, no, they didn't do that. But what happens is when they're engineer turned out. The speakers are putting them on the top in the back of it. Right. Yeah, that can volume their amps. Yeah. And they're after the limiter. Yeah, the controller. The output of the speaker. Okay. So then the engineers in the self turning it to the maximum. I'm setting it. It didn't. He put it to the minimum. Which then leaves room for people to turn it up. Or the speaker on his own campaign music. Yeah. So normally we do is tell it to the maximum. So they cannot tell it. We're also maximum. It means 90% because if you go to the 100%, you get into friends from the speakers. Sure, that makes sense. That's just yeah. Thank you. Sorry. I did see that. Jean Mark had this hand up and when legal as the hand up, that gets me. Straight to it. It's only in that. I think there is a question that. May not be asked. And I think it's important that you see it. And as you have missed Dr. Bavandi there. That the question should be put, which is that simply. Dr. Bavandi has the level. Being set. In your opinion, having regard to the operation. That's to say. Have the levels been set considering the fact that this. Your. Prites to. Later hours and perhaps other venues that you deal with. Three, four, five. Whatever it is. That repeated. We lost you a bit. There's your market. Repeat that, please. But I think I was going to kind of end on a similar question. But if you want to go with it again. Essentially, it's just this has. When you went to the venue. Was the level set having regard to the way that this venue operates. You'll be aware that the venue operates so. Very late in the morning. Three, four, five. And it may not be similar to other operations where you've set. A limit. I wonder if you can just comment on that. For commit for members. If the. The license open after 12 or four. Five o'clock. It's the same thing to me. Because it's a night time to people who want to get some sleep. The letter is set. It's the same for all of them. And because we said so many places. We get a range of levels. So we also. This is finishing five o'clock. We get a range of levels. So we also. This is finishing five o'clock. We get a range of levels. So we also. This is finishing five o'clock. We drop the noise. We make a balance as I said. Look at the power. We got the license. We go to the premises complaining. We make a judgment. We set the level to the base. What we can hear. It has all depends on the sound and solution of the property. It doesn't matter if it's the code is disturbed. No, I don't want to be disturbed. You said in a sense that there wouldn't be because most of the part they're going on to three o'clock in the morning. So the level is been set. So they can operate 24 hours a day without the survey. Both they can hear the base. Slightly. Okay. Go for it. You've made a point in. Of disagreeing with the recommendations in the positions report. We received. The part that specified the limit level and the levels that should be audible in the residential premises. Is that. It comes from the. Yes. I'm familiar with it. Yeah. Yes. It doesn't apply to a license premises. Because. I have a question. I have a question. I got you. 8.1. Yeah. I only got half of my questions. Fire. So basically, so you disagreed with that. About the levels that should be audible in a residential premises. What levels do you think are acceptable in that case for. Bedroom at night time and the living room. No one has got a magic. Numbers. We have to find a plan. They have to do it. Assessment subjectively. Then do the measurement. There's no way. Is that. Even in your experience of previous visits. Not, not even in your experience of previous visits, not. Not in my. I can ask that a number. Because all the properties are different. We have to do a subjective assessment. You have to do the background noise. that is what it is, how much it looks. A lot of things make on the noise level. I'm not going to say I'm expert or say no. Because I'm such a thing that I keep finger. But do we want to come in there? Yeah, I was just going to say, yeah, that I assume there's a lot of factors which taking to the internet. Yeah, yeah, it's not one size fits all. But I do actually have a question about base. I do have a question about base. If you say it's not, it's only a little bit affordable. Do you think that's true that the base is loud enough to be for the room to be shaking for the bed? No, no, no, no. The level is that if you shake the room, this means it's high. That means interfering with the sleep. We don't set it that way. That's a nuisance. If you shake the building, no way I can set it. I'm sure you have. Whatever it is, what would be the question? So just for clarification about how you identified that this specific SAM limiter, do you've got no control over the base? No, it's not what we're about. But therefore it could be a case that is. We dropped the level so much. Yeah. So if the base comes up, then it would kick. But there would suffer. That's not saying it's a cash strategy too. Yeah. So if you can't go on to the level, those specific places, the overall noise that we can increase it. You've set the level so low that the base won't cause a huge issue. Yes, it is. You have to look at every individual cases and look at the noise leakage from the building. You have to be best to make sure that there's a balance drop. You don't want to disturb the reason we don't want the base if you shake. That's it. So sorry, just for clarification, in the new document we received a thing from the license holder saying that they purchased a new limiter. Is that a multi-band limiter that you guys, okay, this is the new one that they've purchased is a multi-band limiter that you want to handle. The new one that bought these are identical to the old one. Okay, got it. Thank you. I did it. The same manufacture, the same things. Same thing. Same year. I'm not saying that. It's a brand new equipment. But that same model got it. Same model. There's the same things. The only things that you're saying to set your main function. Okay. Any other questions on this part or technical. We don't have a stage now. Long build up, Mr. Elford. That's all. And we might, as I said, we might come back to police interested parties, applicant for other questions later on as we go through, but Mr. Elford, I'm going to set 10, 15 minutes. Perfect. Thank you. I'm actually going to reintroduce ourselves because it has been a little while since we started. To my left is Mr. Baha'u'din, who's the designated premises supervisor. To my right is Oli Raman, he is a manager at the premises. And at the very end is Sultanah Yasmin, who is the premises life for mosquito barn. Can I start by saying this? And I was itching to say this. Whilst you were examining Mr. Pave Andy, we are going to go out and we are going to purchase a limiter that is capable of controlling base. We are going to set it with Mr. Pave Andy and hopefully with Mr. Pan willing to ensure that any musical noise we're introducing isn't causing a problem. There is another thing here with vibrations that no one is touched upon and that is that this property is directly above the northern line. So it is entirely possible that there is another source of vibrations that people have not commented on in any event. Let me talk about mosquito barn. It is a family owned and operated business. It's been at this location over 25 years. It enjoys a late license until 7 a.m. and we recognise how privileged we are to have such a late license. There have until now been no issues of significance. Although PC Watson says there was a review planned, we don't know anything about that and you haven't been given any good evidence as to what it was about. We can't really say anything on that. We have a long term relationship with Dr. Pave with the Council and also with Dr. Pave Andy. You will see and you rightly identified within your papers a slightly odd way of recording when limit is been set out for you, but it was set by Dr. Pave Andy in 2011 in the first instance. We are part of the community. We are used not just by average customers, people who may have been out in the nighttime economy and clapping them beyond. We are also used by people who are part of the hospitality industry being one of those venues where after you've finished work at another venue, you can come and you will be able to get a drink from the latter parts of the night into the early morning. We are very pleased that many people saw fit to writing in support of this business in response to reviewing fine councillors pages 148 or 156 of your agenda papers, those supporting representations. I commend those to you. We are an active part of the business improvement district and we take part in the meetings and the initiatives and the sharing of information that goes on within the bid and you will see that there is indeed a supporting representation from the bid and that is page 155. We work hard to promote the licensing objectives and we are mindful that premises licenses are not easily given and can be taken away. That is what our neighbour who has moved in some nine months ago is asking you to do to take our license away and shut us down. Thankfully, revocation is a matter of last resort. We do ask that you know that revocation is not supported by the police or by the other parties. It is only the applicant that seeks revocation. In any event, you must consider the other options available to you. Before you begin to consider removing a premises license. In summary, you will be assisted by your legal advisor. You can do nothing at all. You can modify the conditions of the premises license and it is that that I will be asking you to do this afternoon, evening, even. We have some positive proposals to make to you in that regard. You can amend the hours of operation and that was the applicant's sort of backup option if you will. If you don't take our license away, cut our hours right back to 11pm even, I think one of these fire sources and that is the police's position also. The reason that I have already explained, namely, the people that come to this premises, the type of premises we are when we open and how we operate, cutting back our hours is akin to revoking our license. So we would not ask and we would not offer that you do that. You can remove certain license activities from the scope of our license. We don't invite that you do that. I think the case management is particularly a problem. You can remove him as the DPS but there doesn't seem to be anything in the paperwork to stress that the hoodings management is substandard. And ultimately, if you do as the applicant asks, you can revoke the license together. But what you must do is to be appropriate for your license. And then you have to make sure that you have a negative impact on those licensing objectives. And that isn't shined in the section 182 guidance and for your legal representative. That's paragraph 11.20. So what are the cause or causes of this nuisance? The applicant says that there are several. There is noise from music. There are vibrations from users. There is a lack of management of our external area. There are altercations and disputes. And then there is a general feeling of being unsafe in and around the premises. So I was going to look through those in turn, if you will. Mr Rankin's submission. We operate a free through with no controls. What's the weapon to stymie our operation? Fact that is completely an underleaving rep. There are a lot of conditions on our premises license that spell out for us how we must operate. Very recently, there's not a goes on October. I had a full licensing inspection with your licensing officers where there were no significant issues found in relation to our clients with our conditions. Mosquito Bar has all relevant times had a noise limit up. And it has been installed indeed. It was installed by Dr. Pave only firstly for firstly back in 2011. And Dr. Pave only has very helpfully set out his interactions with the premises and with the applicant. And you'll find those in your papers are one four four and one four five or so, given some updating remarks today. At some point between May and October of this year, the noise limit up the old ACB to noise limit of that, 13 years, pay problems and it allowed noise to fluctuate. soon as it's not done, Dr. Pivandean to help us set a new limit up. One thing we don't accept is that there is this sort of veiled suggestion, if you will, that we ourselves bypass the limiter on purpose, or that we wait until the noise team have all gone to bed and turn the music out. Both suggestions are alien to us, and we reject them entirely. We also don't accept the criticism that are made of your noise team by the act. We found, Mr Pivandean, to be, sorry, Dr Pivandean to be incredibly helpful throughout the process. And we would like to work with the applicant and with Dr Pivandean to find solutions so that they no longer consider they are being disturbed. In terms of customer noise, since the health act came in 2006, it is no longer okay for people to smoke, so I must be sure we're familiar with that. That means we have to put our smokers somewhere and we put them immediately outside our premises on Clapham High Street. They are contained by barriers. There is a sort of waist-high metal barrier with some trellis fencing inside that goes up to sort of head height, but it is not opaque. You can see through it. This is a busy stretch of Clapham High Street. I'm sure you're all aware. Any foot traffic to or from the station will pass by this premises. And that includes people going to and coming from other premises. The suggestion that there is a specific migration to our premises. It could be to do with the fact that transport is located there. And indeed, there are two bus stops immediately outside also. Convenient, Mr Rankin fails to recognize the proximity to other licensed premises. There are several licensed premises in the same parade of shops as us. And these include an off-licence and two hot food takeaways, both of which operate until the very early hours of the morning, whether or not they should be operating until those hours is a matter. For your licensing team and for enforcement, but we certainly have evidence of them operating until four, five, six o'clock in the morning. And indeed, the applicant's own crime consultant mentions that in his report. So the suggestion, Councillors, that closing this premises. And I think, Chair, you grappled with this in your questioning of PC Watson would fundamentally change the dynamic on track and high streets. It is just wrong. We have a condition on our license regarding how many people we can have smoking in our external smoking area. It is currently set to 15 people. If it was felt to be helpful to reduce the number of people in the smoking area, to bring that number down, we would be happy to reduce it as a 12th. We are also going to invest in full height, for instance. And the reason we're going to do that is to ensure that this interaction is interplay that you're told about between those in the smoking area and those without stops. And what we're going to do is we're going to effectively. The smoking area to overhead height, and we're going to put our pollins over the railings so that people can't see in and people can't see out. That would be helpful. We appreciate the comment about people being outside the door of number seven, Clapham High Street. And that is outside of our demise. That's all outside of our control. And what we could do and what we would need permission from the applicant and perhaps his landlord who is floating around in the either behind these proceedings. Is if we were given permission, we could create a safe entrance to number seven Clapham High Street by including that within our barrier of area. And effectively, we would guard the applicant front door for them whilst we were open. That would prevent people loitering immediately in front of their front door. And that's as complained of. You're told that our smoking area is very poor and fairly managed whatsoever. PC Watson described it rather more fairly than Mr Rankin challenging. And the SI 18 that we have at the premises and you've heard that there are more than enough SI a here. Work very hard to ensure that noise is kept to a minimum, and it is a difficult time. We were pointing out to you counselors that we changed our security company as recently as end of June. And that is because we were not happy with the continuity of security that we're getting or that they were being proactive enough in managing people outside premises. And I simply, there needs to be dialogue between the parties. There's a source of regret to us that there has not been dialogue between Mr. Oden, Mr. Yasmin and Mr. Pham. And we apologize, we were criticizing Mr. Pham for that. And we would say that Mr. Pham has been quick to judge on the basis of an overheard conversation with an enforcement officer. Let me make it clear that if my client was in any way aggressive with Elaine, I'm afraid we don't have her surname. We sincerely and our heartedly apologize. And it does have hearing difficulties and does I'm afraid on occasion shout. Because he finds it hard to hear. And I have been a witness to that. Five more minutes. That should be fine. We appreciate the applicant's point that not wanting to come into the premises at two o'clock when it is full of customers to discuss matters with us. But why not come in at 10 p.m. when we've just opened and by the applicant's own evidence, there's no one in there. And we would like to have a working relationship with the applicant. The fact remains counselors at no point did this applicant approach us and say, Hey, there's a problem. Can you help me fix it? That just didn't happen. And that attitude of criticism comes across in the Athens paperwork. And very critical of your offices and the very difficult jobs that they have to do. In terms of altercations and disputes, there are from time to time altercations and disputes and crisis premises. You're told by the police that there would be 15 calls to this premises in a period of six months. Ten of those levels relate to theft. Now, none of us are insensible to the fact that when people report thefts, it is usually so that they can obtain a crime reference number so that they can get a new mobile phone or near insurance having either lost it or damaged it somehow. As the Justice Minister has just found out to her cost or former Justice Minister, I should say, you were then given four other reports. So that is four crimes or alleged crimes in a period of six months. It's an extraordinary small number. I would say it's less than one a month. Our comments on those are within the statement of Mr. Rodin. But I do strongly encourage you to read that and also to read the crime reports themselves because they are instructive. By way of example, two of the four incidents are actually recorded as non crime. So, quite why they're being cited as criminal incidents, I'm not sure. In relation to the most recent incident on the second, but that is also dealt with in this statement. We are very sorry that the applicants and his partner feel unsafe. We don't believe that we are the specific cause of that. And we don't believe that things will magically change where we to shut down and our license to be revoked. We do think that providing a secure entryway will be a great benefit if we are allowed to do that. But the applicant must understand that we are not the police and beyond our particular remit. We cannot and should not gauge because it validates our insurers. If there are problems, please report them to the police in the appropriate way. I'm literally just a first other can not please. Thank you. So, this is another case where a patient should even into your mind. We have some positive solutions to close to operating it. It's not patient over 25 years. And we will invite you to deal with this case by both strength conditions on the license. We invite you to reduce our number of smokers to 12. We invite you to make it absolutely clear that there should be no drinks in the smoking area. We can agree to a tightening of the noise limited condition to the effect of the set with Dr. Paivandi and that we will we will agree to purchase a new limit. We are happy to offer contact details and indeed residents meetings. If those are felt to be beneficial. We are happy to and indeed we would need permission barrier off the entrance to number seven to make it safe and secure. And that we suggest would go in our dispersal policy. We will be investing in total of barriers to make it more difficult for people outside. And if you feel that there are any other issues that we've not identified or not covered that can be rectified by condition. We would like to discuss those with you and it is good practice to discuss visions for us. Thank you. That's all I have to say. Thank you very much. I'm sure there's going to be lots of questions from the committee. But can I just quickly stay with regard to the suggestion of other premises going against the hours? I would just say to the committee to disregard any such accusations. I believe that came to a previous committee here in which they were unfounded accusations. So I just want to completely strict that from any consideration and record in the proceeding area. Should we dive in with some questions, shall we? That's the cost. Do you have anything to go first? If you have a question, it's when the police will talk about CCTV. I've been able to be retrieved. I believe that is a condition in your license. But you said that the licensing has visited and found no issues. Has that issue been resolved? Sorry, so the licensing visit took place in October. The issue with the CCTV took place a couple of weeks ago. If you turn to Mr. Oodle in his witness statement, which is included within your papers, I'm afraid I don't have an paginated version. He healed with it at paragraphs 97. You have a page of the for a deal cooked. I don't have a paginated version of our papers on TV. Is there other supplements or mosquito bar license holder? Which page? It's 99. The bottom of page nine as far as that 97, as you said, is that right? This is this. On the night in question, Mr. Oodle was at the premises. He was feeling unwell, and he left slightly early. His contact deals, details were given to the police officers that attended. Indeed, he was back at the premises within half an hour. The police officers that were involved have not contacted Mr. Oodle in any point since that night. It is regrettable, yes. And it is something we will deal with. But to suggest that it meant that this crime is going to go unsolved is just a fallacy. You can see that we've provided crime reports. I'm less interested in the crime. I'm interested that your conditions are being met. That's one more interested in. And if you can ensure that people that people work that have access to their CCV footage and provide it when they're said by police. That I think is necessary for you to continue to operate. That's probably your conditions. Did you order? Yeah, that's a question. To get them first. Okay. I guess one thing that hasn't been mentioned is soundproofing. I think it was your acquisitions. And I think one of the sound engineers both said that there isn't adequate soundproofing between the residential flats and your premises. And have you considered putting in any soundproofing? We certainly have soundproofing can be quite costly. That is a process that we would like to engage with the applicant on and with Dr. Dave Andy on in relation before we go out and spend tens of thousands of pounds on acoustic works. We want to make sure that we're doing the right thing. And if we can correct the issue by installing a noise. If it's happened. The issues with the base issues, then we wouldn't necessarily go and spend. And we're not sure what works have been done within applicants flat. And indeed, whether some of the rooms that are being used are actually designed to be habitable bedrooms. Sure, but I think kind of funnel that up. Of course, of course. I think the key concern. So, you know, I appreciate the things about frequencies, but one of the key concerns indicated a lack of adequate insulation was the fact that people could the applicants reported hearing conversations in their bedroom. And while the top is operating, which would indicate that it's the sort of high in mid frequencies that's been transmitted. And so yeah, I'm. I'm surprised that you haven't looked into insulation sooner, given that these reports were being made for quite a while. Yeah, I mean, the reports have been made. But weren't made directly to us. They were made through this process, this review process. We don't want to embark on a costly scheme of insulation without having, you know, the proper data. To move forward on. You've heard Dr. Tovanni say that he doesn't agree with the figures produced by Mr. Vivian and not achievable. I think there's a much more holistic way of doing this. And of course, we do need to install some installation installation. We will do. But let us not forget that we've been here for 25 years. And this problem has really is hit in the last nine months. For clarity, I think it was only one point you'd agree you want and the poll wasn't it not the entire recommendation. That's it. It's the level that they're recommended to be all, because only in that point specifically. Thank you. Do you have any more on this? I'm on this specific one. I've got lots of other questions. So if I just, I mean, I don't know if it's a question. I mean, I think it's to yourselves. Maybe you as well, Dave. So we've heard and I refer to page 155. From Jeremy Keats, the Clap and Bit Manager. You know, I'm very pleased to see that you're an active member of the Clap and Business Improvement District participate in the Friday night briefings, which you know, a very important word to keep Clap and businesses on Clap and High Street working together. It says here about that, you know, you are a destination for the bar staff security afterwards. So is it the bar staff of the High Street that are causing this antisocial behavior, which we suggest or. Or some of the antisocial behavior, because I would have thought that bars from other premises should know a bit better. So, right. No, we are not suggesting that it is staff about the premises that are coming to our venue and causing problems. Most venues will at times have a problem customer. So, and indeed, you've heard that a lot of the time it's people that we've refused entry to, who simply will not leave and will not go away. And who loiter around the restaurants and the bus stops and things after we have simply told them that they're not getting into mosquito bath. But to that end, then as well, considering you are the kind of last lap as it were on the year, I mean, you're very much, you know, the start of the High Street. Aren't you really you're not kind of it's not the main stretch. You're very much at the kind of start at the main drag is it kind of work. And, but in terms of, you know, the crowd management, I think I've done about the panel, but I'd like to hear a little bit more about giving you that that has been such a specific issue. I'm not sure if I've been completely satisfied in how you're going to tackle some of the issues to do with anti social behavior that present itself in kind of managing the crowds and I've heard you very kindly say about trimming things down to 12 and security area. But just in general, you know, if you're going to be this kind of destination venue at the end, I'd like to hear a little bit more about possible crowd management approach, please. So, um, you're the only one. No, you can let my dad on. So, um, but can you tell the counselors about how you manage dispersal from the premises and how you seek to get people to leave the area at the end of the life. Well, well, excuse me. We took closing half an hour before we reduced the music. Hence, we do a soft closure. So, um, that's how it works. Some people sort of make the way out. When we eventually get everybody out, we have the security personnel move the crowd on at least half an hour after we close. And we don't allow any drinks outside anything like that. So, that's what we do at present. But if the panel wants to suggest something. I'm happy to have a lot of the people that come there. As I said, they're already bar style. And if they give us trouble. My threat and total. Dedication to that is I want to let you in. Unless that's just that's it. And people know I'm very hands on on that level. Yeah, I suppose it was that it's throughout the throughout the hours of operation is what I've been kind of interested as well. You know, and then you know, moving people along and is one security person enough to be able to manage it all that basically. We use two people you have. So we have up to four people. For people. It depends on how busy we are. Yes, sir. So, and as I say, the main core of our customers are our people and wherever and they come to us quite frequent. And they also support us and stuff like that, which is a godsend. You know what I mean? People understand our business. They appreciate our business and also. Professional people, the police. Doctors from hospital yesterday. We had 80 people in there that came from St. George's Hospital. You know, it's the party season. You know what I mean? So is it? Yeah, I think my question was specifically about that kind of be with the queuing bit or the kind of the managing people outside. Getting people that are loitering, you know, who can't come in and all that kind of bits and bobs. It's kind of similar to the video clips that we see, but not just that, you know, stuff that I might have seen myself in passing. But just that management of ensuring that people don't hang about as it were, you know. So we do move them on and we stay half an hour. My security if need be a bit longer, but minimal half an hour. That's part of the country. Yeah. Okay, thank you. Do you want to question again on the. I appreciate what you've said about the limiters, but would you accept that the music gets louder after two ish? No, before two, what happens is we purposely keep the music right down. So does get louder. No, what I mean, madam is it is the conversation for that time. We don't have more than six customers in it. So there's no reason to have it loud. And, you know, he's. Change and volume at two. There is a change in volume effectively. The music goes up when the premises gets busier to having louder before two a.m. The artificial because there aren't enough people in the premises. No, fine. I'd want to sort of establish that. It's always always the limit. It's not as alleged that we suddenly whack the music up because the noise team have gone home. But that's the operating pattern of your business. It gets busier to that's when the music goes up. Yeah, and that's one of the reasons why our hours would be the end of this business. But I suppose it's specifically identified, you know, it's kind of like this. Then all of a sudden it goes up because of. If you would like us to play music louder from earlier in the movie, I'd be happy to have fun. I'd be music to my ears. I just. Another question from that old girl or not on that specific topic. I mean, to that end, I suppose then I think there's obviously been reports that the music. That's that's changed in recent weeks. And in fact, we heard that. Cologne has been the worst that it's ever kind of been suppose. I don't know how you would you respond to that kind of act as a share suppose. We have some difficulty with this. Because we've worked very hard with Dr. Pivandi to set these levels and the levels have been set. Less than what they were previously. We've gone down from 89 decibels. That's 86. And the music policy at this premises has not changed. We haven't suddenly transformed into a drum and bass or bass heavy type of music. The music is the same. I don't know. And we can't give you a reason why it's worse. What we can say is that there are works taking place on the ground floor of certain plant and ice streets. And what's happening within the ground floor of certain plant and ice tree. We don't know. But there are works taking place. Given that the literature, this is a new system that's kind of being fitted in a sense. Has an assessment been made of any noise or vibration since the new limiter has been set? Yes, that was what Dr. Pivandi did. We do have the same thing. The assessment has been made. Yes. Of course we make assessment. We set the limiter. So only way we can do it. We have to go to complaining. Please listen to a noise. Adjust the level up down, bring it down to the level that it does not interfere. But we are not going to have to repeat not talking inaudibility. The base is going to go. No, I don't think I'm going to suggest it though. It's just to know whether there's been since this assessment. It's been set, but we call up the construction noise and the committee. We're happy for me to go back again. Check it. I think it was mentioned at the beginning that when I'm an officer down says I've changed the volume. It's impossible to do that. Because these old-fashioned equipment takes about a few minutes to adjust. And the only reason I woke up and down because the phone signal wasn't good enough. So I was using it. I was waiting for somebody to get in touch with me. I called the client as well. He didn't set the phone. I called my officer, which is my manager. He didn't reply. So we go there. He set the level. The. Ultimately, he's the base. So, okay. Yeah, it was just just on that question of assessment. Colleagues, is there any other questions comments at the stage? I wanted to pick up on one thing that I think you said in your representation is. You said the landlord is floating around in the ether behind this. Do you elaborate on that, please? Certainly. Mr Rankin said that there was no intention to review this premises license. And it was a matter of last resort. Well, that's contrary to getting experts reports in and around April and May. You're clearly preparing evidence for a review application. I thought it was interesting. It was a matter of the fact that Mr. Vivians reports is prepared for a company called Manson's limited. Not for Mr. So, to us, the landlord is certainly part funding this in Devon. And then most recently, when we received Mr. Fans recent evidence, If you look at the letters that are provided by David Jablonski, who's a spinawex, Robert Grisley, they're all addressed to someone called Hoz Manjera, who we understand to be the land. They're not to miss the family and so forth. So we do believe that the landlord is a force within these proceedings, but hasn't presented themselves to you. Can I clear that down? There's no mystery in any of this. There's nothing sinister. The landlord has been losing tenants and you've got letters from previous tenants that lived with these lads who have all given their notice because it's been intolerable living there. So it's not, indeed, there's nothing sinister in the fact that the landlord has employed a sound expert to find out what the position is and an inspector, a former chief inspector, to find out what the position is. There's no mystery in there, happy to admit it. Okay, thank you to set the point. Follow up, please. Yes, thoughts. Could I clarify that the landlord of this flat is a different landlord to the premises? Yes. And the three holders of our three and their seven, the free holder of seven is Mr. Madgera. Got it. Thank you. There was something so again, this was kind of what I was hoping you'd cover under the kind of crowd management with your kind of offer there about the fencing and such. You know, I'm not sure. Would you say the fencing that you have now is kind of accurate and you're kind of offer about, you know, extending the fencing to cover seven and such. I think that will require permissions from the highway authority, I believe, and I just wonders that being tried to be sourced previously to this and given the point of where it is to clap up north tube station, that might mean a conversation with the TFL. So we don't know if you might be able to deliver that. The answer is we don't know. We don't think it would require a highways permission because it's the area immediately outside their property. We believe it falls in their demise in the same way that the frontage of our schools in Ireland is what we were getting towards, or I'm hoping to get towards was a much more sophisticated barrier system, like you might see at a much larger premises, but that deals specifically the issue of people conversing through the barriers effectively out of sight, out of mind, if you give a slightly pitty way of putting it. At the moment, we set up our barriers and you will have seen in the videos literally at the border between number five and number seven. And both Mr. and his partner report and indeed their guests report feeling unsafe because they have to potentially go through people to get to their front door. Now, if we move that five yards along and take control of that area and take ownership of it, then from 10.30 at night until we close in the morning, we can stop people standing in front of that door. That's our offer, whether it can be done, would very much depend on Mr. Van, his landlord. We don't think TFL would have to be involved in that or the highways or services. Perhaps just licensing, do you want to confirm that or not? Thank you, Jay. Through my experience and highway experience, that land, as a red route that is transformed for London, and I would probably say you need to seek attention to correct something on the highway. Okay. What are any other questions to Mr. Elford? Yes. I mean, what would be the impact of either reducing the number of smokers even more to like four or two, or having no smoking area whatsoever in late at night? We can't have no smoking area at all. We have to have somewhere for us to have smokers. If you, and I think even the police would agree that it's better for us to contain our smokers than to put them out onto the street and leave them to it, four, it's just too few, four premises of a hundred capacity, generally speaking, 10% is the sort of London you go for in some smoking area, which would leave 10, I think it was 12, because we're 110 capacity. It just wouldn't be workable for us to add that view. We think it would cause bottlenecks within the premises and potential flashpoint. Being told, no, you have to stay here rather than being allowed to use the smoking area in a sensible number. Is there anything else from your sites? What's that of curiosity I have to ask? From the music, is it a DJ or is it a playlist? So it's primarily a playlist. There have been DJs on a site. There have been DJs on occasion, but it's primarily a playlist and if there is a DJ, that finishes by 2am. It's just interesting to note that as well, what the music was coming from. Thank you. Unless there was any other comments, questions from the committee, or anything specifically around anything outlined, not at this stage. Where's there anybody else that anybody from the table would like to say to them before we then come back to the applicant? Thank you. So unless was there any other kind of matters arising that committee would like to bring back to either anybody that's spoken so far? Thanks. But then Mr Rankine, that's supposed to be come back to you. If there was any kind of additional... Really quick, just to say this, please don't be tempted to reduce the area of the smoking or to increase the number of the SIA. Because they've got a condition requiring them to have SIA at the moment and they're just simply not doing their job. It doesn't matter if they've got 10 SIA there, they're just not doing their job. Even if it was your front window, you looked out at 4 o'clock or 5 o'clock or 6 o'clock in the... It's a horrific situation. It's a reduced amount of it. We'll come back to it, please, don't interrupt at this stage, please. We've got for it, nearly got through it before we head to deliberation. Just imagine what it would be like if it was law, and it was all that going on. What is perfectly clear from Dave Watson's evidence is that the production of ours is not going to reduce, obviously, the crime, drastically, if that's right, but it wouldn't reduce it. And that's a good thing we say. They've still been unable to address this question of what happens when somebody has refused admission. The reason that they've refused admission is because the premises aren't open. The premises aren't open, then they wouldn't have that difficulty. Please, they'd have it as a difficulty earlier on in the evening, but it may be that they've already... It's only licensed premises. And then just one final point, it's perfectly clear that the perimeter is not. And now amount of attempting to blame it on the northern line can escape the thing. Since Mr. Bivendi went into the premises and said that it's limited, it's worse now than it was before. And Mr. Bivendi has not given any reason as to why he disagrees with a respected acquisition of 30 years' experiments, proposing a perfect, straightforward condition, which lies, in fact, is more generous to a British standard, 1833. He's given no reason to want to disagree with him. Okay, there it is. What's the right thing to do? The right thing to do is to cut things back. And Mr. Odin should take notice that if these premises are a source of dispute in the future, then Mr. Fan will have no hesitation in repeating an application per review. But please, back there. And that at least will give him some... I should come in on the point because I think it was important to do with all of the conditions about the suggestion of the railings to action on cover number seven. I just wondered if you had any thoughts or comments on that. It's something that you'll notice that they're scrambling at the last minute to provide these things. It's something. It's some movement forward. But frankly, all of these things should have been done much, much earlier. Okay, thank you. On that basis, I think, unless there's any other kind of further comments or questions from the panel, I think what Jean-Marc, getting in there, always makes me know that Jean-Marc... No, no, not at all. I just thought it might be prudent perhaps for Dr. Bavandi to seek to address the point by Mr. Ranking in relation to Mr. Vivian's report and his observations in the suggestion that Mr. Ranking's report is that Dr. Bavandi hasn't actually addressed and articulated why he disagrees. Perhaps it might be appropriate, Chair, for members to hear from Dr. Bavandi around that suggestion that there isn't... He hasn't articulated his position in respect to Mr. Vivian's observations on levels. Oh, I thought we very much heard loud and clear that he disagreed with both of you, as could expand. Yeah. I know this said the level is going to upset the level. That's not the case. I need to do the level which is lower than any other bars in club. I know the level is not high enough to be asked as a club. It's lower than what it is. If I wanted to act as a club, it would have been much higher. What number we took? Well, another 10 to 15 dB higher, looking for 95 to 100 dB to make it fluffy. This level they have at the present time is just on a margin that can survive, how surprised how they can survive. I'm not saying they are not increasing the level or doing anything, I'm not suggesting that. So blaming me was setting the level high enough, the course problem is not true. I don't think we accept that. So that's fine. It was just to laymen's terms in terms of hearing what the suggestion does of the sound limit, what it would be, another venues, and what, yeah, I think that's more important here. The other things I mentioned was the level is mentioned in the report. I've got a spectrum of Sabine, I know him well, I've got with him, trying to sign. These are standard level used in the events, but he doesn't apply to the residential property next to the pubs, he has to establish a unique number for them. Where would you expect that type of number he recommends? Where would you expect it? And any other? If there's an outdoor events somewhere, yes, but not for the pubs. No, and any pubs. I'm not seeing it. Right. I know where it comes from. Yeah. More recommendation for outdoor events rather than. If you are dealing with a pub, you do the subjective system, you may be on it, you do this, and you set it up. You don't have to take the numbers. We don't know what the sounds in the selection is. Okay. Why explain is even far cannot happen, not in the reach of Libya. I think Costa, it's a deal going on first. Yeah, it's because the applicant made a reference to the security team. I just want to ask, in your opinion, do you think the security team are ineffective? Do you suggest that there should be a difference? They just changed it. They changed it in June. Has it always been ineffective for the security team? Yes. Yeah. Yours was back on the sand, I appreciate that what you were saying, that it is subjective, and you obviously spent some time in the flat with the applicants going backwards and forwards. And there was a point where the level was acceptable to you, and there was more adjustments, and then there was a point where it was unacceptable to you, and Dr Parivani was with you, is that correct? Yes. So the moment where it was acceptable, Dr Parivani wasn't there, Mr. Owens and ourselves, and he also agreed to it. Yeah. When Dr Parivani came back up again, Mr. Owens conveyed this to him, so can we go back to that? Yeah. And Dr Parivani said, wait on the phone, I'll go back and do something, we'll check. Yeah. But it never went back to that. And so then Mr. Owens proposed to go down himself, switch over, but it never went back to that particular moment. Why do you shake your head at that? Do not agree with that at all, because we cannot change the level that quickly. Plus, if the level is set, and everybody want to have a... What's the reason for me to change it? If the level is acceptable, if my office said my colleagues is telling me the level... So it almost said it wasn't set at the level that they experienced, so it wasn't set at the level either way. Right. That level, I don't know, there's a music goes up, down, up, down, so you can hear three minutes of low level, and ten seconds up. I'll never, ever go back, obviously, one second. On do it. Okay. So I'm saying we all went down and increased it back, no, that's not the intention. Okay. And then, otherwise, we could go back and forth in this one. It's going to bring you all, Greg, did you want to respond to that? I'll start with saying, at no point in my blaming you, or saying that you turn up the musical down purposefully, I'm saying there was a moment, the song, it was the same song played the entire two hours there, there was just one moment where it was perfect, and we conveyed that, and that's it. I don't know why it went up, I don't know how it went up, I'm not accusing you of that. That's just what happened, and that's just what I'm going to say. Thank you. Okay. So, just a question on the test conditions, I appreciate it, it ended up louder than you would like, but the subsequent noise reports that you've made, they're another level of loudness again compared to that test sort of day. Yeah. I really think it's just the genre of music that's changed. There is, they have had a playlist for most of the year, and there is video recording of us being able to show Sam the exact song for being played. That playlist doesn't exist anymore. Now it's no vocals, it's a full base, and that's happened since the noise limit was installed. I don't know why, but that's the case. Are we done? Yeah. In terms of questions? Well, in that case, it's then okay. So, sorry, I know it's been a long afternoon, and as you point to Mr Lathor, we're going into the evening, but if you hold tight, we're going to go upstairs to deliberate, and we will be back with you, I don't say momentarily, but we will be back soon. Okay. Do you want to do a bit of charging or a no-boo shoot or a bit of a right, then? I'm going to do a little bit of charging, and I'm going to do a little bit of charging, and I'm going to do a little bit of charging, and I'm going to do a little bit of charging, and I'm going to do a little bit of charging, and I'm going to do a little bit of charging, and. Dr. Richard. He has gone to lose some cars. We've been here a lot longer than we anticipated to be good. That's not your fault. I think we did say until six o'clock nearly in the event. Apologies, I know it's been a bit late, so thank you for bearing with me, everybody. I'll be waiting for Paul to come back. I think I'm going for more food, is he? It's been noted, Paul, that you brought snacks for yourself, not for the team. Okay, everybody, so thank you for bearing with me. So in light of everything we've heard this afternoon, the committee's determined to defer its decision for five working days in accordance with 26 of the Hearing Regulations Act 2005. So you'll expect to hear something with us, and that date is from today. So thank you, everybody, very much for your contributions and for your time this afternoon, and we will be in touch accordingly. And if I don't see us speaking to you before, have a lovely Christmas and all the best for the new year. Thank you.
The Licensing Sub-Committee met to consider two applications. The first was for a new premises license for an off-license at 47 Waterloo Station, submitted by Gardshol Enterprises Limited. The committee determined that the application should be granted with additional conditions, including that all alcohol be kept in secure storage and only sold alongside food between 7am and 11am. The second application was a review of an existing premises license for Mosquito Bar at 5 Clapham High Street. After extensive discussion, the committee deferred its decision for five working days.
Gardshol Enterprises Limited
The sub-committee considered an application for a new premises license for the sale of alcohol off the premises at 47 Waterloo Station, submitted by Gardshol Enterprises Limited on 11 September 2024.
The application sought permission for the sale of alcohol from 7am to 10pm Monday to Friday, and 9am to 9pm on weekends. This fell outside the hours recommended in the council's Statement of Licensing Policy, which suggested an 11am start time for off-licenses in this location.
The applicant, Ms Lisa Gartcholl, explained that the premises would be a high-end deli
, primarily selling imported South African produce. Alcohol sales would be ancillary
to the main business.
The Licensing Authority raised concerns about the potential for street drinking and underage drinking1 given the requested hours and location.
In response, Ms Gartcholl and her agent, Mr Peter Sparham, assured the committee that the business would operate responsibly. Ms Gartcholl stated she had 20 years experience running similar businesses at other major railway stations, and had a strong track record of working with police and licensing authorities. She outlined steps she would take to mitigate concerns, including operating a Challenge 25
policy2, joining the Business Crime Reduction Partnership, providing staff training, and working with other businesses in the station to address crime and antisocial behaviour.
Mr Sparham explained that the nature of the business would deter nuisance elements
, as the products were niche and sold at a higher price point. He offered two additional conditions to address the Licensing Authority's concerns:
- All alcohol would be kept in secure storage outside of the hours stipulated in the licensing policy (7am to 11am), and only made available upon request.
- Alcohol sales outside of these hours would be limited to customers who also purchased food.
Mr Paul Richards, speaking on behalf of the Licensing Authority, confirmed that they were satisfied with the proposed conditions. He stated that as the licensing authority, we are compelled to submit a representation [as the application is outside the licensing policy], or if we don't, that would be undermined in our of the licensing policy
The sub-committee decided to grant the application with the conditions proposed by the applicant and the licensing authority. They found that the agreed conditions adequately addressed the Licensing Authority's concerns, making it appropriate and proportionate to grant the application.
Mosquito Bar
The sub-committee considered an application for the review of a premises license for Mosquito Bar at 5 Clapham High Street, submitted by Mr Thomas Pham on 12 September 2024.
Mr Pham, a resident of a flat above the bar, requested that the license be revoked, or its hours reduced to 11pm. He alleged that the venue was operating as a nightclub with very late hours
, causing noise nuisance and attracting antisocial behaviour. He stated that I knew for when was an eye club. But I didn't expect the nightclub to be in my bedroom
Supporting Mr Pham, Mr James Rankin, his legal representative, highlighted two key issues:
- Noise: The bar's music was causing
noise levels, particularly bass, which could be felt as vibrations in Mr Pham's flat. He stated thatit is so bad that the vibrations from the premises downstairs can move his bed
. These issues were exacerbated after 2am, when the council's Noise Team stopped operating, and despite Mr Pham taking measures to mitigate noise, including wearing earplugs and noise-cancelling headphones. - Antisocial behaviour: Mr Rankin presented evidence suggesting that the bar was attracting patrons leaving other venues after closing time, leading to increased noise, fights, and drug dealing outside the premises in the early hours. He stated that
it's the behavior of patrons that come to the premises. Because they've got a set. The world. Leaving every other club around. The West end and also other parts of. To send on these. That last drink in inverted commas
Mr Rankin argued that these issues were longstanding, despite attempts to engage with the bar and the council's Noise Team to resolve them. He further alleged that the bar's management had been rude and aggressive
to council officers, and had deliberately increased music volume after Noise Team operating hours. He also suggested that the bar's landlord, Mr Hoz Madgera, was part funding
the review application, indicating their own concerns about the bar's impact on their tenants.
Mr Luke Elford, the bar's legal representative, refuted these claims, stating that there have until now been no issues of significance
and that the review application was a source of regret
to the bar. He stated that we recognise how privileged we are to have such a late license
Mr Elford presented an alternative account of the situation, arguing that the bar was a family owned and operated business
that had operated at the location for over 25 years without significant issues. He described Mosquito Bar as a destination for the bar staff security afterwards
, a place for hospitality workers to unwind after work.
Mr Elford highlighted a number of steps the bar had taken to promote the licensing objectives, including being an active member of the Clapham Business Improvement District, changing security companies, and working with the council's Noise Team to address noise concerns. He claimed that the recent noise issues were due to a faulty noise limiter, which had since been replaced and reset by Dr Ali Peyvandi, a Noise Officer from the council.
Mr Elford argued against reducing the bar's hours, stating that doing so would be akin to revoking
its license given its business model and customer base.
PC Dave Watson, a licensing officer with the Metropolitan Police, confirmed that they were aware of crime and disorder issues associated with the bar, stating it had been a challenging
premises to police. He reported that there had been 15 police callouts to the venue in the past six months, including incidents of violence, criminal damage, and theft. However, he did not support the revocation of the license, stating that what I think it does do it demonstrates a pattern of crime and disorder being recorded in the early hours of the morning
. Instead, he suggested a 2am closing time to reduce the likelihood of crime and disorder.
Dr Peyvandi, speaking on behalf of the council's Public Protection team, explained that he had reset the bar's noise limiter at a level deemed appropriate for its operations. He stated that the new level allowed for the bar to operate without causing nuisance
to residents, but acknowledged that residents would still be able to hear some bass. Dr Peyvandi refuted suggestions that he had set the limiter incorrectly, or that the levels he had set were too high.
The sub-committee asked extensive questions of the parties, seeking clarification on the nature of the noise and antisocial behaviour issues, the effectiveness of the noise limiter, the bar's dispersal policy, and the potential impact of reducing its hours.
In their final submissions, Mr Rankin maintained his position that the license should be revoked or its hours reduced. He argued that the bar's proposed conditions were insufficient to address the issues, stating they've still been unable to address this question of what happens when somebody has refused admission
. He also criticized the bar's recent attempts to implement mitigation measures as scrambling at the last minute
Mr Elford countered that the bar had offered positive solutions
to address the concerns, including investing in a new noise limiter capable of controlling bass, installing full-height fencing around its smoking area to prevent interactions with passers-by, offering to guard
Mr Pham's front door by extending the fenced area, and reducing the number of smokers allowed in the smoking area at one time. He stated that this is another case where a patient should even into your mind. We have some positive solutions to close to operating it. It's not patient over 25 years
After a lengthy hearing, the sub-committee deferred its decision for five working days.
Underage drinking is the consumption of alcohol by people under the legal drinking age. In the UK the legal drinking age is 18. ↩
Challenge 25 is a scheme in the UK that requires anyone who looks under the age of 25 to provide proof of age when attempting to buy age-restricted products, such as alcohol. ↩
- Licensing Sub-Committee - Supplement Agenda - Mosquito Bar Thursday 12-Dec-2024 13.00 Licensing Su other
- Public reports pack Thursday 12-Dec-2024 19.00 Licensing Sub-Committee reports pack
- Annex A - 47 Waterloo Road Application
- Published LSC Minutes -071124 other
- Agenda frontsheet Thursday 12-Dec-2024 19.00 Licensing Sub-Committee agenda
- LSC Main Report 12 December 2024
- LSC report 47 Waterloo Station
- Annex B - 47 Waterloo Road Representation
- Annex C - 47 Waterloo Road Map
- LSC Report - Mosquito Bar
- Annex A - Mosquito Bar Application Form - Redacted
- Annex B - Mosquito Bar Witness Statement - Redacted
- Annex C - Mosquito Bar Observation Report - Redacted
- Annex D - Mosquito Bar Statements submitted with Application Form - Redacted
- Annex E - Mosquito Bar Diary of Noise Observations - Redacted
- Agenda frontsheet Thursday 12-Dec-2024 13.00 Licensing Sub-Committee agenda
- Public reports pack Thursday 12-Dec-2024 13.00 Licensing Sub-Committee reports pack