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Licensing Sub-Committee - Thursday 5th December, 2024 10.30 am
December 5, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Licensing Sub-Committee met to consider an application for a variation to an Adult Gaming Centre Premises Licence under section 187 of the Gambling Act 2005 in relation to Little Vegas 214 Station Road Edgware HA8 7AR. The application was granted.
Variation of Premises Licence for Little Vegas, 214 Station Road, Edgware
The Sub-Committee considered an application for a variation to an Adult Gaming Centre Premises Licence for Little Vegas, 214 Station Road Edgware, made by Chongie Entertainment UK Limited.
The applicant sought permission to vary the internal layout of the back office of the premises, which would increase the total playable area.
Two objections to the application were received from local residents.
The objections raised were in relation to gambling being a source of crime and disorder in the area and the effects of gambling on vulnerable people.
- Professor Sanjoy Mukherjee-Richardson, Objector. Printed minutes 05th-Dec-2024 10.30 Licensing Sub-Committee
The applicant's representative, Paddy Whur, responded to concerns that the applicant would be installing extra gambling machines in the newly created space by saying:
...they would be gaining an extra 1.5 to 2 metres floor space and that the changes were to improve the line of site and introduce a staff room and an accessible toilet. The wall to be removed was not a load bearing wall and the applicant would not be adding any extra machines.
Paddy Whur, Applicant's Representative. Printed minutes 05th-Dec-2024 10.30 Licensing Sub-Committee
The Sub-Committee considered the objections of local residents, and the representations of the applicant, as well as The Gambling Act 2005, The Guidance to Licensing Authorities issued by the Gambling Commission and the Council’s Statement of Principles 2022-2024.
Having considered all of the representations and documentation, the Sub-Committee decided to grant the application.
Decisions to be made in this meeting
- Alison Cornelius
- Claire Farrier
- Richard Barnes
- Ash Shah
- Clair Green
- Declan Khan
- Elisabeth Hammond
- Pakeezah Rahman
- Paresh Mehta
- Zekiel Cudjoe
- Printed minutes 05th-Dec-2024 10.30 Licensing Sub-Committee minutes
- Local Area Risk Assessment 2024 05th-Dec-2024 10.30 Licensing Sub-Committee other
- LARA_Edgware 2024
- Premises Licence-AU2024083010001213 other
- Agenda frontsheet 05th-Dec-2024 10.30 Licensing Sub-Committee agenda
- Addendum to Item 5 - Licensing Manager Report 05th-Dec-2024 10.30 Licensing Sub-Committee
- Edgware Case Outline 27.11.24 other
- LBBLicensingSubCommitteeHearingsProcedure_
- LARA_Edgware23 other
- Edgware-Proposed Plan
- Edgeware-License Existing Plan
- Chongie Entertainment UK Ltd POLICIES