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Council - Thursday, 12th December, 2024 7.30 pm

December 12, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to consider a report on its Council Tax Support Scheme, its schedule of Fees and Charges for 2025/26, and to approve a range of other measures. It included motions proposed by both the Labour and Conservative groups.

Council Tax Support Scheme

The report pack included a report on the Council Tax Support Scheme for 2025/26. The report sets out the details of an income-banded scheme that had been consulted on. This proposed scheme would give residents support of up to a maximum of 85%, where they fall within one of the following ‘protected groups’:

  • Households with limited capability for work1
  • Households with children aged 5 and under

All other eligible residents would receive support of up to 57%. In both cases, the actual level of support payable would depend on a resident's earnings, the income of any non-dependent adults living with them, and their level of capital. The protected groups would receive a larger amount of support than other eligible residents with the same level of income.

The report pack contains an equality analysis, which identifies that the scheme is more likely to impact negatively on women. This is because they are more likely to be in receipt of Council Tax Support than men. The report also contains an analysis of the consultation responses that were received about the proposed scheme, which can be viewed at Appendix 2 in the report pack.

The report pack includes a recommendation that the scheme be adopted and an explanation for this recommendation.

Fees and Charges

The report pack included a report on Fees and Charges for 2025/26. It contained a schedule of fees and charges across all Council services, and a recommendation that the schedule be adopted.

Labour Group Motion

The report pack included a motion proposed by the Labour group. It was proposed by Councillor Elizabeth Baptiste, and seconded by Councillor Yusuf Patel. This motion was to offer a vote of thanks to “staff, community and voluntary partners, volunteers and stakeholders for all of their hard work and dedication in 2024”.

Conservative Group Motion

The report pack included a motion proposed by the Conservative group. It was proposed by Councillor John Moss, and seconded by Councillor Jemma Hemsted. This motion was to urge the Executive not to revise on-street parking controls.

Gambling Act 2005

The report pack includes a report on the Gambling Act 2005, which sets out a revised statement of the Council's principles for dealing with gambling-related matters. The report explains how the statement was consulted on. The statement of principles, which was scheduled to be approved, is included at Appendix 1 in the report pack.

Corporate Parenting Board Annual Report

The report pack includes a report that presented the Corporate Parenting Board's annual report for 2023/24. The annual report is included at Appendix 1 in the report pack. It includes updates from each of the services involved in Corporate Parenting.


The report pack includes a report on the Council's Constitution, which recommends changes to the rules for procuring goods and services. The proposed changes to the Council's constitution are included at Appendix 1 in the report pack.

  1. A person is treated by the DWP as having limited capability for work if they have been assessed as either not being able to work at all, or as only being able to work under limited conditions. The DWP usually pays an additional amount to people on Universal Credit, called the 'work capability element', if it has assessed them as having limited capability for work. 


Councillor Afzal Akram
Councillor Raja Anwar
Profile image for Councillor Vicky Ashworth  Health and Wellbeing Board
Councillor Vicky Ashworth Health and Wellbeing Board  Portfolio Lead Member - Stronger Communities •  Labour and Co-operative Party •  Wood Street
Councillor Tony Bell
Profile image for Councillor Karen Bellamy
Councillor Karen Bellamy  Labour and Co-operative Party •  Higham Hill
Councillor Roy Berg
Councillor Emma Best
Ian Buckle
Councillor Tom Connor
Councillor Shabana Dhedhi
Councillor Andrew Dixon
Councillor Rhiannon Eglin
Hannah Futter
Ursula Gamble
Profile image for Councillor Jenny Gray
Councillor Jenny Gray  Labour •  Leytonstone
Councillor Kischa Green
Councillor Justin Halabi
Councillor Jemma Hemsted
Mark Hynes
Councillor Kay Isa
Councillor Tim James
Profile image for Councillor Ahsan Khan  Deputy Leader
Councillor Ahsan Khan Deputy Leader  Deputy Leader (Housing and Regeneration) •  Labour •  Hoe Street
Councillor Johar Khan
Councillor Kira Lewis
Councillor Gerry Lyons
Councillor Zafran Malik
Councillor Anna Mbachu
Brian Moldon
Councillor John Moss
Stewart Murray
Councillor Sam O'Connell
Profile image for Councillor Jonathan O'Dea
Councillor Jonathan O'Dea  Labour and Co-operative Party •  Cathall
Councillor Yusuf Patel
Councillor Jack Phipps
Perminder Purewal
Councillor Marie Pye
Councillor Caramel Quin
Councillor Uzma Rasool
Councillor Keith Rayner
Frankie Simons
Councillor Richard Sweden
Councillor Steve Terry
Councillor Katy Thompson
Eddie Townsend
Councillor Sharon Waldron
Councillor Terry Wheeler
Councillor Grace Williams