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Employment Sub-Committee - Monday 9th December, 2024 2.00 pm
December 9, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Employment Sub-Committee approved the commencement of consultation on changes to Barnet Council's senior management structure, as well as agreeing changes to the pay structure for grades A to E with effect from 1 April 2025.
Senior Management Restructure
The Sub-Committee considered a report on proposed changes to the senior management structure of the council. The changes were proposed as a cost-saving measure in response to what the report described as significant financial challenges
facing the council.
The proposed changes would see the number of senior management posts at the council reduced by four, including the deletion of the posts of Director of Highways and Transportation, Assistant Director of Strategy, Communications and Engagement, Assistant Director for Education, Strategy and Partnerships and Assistant Director for Commissioning and Business Improvement.
The report also proposes the creation of a new post of Assistant Director, Strategy and Business Improvement in Children’s and Family Services and the moving of the Libraries Service from the Children’s and Family Services Directorate to the Communities Adults and Health Directorate.
The proposed changes would save the council an estimated £520,000 per year, though this does not include redundancy costs, which “will not be known until the final structure is agreed following consultation.”
The Sub-Committee voted to approve the commencement of consultation on the proposed changes.
The council is facing significant financial challenges and is having to identify ongoing savings across all budgets. As part of this, it is appropriate to look at the senior management structure and identify suitable savings that can be made. 1
The sub-committee noted that a further report would be presented after the consultation had been completed.
Review of Pay Grades
The Sub-Committee considered a report on proposed changes to the pay structure for council staff in grades A-E. The proposed changes would see the lower and upper limits of these grades increased.
The report describes the proposed changes as being necessary to address anomalies that have arisen as a result of national pay agreements tending to disproportionately increase the lower end of the pay scale. These changes are intended to ensure that the pay structure is consistent and fair.
An estimated 670 Barnet Council employees will be affected by the changes, and the proposals have been made in consultation with trade unions. Schools, which are required to use the council’s pay structure for non-teaching staff, have also been consulted on the changes.
Trade unions requested that the pay grades be updated from 1 April 2024, but this was rejected as being cost-prohibitive.
The proposed changes will cost the council an estimated £550,000 per year. This cost has been factored into the council's budget for 2025/26 and beyond.
The Sub-Committee voted to approve the changes to the pay grades, with the changes coming into effect from 1 April 2025.
This quote is taken from the report Employment Sub-Committee - Senior Management Restructure ↩
- Printed minutes 09th-Dec-2024 14.00 Employment Sub-Committee minutes
- Agenda frontsheet 09th-Dec-2024 14.00 Employment Sub-Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 09th-Dec-2024 14.00 Employment Sub-Committee reports pack
- Minutes 30082024 Employment Sub-Committee other
- Employment Sub-Committee - Senior Management Restructure
- Appendix 1 - Curent and Proposed Senior Management Structure
- Review of Pay Grades
- Appendix 1 - Current and Proposed Grades