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Housing and Inclusive Economy Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 11th December, 2024 7.00 pm

December 11, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to discuss a number of updates, new policies and proposals for the future of housing and community safety in Waltham Forest. The topics included updates to the Waltham Forest Housing Compact, discussions on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget for 2025/26, a proposed policy on damp and mould, and a proposal for the acquisition of 53 new affordable homes for rent.

Waltham Forest Housing Compact

This was scheduled to be an update on the Waltham Forest Housing Compact 2024-29, a framework for the council to work in partnership with housing associations across the borough. The report included a plan to circulate a newsletter to partners in November 2024, providing a forum for communication between the council and housing associations on local issues. The report noted that a number of Housing Associations, including L&Q, Peabody and Clarion, had agreed to work together on a protocol for responding to community safety concerns. There was also a scheduled discussion on how to expand services across the borough, such as those concerned with youth engagement and those tackling domestic abuse. The report included reference to the Jobs Plus Scheme, currently being trialled on the Beaumont Estate, which is a partnership between L&Q, the council, and the Department of Work and Pensions, and provides residents with information and financial incentives to help them move into employment. The report noted the council's plans to work with partners to understand how to expand the Jobs Plus model to other estates.

Housing Revenue Accounts (HRA) Budget 2025/26

The committee was scheduled to discuss proposals for the HRA budget in 2025/26. The report noted that social dwelling rents would increase by 2.7%, in line with the Regulator of Social Housing’s (RSH) Rent Standard. This is equal to the September 2024 Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus 1%, and would amount to an average increase of £3.44 per week. Tenant service charges were also scheduled to increase to ensure full cost recovery for the services provided. In addition, garage rents, traveller site charges and shared ownership rents were also proposed to rise. The report noted the impact of the recent rise in inflation, as well as the cost of new building safety regulations and the need to replenish the HRA reserve, which stood at £5.2m at the end of 2024/25.

Damp and Mould Policy

The committee was scheduled to receive a proposed policy on damp and mould, which sets out the council’s approach as a social housing landlord to managing damp and mould in its housing stock. The draft policy included a commitment to investigating reports of damp and mould within 7 days, and a target to complete any repairs required to address the cause within 28 days. The draft policy also included a commitment to work with residents to address lifestyle factors which may exacerbate damp and mould, and would include a dedicated section on vulnerable residents. The committee was asked to review the proposed policy and offer feedback for consideration ahead of the Cabinet meeting on 14 January 2025.

Acquisition of Newbuild Affordable Homes for Rent

This was a proposal for the council to use its Right to Buy receipts to acquire 53 new affordable homes in Block C3 of the Fellowship Square development, which is part of the Waltham Forest Town Hall Complex. The report noted the recent announcement by the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities on 30 July 2024, which included changes to the rules that govern Right to Buy receipts. These changes include the removal of a cap on the receipts that can be used and a flexibility to utilise 100% of receipts to fund the cost of new acquisitions. The report noted that the homes will be let at social rent levels to residents on the council’s Housing Register, and that the purchase will be fully funded by receipts. The homes in Block C3 include 7 one bedroom flats, 14 two bedroom flats, 26 two bedroom maisonettes and 6 three bedroom maisonettes, and form part of a larger scheme, which includes the construction of a total of 433 new homes, a new civic building, a nursery and a commercial unit. The committee was asked to review the proposal.

The Scrutiny Report

The committee was scheduled to review the draft Forward Plan for the rest of the 2024/25 municipal year, and discuss progress on the actions arising from the last meeting, which took place on 16 October 2024.


Councillor Justin Halabi
Councillor John Moss
Councillor Keith Rayner
David Beach
Martin Buddery
John Coker
Joe Garrod
Meera Kumar
Shahid Mallam
Jahangir Mannan
Jane Martin
James McHugh
Stewart Murray
Fraser Scott
Frankie Simons
Louise Sutherland
Rebecca Davey
Justin Carr
Lindsay Megson
David Padfield
Sarah Parsons
Ian Rae
Laura Butterworth
Mark Crane
Lorna Lee
Will Teasdale
Hannah Dalgleish
Shazia Hussain
Debbie Porter