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The Pension Board noted updates on a number of topics including training, administration of the Pension Fund and the Pension Regulator’s General Code of Practice, before moving into closed session to consider the General Update - Part Two.
Pension Regulator's General Code of Practice
The Board received a report on the Pension Regulator’s General Code of Practice.
The Board was pleased by the steps the Council had taken towards compliance, noting that it looked forward to receiving a more comprehensive report at its next meeting.
The Code of Practice sets out 15 standards, grouped into six main areas:
- Scheme Management
- Administration
- Investment Governance
- Actuarial Matters
- Communicating and Reporting
- Paying Benefits.
The Board noted a report detailing the final version of the Lewisham Pension Fund Administration Strategy, which is due to come into effect on 1 April 2025. The Board also noted a report on the activity of the Pensions team, including the transfer of 450 staff from Lewisham Homes1 to the Council, the completion of the 2024 Annual Benefit Statements, and the purchase of the Heywood ISP service in preparation for the Pensions Dashboard2.
The Board requested that a report on the use of the new Insights reporting tool be included in the next report to Board. The Board also asked that information on the new Pension legislation, and the risk register be updated with the implications of the legislation.
Draft Pension Fund Annual Report
The Board noted a draft of the Pension Fund Annual Report for 2023/24.
The Board raised a number of minor corrections to the report, and noted that information appeared to have been added incrementally over time, without much thought to its ordering.
The Board recommended that the Council review the style, structure and content of the report for next year.
The Chair also noted that paragraph 6.5 of the General Update - Part One report stated that draft committee minutes should be issued within seven weeks of a meeting. The Board agreed that the Council should be challenged to achieve a more realistic target of actions being issued within one week of a meeting, and minutes within two weeks.
Procurement of Actuarial, Governance and Advisory Services
The Board noted that the procurement and tender process for actuarial, governance and advisory services had concluded, and the contract had been awarded to Hymans Robertson3.
Risk Register
The Chair noted his satisfaction that the Risk Register had been updated using track changes, as it made it much easier to follow.
The Board noted the updates to the Training log, which lists all training attended by Pension Board members.
Work Programme
The Board noted the updates to the Work Programme, which details its activities for the next year.
Future Meeting Dates
The Board noted the following meeting dates for 2025:
- 10 March 2025
- 16 June 2025.
Exclusion of the Press and Public
The Board moved to exclude the press and public from the meeting under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 19724, for the consideration of item 10 on the agenda.
Lewisham Homes is an Arms Length Management Organisation (ALMO), set up in 2007 to manage Lewisham Council's housing stock. ↩
The Pensions Dashboard is an online service, due to be launched in 2023. It is intended to help people keep track of their pension pots in one place. ↩
Hymans Robertson is an independent pensions, investment and benefits consultancy. ↩
This section of the Local Government Act 1972 gives local councils the power to exclude the press and public from meetings if confidential information is likely to be discussed. ↩
- Public reports pack 10th-Dec-2024 14.00 Pension Board reports pack
- Agenda frontsheet 10th-Dec-2024 14.00 Pension Board agenda
- 1. Minutes Cover Report minutes
- Minutes 24092024 Pension Board other
- 2. Declarations of Interest other
- 3. Breaches Log
- 4. Rolling Action log Cover Report
- 4. Rolling Actions log as at December 2024 other
- 5. Training log Cover Report
- 5. Training Log - December 2024 other
- Appendix 1. List of Suggested Training Events
- 6. General Update - December 2024 Part 1 - Final other
- Appendix 2a - Lewisham Pension Fund Draft Annual Report 2023-24
- Appendix 2b - Lewisham Pension Fund Draft Accounts 2023-24
- Appendix 3 - Lewisham Pension Fund Administration Strategy
- 7. Work Programmne Cover Report
- 7. Pension Board Work Programme - December 2024 other
- 8. Future Meeting Dates
- 9. Exclusion of the press and public