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The Schools Forum was scheduled to discuss how much money the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) is likely to overspend by at the end of the year and how funding should be allocated next year. The Forum was also scheduled to vote on whether to extend the terms of their own members from 2 years to 4 years.
2024-25 Dedicated Schools Grant overspend
The meeting was scheduled to be updated on the state of the DSG, which was forecast to be overspent by £3.95m by the end of the financial year.
The report prepared for the meeting says the overspend was driven by the High Needs Block, which was forecast to overspend by £4.49m, mainly because of the [high] proportion of high needs block going out to independent providers which [are] not only very expensive, but also [where] the standard of provision supplied [is] not always what Greenwich would expect for its young people,
as was described at the previous meeting of the Forum on 25 September 2024. 1
The Schools Block was forecast to overspend by £10,000. The Central School Services Block was forecast to overspend by £30,000, partly because of increased staffing costs in the School Admissions team. The Early Years Block was forecast to underspend by £590,000.
DSG Funding Update for 2025-26
The Schools Forum was scheduled to be asked to note the arrangements for the allocation of the DSG for 2025-26.
The meeting was scheduled to discuss the National Funding Formula (NFF) which will use the same factors as the 2024-25 NFF
. 2
The report prepared for the meeting says, Councils have the discretion on how [the increase in school funding of £2.3 billion for 2025-26 announced in the budget] is spent, but early predictions suggest the funding will be used to reduce in-year deficits.
The report also says that the department has not confirmed any aspects of the High Needs NFF
The meeting was scheduled to discuss whether to transfer 0.5% of the Schools Block, or approximately £1.4 million to the High Needs Block to [meet] current pressure demand levels on the HNB
2024-25 DSG - Central School Services Block Update
The Schools Forum was scheduled to be updated on the Central School Services Block (CSSB). The report prepared for the meeting describes how the CSSB will reduce by approximately £200,000 in 2025-26 based on an estimate using the pupil numbers from the May 2024 census.
2024-25 DSG - High Needs Block Update
The Schools Forum was scheduled to be updated on the High Needs Block of the DSG, which was forecast to be overspent by £4.49m at the end of the year.
The report prepared for the meeting says that independent placements were forecast to cost £16.39 million during 2024-25, compared to £16.05 million during 2023-24. This was despite the council already starting to implement the plan agreed in September to reduce spending on independent placements.
The report goes on to say that the likelihood of a reduction in costs will only occur between the next 1 to 3 years. As this level of spend is not sustainable the Management Tool template will be drafted and presented to Schools Forum.
The report also described a new method for allocating funding for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). 4 The method will identify pupils based on the number of Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) they have and the level of SEN support they require as recorded during the October 2023 School Census. The £2 million allocated for SEN support in the 2024-25 budget will then be allocated to schools on a pro-rata basis, with schools whose per-pupil funding is lower than the borough average receiving more funding.
Proposal for Schools Forum to Vote on Extending Members' Term of Office
The Schools Forum was scheduled to vote on whether to extend the term of office for Schools Forum members from 2 years to 4 years.
The report prepared for the meeting describes how the extension was proposed at the Schools Forum meeting on 12 July 2023 and was thought to ensure better continuity, which is vital for long-term strategic planning and project execution
. 5
If the vote passes at the meeting, the report prepared for the meeting says that it will be prepared for Cabinet, which will make the final decision on the proposed change
, and then the necessary amendments will be made to the Schools Forum's constitution.
The minutes of the Schools Forum meeting held on 25 September 2024 describe how the Assistant Director for Inclusion, Learning and Achievement gave an update on the strategic work being undertaken to try and reduce the need for independent provision for SEN pupils. ↩
The DSG Funding Update for 2025-26 report says that
the 2025-26 schools NFF will use the same factors as the 2024-25 NFF
. ↩ -
The Department for Education's Management Tool is used by local authorities to
to identify and manage pressures on their high needs budgets
and is shared with the department. ↩ -
The 2024-25 DSG - High Needs Block Update report describes a new method for allocating funding for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. ↩
The Proposal to Extend the Term of Office for Schools Forum Members describes how the proposal originated at a previous meeting of the Forum. ↩
- Agenda frontsheet 11th-Dec-2024 18.00 Schools Forum agenda
- Public reports pack 11th-Dec-2024 18.00 Schools Forum reports pack
- Minutes of Previous Meeting other
- 2024-25 Dedicated Schools Grant DSG Update
- DSG Funding Update for 2025-26
- 6.1 Appendix A
- 6.2 Appendix B
- 6.3 Appendix B-1
- 2024-25 DSG High Needs Block Update
- 2024-25 DSG - Central School Services Block Update
- Proposal to Extend the Term of Office for Schools Forum Members
- 8.1 Appendix C
- 9.1 Appendix 1 Schools Forum Constitution
- Attendance Record
- 10.1 Appendix 1